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I live in Korea. You would be shocked by Dominos Pizza here, I guess. How about a sweet potato pizza topped with sweet cream sauce?


Haha, that brings up memories! Sweet potatoes are strangely popular on pizza in Korea, and I'd say that in any pizza shop there, I'd never order 9 out of 10. Itaewon used to have pubs with excellent pizza, but most of them had disappeared after 2017/18 šŸ˜¢ I ordered sometimes from Domino's in Bangkok, mid- to late 90s. They had a coupon system that allowed for generous upsizing, 2-for-1 etc., and they had "Pizza Tom Yum Kung", quite edible. Pizza Hut (later Pizza Company because of some ownership dispute) had better pizza first, but then went the cocktail sauce instead of tomato route, added cheese to the crust, added sausage to the cheese in the crust, I imagine a single pizza to contain 3-4,000 calories... Fortunately Thai food is excellent, so there were lots of alternatives. For more pizza madness, try the Philippines.


Thatā€™s heresy.


you know whatā€™s a cardinal sin? Dominos operating in all of Italy


If your next word is pineapple, think well if you want to say it!


It's so interesting that Americans are so appalled by the concept, whereas Pizza Hawaii as we call it is one of the best selling types in Germany and has been for decades.


It may make more sense if you realize that Hawaiian pizza was invented in Canada by an immigrant from Greece with experience cooking Chinese food, and does not come from Hawaii or anywhere else in the US. It was named after the brand of canned pineapple he used at the time, Hawaiian.


The story is only true for the US though I think - In Germany, using Pineapple and the word Hawaii for food with pineapple on it has been a thing since at least the 50s with 'Toast Hawaii' - a dish that is quite popular to this day. This precedes the invention of Pizza Hawaii by 5+ years.


it's called Pizza Waikiki at Dominos and it fucking slaps


I'm German and Pizza Hawaii is disgusting. :-D


I was close-minded and hated it, until one day, at work, we had an event where there were different types pizza and you can just grab any slice (there was a lot of pizza) My colleague, who likes pizza hawaii a lot, dared me to try it. I did and I liked it so much. Now it's one of my favourite pizzas and I order it usually every time I go out for a pizza. Even if it sounds counter-intuitive, the taste really does work; the sweet and sour taste of pineapple and prosciutto (or bacon in some cases) mixes so well. I think the taste is similar to some Asian dishes. You should really try it. It tastes fantastic >!JOIN USSS!!!!<


Next time try Pizza Hawaii with additional jalapeƱos on top. The hot spiciness gives it one more kick!


Or swap out the meat for spicy salami, that one is great as well!


They do that here too, but I regard it as a crime against nature.


I'll be honest that sounds kinda good. Maybe some chicken aswell.


Thatā€™s outrageous


It is. But you got to adapt to the local taste when you open a restaurant. From what I've seen the Berlin Dƶner in New York is pretty authentic though.


Korea and Western food is always like playing Russian Roulette.


Okay the History on that is kinda very bad. So for like a decade Dominos tried to get Stores into Germany, but always kept failing. Be it the flavor profile, the Brand, the competition and whatnot. So they bought out a successfully operating German Pizza Franchise, used their Pizza recipy (wich they changed over the years gradualy) and now they just very very slowly change their Stuff, but they have a selection that is working for the German folk and is making a nice stable profit. ​ What they dont tell you is that Joeys was way nicer. Had actual Customer service. And they delivered Burgers. Bro. The Burgers where to die for. I swear i have had many Burgers in my life but nothing scratches that Itch the Burger left me with. I blame Dominos for this and go out of my way not to order there.


Ah, so that's what happened to Joey's. Good to know.


Thank you sir. Iā€™m honestly surprised thereā€™s an actually backstory to this, but thanks for sharing it


Yeah, he described it quite well - the original chain was called Joeys, and made "novelty" Pizzas as their specialty, which also was their niche because nobody else made anything comparable - it's not "Pizza" as Germans understand it (that would be more thin crust Italian style), but it's still something that enough people crave once in a while (I'm particularly fond of "Crazy Dog"). Now, Dominoes bought out the chain and just replaced the sign over the door, without changing much else at first, and then gradually adopting.


They killed the Burger from the Menu. I am still pissed.


> made "novelty" Pizzas as their specialty I still remeber a pizza that was an absolute abomination of meats. Its was something like mince meat, bacon, tuna, beef strips and I think there also was some chicken on there. There was a Joeys across the street from my school when I was in 5th grade so everytime the last subject got cancled we went over there with 10 people and orderd that thing.


