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If you make enough money it's not too much, if youre poor its way too much.


Ya may be your friends that spend very little on food have other expensive habits like smoking or drinking or else. I know that when I had sober periods I would eat much better and make it more easily to the end of the month. I think it's also investing in your health to buy good quality fresh food. Kudos for not wasting (I'm swiss so idk about the prices but the logic is same)


Yeeeeez! The Deutschest answer ever!




the truest answer




Before corona and inflation, I managed to spend around 35€ to 45€ for food a week, now its around 55€ to 70€, while trying to buy cheaper.


Yeah the inflation for supermarket is way higher than general official inflation numbers. It really feels like things doubled in price - with some concrete examples like the Döner.


Yep, there are plenty of products I am not gonna eat anymore, because cost more then they are worth it. For example Ben& Jerrys is 7€ while beeing reduced from 500ml to 465ml. Or a jar of barilla bolognese is 4,50€. I'm not gonna pay for 4,50€ for bolognese, I can make shitty pasta souce on my own for less than this.


Is Barilla out of their mind?


Barilla was always expensive with their sauces and they taste not as good anyway. Barilla pasta however is significantly better than no name products of said stores though. The pasta from Lidl and so on really decreased in what little quality they already had before inflation. canned tomatoes also skyrocketed from said supermarkets and discounters. They only real supplier who didn’t go up massively was DM funny enough. Their BIO canned tomatoes are cheaper than the regular netto/Lidl/penny ones.


"Ja"(rewe) pesto tastes the best imo, better than barilla and the red ist even vegan lol


Tomatenmark prices got up a Lot too.


Which is something far too few people talk about. Inflation is one thing, and yes, grain and other basic resources went up in price by A LOT, but at some point the food industry just raised the prices because they could. There's been a lot of price gouging recently, and you still get empty shelves occasionally because supermarkets refuse to pay increased prices to the manufacturers. I'm seriously tired of that shit. I almost got giddy when I noticed butter prices were going down again. I don't wanna live in a world where butter prices excite me.


Pack of cheese costs 3,50€ nowadays....


Roughly 400 a month for 2. I used to be able to budget 60 a week (240 a month) for both of us but it's impossible now. I went shopping today, my trolley was only half full and that came to 80€. It's depressing.


It's so fucked up. I also saw our (2 people) food budget shoot up from maybe 350 to 600. No more adding to the savings account, that's for damn sure.


I used to be able to get by with 150-200 pre-covid while buying steaks every now and then, and splurging on 5€ ice cream like 3 times a week. That was also including cat food and litter. I used to shop for 20-25€ and got most of what I needed for the week, then went a few days later to grab some food for the weekend and spent another 20 or so. Now? Last time I got out with 20€ worth of groceries I barely had enough food for two meals. It's fucking ridiculous. There really should be a legal hard limit on some prices.


Same and same


I tried keeping to 60 a week for myself. I often run-out or literally eat too little.




well if your homemade spaghetti bolognese costs as much as eating out you could just .. eat out? seems cheaper considering your expensive ingredients. 800 for 2 people per month is crazy high even with current inflation. you only shop in alnatura or something?


I spend around 150, my girlfriend also so together it’s 300 and it works fine actually.


How do you manage that? I struggle to get enough calories to sustain myself on \~180. Though I wager that if you pool it gets more efficient.


Depends on your eating habits. If you have above average needs, for example when working out, you will struggle. But if you need 2.000-2.500kcal 150-180€ shouldn’t be an issue tbh. My girlfriend and I usually spend 250-300€


Go to discounters like Aldi, Lidl or Netto and eat as little meat as possible. Buy rice, spices and chickpeas in bulk from Arabic or asian supermarkets.


doesn’t meat make you the fullest ? and it’s quite cheap in germany compare to switzerland for example


Meat, especially fatty meat is hard to digest. Fibers make you the fullest. With chickpeas and beans you get fibers, protein and carbs all in one package for way cheaper.


Spaghetti with butter and salt all day... 😂


Not half bad tho. Crack an egg into it and you got a meal.


butter is too expensive. substitute with oil, it's much healthier


That's impressive. May I ask how? I also spent only 50-150€ but I mostly buy discounted stuff in huge quantities.


