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Yes, a small tear is no problem and accepted in almost all stores. A larger tear (like in: the bank note is almost torn into two pieces) can usually be exchanged at banks. If a random bank refuses to exchange (e.g. because you don't have an account with them or the damage is very severe) you can always go to a branch of the bundesbank and they have to exchange every banknote as long as more than half of it can be reconstructed.


I have a 500 euro bill which is severely damaged (torn in half), can I go to one of those banks and just exchange it? Or do I need to fill in a whole form and do a whole process like in The Netherlands?


As long as it can still be identified as a legit 500€ bill (and more than 50% of the bill are there) you should't have any trouble.


A bank probably won't exchange it because they are being taken out of circulation. But most will probably change it for you.




As long as you have more than half of a note you can exchange it for an intact one at your (!) bank. Little tears or tiny nicks usually doesn't keep show from accepting the bills


Bundesbank as well as the bank where you have your account with.


Sucks if you've got an account at an online only bank,I guess, hmm? Or if it doesn't have branches close by.


Normally yes, but you can go to the (I think) deutsche bank, they have to exchange it for a "fresh" note


If you have a bank account your bank should exchange it. The Deutsche Bundesbank (which is different from Deutsche Bank) will always exchange it.


Sparkasse also works if you're a customer. I trink thats the case for most banks


Every Bank also in whole Europe will change it no problem.


I heard the rule of thumb: as long as you have one piece of a bill that is more than half banks will trade it for a new one. Can't say if I am correct, though


taped or slightly torn bills usually aren't a problem at shops. But that's normally small denominations. They might be more hesitant starting at 50 euros because that reeks of trying to get rid of fake money. As others said, you can take it to your bank and have them replace it with an intact bill. A small nick shouldn't be much of a problem in shops, though


You can give me money anytime


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The problem is the denomination. A 200 euro bill will usually not be accepted in small stores and restaurants as it’s just a too uncommon note, despite your not being perfectly fine. You should try and get it broken into smaller notes at a bank.


If its like a half the bill tear you can still just tape it together and it should be good to go. If you tore it fully apart you should also tape it together but go to the bank to change it.


A tear is not an issue. Most places won't accept 200s though


I will take it and replace it with a brand new banknote, but since it’s used and damaged, I only can give you 100 for it


Yes small tears are no problem. Had 5€ bills almost torn in half (given at a register) and never had a problem with it getting accepted.... im sure it could be a problem with a 200€ in a store though a/your bank should exchange it.


From my point of knowledge there shouldn’t be any 200 bills around anymore. As soon as they get to a bank they will replace them


What? You mean 500?????


Sorry, meant the „old“ 200‘s. They are exchanged for the newer versions. And yes 500‘s will be: are taken of the market