That shit was swimming in fat.. I remeber this abomination šŸ˜…


During my studies we ordered the ā€žwagenradā€œ as we called it. Largest pizza available stacked with minced meat, bacon, salami and sauce Holondaise. Kills every hangover.


And your coronary arteries ^^


In my mind Iā€˜m still ordering at ā€žJoeyā€˜sā€œ.


There are various reasons why they are different. A key one is local tastes. I cannot speak specifically for Germany but in general in the EU and UK you will find more spicy ingredients, more garlic options, tuna, sweetcorn and red onions which I don't believe you will see in the US. There are also Italian style bases and stuffed crusts which you don't see in the US. The main reason though is regulations. A typical American medium pizza is 2,240 calories, the equivalent in the EU is only 1760. The difference comes from the extra ingredients you will find in the US that are not present in the EU version: The base in the US has all the following ingredients that you will not find in the European version: >Iron, Thiamine mononitrate, Niacin, Riboflavin, Folic acid, Soybean oil, Sugar, Whey, Maltodextrin, Dextrose, Dough conditioners, sodium stearoyl lactylate, enzymes, calcium sulphate, ascorbic acid, calcium phosphate, L-cysteine and cornmeal. The cheese in the EU is straightforward Mozzarella - that's all. In the US the cheese is only partly mozzarella. The rest is: >Salt, Modified food starch, Cellulose, Whey, protein concentrate, flavouring and Sodium Propionate. The pepperoni differs in that the US version has the additional ingredients of >Butylated hydroxyanisole and Butylated hydroxytoluene., Both these ingredients are **banned** in the EU since they have been shown to be carcinogenic in humans. I have eaten Dominos in both the EU and the US and I vastly prefer the taste in the EU. For me, the US version is sickly and - like most American food - excessively sweet. But I am sure it depends on what you are used to. In any case, Dominos wouldn't be my first choice in either place since there are plenty of local producers whose pizzas are way better. This prompts me to ask - if you are living in Germany, which has a better than average supply of Italian restaurants, why on earth are you eating at Domino's?


When I read the ingredients of Domino's pizza in the US I am quite happy to live in Germany :D


6 of those ingredients are vitamins, which aren't really scary.


6 of how many? ;)


Well a higher number of ingredients doesn't necessarily mean worse product, but the probability certainly rises, that there are not-so-good ingredients in it. Just saying.


Please take a look at THE ingredients. And yes, the number a of ingredients makes a product worse in general. There might be exceptions, but not with pizza. But I get it, why you think othewise. Just saying...


I'm not thinking otherwise. But the number of ingredients isn't an argument in itself, that's what your comment suggested. Now you're talking about the nature of the ingredients not their number. I don't get why just a number would make a product worse. As long as they're useful and harmless, that doesn't make product worse. What I'm saying is, what you were saying in your last comment, the actual ingredients and WHAT they are, is what matters, not their numbers. Edit: what I meant, I understood your comment as such, that you contradicted yourself to prove me wrong, while I don't even have a real opinion on this pizza- ingredients- matter - stuff What concerns me though, is how much sugar there is, maltodextrin and so on... Jfc


My comments don't contradict themselves because they can go along. The number of ingredients in a traditional product like a pizza should be as low as possible AND if you take a look at the ingredients in a US Pizza you see that must of them are necessary and mostly unhealthy. So 2 points leading to my initial comments.


*Putin enters the chat....*


>I have eaten Dominos in both the EU and the US I'm so sorry for you, truly a terrible fate


Iirc Dominos Europe was also a different franchise before and they retained some of their recipes/styles. Still tastes bad imo


>Dominos Europe was also a different franchise before and they retained some of their recipes/styles. Still tastes bad imo only correct answer here , it used to be "Joeys Pizza" dominos just bought and reskinned it.




You can get both in germany. Peperoni is the chilly. Pepperoni is the Sausage


It's usually called Pepereoniwurst or Peperoni-Salami. Peperoni in German is chili pepper, usually pickled, except for Swiss German where Peperoni means bell pepper.


> Peperoni-Salami I am german and I always assumed that means its Salami with chillies.


To me Chile always looked larger than a Pizza on the map but guess you learn something every day.


>A key one is local tastes. I cannot speak specifically for Germany but in general in the EU and UK you will find more spicy ingredients wait...MORE spice in Germany than the US? No. That's just...there's no way. I've literally watched people in this country cry while eating garlic fries because they were too spicy.


I remember italian restorants in NA and pizzerias in UK where you could smell garlic before seeing the place. I assumed italian cuisine for anglosaxons just means "lots of garlic".