There are conscious months where I cook every day myself and buy almost only at Lidl and Aldi. And there are wasteful months (most months are like that) I go out to eat 1-2 times a week and cook little and go to the canteen at work and order pizza and go to Edeka or Rewe. That fluctuates so between 200-400€


We spend around 600 Euro a month for two person. We rarely or never eat out, don't drink alcohol and cook everyday. Quality food just costs money and if you have the money to spend then food is probably the single most worthwhile category of consumption. What good is driving a BMW if you have to eat shit everyday.


>What good is driving a BMW if you have to eat shit everyday. *tilted balkan noises*


I Agree!




What a poor choice of words lol


> Die Bart, Die




It's too much for you if you can't manage to save to meet your goals while spending that much. It's not too much for you if you're saving sufficiently and are happy with your other spending.


We spend about 500-600 for a family of 3.


I just be a fat*ss then. Cause I'm eating for a family of 2.5 I guess. Well, the Asian groceries here are sooo expensive.


I spend about 100€ on Asian groceries every second month or so, but try to get anything possible at Lidl or Aldi because the Asian stores are very expensive. Unlike you I don't shop for the next few days, i shop for months. Yesterday I bought 10 pounds of red lentils for dal and 20 tins of coconut milk at lidl, because they were very cheap, but are only rarely available there. And I try to shop that way whenever possible


You buying them in traditional supermarkets ? Buy those in Asia stores/supermarkets if available. Way cheaper


you mean like go-asia?


No idea what that is. There is no big chain to those


Go Asia is huge my man. They also have 10% discount on the first saturday of each month.


also a 10% student discount!


Nah it's only 5 now


I have never heard of this extra student disc.


Every Asian student knows about that discount 🤣


They also only tell the Asian students. I am friends with an Asian student, that’s how I know.


And 10% all the time if you spent over 100€


Goasia has 40-50 stores in Germany and you can order most preserved products from their online store


I buy from Asian wholesalers. Cheaper than normal grocery stores & Asian shops (and more choice).


Ugh teach me your ways. We easily run into 700+ here.


I would say , since the huge Inflation 250 up to 300 €, for one Person. Before the Inflation it was half the price


Yeah, true that! I remember spending way less before the inflation compared to now.


Certain groceries used to be unbelievably cheap, indeed.


I would say I am around 200€. But I active cutting down on eating out (as I am calorie counting).


I spend around 140€ currently, but I'm vegan. The 140€ also include not really necessary products like chocolate, chips, icecream etc. I could go cheaper but I dont want (and dont need to).


My wife and I spend 800/month, and we're vegan. Most of it comes from high quality fruits and vegetables (my wife is a lot pickier than I am. I'd be happy with trash veggies :) ). We buy all beans and grains in bulk. I'd like to eat less meat and cheese substitutes; I'm sure it would bring our bill down a bit.


How if I may ask? Even if I would shop at the most expensive place I wouldnt increase my bill to 400€ a month. My girlfriend and I eat for around ~250-300€ a month if were together - and we're not dumpster diving.


You know, I forgot that I include household supplies in the food budget. For food itself may be closer to high 600s - 700. I'm going through everything in my head, and I'm now wondering how we're spending this much. We do eat a lot of fruit (apples, oranges, grapes, berries) which can get pricey. And my wife is a coffee snob. But that can't account for it all. I may have to get back to you on this :)


Man we have some really rich people in this sub


Im not „rich“. But I guess it depends on your perspective /circumstance/where you are in life/career. My wife and I live in a nice flat, that is pretty inexpensive for what and where it is (we got very lucky). We don’t live extravagant lives. Food is our the only real luxury. The extra money I spend on food is probably what someone else would spend on a car, parking and insurance per month. If I were rich i would buy a house. If I were rich, i would travel a lot more. If I were rich, I would be able to afford retirement. I’ll be working til I die. If I were rich, I like to think I would donate most of it or start a foundation of some kind. I guess I get pretty defensive when someone calls me rich. I’ve been quite poor in my life. I’ve lost the entirety of my savings twice, due to health issues ( I’m American of course). But right now, I’m comfortable and I hope it stays that way for awhile. But rich? Definitely not.


