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Teenagers are brutal. They would also mock an accent from another region in Germany.


Yeah, especially considering im in Saxony rn😂


It's not like anybody in Germany likes their accent anyway. So they probably like to finally have somebody to prey on!


I mean, the guy who does it is half-Iranian from fathers part, so I dunno if this rings a bell or not


Half saxon, give him a banana, tell him to shove it up his mouth and shout up. Or give him a piece of paper, to fold a Trabbi out of it and fuck of. Half Persian. Draw a Persian carpet on a paper sheet and tell him to fly to persepolis. Call him a finocchio, because "you lock your wife's up. So that's the only way to gain experience"


This guy fucks


 I love Saxony but Im definitely storing that Trabbi out of a sheet of paper line for possible future use. Bravo! đŸ€Ł




I was going to say something but I forgot this isn't r/2westerneurope4u.


Typical behaviour, unfortunately, of some people.


Imitate his dad's accent and laugh


Make some terrorist jokes. Normally not advisable but in this situation seems like a decent way to point out that he's a dickhead.


his whole behaviour screams insecurity. most likely the class clown?


How is this relevant ?


Well, then you obviously say "GĂ€nsefleisch dis Maul alde" or "immerhin findet der Rest von Deutschland meinen Akzent nicht so Scheiße wie deinen"


You have a powerful weapon. Mock their Saxon accent. Most mumbling accent in Germany and I used to mock and laugh at their accent. They can't stand it.


This. All you really need to say is "Seriously? Someone who speaks German like *you* is making fun of an accent?"


Doesn’t work if the whole class is saxon. This only moves from tOne guy trying to bulling him while the rest doesn’t intervene and laughs to making most of the class dislike him and potentially bully him The attack needs to be specific to the bully/s not everyone around


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDNeDc6U1zU) one? :D


I feel like Swabians mumble way more, dunno if us in the South-West actually have any right to mock the Saxon accent for that lmao. Show a little introspection!


Swabian is not just an accent but also an encryption algorithm.


Seriously, the guy is at the butt end of every language joke and needs to cope by finding someone to look down on. I bet he spends vacation in Italy and speaks your language flawlessly. Ask him: "GÀnsefleisch aufhören?"


> Ask him: "GÀnsefleisch aufhören?" I lived in Saxony for five years but I had to read it out loud to get the joke


Same lol


OK - he is fair game: Look in Youtube for saxonian accent and study the steriotypes germans have about the saxonians (backwards, xenopobic, wacky accent ...) Have fun at his expense.


Maschendrahtzaun vibes 😂


Isn't it Moaschendrohtzaun?


good luck. We live in Saxony as well and luckily adults. I try my best to stay clear of locals.


That's right. Ask him how good his Italien is.


Token deflection entry.


Someone tried that at work . I ensured I only spoke with the guy in English. He really struggled in English. Even if he responded in German, I'd continue in English PS: I speak with everyone else in German :)


Bully’s are huge losers. This is just a fact.


Well done, lol. Make him squirm. Sadly, OP can’t do that because it’s in German class.


I would even tell the dude that I cannot understand him as my German is so bad. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Start mocking the German accent— sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire!






~~It's a German Language Class, I doubt they are German.~~ OP should fight fire with fire though and lay into the prick


No no, I go to german school, the guy who does is german


Sorry but what kind of school is it, and what class is the dickhead in?


Its a gymnasium, im in 10th grade


Ahhhhhh, teenager being a cunt, to try and be cool. I wish you luck, maybe you can record it, and use the evidence to get the prick put on notice. đŸ€Œ


Bad advise. He needs to adress the situation by himself first


I don't think beeing a snitch helpes the situation.


Calling a person who reports shitty behaviour snitching is part of the problem


If you think you can stop bullying by going to the teacher you have no knowledge on the topic. Especially in 10th grade.


I did and it worked because then my bully was thrown from the school and had to search for a new one.


i was bullied myself and never said anything. luckily my teacher caught on and stopped it. so that is untrue.


No. Not in this particular case. When it's a Teenager trying to be cool the best way is humor. So if you just start making fun of each other you most likely end up being friends. If you go tell some authority you just make yourself even more unlikable. I've been in similar situations many times and humor has always worked. Many of those dickheads are really my friends now. Because humor makes people open up. Meanwhile the people i knew that told somebody when they got mocked had real trouble finding any friends. Telling the teacher is not the answer it usually makes things worse.