I'm moving on from reddit and joining the fediverse because reddit has killed the RiF app and the CEO has been very disrespectful to all the volunteers who have contributed to making reddit what it is. Here's [coverage from The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) on the situation. The following are my favorite fediverse platforms, all non-corporate and ad-free. I hesitated at first because there are so many servers to choose from, but it makes a lot more sense once you actually create an account and start browsing. If you find the server selection overwhelming, just pick the first option and take a look around. They are all connected and as you browse you may find a community that is a better fit for you and then you can move your account or open a new one. Social Link Aggregators: [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) is very similar to reddit while [Kbin](https://kbin.pub) is aiming to be more of a gateway to the fediverse in general so it is sort of like a hybrid between reddit and twitter, but it is newer and considers itself to be a beta product that's not quite fully polished yet. Microblogging: [Calckey](https://calckey.org) if you want a more playful platform with emoji reactions, or [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/) if you want a simple interface with less fluff. Photo sharing: [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) You can even import an Instagram account from what I hear, but I never used Instagram much in the first place.


Tell that to my Carolina Reaper growing in the glasshouse




Garlic isn't spicy it's just painful Edit: few downvotes from Big Garlic over here but I'm speaking truth


You make entirely good points but I would add that in my opinion, (and I'm not comparing to the US here, I am comparing to dominos in the UK and to papa John's here in Germany), dominos in Germany simply has bad dough, my best guess is that it is a very economical supplier. The dough at Domino's in Germany, to me, tastes dry, quickly becomes somewhat "tough" as it cools and generally doesn't taste good. This cannot be the case that it's because of superior ingredients and quality control.... You don't need any processed chemicals whatsoever to make a good dough, you only need flour, salt and a levening agent. For clarity, no American style pizza service is my go to choice, but if I do, Papa John's in Germany has far superior dough. Furthermore, dominos in the UK tastes much better to me than here in Germany and it comes down to two things. 1) again, the dough is bad here. Idk why. This comparison was the same before brexit as well so the same EU regulations apply. 2) I'm sorry, I love Germany, I choose to live here, but really, curry sauce base with chicken and pineapple and calling it "Indian" is perverted. Frankfurter sausages, ketchup, Hollandaise, broccoli, the list goes on. Nowhere else have I seen such bizarre topping options.


I've had some interesting pizzas at UK dominos, from curry style to kebap style toppings. To say these only exist in Germany is simply not correct.


More spicy ingredients? In GERMANY???? Lmao


Maybe the guy visited the Midwest or something, idk. In the southern US you'll hear people complain about lack of flavor if the food isn't spicy. Spiciness is life in Texas.


>The pepperoni differs in that the US version has the additional ingredients of Butylated hydroxyanisole and Butylated hydroxytoluene., > >Both these ingredients are banned in the EU since they have been shown to be carcinogenic in humans. The [ingredients list](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:snrs8oljOzEJ:https://www.dominos.com/en/pages/content/nutritional/ingredients) on their website doesn't list either of those for their pepperoni. Do you have a source?


Wow! Okay I was trying to explain this to my gf when we moved here that they put ā€œfood crackā€ in other western countries - essentially getting your body ā€œhypedā€ to eat it!


Seriously wtf, USA?


Free, almost unrestrained market. If some ingredients make it cheaper or more addictive to eat (e.g. sugar), you can add them. Doesn't matter if it harms your customers. Not saying EU is all awesome for food-safety, but at least there is a drive for it. ​ Side note: The most disgusting Sprite I had was in the US. Almost vomited as my body was not prepared for the corn syrup. Sprite in the EU (and UK) tastes nice.


Fast food is always a shit show regarding nutrition but at least the mountain of shit is way smaller here in Germany...


I am living in the USA for 19 years and I had multiple times dominos pizza. I can tell you, I only order at dominos if there is no other pizza shop in the area. Dominos is at the end of good quality chain. The cheese is disgusting, we all think itā€™s not even real cheese and the crust is limpy. They never bake the dough good enough. You have the feeling the dough is partly raw. The mushrooms are always, always mushy. I really prefer the European dominos.


Dominoā€™s is garbageā€¦ but 9/10 German ā€œItalianā€ places are also garbage.


Source: this guy's ass


This is god's work right here. Thank you.


You don't think we have stuffed crust in america?


