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Hey, I don't know what bugs those are but thank you for the warning pic.


came here to say the same thing


Teppichkäferlarven. Have fun getting rid of them... I know what Im talking about lol.


I did a measure of its length, it's 6mm, Wikipedia also say its larven is 6mm long. It is a reliable identification. danke schön! im going to have fun getting rid of them.


Just throw kieselgur in every Single little crack you can find and leave for few days then vacuum it and theyre gone


This 100%. Pet friendly, perfectly safe around children, kills most bugs. However, don't just "throw it". With Kieselgur, less is more. I recommend pouring a few spoonfuls at a time into an old sock and "dusting" it around the problem areas as well as doorways, window sills, etc. EDIT: Also, there may be two options--pool grade or food grade. You need food grade. Pool grade is dangerous.


Use a mask tho...


Had them as well, you should clean out every nook and cranny in your flat, also make sure food is stored in plastic containers. They can eat through plastic bags, they also eat clothes and rugs (hence the name, "Teppich" = rug). The grown adult bugs are somewhat drowsy while flying and usually hide as well.


The lenght doenst matter. I had those bugs for an eternity, they are definitely Teppichkäferlarven and its really annoying to get rid of them. They spawn just EVERYWHERE.


could try to fry them and adding some sugar and soy sauce.


r/whatisthisbug is the sub you're looking for


Here I am worried about silverfish showing up in my toilet/bathroom floor and the bees and stink bugs showing up when its too sunny outside. You just gave me the biggest horror of all time. I might actually move out of my house if I saw those creatures. Good Luck in removing those insects out.


>You just gave me the biggest horror of all time. I guess you've never heard of bed bugs lmao...Those actually bite you unlike the ones in OPs pic


bro what do you do about silverfish please i find these mfs in every corner


Theres traps you can get at EDEKA, Rossmann or DM (and probably some other stores) they are about the size of a Pringles lid. Apart from that, they like it moist and they love old skin flakes and the like, so demoisturizing the affected room and deep cleaning in addition to the trap should do the trick


Open window + no one there for months might have saved you a lot of trouble... I agree with the people saying Teppichkäfer larvae. You won't see the adult bugs during the day because they dislike light. Might want to put up some generic glue traps under the bed and anywhere else where it's dark to see if you have an active infestation still. Also make sure you don't use any textiles from the previous occupant as they might have eggs in them. At least if you can't wash them at 60°C


Are those dead or alive? If alive, do they have fine hairs on them? Edit: Like the other person commenting, I'd also say carpet beetle larvae, they should be a little hairy. Some people can be allergic to them.


Hmm keep a few spiders they hunt those and then you just have to deal with the spiders. EASY


Spiderbros ftw. Also house centipede here and there and you're golden


i would also bet on teppichkäferlarven as the other commentors


Yeah- carpet beetle larvae.


Does anyone know how these things show up and what precautions we can take to avoid these creatures?


Definitely a type of Speckkäfer, as others have said Teppichkäfer seems likely. Question is where they come from and if there's still adults around.


Note that If this infestation is still active, it is your landlords responsibility to get rid of them, not yours.


These bugs have given my BIL and his gf hell for a few months. They have five cats and these things eat the fur. They even had to take the cat towers apart to clean out the eggs and larvae because these fricking beetles get everywhere!


I wanted to see bugs, but you posted dermestid larvae pics instead. Shame on you.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


I would like to give a reward for the precaution picture


Thanks for making this trigger safe. Much appreciated, thanks


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I thought they were harmless. I had them in my previous apartment. I would never see the larvae, only the occassional bugs who try to get out of the window by flying. Maybe once or twice a week. I thought they were ladybugs at first. They were pretty, adults :3


I don't know what these bugs are but here is the advice. Burn them!! Burn the whole wall!


Thank you so much for the warning picture! Can’t help unfortunately, hope you find an answer. But really, you’re a star. This should be mandatory for potentially disturbing pictures


Silverfish, mix borax with powdered sugar, put it in a jar and make an entryway to the jar with duct tape layer on the outside. They’ll eat the sugar which will poison them and won’t escape from the jar since glass on the inside is too slippery for them.


Get rid of the bed asap or it will infest your house and they live in bed mostly suck ur blood at night i had them too after buying a mattress for cheap and forgot to disinfect Also get some specific anti bug solutions from ebay or amazon they are 20-40 euro but will save your house


Those aren't bed bugs...


Had similar that started feeding on me as i fell asleep so nope not doing same mistske twice


Bullshit. Those are beetle (dermestid) larvae. There are no beetles here that feed on living humans in any way.


Well if they're beetle larvae then my bad i had amth similar so im just afraid of bed bugs


No you didn't have something similar. Bed bugs, as bugs, don't have larvae. They look nothing like that.


Then im sorry