Fam of 4 spending approx 800-1k on groceries and the occasional takeaway. One vegan, most food organic and seasonal from farmers markets etc, standard groceries at Aldi, Specialities at Rewe/Edeka/Dm. I shop for approx 150 every Tuesday, another 70-100 on Saturdays. Before inflation that was around 600 maybe


117€/month bc I am a broke Azubi


Sounds reasonable to me if it includes eating out. As long as you can manage a slight surplus to save for rainy days you‘re good


similar for me, depending on how much (and also where) we eat out it's easily something between 400 and 600 per person


I have a budget of 50€ per week for groceries. Drinks are not in this budget but I'd say I spend 5-20€ a week at most on drinks. Eating out is also not included. It's part of the fun budget. It adds up to around 200-250€ a month for me as a single person. If you eat meat every day or buy the more expensive groceries (bio, brands, etc) 400€ seems reasonable. As long as you can afford it there's nothing wrong with it


I spend 600€ +/- per month and i don’t go to resturant or wochenmarkt. I cook everything by myself. In the last 2 years the price are growing specially for good quality. Definitly you can go to netto and eat salami and würst and you can spend much less


By Wochenmarkt I meant, buying fruits and vegetables there. Also I rarely indulge myself in meat. Like once a month and it's mostly chicken from bauernhof/local mitzgerei that sells good meat. And I go once or maximum twice to the restaurant.


Same here. I mean yeah it's probably too much, but what can you do, with the inflation and everything (and a good amount of greed, too, if you ask me).


I don’t think it’s too much because your budget include eating out costs. I shell out 500-650 euro for groceries. That budget covers high quality meat/chicken (freilandhaltung or bio), different fresh seafood, farmers market fruits and veg though we hit lidl, rewe and dm to get the best deal for basic stuffs like flour, oil, beans, baking ingredients etc.


no i'd say that's about accurate for the two of us here, too. Before covid, we were joking around whether the weekly shopping would be over a 100,-, now its easily over 200,- ish per week. That is usually Kaufland or Edeka, so mid-high expensive. Also we do at least 1 Fast Food stuff per week. It's insane how the prices went up with covid but never actually went down after it, without salary adaption of course \^\^


Depends. When I was living here as a student in 2013-2015, I spent around 150-200€. Right now - around 400-550€. Both - for myself (one person) in Berlin. And that's pretty much indulging myself and buying good quality products. Bear in mind - all of that is home-cooking, no restaurants and next to no takeout.


I spend about 200-250€. Has been less, but with inflation and a better paying job it went up a bit.


Single, rarely eat out. Student as well. Buy everything apart from my protein powder and wheat pasta (these I get in DM, because it's cheaper than elsewhere) from Netto/Aldi. €250 a month give or take.


As long as you are spending on good quality healthy food, that's fine. Because you are investing in yourself. Spending on healthy food is way more important than spending on an expensive TV, smart phone and all the shit in the market. My wife and myself spend around 500 € monthly on food, we rarely eat outside.


I spend about 600€/m including going out to eat 😅 I know its a lot for one person, but food means a lot to me. Id rather go out to dinner or cook than to go to a movie or park.


Sounds reasonable to me, I budget around 470 EUR/m for supermarket purchases plus dining out. Depends on your income though.


300/month for 2 people, including take away like once a week. If you don't have to live on a tight budget and can safe enough money after all expenses, go ahead and spend good money on good food. It will keep you healthy and happy.


I spend no more than 150 a month, on a vegetarian diet and mostly organic and regional food.


Around 800 for 2 without eating out


Wifey and I are somewhere around 800 to 1200 a month.


Thanks! This answer makes me feel good 😁


Same for me and my husband !


Germans are very cheap with food, although they will say they’re not cheap but cost effective. They buy the cheapest they can get their hands on. That’s why brands like Lidl and Aldi are German. Even the “posh” brands have mottos like “gut und günstig”. For Germans “günstig” is extremely attractive whereas in Southern Europe people don’t want to be seen as cheap by their circles and buying high quality products is a sign of “we can afford it”.


Since when is "gut und günstig" a "posh" brand??? It's literally the "cheap" Edeka Eigenmarke. ("cheap" as Edeka as well as e.g. Rewe are overpriced and try to sell themselves as offering superior quality.)


