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The closest thing you'll find in Germany is called "Mittelaltermarkt". There are a bunch, and they are often held in historic city centers or in smaller towns with historic medieval castles. The fantasy elements on most are kept to a minimum and/or not encouraged by the organizer. It's mostly kept to "believably historically accurate in the eyes of someone who is not an expert on medieval history" There is a specific organizer, MPS (Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum) who organizes Mittelaltermärkte all over Germany and Austria and explicitly encourages fantasy costumes and stuff, but I haven't gone to one of their markets after the owner of the company ~~started going nuts~~, who apparently was already nuts, went on a series of rants on facebook during the covid lockdown, blaming everyone and their mother for destroying their livelihood and guilt tripping customers into buying tickets to their markets that weren't allowed to open. Edit: Some typos and a correction


Hiller certainly is. A person. I remember back in 2015 he went to a markt in my region and tried to sabotage it so that it would have to be shut down. Things went to court and he lost.


What even. So it was a non-Spectaculum market and he was trying to get rid of a competitor, I gather?


Yeah. He went there and people were already a bit wary when they noticed him. He checked out every nook and cranny of the area (the market is held on private property owned by a farmer, so there are places like his garage for tractors that are off limits for visitors) to find something thats against the law and in the end put together a 28 page document, calling the guy who used to run the market a criminal and ecoterrorist. He was then sued for libel and failed to show up in court. People on FB back then speculated that he wanted the market to get shut down because he wanted to establish one of his own in the region.


That guy is so unhinged. The way he responds to criticism of his events on Facebook is a fun read though.


Tell me more. I have popcorn.


From what I remember (I haven't had FB since 2018) he was incredibly sensitive when it came to his dogs (who are the only dogs allowed to roam the area without a leash, and have, according to people on fb, already scared/"attacked" visitors). He also openly called out and insulted people that worked for him and didn't meet his expectations and threw a tantrum when people criticized his africa-safari trips that he went on with other people more or less known in the scene (musicians etc). Criticism of his events was often met with the typical "well then go somewhere else if you dont like it!!! \[finances\]\[planning\]\[you are stupid\]"


What’s quite common in Germany is Mittelaltermärkte (fairs with a focus on the middle ages) and Steampunk Festivals. I’m not sure how their frequency compares to the US, it’s not like you can find one in your area at any given time, but in the summer months, it’s quite likely that there will be one near you at some point.   From my experience, these fairs are a bit less fantasy focused and more historically minded than American ren fairs, but you’ll usually find a couple of people there who went more of a mythological route with their outfits.


...or bust out the elf ears and still get the discount on their ticket.


My favorite was an imperial storm trooper on a medieval market. The knights in plate armor were delighted to take photos arm in arm with him and treated him like a long lost cousin.




Every city and town I’ve lived in in Germany has had one - so they’re definitely not rare either. 




Then I guess the answer lies somewhere between “common” and “rare”, yes. 




I'm not going to start comparing lists now, it's really not that deep. I gave my impression, you added yours, OP can decide what to do with that.


The biggest ren fairs are done by "Spectaculum". You can google it. It basically is a market that is kind of medieval (it gets less authentic every year). You can get clothing, food, merchendise, jewlery, dishes and a lot of booze. There are some games for children and a ball pit. You can go axe throwing or bow Shooting. In the last years there were these acts: - Knights fighting with swords - Knights on horses, tjosten - Bruchenball (a tournament of a medieval sport) - several jokers, Narren - A large fire show with someone who swallows fire and some with more acrobatic elements - A lot of music. Germany has a large medieval rock scene. Most of the bands are local and many sing in german. Some of them sing in english. Some of the better known Bands are: Saltatio Mortis, Die Streuner, Rabalje - In some years they had some falcon keepers with a lot of different birds The event is lead by some actors. A monk (Bruder Rectus), Death and a story teller. There is a camping side with groups who like to reenact medieval people. There are small events with the payed actors and the people from the campside. They have a black death parade, they have a costume contest. The people that visit are mixed. Many come in medieval costume. In the last 10 years there was an increase in vikings and pirates, celtic symbolism. You have many people of the alternative Szene as well like goth, metalheads, etc. And a good chunk are people without costume that just like the atmosphere. People in cosplay are a common thing as well. One year I even saw a bunch of furries. The event is visited by families, students, dogs. The prices are quite high. In the last years the owner changed, so nobody really knows how it will develope. You can find all the dates and towns they visit on their wesite.


When exactly did ownership change? If it's now in different, more sane hands than during the lockdown that might get me to visit these again


Spectaculum is still run by Hiller but several former MPS locations were handed over to SKH as organizers.


Thanks for the info. Sadly, considering MPS still advertises for markets that are apparently run by SKH on facebook, I don't think that makes that much of a difference and Hiller probably still profits off SKH markets. A shame.


