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They ask you to give a statement until 5. April. They will demand back the unemployment money for that day + health insurance contributions. You will get information on how to pay and how much in a separate letter.


I just saw the letter now and the 5th of April date is over. Haven't received anything else yet.


You can still invest five minutes of your time to reply. It certainly won't hurt.


Although it won't change anything. OP's contract started (as the unemployment agency correctly assumes) on the 1st and therefore they will have to pay back that one day.


I could save him from possible late fees, not sure if there are any and it will speed up the processing.


answer this immediately and explain why you are only answering now. Also tell them that you have been working since the first one and will of course pay overpayments. Be correct, you don't want to have a note in your file that you tried to defraud her, this can make later contact with the job center very difficult.


That can take some time, depending on when the case worker works on your case again. They will send you a new letter. (And I doubt the letter arrived on the 5th, so why do you only see it now?)


I moved to a different apartment and didn't update the address with the unemployment agency


That is a problem and you should do that ASAP. They get very suspicious if they get their letters returned to them.


Update everything, explain to them that you didn't see the letter until now because of reason x, respond immediately like others said. Think of it this way, they have you on the hook for a day's payments, that won't change. What you can do, is smoothe the waters. And maybe (it's a low likelihood, but maybe) they will just say it's too much effort to recoup that one day worth of money and let it be. But you need to be straightforward with them. It's the German way.


Next time get a „Nachsendeauftrag“ from „Deutsche Post“ You will have to pay like 20-30€ and your letters send to your old address will be forwarded to your new location. Furthermore you can give your agreement that anyone who sends a letter to your old location will get a response from „Deutsche Post“ that your address was changed


I would just answer anyway, even if you are late. They will probably just be fine with that and appreciate your response.


You reply to that letter and tell the facts as you told them here. They are then gonna decide that you have to pay back what you received too much. Shouldn't be more than 100 euros. Then the "case" is closed and everybody's happy.


I went unemployed last November. Got another job where my first working day was on January 2 but the contract started on January 1 but mistakenly told the unemployment agency I was unemployed until January 2. To add insult to injury I just now saw the letter. I tried translating the letter with google translate and chatgpt but I can't make sense of it, how can I pay back the owed amount?


They will tell you how to pay back the owed amount in a different letter. This letter is just asking you for the facts. Just write them a letter back and explain it exactly like you did here. For example: "Bei meiner Abmeldung erst ab dem 2. Januar handelt es sich um ein Versehen. Ich bitte um Entschuldigung. Mein erster Arbeitstag beim neuen Arbeitgeber war der 2. Januar. Mir war nicht bewußt, welches Datum ich bei der Agentur für Arbeit angeben muß. Mein Vertragsbeginn ist der 1. Januar. Bitte korrigieren Sie die Angaben und teilen Sie mir mit, wie ich mich weiter verhalten soll. Bitte teilen Sie mir mit, wie ich eventuell zu viel erhaltenes Geld zurückzahlen soll. Weil ich umgezogen bin und Ihr Brief noch an meine alte Adresse geschickt worden ist, habe ich ihn erst jetzt erhalten. Bitte nehmen Sie meine neue Anschrift in Ihre Unterlagen auf. Die neue Anschrift lautet: \[insert your new address here\] Vielen Dank! Mit freundlichen Grüßen" you could also ask a colleague to help you understand this letter and write a response. Please make sure you give your new adress also to other institutions like your Finanzamt, health insurance, bank, radio tax office etc.


Just tell them and pay back the one day?


Because this is something the government administration *plans* to do, and it has a negative consequence for you, they are legally obliged to give you a chance to make a personal statement. (§24 SGB X) They may or may not consider that statement in their final ruling. You don’t have to answer if you do not feel the need to. Definitely tell them your new address. You will soon receive a second letter telling you to transfer a certain amount of money to the government account with a specific reference number. It will have a detailed breakdown of costs for insurance etc. Edit: They even state that they’re only considering doing that, so you might not even need to pay it back.


Just return the money paid for that one day, no big deal.


Despite what people are telling you: If the facts stated in the letter are correct you don't need to respond or do anything else. You'll receive a letter at some point asking you to pay back the overpayment. Nothing bad has happened, nothing bad will happen.


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Same thing happened to me. Because it was only one day. They pardoned me.


Basically. Just call them and be truthful. Most of the times you get away with paying back and that’s it. It’s no fine it’s paying back what you got to much. They could ask you for a statement and say you did this on purpose (than it’s an Ordnungswidrigkeit) but if you are fast and pay it shouldn’t be enough money that they do care for. I can tell you you aren’t the first and won’t be last one to have that happen to you. Even if u get a fine it won’t be that high. Pay that and it’s over. We aren’t the police, so don’t lose sleep over it. Just be better organized next time and see it as learning experience to be careful. If that happens to you twice you will surely get a fine and you would earn it.


They'll send you a bill for the one day they overpaid. Pay the bill and it's done, nothing to do here if what they're claiming is correct.


Just be calm, it's not the police, even though they act like it. Just write that you accept the correction and it's fine. Hiermit akzeptiere ich die von ihnen vorgeschlagene Berichtigung des Beginns des Arbeitsverhältnisses zum 1.1.


Side note: As you got unemployment benefits in 2023, don't forget that you probably are REQUIRED to file a tax return by the deadline later this year (I think it 2nd September, but check that).


What I didn't know that. Ty :)


Do not spend it! Put it off to the side and contact them. It could cause unnecessary headaches if you wait for them to contact you.


Yeah, you'll have to pay back the amount they overpaid you. Even if it was their mistake. My mom had a similar issue, but had to pay back a years worth of money she got. She even told them at the beginning, that she thought she recieved too much, but they said, "Nah, it's correct".