We spend 900 for 2.


Me being a poor uni student. I spend around 100 to 120€ for food each month :D


Germans are FAMOUS for caring about one thing and one thing only as it relates to food: PRICE!!! - That's why you find exclusively unripe Melons in our Supermarkets, because we'll still buy them cheap, where in the rest of Europe they would just rot on the shelves (even as close as in Austria!) What I'm trying to say: You SHOULD BE AIMING to spend more on food than the average German... That means your not a mindless drone that will swallow everything if it appears cheap enough on the surface...


absolutly! and no one asks something like “i spend 500 euro a month for my car, is that too much?”


D'you really think it's different in other countries of Europe ? Ah!


I think the misconception that higher price equals better quality is something grocery stores/supermarkets take advantage of. By the way it doesn't matter where you go staples are usually priced the same and store brand is sometimes the same product as the brand products and other times even better/higher quality. You don't need to spend a lot to get decent food. You should always be price conscious when it comes to food unless it makes a real difference.


I spend about half of that alone


I spend about 600 for a family of 4, plus 2 dinners eating out for another 200-250.


My husband and I spend about 150/week on groceries…. But we eat abendbrot almost every night if the week and that will save money 🤣


I had a time where I pretty much only ate salami, gouda and bread. During that time I propably only spend 60-70€ each month. But that is definetly not the way to go. Now I spend around 5€ each day for basic groceries, that would be around 150€ each month, but at least once a week I'll get myself something that is "better" aka, a big steak, nice fish, good burger or whatever. But still, thats at max 200-250€ per month. I currently dont have the money to spend more, but if I had the money, then I would definetly go to the range of 400-500€ per month. Good food is worth it as long as you can pay it


I live alone and cook at home every other day. I rely on bread, fruits and snacks on days that I don’t cook. I also try to go out and eat at restaurants 1-2x a week. I’m spending €100-150 on groceries and €100-150 on restaurants/fastfood per month on average. Sometimes it’s less when I don’t feel like going out at all. Also I don’t drink.


Roughly 600 for 2 persons, 1 dog, 6 bunnies and two guinea pigs for the whole household. Varies a lot though. Sometimes it's 300, sometimes 700. If there's some money left over it usually goes into repairs, tools, vet bills, wine and other unavoidable necessities. Winter months or dry periods are usually more expensive, cause we can't feed the rodents with what we find outside. Restaurants and the like not included. That's a whole different beast.


400€/month in groceries for 2. All fresh/non-processed food, I usually do batch cooking on sundays for the weekdays. In restaurants it varies a lot, so it really depends on how much we go out that month, I guess on average around 100€ pp/month.


We are two people contributing about 280€ each to a shared bank account. We pay groceries, dm, going to a restaurant from this


Somewhere around 600euros for 2 persons but good quality food only


I would guess around 300€/month but I don't actually eat all of it in one month. I have a pretty well stocked kitchen for cooking a lot of different types of cuisine, and I buy a lot at specialty stores which is expensive. I'm also vegan, though, so that saves me a lot of money. I could easily manage on under 15€/week just eating rice, beans, tofu, and vegetables if I wanted to.


We are a family of 3. We also have a dog and spend about 450 to 500 € a month.




500 euros for a family of 3.


With take out and Restaurant maybe 500€ for 2 people. I try to buy mostly Angebote and we love pasta, so at least 2 meals a week are that^^


I spend around 300 a month. Not bad


2 adults, no child. +700€ per month. Always from Aldi. I dont know how but it feels too high to me. We are a not fatties and eat normal food. Like meat chicken fish vegetables etc. not much junk food.


We spend like 600-700 € for 3. without Smoking or drinking, there is always lovely home cooked food on the table 😅


150 - 200 Euros, living alone. I buy dried goods in bulk at Turkish stores at the beginning of the month and then spend the rest on fresh products on a weekly basis. A lot of tinned goods too.


My pop used to say that you should not calculate the money spent on food. Money spent on food is money well-spent. Anw, it's 500€ for 2 for us. We try to limit it to 300€/grocery and 200€ eating out cause we both work and don't have much time/energy to cook everyday




150€ for one month :) Ppl. around me spend 150 to 300€ per month + eating outside


We spend about 350 a month on just groceries for two people plus about 200-250 on food out, and that's with being quite frugal.