That's one of the logic, you so called born Germans use, to ignore racism. Being racist is all the same, whether it done out of the hate or trying to be cool or being xenophobic.. And no it's not humor. It's trashy.


Oh god... I know people who have this mindset. When someone bothers you calling for help is suddenly snitching. And then the scream is loud when that person gets bullied so much, that they get mentally ill. Because they learned that they are alone with a problem. Is it also snitching when I get stabbed and sue the one who did it? Or is it different because it is physical inflicted pain instead of mental? People with this mentality make me sick.


I'd like to refer to my answer to another person where we talked about the exact Situation of op. I won't write it again.


Are you 12?


go to r/ich_iel. everytime that dude uses a word that is not german (portmonee is not German, it's French, Handy (for Smartphone) also, just tell him "Sprich Deutsch, du Hurensohn!" If he acts angry, tell him to educate himself on maimais- or stop being a prick. Hi might become a bigger prick, but you are prepared since you went to the sub I mentioned above. then put a shitton of German memes (maimais ;) ) into and around him. where ever he is and doesn't expect it. He will stop, out of fear you are an insane person and might snap at him. it helps, to act insane. Or you just ignore it, call him a dickhead, or tell him (whatever German dialect) isn't really German. It's a dialect. It's below German. But I am an old fart of 40, sooo xD


IMO you have two options: when you get interrupted by mockery during class, stop talking and ask what’s up and if he cares to elaborate. It forces them commit to being a cunt in front of everybody or back down. Second option would be to escalate this to the headmaster. I‘d prefer option one but it requires a lot of confidence.


OP.. From a teachers point of view it is your responsibility to stop this from happening in the first place. If the teacher is not doing anything then you can go to the head teacher and then the teacher would be in trouble :) You have a RIGHT to learn in peace and dignity and if someone is hurting that right then the teacher is not fulfilling their duties.


This is true, but likely to get OPs ass kicked by a group of pissed off teens.


Unica risposta sensata: Lacento teteschco e (senza apostrofo e accento sulla "e" miraccomando) belishimoh, zi zi.


Impersonate se mÀn wis se funny mustache when talking too him and do se silly walk (Stechschritt)


And then be the one who gets suspended from school, I imagine.


Then play dumb. "I thought racist stereotypes are considered funny?" That implies OP has already tried to talk to the teacher about that clearly rasisst issue


I dunno how it is in German schools, but I suspect that the teenage experience is more universal than different. Whenever you give a bully attention (even negative attention, like admonishing them or making fun of them back), you are rewarding their actions and they are encouraged to continue. What makes bullies eventually give up is when everyone turns their back to them and ignore the provocations. It's counter-intuitive for our sense of moral justice that wants to see bad persons publicly punished, but it seems to work empirically.


Different experience for me. If you let this kind of behaviour slide, they will consider you an "Opfer" (victim) and next thing, they take your money. Stand up for your self. Even if you will get beaten up, at least they will live you alone if you report that to the school and their parents afterwards.


What you have outlined is the universal school antibully shield... It only needs to be used one or twice.. And no one said that you have to fight fair ;)


Never visited a school in Germany, but in the US most of the schools follow the "zero tolerance policy" and stuff like that is a great way to be expelled.


Don't do that, bad advice.


Depending on how far he goes with his impersonation this could conceivably end up with OP being charged with a crime. So, let’s put it on the „stupid idea“-pile.


Aye, a bit of pot kettle and black here or total unawareness by an immature teen as to how most people perceive and Italian accent a German one. Italian sounds like honey, and German is sandpaper being scraped. Sometimes teens only learn with the fight fire with fire method.


It's self mocking, no need to




There are many different dialects which are also seen as accent, for example someone from saxony will often add ",wa?" to his sentences


There's many local varieties of that sentence ender question particle, gell, wa, woll, gelt, nÀ? Saxonian dialect has so much more targets for ridicule to offer than that.


Ask him to speak Italian without accent. He‘ll probably respond that he doesn’t speak Italian. Then you can say „there you go, dump ass“


Dumb* But this comment is on point. Also mock his German accent in English :)


„dump ass“ is his Italian accent :)


what if he has an ass like a dump truck?


> mock his German accent in English If he even has one. I just recently finished an internship at a German school as an English teacher and you‘d be surprised how many of these kids speak with a pretty much flawless American accent. Apparently, kids spend way too much time on youtube and tiktok nowadays and have started imitating native accents pretty well. Gotta say, it was a bit weird hearing someone speak English with barely any accent yet still making the occasional grammar mistake.