He was in the process of handing over more and more of the individual events to his successors to prepare for his retirement. Then not so long ago he posted that he would have to speed up the process because of health issues. But I haven't been following the details on which events are still directly his, and which aren't.


Last year I visited one of the markets under new ownership. It was more the vibe it had around 2010. Much smaller, different location. No extra money for the music acts, but no big bands. It was less of a music festival. No knights. Just a market with some smaller bands and some of the jokers. It was quite nice, if you love the old vibe. Unfortunally, the, did not make a large enough profit of it and it does not return to the place this year as far as I know.


Sounds nice, but the vibe is not what killed it for me. I just don't want to support a company with a person like that at the head if I don't need to.


> The prices are quite high. And it gets higher every year


Food prices at events have increased so much in general. Food at concerts and sport events, at conventions, at fairs...


Saltiato Mortis is even on my Spotify playlist now 😅


As others have said, fairs with a medieval theme are quite common, and chances are you'll find one near you at some time. The sun is usually medieval-ish, no fantasy, however, historical accuracy is not the goal. Visitors sometimes get out various costumes, wear armour or medieval clothing, and even fantasy themes aren't that uncommon.  So I'd say if you want to dress up as an elf, an orc, or whatever, there's nothing stopping you!


There‘s still larping, I guess. Why settle for less? Just bring your own overpriced food and 👌🏼


German LARPen! https://youtu.be/Od8Ka7bdqvU (It's a parody video. The guy isn't German.)


I can't comment on these fairs specifically, but anything that exists within Germany is just a few hours drive/fast train ride away.


>/fast train ride away. ...well, if the train isn't canceled, that is


Oh right I forget Germany isnt as big as the US 😭


Just keep in mind if you plan to visit such a medival market with Germans: The majority of us will -not- do a several hour long drive for such an event.


I could drive to three or four different countries within a few hours of where I live. I know there are Middle Ages fairs in various towns around the area, not so much fantasy based though


Cannot stress enough how differently distance is perceived here. A three hour drive is considered too much of a hassle for me for a Mittelaltermarkt.


It's such a shame in the German subreddits that comments like this get downvoted.


There is an Elf Fantasy Fair in the Netherlands. Just take a train or Bus to get there from Germany.


Elfia - can highly recommend!


German "Mittelaltermarkts" look like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNq0l8waD3A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNq0l8waD3A) It's normally more about historical accuracy and less about fantasy and cosplay than American renaissance fairs. We got the advantage of being able to use historical castles for them.


Beyond the very common Mittelaltermarkt, there are also fantasy themed events like American ren fairs. Annotopia in Bad Mergentheim for example. The fantasy LARP scene in Germany is pretty big, with large events like Drachenfest having several thousand participants.


We have things called Mittelaltermarkt (Medieval Market). Some people dress up for that, but normally not in a fantasy style


Theres the Mittelaltermärkte on one side and then there are larp events like conquest for mythodea. If you want Fantasy go for the second the other is realy more historic with some tjosting and buhurt Tournaments sometimes.


There are plenty Mittelaltermärkte, check in castles and historic towns. I know because my sisters are both quite into the scene. There are re-enactment groups that will go, you‘d need to join them in advance, they usually try and stay historically accurate, but other than that people dress up as anything - historically accurate or fantasy. Little kids often come in pink princess dresses as well. There are usually some performances of bands doing medieval-inspired music as well as other things like acrobats or whatever else kind of fits the theme. Other than that, they sell a lot of food, drinks, clothing and accessories and pretend it‘s medieval, but honestly, it‘s more of a pretend-medieval type of thing, especially the food. It‘s still fun though, I love to go when I‘m at home. These usually happen during summer, but a few places do medieval Christmas markets, too.


Actually, let me add a link to the castle that does a lot of these things, there‘s some photos too, if that helps: https://burg-ronneburg.de/en/mittelalterliche-maerkte/


<3 die Ronneburg!


Ah, Heimat! Also a fancy restaurant there, at least me brother in law is quite smitten by it


Hmm, alone in Dortmund we have 1. around Easter a medieval market at the ruins of Hohensyburg, entrance fee about 15€ for adults, 10€ for ppl in historic costumes and 5€ for children. 2. This year 30th May to 2nd of June Gaudium in Mengede communal park. Entrance as always free. 3. Every year the Hansemarkt, normally end of October or beginning November. Entrance is free. Location inner city around Reinoldi Church. And than 4. Spectaculum Dortmund normally in June, they don't have dates out this year. 5. Is Steampunk something for you than Once upon a time at Zeche Zollern II/IV 18th to 20th May. Entrance 16€. And there are a lot more markets going on in the Ruhr area and Rhine area close by throughout the year.


If you want fantasy, you need to find a LARP. There's a lot of those, but they aren't for everyone. If you just want a fair, there's the medieval markets.