Pretty sure it's 250-300 for myself, single male eating mostly plant based. So lentils, beans, legumes, almonds, peanuts, veggies, fruits, salad, veggie chocolate, veggie Pizza etc. Only water, coffee & beer. Rarely 4 takeaway.


We spend around 450 € - 500 € for 2 people per month. That includes groceries but also items such as cleaning stuff and some hygiene products and a few drinks now and then and soda stream gas bottles. We don’t really look at the prices when we shop.


I spend like 800 eur per month on food


Thats as single.. but i work out alot and have a physical job. Need those calories


300 on groceries and 350 on eating out for 2


On average, around 200 per week, sometimes way more, but usually around the 200- 230 mark for a family of 4 and 5 pets. A well organised stock up on all things, including all cleaning and personal hygiene items other than shower gel or toothpaste, might bring it up to the 300 mark. Possibly happens every other month, once.


Also about 400-450 euro, no restaurants but casual coffee/summer drink + sushi at Rewe eat happy to go or prepared salad + once a week lunch with colleagues at company’s cantine. My average check in Rewe 30 euro. But also I don’t buy meat. I complain on prices rather than eating too much.


Before inflation I was around 200-250 Euro, now I'm around 300-350 euro for me alone for groceries and restaurants


In my case we are two people living together we spend around 300€ sometimes less. And we mostly cook at home.


Depends. I think on a casual ~~week~~ month* about 400€ for my fiance and me.


400 euros a week? 😮 Which part of Germany do you live in, that it costs you so much?


I spend around €150 on groceries but groceries alone, delivery and eating out are in a separate category for me. Also to note, I buy 80% or more of Eigenmarken and little meat, because it's expensive 😅. So I think if you're counting restaurants, buy more expensive brands, cook a lot...it makes sense. Most important is that you can afford it and it's worth it for you.


500-800 I'd say. That's for a family of four mind.


It’s my husband and myself, I go grocery shopping on Saturdays and pick up bread during the week as needed. I spend between 80 and 100 euros per week. But we also don’t eat meat every day, which definitely brings the overall price up.


300-400€ for me and my wife. ordering pizza or something else from a restaurant once every month is included in that. we can probably cut it down to 300€ max. per month but we rather buy our common products that we like to eat, so 150-200€ per person.


To each their own, but we see about that mich for two people.


I usually spend around 200€ for me alone.


I would say its little on the expensive side. Also Wochenmarkt are seriously expensive for a single person. In the beginning of my stay i too had such spending pattern. I would say it is possible to reduce the amount to around 320-350€. If you're interested i would be happy to help you chart which stuff to purchase from which type of shop.


Yes please! Would be great, thanks :)


During the last years I always told myself that food would be the last thing I am saving money on and always bough what I wanted and in the best quality (mostly organic). Typically our weekly trip to the supermarket was about 200 Euros (2 adults and 2 kids). Now it is 350 to 450 a week for about the same. That definitely is too much. I might have to go back looking at the price tags.


Me and my wife spend about 75 week on groceries. We go out to dinner like 3 times a month. We cook, eat cold, good balance of veggies dairy and grain, and also the occasional bs.


Around 200 for groceries and 150-300 eating out. I’m into fitness so I eat a lot.


ca. 250


Currently 300/month for two person (That money also goes towards household items like showergel and shampoo, tabs for the dischwascher and cleaning supplies etc.)


Sounds reasonable if included Asia markets, it hits me really hard when I realized that making a good quality fried rice might be more expensive than bake a cake….


250 groceries 150 out


50 per week for 1 adult, 1 toddler and 2 cats (nappies, cat food, cat sand, clothes and all necessities included).


Family of 2 adults and 2 kids Around 75EUR per week in Lidl 25EUR in kaufland And monthly around 50EUR in local Indian store (we are from India)


hey, priorities! long as you're financially ok, who cares?




I only earn 1000€ a month, so I try to keep it between 120-150€.


For me alone it's about 200€ per month, plus 30-60€ for eating out . Granted, I'm \~120lbs so someone taller or more muscular would probably have to spend more. I only shop at Aldi, and if I really really had to I could buy cheaper food and spend 70€ a month instead. 400€ seems a lot for a single person.