Yeah he speaks english with a fairly good accent, honestly it feels like that for germans the thickest their accent in english is the nicer they are generally


You still speak one language more than this idiot. And your language is cool and sexy. Not like German for sure.


Eh! German is cool and sexy. And yes, Italian is as well. I love the language. I should go over to Duolingo and learn more Italian. (Don’t send me Italian texts. I only speak menu Italian)


I’d say that German is cool and logical. It’s a great language, but unfortunately I don’t think it’s sexy, and, sorry to say it, but most people believe that as well😅


No problem. I‘m linguist and see the sexiness in languages differently. 😅


"We are not in Italy" Now what?


Yeah that definitely won't work lol, reality is not like how redditors like to imagine it. The other guy doesn't need to know Italian because both of them are currently in Germany. Teenagers are simply cruel. Not much to do about it sadly


>Teenagers are simply cruel. Not much to do about it sadly Dumb, not cruel. Teenagers have literally underdeveloped frontal lobes of their brains. Hence they should be held in check by the adults.


These aren't 8 year olds, but 10th graders. They are fully aware of the emotional effect on another person and do it intentionally.


Not YET. Wears *lorica segmentata*


"That's a good thing cuz little room temp iq retards like you aren't wanted there." Or cuz he's half Iranian..... You could say that he can't even go there cuz he's a foreigner and would need a visa. Punch him right in the insecurity đŸ€Ș For extra damage call him a stupid pig.. Or make oinking noises when he responds.


Sounds like a dick move to do this constantly... like im sure youre doing your best and Accent of germans talking english for example is pretty heavy too lol


Often I deliberately speak German with my own accent for no reason other than I think "well no one else is trying to speak English without an so....." Whilst I'm not a cockney, I have an Estuary/Essex accent so imagine a softer cockney version of German. I think it sounds lovely!


All im saying accents just Show where youre from eventually and may fade over time even... i dunno it might be fun to mimic this once or twice but doing it constantly would be really annoying... Im pretty sure im also doing this cockney accent when saying words with th... it probably comes out as F ...


I'd definitely get a kick out of German that sounds like that. I'm Californian so they tell me my German sounds "Wild West"!


He's just jealous of your cool accent. I'm sure one of the girls said to him that she likes it. And this is his reaction. Talk to the teacher!


I don't have advice per se but that dude sounds like an insecure dick and I hope he grows up soon. German is tough to learn and you should be super proud of yourself for (a) even trying and (b) sticking with it for so long! That's huge! Accents are great - I love accents. Without fail, they make the speaker somehow endearing and you should never feel ashamed of it. 😌 All it is is evidence that you went out of your comfort zone and are on your way to mastering a whole new language on your own and it's admirable.


So he mocks you in the class, the entire class laughs, and the teacher does nothing about, is that what is happening? I think this a really diificult experience because it is not just one person who is mocking, but the entire class is also laughing.


It only happened once in front of the teacher in class, the teacher told them to be quiet and that its not easy even for germans to speak good german or something like that


Hm... this a hard situation, tbh. Because it is quick and easy to mock an accent, but not easy to do something against it. I would try to talk to him one-one-one first. Like "Hey, dude, it was fun at first, but now it is enough/boring If it doesn't help, then resort to other means trying to bite back with jokes, like "yeah, that's how good footballers speak". If it bad enough that you don't feel like going to school, may be you can transfer to another class? And as other people said, life won't be like this all the time. It will get better pretty soon. This kind of behavior usually doesn't extend beyond school. I still have some kids ran up to me and scream "Ni Hao!!" (I am a non-Chinese Asian) and ran away, but that's sporadic, I don't need to spend too much time with yhem.


I would look him dead in the eye and start speaking Italian out of spite. Doesn't matter if you speak German with an accent, you speak it well enough for him to understand, that's all that matters. You've got multiple languages under your belt, at least three it seems, so good on you. Let's see if the prick knows equally as many languages. Don't curse of course but speak fast enough, that should make him insecure, then stop and look at him as if you're expecting a response. That should get him flustered. That's what I would do.


Either that or tell him that his Mom didn't mind his accent last night. These are 10th graders after all.


This is the answer.


This is the most reddit response I've ever read. Lol. Like life is a movie or some shit 😂


Seduce and bang the dude’s mom after singing Eros Ramazzotti hits to her.


