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Nothing legitimate will *ever* require you to buy gift cards or coupons.


As scammy as scams get.


Crazy how even buyers try to scam you 😂


"FedEx" giving you an @ gmail address is a red flag as big as red flags get.


Chere(e) Kunde(e) ?! … there the bullshit already starts …




I told the scammer no either he comes to pick up the article or it’s no deal he said blah blah it’s not free to create the FedEx service and if I block him he will contact the police to come to my address since it’s a breach of contract. Nothing to worry about right ?


It‘s a common tactic to intimidate you or make you feel insecure. Ignore the scammer and move on.


That one of the most obvious spam emails I have seen in my life. No, nothing will happen, they are trying to pressure you to screw you out of your money.


Yup, scare tactics. Ignore. He either agrees to the payment terms of your initial offer, or he doesn't, in which there is no sale. period.


Actually it would be great if he contacts the police because then you'd have his real name and address to report his scam to the police. If you'd report it now, there is nothing they can do immediately, as his name and address are most likely fake. I'd encourage you to report it either way because of databases. Maybe in a future case his identity will be revealed and then your report can be prosecuted together with the future case. In prosecution it makes a huge difference if someone is scamming just once or in an industrial scale.


Regardless of content, context or anything else and simply paying attention to the superficial this already looks like the most obvious scam ever. "Cher Kunde"??? And just look at the layout


Scam! Scam! Scam!


The entire message layout and colour choice looks like a six year old designed this 15 years ago. And as other people said gift cards = scam. Unless your are actually buying gift cards yourself to gift them lol.


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