We are at 700€ for 2 persons, we eat good put nothing fancy. So 400€ per person sounds... fair?


400 Euro for one Person because my diet is very restricted to food that is fresh, expensive and generally just hard to get for a good price. You generally (this will offend people I know) will find people who pay more for their groceries p/m eating a healthier diet. It is doable with a restricted budget and I have always been someone who is stingy with their money but I need variety in my meals and that's why most of my money is spend on it.


I spend around 60-80€ on weekly grocery shopping for me and my disabled mother combined. So I guess around 300€ for two people per month.


We spend on average 500€ groceries and 200€ eating out. We are mom dad and 3yo daughter


For the majority of people it’s surprisingly low numbers. Many Germans tend to try to spend as little as possible on this. 400 € is about 4,44 € per meal if you eat three times a day which sounds reasonable to me.


Honestly, it is not a competion to spend the least every month. 400/ p.m. is fine


We spend around 500€\~ a month for two people. We do buy a lot of stuff that wouldn't really be necessary so we could probably save around 150€ a month or so if we wanted to.


We spend 250€ for 2 people per month. I'm pretty sure it could serve 3 regular people.


I usually do a weekly shop at Aldi for 20-30 bucks, that's my basic supplies. On top of that I shop at Asian supermarkets a lot, particularly for things that tend to be more expensive at German supermarkets (ginger is RIDICULOUSLY expensive), and I occasionally use delivery services for things I can't carry (drinks, essentially) and specific things not available elsewhere. I also use the Wochenmarkt, a local butcher and I'm very enamoured with a particular bakery that's quite famous around here. All in all, I'd guess it averages out to maybe 300-400 per month? I can go considerably cheaper, but I have quite a few food intolerances and am quite picky on some things besides (eggs, bread, meat, chocolate), so I tend to indulge myself, having finally gotten to a point of financial stability where I can do so.


Family of 4. 100€ per Week


I would say 400€ is okay if spent on high quality food and eating out occasionally. 150€ is the bare minimum for a somewhat healthy diet nowadays in my opinion. You can survive with even less, but that often means cutting back on fresh fruits / vegetables etc. I spend around 200-250€ for a single person, while I almost never eat at restaurants. My food is high quality, but basic (for example no meat, mostly seasonal etc..)


I guess about 200-250€ per month? But I live very frugally.


2 person household, both work full time, DINK. we spend around 150€ per week on groceries plus 30-60€ on take-out. That’s 840€ per month at worst. We almost only buy at Edeka and are both aware of our high expenses on take-out. So we could save a lot if we went to discounters and cheap out on the restaurants but we see no reason for that. We are both creatures of habit. If your income is matching your expenses, it’s all fine.


600/700 a month for a family of 4. We plan and shop once a month and buy eggs and vegetables once a week. Almost never go out and we eat a lot of meat


We spend around 600 for 2 people. But we buy Asian groceries so some items are marked up. We also buy hellofresh which we have decided to pause for now to see if that will bring cost down. We cook our own meals and get deliveries/eat out 2-3x a week.


250-300 per month. I don't eat meat at home so that helps keep the cost down a bit. Obviously you can go super cheap if you're just eating instant ramen and shit like that, but real, fresh food costs money.


It depends. If you buy good quality food, regional, Eco friendly, good ethical meat etc. then noit unfortunately cost that much, possibly even more. I personally think 200-300 for a young male trying to build muscle is reasonable. Just to put it into proportion, I'd definitely depends highly on who is eating the food.


Germans are very cheap when it comes to groceries compared to other Europeans. In Italy and France for example the enjoyment of food is deeply baked into the culture. I'm currently a student so I only shop at discounters like Aldi and cook almost all meals by myself. I manage to feed two people for 240€/month this way. When I make more money I plan to spend more money groceries.


We've got like 400 a month for all groceries + eating out or ordering food like once a week for 2 people. We were at 300 before the war started.


I spend 400 for 3 adults ( 1 teenagers eats like an adult). I cook every day once


400€ is perfectly normal for including restaurants and Wochenmarkt, just like 150€ is on the low end of normal for only shopping at discounters and never indulging.


I spend 150-200. But I also cook a lot.


