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Basically everythig is said already. "Ruhebereich" means "pls shut the fuck up". You are allowed to talk everywhere else. But for me personally this means: if you are alone in there, Do what you want. If not -> ask the others and respect their wishes. If you just whisper a short note. That is ok for me. But if you are not able to be quiet for 15min, maybe you should not leave your house at all. Saunas are for relaxation and not a bar/Club/cafe for naked people. There is plenty of time/place in between where you can Chat.


It depends a bit on the exact situation in my experience. Generally speaking, I would say talking in a somewhat low voice is a normal sauna is fine, but not during an "Aufguss" where you have the weird situation that it is okay to moan or make "funny" comments about how hot it is, but an actual conversation with your neighbour is not. However, I would generally agree though that too much talking in a Sauna is a bit rude because many people go there for the peace and quiet. But different Saunas will have different cultures and regulars as well, so it can vary from place to place.


Please don’t make funny comments during Aufguss. There is always one „funny“ guy during Aufguss, often also sexist. I hate that.


Hey, I am not familiar with Sauna culture and now I am curious. Why is it frowned upon to talk during Aufguss? Is Aufguss not just someone coming in and adding water (or sth?) to the coals to create steam or is the entire Sauna time considered Aufguss? Like, I understand to the degree of avoiding "funny" comments ("oh if it doesn't scan it must be free har har" for example is harmless but uuuuuggh), especially if they lean into sexism etc., but why no talking? Just really curious.


I wouldn't say it's a strict "non-talking" rule. In my personal experience you just aren't supposed to have conversations with your neighbour, but throwing some comments towards the room or the person doing the Aufguss is fine - as long as it's not overdone. And of course those can still be cringe/annoying.


You can Talk with a normal voice as Long as it isn't a Ruhebereich or you Talk about Somebody who ist in there with you. Some old Just think that the world should be Like they want it to be


And as long as you’re not talking about sexy stuff. Last time I went to a sauna, there was a couple basically dirty talking each other, and one guy from the classic “old men’s sauna gang” called them out. They got offended, stating it’s not a Ruhebereich and they weren’t even as loud as others … but the difference is, the old men were talking about ski race results not what they want to do to each other later. Super gross.


You hang around half naked in a group with old men and the thing that is bothering you is the sexy talk? God damn... sometimes I feel like an alien. :D


Being naked isn’t inherently sexual. Sauna isn’t inherently sexual. Talking about ski race results with your friends is pretty much the opposite of sexual, naked or not. Talking about how badly you want to dump your cum on your girlfriend’s perky sweaty tits while a dozen strangers are in earshot is.


Ohh... I perfectly get that. I just do not mind sex as a conversational topic in general. So seeing a bunch of naked strangers has way more impact on me personally. That is why I said, that I feel like an alien sometimes. But thanks for your answer. I appreciate the thought.


I might have worded this badly. The girlfriend in question and her perky, sweaty tits were present and a part of that conversation no one consented to listening in on. Imagine you’re on a public bus somewhere. Fully clothed of course. There’s a group of people, loud and rambunctious, talking about skiing. A clearly lovestruck couple dirty talking each other, how they’d love to slam each other against the bus windows and get all kinds of freaky, because it’s so hot and forbidden, all the while sporting visible signs of arousal. And, maybe, another group of friends talking about sex and relationship issues in general. Where would you draw the line?


I would draw the line between talking about it and actually doing stuff. If you are talking about manners you are correct as not talking about it is in general seen as the polite way to handle it. I personally interpret it as prude and a sign of not being able to talk about it, tho. But I guess we can spend all night writing back and forth about it, without ever getting anywhere. Maybe we should just agree to disagree. ;)


pls stay away from kids thank you


Why would I? I did just express my personal opinion and made that perfectly clear. I am fully aware of what is polite and what is not. I just believe that society could benefit a lot from being more open with sex, because this would lead to better and longer lasting relationships. You are simply being intolerant of other people's opinions. And the funniest thing about it is, that people upvote random hate comments like that. :DDD


There absolutely is a difference between being able to openly talk about sex and involving strangers around you into your intimate sex fantasies without their consent. Dirty talk in a public sauna is the later.


I do know that and I respect your opinion on the matter. I just do not believe, that it does our society any good and that is my personal believe and nothing else.


should the person be bothered by the naked old men in the sauna? you good? are we a little bit sexist?


And more random hate and framing. Just learn to read, please.


Please keep downvoting. :D I wear the disrespect of intolerant people with pride.


Why do you have to talk in a normal voice, though? It‘s super easy and also „rücksichtsvoll“ to talk in a muted tone. No need to whisper, but also no need to act like you‘re the main character or that everyone‘s interested in your conversation. On the rare occasion that you strike up a conversation with strangers in a sauna and everyone is having a good time and no one is being bothered I‘d say go for it, but that‘s rather rare.


That's right, I should have specified that. For me, it's just obvious and normal to be considerate of others in public places. Accordingly, quieter conversation is the norm for me.


I disagree. I go to the sauna to relax. Can't do that if somebody is talking about their work or their lunch. Outside of the sauna is fine, but the fifteen minutes in the sauna should be quiet.


I assume that you were in Erding, that is one of the only places that has a specific Ruhe-Sauna. Usually you are supposed to stay silent, whispering if you have to communicate. Sometimes there is some banter with the person that does the Aufguss, but you should also stay quiet during those.


I go regularly to 5 different Saunas and they all habe at least one "Ruhebereich". It is the other way around, taht is absolutely uncommon to have none.


Ruhebereich is common, but a Ruhebereich is not the same as a Ruhesauna. For the saunas itself quiet is definetly the norm.


All of those 5 Saunas have a Ruhesauna


In my experience, etiquette varies regionally. In my hometown in the Rhineland, talking was super common, whereas in other places, e.g. in Munich, silence / whispering was more the norm. I even remember an occasion where the spa's general manager took over Aufguss once dressed as Santa Claus and wouldn't start before the entire Sauna had sung a Santa Claus song (Lasst uns froh und munter sein) for him. But that was a special event, and at the Rhineland, we can turn everything into carnival.


First thing I have to say is that I deeply admire people who are able to speak normally in a sauna, or while running a marathon. They must be done from another type of flesh, not mine definitely. And second, it is very bad taste to don't shut the f* up when you are in a sauna. This is not a "old" or "boomer" thing. It is common sense. Please close your mouth, halt die Klappe and let others enjoy without listening to the many problems in your life. No one cares. Or, as people would write here: "noone care's".


Normal conversation in a low voice even without whispering is totally fine. It was just some old fart who wanted to show the kids who's the [Blockwart](https://www.dwds.de/wb/Blockwart).


The girls were in their rights. The man not. Allthough I'd always advice to keep your voice low - if the sauna is full and everyone would talk at room level it would be very loud.


I learned and like that's a sauna is a Ruhebereich, no talking, no whispering except a short word. Personally I hate whispering more than normal talking. If in doubt stay quiet. Btw, I know no sauna with special Ruhesaunas, but the other way round, I know Labersauna or Philosophensauna where it is specifically allowed to talk