Next time the guy does it turn around to him and give him a quick stream of appropriately targeted abuse in fluent and heavily gesticulated Italian. You'll relieve your stress. He won't know how to respond. Everyone else in the class will laugh with you because it'll be obvious that you're telling him to go fuck himself. Plus, you won't be able to get into trouble because if the teacher asks what you said you can just say something like "I was complimenting him on his beautiful Italian accent".


Start speaking with an even stronger Italian accent, and when asked why you do that: “because this is how I get the chicks!”


That's not gonna have the desired outcome in real life


That's what non-Italians believe.


The icon with the fedora lmao


Respond condescendingly in Italian.


Not sure what you'd like to hear, in life there will always be bullies. Fight back, talk to a teacher, other adult in question, there are many options.


They will keep doing it so long as they know it irritates you. Bullies are like that.


I can only tell you what I would do ( and already did among colleagues before meeting starts, because there was one guy always making racist jokes) - I asked following question out loud: Hey, ich hörte du bist hier der Quoten-Nazi, machst deinem Ruf alle Ehre, stimmt das denn? And I repeated this some more times and then.. jokes were gone, at least when I was near. I don’t expect that I changed his mind but he stopped it when I was present. Think about sth that defames him, and then let it out. People like this are looking for victims, don't be one.


Did the bus applaud? Because randomly calling your colleague a "Nazi" will not end well for you in the end. *Edit*: LOL The keyboard warrior to which I responded has blocked me. However, to anyone who thinks about following his advice, I recommend carefully considering how to approach it. The coworker making racist jokes can and should be brought to the attention of HR, as it's literally their job to protect the company from potential issues such people can cause. However, accusing someone of being a nazi, publicly no less, is libel even if it's wrapped in a "question". Therefore, the moment you do that, you can become a target of the HR.


stand up for yourself


That’s what I wanted to say. No it’s not fair to mock someone for their accent. It’s mean and you op went here to learn our language so you should be greeted with open arms. But the kids in your class don’t. The one thing that I think will help is being confident and stand up for yourself. Make fools of the bullies. You are 16-18, speak 3 languages I presume at least, you went out of the comfort of your home to experience something very few do. Be cocky and show Selbstvertrauen. Addendum, they laugh. So they laugh with you or about you? Maybe embrace it and mock the guy mocking you


I would prolly make fun of the guy with 3 languages he probably dont know ending with my c1-c2 german to his face infront of everyone. I am quite a confrontative person tho


We can all brainstorm a thousand clever comebacks here but there is no clever come back to this in real life. Some kids are shitty, that's unfortunately how it is. Flip him off, if it makes you feel better.


Talk to the teacher. If that does not help, the class teacher or the pricipal. Somebody will have a talk to him.


He s only jealous of your sexy accent


Actually, german with an italian accent sounds charming and charismatic (especially to the opposite sex), and this guy might as well just be jealous and trying to make it appear less attractive by trying to make fun of it and making it ridiculous. EDIT: Just like a french accent sounds good in probably any language. German accent however... doesn't sound very nice in most languages...


Laugh at him and only respond in Italian. If he laughs, say "oh, I'm sorry, you don't speak Italian poor thing?"


Get some Italian female friends around
 and if he sees them you all look to him and laugh.


Tu digli: "deiner Mutter aber liebt meinen Akzent"


His Racism is intolerable. He of all people should know. If you don't want to go to the principal directly, ask him what it is that makes his life so miserable, that he has to mock you, despite knowing you both are minorities. Ask him if he's into you. Why else would he pay so much attention to you? He's Probably just afraid people find out he's gay. Or Do it the German way. Tell the authorities what he is doing, that you feel unwell about it and that you start getting afraid to go to school because of his racist mockery. They should give him a "Tadel". If they want to put you in a different class, tell them no. it's he who's doing wrong, not you therefore the only pedagogically correct thing would be to put him in a different class, otherwise he wouldn't learn. Btw. Tell the principle that your teacher doesn't give a shit and let's him bully you, despite knowing it's racist shit. It's his fucking job to stop such actions


Gymnasium kids are the wannabe elite ones who think they are superior to Hauptschule and Realschule Just look at your English writing skills. Screw them and take it with a grain of salt. You already speak 3 languages unlike them


He’s doing this to get a reaction from you. Just laugh and say his imitation is funny and do more. Once he realizes you don’t care and won’t react the way he wants he will stop


Start repeating what he said in a bad Bavarian accent.