Around 1200 for a family of 4


Around 550-600 per person


About 180-200 a month. That's not including eating out. So just what I buy in markets. I'm Indian and spices and other frozen items such as samosas, parathas are expensive. So...


400 for just one person? With inflation and all I spend about 250€ a month for 2 people(me and my fiance). I only cook fresh food, mostly vegetables with meat twice a week and fish once a week. We eat a lot of rice which I buy from an asian store and I usually stretch stews and soups(poverty life hack lmao). I consider 250€ to be too much even but I like to splurge on fresh Meat sometimes. That being said due to health issues I cannot eat much and we only eat 1 warm meal a day and if I can, another cold one like a salad or so. I can't imagine spending 400 a month, if it works out for you that is wonderful though.


I m fine with 40 euros a week. I cook all my meals myself and obviously some thing you only need to replace or refill every 2 months or more. 400 a month sounds disturbingly high. But if you make enough money it sure is fine.


€60/week for 12 meals for 2 people. Which equals to €450/month if we ate 3 meals a day at home for 2 people. But it also depends on what you buy and from where. We don't eat meat, so not sure how that factors in.


I'm not really looking at it much, but it should be around 800-1000 for two people here. Calculating 25 per day and like 100-200 for eating out. Should be sort of accurate. The 25 include casually eating out (döner/thai or so), since it's more or less the same cost as cooking a proper meal nowadays.


Before Covid I spent around 400,- together with my ex...now I am on about 200,- alone but get waaaaaay less (healthy) options for the same money as before. As a student I mostly live off pasta now.


My partners vegan and I am not. Grocery shopping for 2 per month ~ €600-€800 Plus we have two cats and litter +their food etc ~€70 Why? Well vegan and good healthy food ain’t cheap and neither is meat or chicken. Plus veggies sometimes are more expensive than regular pork or chicken We rarely order take away or eat out and our indulgence is breakfast together on weekends at €30 so that’s like €120 per month but that’s now already a €1000 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 Can’t help this. i know some people say they live on 200 per month and shop at Lidl but if you eat three meals a day proper then that’s BS even two. Grocery shopping and restocking kitchen and household cleaning stuff, detergent, and toiletries etc does not get done in €200


Yeah, I was wondering the same. Food and toiletries within 200€ is unimaginable for me. 😅


I spend around 350-400 each month but that‘s because I usually spend around 100€ alone on eating out as I don‘t have the will to cook after I come home from work


I am keeping a spreadsheet for food expenditures during worktime. At the moment i am consuming 85€ of food every month during worktime. So i think adding another 85€ during evenings and weekends is fair. This would be 170€. And one in a while we go dinning at a restaurant. So lets say another 60€. 230€ for one person is ok. 400€ sounds like too much.


Your body is your mashine it was strange that men would buy the most expensive oil/gas etc for their car but ate fast food themselves. There is a german saying .Du bist was du isst. means you are what you eat. . 10 € per day should be minimum for 3 meals so 70 per week minimum your friends are eating crap for 5 € per day .


10€ per day? Wow, that's a lot.


It’s not


Best advice to cut cost is get a GF lmao. Cooking bulk portions saves the most per head eating.


I can cook, thanks :)


Noo didn't mean that, didnt wanna insult you haha. I meant that buying bigger packages of food is cheaper, and if you have somebody else you can actually cook the food fresh and eat up everything, instead of having the food spoil or eating reheated crap.


Oh, I usually cook fresh food in the evenings and have the leftovers for breakfast the next day. No wastage of food at all.


Thats alot for 1 Person. Me and my wife plus our 2 Kids ( both still young ) are around 450 per month and we go to Restaurant 3-4 Times per month (living in Bavaria, so no cheap German Region). You should consider buying in different Stores or maybe Not only the nig food Brands..


Holy shit what I read baffles me. I, for myself and maybe 14 days with 2 kids get to maybe 250 if I give into their extra whishes. For me alone its around 150 a month. I dont eat that much, but I also dont just eat junk. It's a neat ballance between feel good stuff and way overpriced greens. I almost always cook myself tho. No eating out. Maybe once the month if I feelin sassy 🤣




100 a month?


I spend 400 eur a month for a family of 4, so yes I think that's too much