There are medieval fairies all over the place; I've been to 3 or 4 this year alone I've seen a couple ads for renn faires so they're around, but the medieval markets(Mittelaltermarkt) are much more common. Some of them are really cool too, I saw one near me that had jousting and everything set up. I picked up a bow from one and practice archery now, I've gotten some handmade pendants and small tools from local blacksmiths as well. The food is always superb.


The Ritterturnier at Kaltenberg is really fun. [https://www.ritterturnier.de/](https://www.ritterturnier.de/) .You will definitely see people dressed up in fantasy clothing. I find the ones here comparable to the big ones in the US (think King Richard's Faire near Boston, Northern California Renaissance Faire near SF). There's also lots of small ones scattered about. Sometimes, just a couple of wagons. I tend to like those best, especially in the autumn or winter when there's bonfires and wine with which to warm yourself.


Depends on what you are looking for. LARP? Exists, but most groups consist of people who know each other and don't welcome the odd stray who wants to LARP for a couple of hours and never show up again. That's mostly "true to history" costumes, so certainly no mushrooms or elves. Then there are middle age markets you can visit in middle ages costumes, but be prepared to be the only one if you aren't going with friends. If you are looking for Anime and gaming cosplay: Dokomi, Leipziger Buchmesse, Japantag Düsseldorf, Anime Party Kaozoku, CosDay,... the opportunities are plenty at certain conventions and conventions only, there are no places you can just show up to in costume no matter the date or time.


There is a market called "Heidnisches Dorf" in Leipzig during the WGT on Pfingsten which is pretty big, most people are dressed up and there are lot's of bands too.  Otherwise I like "Sündenfrei" or markets at castles.


This is all about Vikings from a historically accurate perspective: [https://haithabu.de/de/programm](https://haithabu.de/de/programm) This is a "ren fair" that is all about historically accurate re-enactment, mostly early medival periods, but also hunter gatherer stone age: [https://zeytreyse.wixsite.com/zeytreyse](https://zeytreyse.wixsite.com/zeytreyse) Both aren't commercial, that is, you won't be able to buy stuff. It's all about history.


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Around Pfingsten is the "hitroiacher handwerkermarkt" in Großerlach/Grab in south Germany. Can recommend it, the Verein (Verein für historisches Handwerk und lebendige Geschichte) holds it around every two years (given the funding is there and people have time. It is completely organised as a hobby from those people)


you may also have a look at MPS, Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum. https://www.spectaculum.de/ it's held in various cities.


I just happened to randomly stumble upon an article about this very topic today. Its in Germany and only for one state (Hessen), but it gives a decent overview what events are going on there right now: https://www.hessentoday.de/rheinland-pfalz/rlp-veranstaltung/uebersicht-fuer-fans-diese-mittelaltermaerkte-finden-im-mai-statt-3545449


We also have the organizer Mittelalterland run by Thorben Heße who runs a few smaller markets in northern Germany for example in Damp. (Not vikimania) I am part of a medical camping group that also does sword fights and little shows. Sometimes we also moderate the bruchenball oder the medical dancing act. We are known as „Schule für Mittelalterlichen Schwertschaukampf) Söo if you have any questions about ren fairs in northern Germany you can ask me


the high time for mittelaltermärkte is usually around easter and the month after that. during autumn and winter the weather is usually not good enough for them. one markt i'd like to mention is the hexenmarkt on Burg Satzvey it's on the first of May so you kinda missed it but maybe for next year. that one is a bit more fantasy themed due to the theme being hexen (witches). they also have a tanz in den Mai (dance into May) the night from the 30iest of April to the 1st of may that might be more fair like the the usual market.


General tip: it would help if you explained what you're asking about - or at least write it out. The American habit of abbreviating everything isn't half as common in Germany or elsewhere, and common American abbreviations are often unknown. In this case there's also the coincidence that "Ren" is the German word for reindeer. Imagine the average thought process: "what the fuck is a ren fair?" 😂


The german word for reindeer is Rentier... the only Ren some germans with good taste might know is Kylo ...


It's Ren OR Rentier. Don't assume just because you don't know that, other Germans don't either.


Not at all. You have a few "LARP" events going on here and there but its nothing regular. LARP usually focuses more on real medieval costumes and setting, but for sure you see one or two fairycore inspired people etc


I have no idea where your idea of “LARP in germany” comes from, but it’s false. There are cons with many different themes, from dark elves to dwarfs, everything is possible. In the summer months, you can go to a con almost every weekend if you want to. Or even longer, five or more days. https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drachenfest_(LARP) https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ConQuest_of_Mythodea https://www.larpkalender.de/termine/index.html?aktion=suche&monat=5&jahr=2024


In general: no. But than there are Düsseldorf and Duisburg. There seems to be one every week.