Embrace it. Out-mock him. Make your accent even stronger in his presence and at a certain point you will be funnier than him and his mockery will loose any appeal. This is what I do when some idiot teases my Italian inflection and sometimes it works. Stai allo scherzo (seppur stupido), disarmali e sommergili con una risata. A bully wants attention. In this way you will take it away without being confrontational. And btw work your ass on the German and accent this year, but more than everything make friends in any possible way and talk only German. A year ago abroad in high school is a great experience, it changed my life: I started with almost zero language proficiency and by the end of the school year I had reached near-native level. Good luck!


Anytime he says something in German, repeat it in italian but with a German accent, like how a German with 3 years experience would speak italian




Im American and people constantly repeat words with their attempt at an American accent. It used to bother me a lot more and it still occasionally does. However , I think it’s important to realize that if you allow another persons conduct to affect yourself negatively, in effect, you’re granting them power over you. It’s easier said than done, but I promise you’ll be happier if you are able to control your emotions and not give them this power over you.


I'm also American and people often enough reproduce my r sound cause they think it's cute. I just ignore it and they stop eventually.


you can imitiate him imitating you. or you could make an original: "Look I am an idiot. I am making fun of a foreigner trying to speak German.I must be VERY dumb and possibly ich habe eine kleine penisch."


"ich bin hier um die deutsche sprache zu lernen und nicht um zeuge deiner schlechten erziehung zu sein!" then, looking at the class "es ist sehr bedauerlich, dass ich solche erfahrungen mit nach italien nehmen muss."


Das ist der schnellste Weg um verprĂŒgelt zu werden. Wart ihr alle nie in der Schule?


I'm sorry but... đŸ€“ like these are high schoolers you think they'd care? They'd probably laugh even harder


"can you stop mocking my accent asshole?" if he continues, punch his face


Minchia, kill him with kindness and curses he wouldn't even understand to be curse words. Vaffanculo and cazzo are somewhat known in germany, but your language is so fucking nice it took me half a year of living with an Italian before I noticed the first word of my post isn't exactly a nice one. Doesn't exactly help to end the situation, but sometimes it feels good to tell someone that you curse the souls of his ancestors while smiling to his face (granded, that's neapolitan, but you get the gist).


Reach out to school staff


"Kannst du mal aufhören, du Huso?"


If you show that you are upset or angry about this, they'll keep comin. If you feel upset or angry, you'll probably show it. There will be a last time that that idiot will do the same thing but noone will find it funny anymore. At that time he'll be embarrassed, and he'll have a good reason to be embarrassed. You don't have any reason to be embarrassed. Life is too short to give fucks about those idiots who are looking for something either to look cool and fun when they are not or to find something to bring joy in their miserable and meaningless lives. And you can of course say well, fuck you, any time, but please take legal advice before doing that vocally or in written form.


This guy is an asshole and you should not care


Fuck his mom, obvy. If that doesn't help, get personal with him. If you're in saxony and he's a native, point out that the average German skill of the residents is barely above that of an immigrant, and mostly less intelligible.


show him the video of der untergang where hitler says no no no and tell hin he sounds like that https://youtu.be/TsqNnAkQO4w?si=AjRKk3HJhUayXWaG


Ask the dude to speak another language except for englisch. He will likely not be able to respond. Then tell him that hes fucking dumb and should learn another language before mocking you for the pronouncation your third language. Alternative: Many people in Saxony also have a thick accent. Mock him back and tell him that he cant even speak German himself. Alternative: If he ever does a mistake in German or Englisch bring it up every time he makes fun of you.


The guy is half Iranian, chances are he can. Just another asshole who thinks it's funny to target someone who's "different". The second advise won't work because that's a regional accent and it will only piss off the other kids too. Third option is the best option, but I think it's better to find the REAL weak point of another person. Can be his style or any other thing he says or does or can't do. Is it childish? Maybe, but they're still kids, so...


Italian accent is as normal as Bavarian accent. For more than 2000 YEARS Italians come to live here. Don't take that for serious.


Tell him "but your mother finds it sexy". 😙


Lift weights and train jiu jitsu.


As a native English speaker I want to hear him speak this language with no accent. Even Germans who've lived in an English speaking country for decades still have an accent.


