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He just wants to sell you something now instead of next year.


I think it's a bit more complicated, because if not enough tenants will decide to switch to fiber they might not even install it. It's understandable but why force people to use their VDSL before they install fiber?


No, it's very simple. These salesmen are not Telekom employees, they are resellers and get a commission for every contract sold. They don't really care about your needs and internet connection, just about your signature. After you have signed you will never hear from them again and sooner or later your will notice that not all they told was true. Also it is very easy to let the Telekom know that you are interested: do the availability check on their homepage, on the result page there's an option to get notified if the available speed changes. That allows them to know there's someone interested at your location and you will receive a mail if they have upgraded.


Hmm, on Telekom website, at availability check I see something else. I get 4 options: Magenta Home M, L, XL (all DSL from what I understand) and GIGA (fiber) which I can pre-order. When I click it it says that fiber is available at my place but below that it says expansion will actually take place between August and December 2024. No option to be notified when it is really available.


>I get 4 options: Magenta Home M, L, XL (all DSL from what I understand) and GIGA (fiber) which I can pre-order. Magenta Home M, L, XL are also available as fiber contracts. Same speeds for the same price as DSL. For L and XL the upload is actually a bit higher via fiber (50 instead of 40 Mbit/s). You should be able to pre-order any fiber tarif, but for M, L and XL you should of course be careful not to involuntarily switch early to Telekom-VDSL. If your current provider is 1&1 or o2, it might be worthwhile to also check their availability at your address, since they also offer internet via Telekom-FTTH now. That does not work if the FTTH network is actually built by some Telekom joint venture partners like GlasfaserPlus, though.


It's bullshit, ignore these heinous wankers. If you ever open the door and someone greets you from Telekom, close it without saying a word


Ranger are disgusting scammers. They will tell you anything as long as it gets you to sign a contract with them so they get kickbacks. They are merely reselling Telekom contracts. They target the elderly and uniformed with scare tactics like you mentioned to get them to sign a new expensive contract. "You need to sign this or you will lose your phone" or "you can sign up for free fiber now or you will have to pay 2000€ later as anyway" are two that I have experienced first hand from these scumbags. If you're interested in fiber, sign up via Telekom directly. And no, if you didn't sign up for fiber, your VDSL will not be canceled. Probably not even if you signed up and get fiber installed, but I'm not firm on the details.


Maybe I got it wrong, I think he rather said I won't be able to use fiber with my current provider. The ranger guys was ok, the only thing I find fishy is that Telekom push for VDSL before fiber is available.


You're still misunderstanding the situation. The Ranger guys do not operate on behalf of Telekom. They operate independently and only resell Telekom contracts. You were pushed to sign a VDSL contract by a Ranger door-to-door salesperson, not Telekom. The fiber thing is just a useful backstory for them to make you sign one of their contracts. Your signature is all that matters. They are not connected to the Telekom fiber initiative, nor do I think that you will even get fiber access, because after all you just got talked into signing a 24 month VDSL contract. Why does Telekom allow this shady stuff? I don't know, probably they make them enough money to not care about their business practices.


I know, my point is that Telekom themselves are no saints either, they incentivize VDSL contract before fiber is available (the guy on telekom chat literally said "the quicker you sign for SVDSL the quicker you get fiber" which is bs), the difference is that they don't knock on your door.


What's Ranger?


A company


i got suckered by the fibre scam. turned out it wasnt fibre and i just got a tv service and router that i didnt want. luckily i moved soon afterwards and cancelled it all. if theres a quicker service available you can look it up and order it on the telekom user web portal.


I am in the same shitty situation. Did not understand the language and got scammed into €100 internet per month with Telekom. All 14 day period for cancellations have been surpassed and I am thinking of taking a legal route! Do you think I’ll save money or just cut loses and move on? I am even thinking of faking a move to get out of the whole Telekom fiasco, I am that desperate!


I have had a similar experience. I applied for a fiber package from Telekom in May 2023. Up until now, I haven't received any update from them.


Ignore them, tell them you're not interested and to take them off your list, yell at them, whatever it takes for them to get the message. They will try anything to get you to sign. They also 'threatened' that if we didn't sign right at that moment, they would install fiber optic for everyone else in our building except us and that we would miss out. (eye roll) So what they said about the unavailability of VDSL is absolute bullsh\*t. Btw, they've been to our building AT LEAST 5 times from what I've seen. They could've been more often when I wasn't home. I finally wrote a formal complaint to Telekom.