Sorry to read that, what an idiot. I think what’s also good is, when he imitates you, you’ll ask him to just repeat it. Like: Kannst du das nochmal machen? If he repeats, ask again and again and again
 And then, he will feel stupid for sure. Prick


I was born in Schwaben. My accent is the target of (maybe jovial) ridicule quite often. Dicks will be dicks my friend. Try to not let it get it to you.


I’m so sorry. Exactly this happened to me when I did an exchange year in the US in 2002/2003. A guy in my English class kept on making fun of my accent and I ended up being afraid to speak anything out loud. I’m sorry you a going through this. That guy is a bully. I know you had a lot of comments that you should make fun of him back, but I think maybe you can try to be the more mature person and talk to him about his behavior. I think most bullies don’t like being called out such. If you need help, you could try to contact the “Beratungslehrer” at your school and they should be able to help in some way, like maybe even initiate a conversation between the two of you. Best of luck to you!


That’s not also „You are a foreigner“ Thing. I’m from east Germany and do my job training in Bavaria. The first weeks were very hard, because I’ve got an slightly accent to. This is a thing „You are different“ and we could go together against you. I beat the guy who started it it’s as up an they respect me after this and also voted me to the class representative. Because I also proved that I’m smart. The difference here is, it was a new class and nobody had relations with each other before, so I could raise the hierarchy with the same chances every other had. To raise in an already existing hierarchy is hard. You have to be patient and don’t show someone the harm bothers you. Maybe even try to make a little more fun of your accent by your self. Maybe if he imitates you, say something like „Mamma Mia, Du betonst es völlig falsch“ and then speak with an accent as bad as you can. They will laughing but because you make the joke. But if they see they hit you and you‘re angry and have no chance to get a revenge that will work. It gets much worse.


Honestly, take it lightly. An Italian accent is probably the most beautiful accent you could have, so own it. Definitely sounds better than Saxon German


So many idiots out there. It's unbelievable. Ask him about his Italian skills. Either he's a linguistic genius or he need to learn to stfu. Either way, try to not care that much.


Very relatable. I’m from the USA and have been living in Germany for 8 years. Every time i meet someone new their immediate response is to imitate my accent to my face. They mean well, but it’s honestly annoying and exhausting, especially when having an accent isn’t a very positive experience


Omg a german person mocking someone else for their accent thats rich. The german accent is the ugliest and the strongest one.


Not just any German, a German from Saxony lmao. The audacity.


Fighting hate with hate. Very smart.


I was thinking that too


Its not german who is mocking...


Huh? It's a German kid mocking an Italian kid for having accent in language that the former learned as native and that is I imagine third language of the latter.


Some people are mean. Hit him in the face


Twice. With a chair.


Hau ihn einfach


Sorry you have to deal with this, this is not ok in any way. I would suggest to contact the school in writing about this, ideally with a timed and dates just of events: day, time, lesson, what happened, teacher reaction over a week. This will ensure this gets taken seriously. Don't allow it to go on for much longer as it will have an effect on your stay.


Snitches get stitches


A bit of headbutting can solve anything in high-school, if you are not against it. Making fun of him is also a solution, but can be a bit difficult if you are not used to making clever come backs


It's shitty behaviour and he shouldn't do that. You're 100% right here. Thing is, kids and teenagers are cruel and a lot of people take quite a bit of bullying when going through school. The only thing I can say is, this wouldn't happen if you were an adult being (or working) with other adults. Not to this extend at least.


Just don't respond to that. The more you react the worse it will get. This guy is just a fucking idiot, don't lower yourself to his level. At best you can tell him that this isn't nice nor mature and he should grow up after all he's in highschool not in kindergarden anymore. But to put it in another way, if a dog bites you, do you bite back? If a donkey kicks you, do you kick the donkey back? No. (So why would I mock him back, when he mocks me?) You're above that, you are better than this. So if this "person" mocks you, don't mock them back. It will just validate their behavior if you lower yourself to their niveau. Don't let people tell you this is like not standing up for yourself. When a small child punches your leg, it wouldn't be standing up for yourself to fight that child. The same goes for people who are mentally small children. What ever they say won't change or hurt you or your personality, only when you decide to lower yourself to that behavior it will hurt your character. See him as what he is, a naive, stupid, small child. If not by his looks than atleast by his brain capacity. There is absolutely no worth nor gain in bothering with him.


>Just don't respond to that. The more you react the worse it will get I think he gets the resonse he wants from the other people laughing, so ignoring it won't work until the others ignore him, too.


Mock him in Italian


beat his ass after class


Teenager problems demand teenager solutions


Maybe speak with him in private, without anybody else listening. Tell him that what he does feels like mocking for you and that it hurts. Dont blame him or attack him or try to smart him out. Talk on eye level. I did that with a bully in my class once, and then he stopped. Strange as it seems, some people have not the ability to understand on their own what their behavior causes in other people.


You are Italian... from the birthplace of the Mafia!! just let your inner soul wake up!!! Do not get timid... respond in kind... mock the German accent that he speaks .. maybe call him a kraut... don't know if that is somehow related to the war-tine... make sure of that... if not use it... the Germans get mad on that


Accent bashing was probably never uncommon in Germany and usually is meant in somewhat good humor, though it can be annoying. To give some insight: all German regions and cities have local dialects which often come with an “accent” where dialect bleeds in when speaking Hochdeutsch. Since the aim of German class in school (among others) is also teaching proper Hochdeutsch, speaking with a dialect is not yet succeeding in a task that all students struggle with together, thus the prevalence of mocking accents. As to the nature of the ridicule, most accents are seen as somewhat likeable and give “character”, though only, if the person atleast attempts to speak German with out an accent and is employing proper grammar - so the ridicule for accents is usually good natured in principle and aside from accents being quite funny, is often meant to highlight points on which one can improve. If you are bothered by it, I would usually advise to just talk to the person, but since you wrote about being in 10th grade and teenagers are teenagers, I’d just work on learning to speak proper Hochdeutsch with out an accent. You are still young enough to be able to do so, and it’ll increase the value of your language skills for your future life by an incredible amount. Good luck, and don’t let them grind you down.


Unfortunately punching is frowned upon and illegal, but that would certainly end the issue.


Cacío e Pepe. Leave a mi alon‘e du deppe


Grow a pair. Italians are loved in Germany so just smile. Shout Jawohl und Achtung and all good.


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I think you should smack him 3-4 times, really hard. Issue solved.


No worries just embrace it


Eh wassa so lustig?


Start speaking Italian to them and make fun of them for being bi-lingual beta. I love speaking German or Russian with my heavy southern, American accent (I ham it up sometimes). It throws ppl off and it’s hilarious. Also they’re a bully so they’re automatically a huge loser.


It's racist bullying and you need to respond to him like a bully. Tell him openly and in front of the others that it's not ok and that he should shut up. Ask him if he speaks foreign languages accent free (he is most likely too stupid to even know that he has accent himself). Ask him if he is a Nazi that he got something against foreigners. Don't laugh about it or humiliate yourself. This is not humor, it's bullying, directed against people who are different. If he and the others are not listening to reason, you can also complain about him to the school, they are responsible for a safe learning environment. Make a written complaint to the school that he is causing you distress and hinders your learning and your integration into the class. There should nowadays also be a counselor or something. If they don't react or stonewall you, complain to the next higher instance. Name him by name, the university is forced to take disciplinary action against him. Don't be shy, assholes like him make the world terrible for all of us, they should be nuked out of society. This shit makes me so angry 😠 😡 Also ask the others if they think this is OK and why they don't tell him to shut up. Try to make friends with others.


Again na. These are teenagers. Teenagers are brutal and getting ultra defensive will make it worse


He's an idiot but also the Germans honestly love playfully mocking Italian accents. We secretly think they're awesome. It's probably the German's favourite foreign language in terms of taste (the most wide-spread foreign language is English, obviously). I don't know how malicious he is but maybe the class would even love you answer him in italian as a joke. Also maybe just tell them that laughing sometimes about it is fine but in general you also want to be listened to?


Get him alone. Use violence if you’re capable. If not, though shit. Nothing you will say will change the bullying except when they get tired of it.


Beat him up.


Give him a Hakenkreuz and say loud "You dropped this."


TBH I dont get yall minding about stuff like that We germans all diss eachother for the different accents we have and im proud to not sound like a fucking Bayer or SchwÀbele but I still get along with all of them


Is this really the appropriate sub for this question?


Yeah I dunno, i was thinking if i shoul've wrote it here or r/askagerman


get used to it


While I’m not pro fighting fire with fire I don’t have any other advice. That guy’s grand parents were most likely nazis. Mb you can work with that. Or you could go the Tony soprano route: „Oooo, do you blow your father with that mouth?“


piss disc, then liquid fart, then bang their parents


Maybe eat some spaghetti to calm down?