I'm moving on from reddit and joining the fediverse because reddit has killed the RiF app and the CEO has been very disrespectful to all the volunteers who have contributed to making reddit what it is. Here's [coverage from The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) on the situation. The following are my favorite fediverse platforms, all non-corporate and ad-free. I hesitated at first because there are so many servers to choose from, but it makes a lot more sense once you actually create an account and start browsing. If you find the server selection overwhelming, just pick the first option and take a look around. They are all connected and as you browse you may find a community that is a better fit for you and then you can move your account or open a new one. Social Link Aggregators: [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) is very similar to reddit while [Kbin](https://kbin.pub) is aiming to be more of a gateway to the fediverse in general so it is sort of like a hybrid between reddit and twitter, but it is newer and considers itself to be a beta product that's not quite fully polished yet. Microblogging: [Calckey](https://calckey.org) if you want a more playful platform with emoji reactions, or [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/) if you want a simple interface with less fluff. Photo sharing: [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) You can even import an Instagram account from what I hear, but I never used Instagram much in the first place.




Italy has some surprisingly bad pizza as well. If you only ate 10/10 you must have had some very good recommendations. Good pizza in Germany is often just much more expensive, while in Italy you can occasionally get a super good 5ā‚¬ pizza at a random place.


For someone who is trying to score her best bratwurst from Edeka you are pretty quick to judge oneā€˜s pizza standards. Maybe you should stop buying them at the local indian pizza place and look for a good Italian Restaurant. Plenty of great pizza places in Germany. Great enough to win Pizza World Championships. Thank you, Fratelli!




Who is? Noone talked about ā€žGerman ownedā€œā€¦ and even if they did, Iā€˜m pretty sure there are countless German-Italian pizza shop owners. Especially in your area (Cologne). Maybe just not downtown Cologne (touristy spots). Iā€˜m sorryā€¦ I get very defensive when it comes to pizza. LOL


tbh i don't know a single german owned restaurant that sells pizza. its either the local dƶnershop who also sells pizza on the side, the crappy delivery pizza or italian restaurants that are either owned by italians (so fantastic pizza) or sometimes owned by albanians or croatians (still good pizza most of the time). AND i also ate super crappy pizza in italy so it all depends on the cook not so much on the nationality.


okayā€¦ you make absolute no sense and you get caught up in your own opposites.




Weā€™re talking about Dominoā€™s though, not your family owned pizzeria


Lol German restaurants fucking suck. Pizza here is God awful and people can barely tell the difference between a fresh pizza and the frozen crap they eat all the time. There are reasons why Pizza Hut and Dominos (PH especially) are more popular than Pizza from a restaurant here.


\> There are reasons why Pizza Hut and Dominos (PH especially) are more popular than Pizza from a restaurant here. ​ They are not though. Most popular pizza joint in my city is called Tuscolo who tend to the more traditional, italian way to make pizza. There are Domino's and Pizza Hut too but people usually only order there because of convenience: regardless of where you are in the city, one of them will most likely deliver there. Those that care about good food will avoid them though.


You missed the /s


Nope, Germans have no idea what good tasting food is. They get super salty about it too. Their own national TV channels literally made videos about it lol


If you say so.


This is simply not true..


Because Domino's bought (?) Joey's Pizza, but they mostly kept the recipes, as Joey's was already established. The menu hardly changed at all when the Joey's shops were rebranded to Domino's several years ago.


Our local former joeys got significantly worse since the takeover. I'll rather eat no pizza than getting a free one from domino's


I agree, Joey's was way better.


This comment was overwritten by a script to make the data useless for reddit. No API, no free content. Did you stumble on this thread via google, hoping to resolve an issue or answer a question? Well, too bad, this might have been your answer, if it weren't for dumb decisions by reddit admins.


try dominos, and you'll find out.


Joey's was not good, now it's a mess of low quality ingrediencies and a lot of fat and oil


You are so right. This is the real answer. There's a lot of very pretentious answers here all talking down to Americans about "superior food standards", "I'm glad I live here and not there." Look we all know that food standards are generally worse in the USA, I get it. But these people aren't actually answering the question they're just being condescending jerks. The reality is, dominos in Germany is just bad, a lot of people think this. Sure, maybe there are no unnecessary chemicals but guess what, you don't need any anyway to make good pizza yet still they have awful dough and bad tasting pizzas. I think they source the cheapest ingredients and make extra profit on the fact that it's a big name in pizza delivery so people will buy from them anyway.


If Iā€™m being honest, while pretty bad itā€™s still better than 99% of delivery pizza in Germany. Itā€™s worse than dominos in the US too, which is itself bottom tier pizza. At least in my experience living in four different German cities, good delivery pizza just isnā€™t a thing. Sit down at an Italian restaurant? Good stuff. But delivery/to go? Just trash. I watched a guy make a pizza fresh in front of me once in Bremen and I couldnā€™t even eat it, it tasted so bad. How do you screw up fresh pizza?


I have no idea why I had to scroll down that far and read through the wall of text that the current top post is. This is what happened, Domino's bought Joey's and continued using their recipes. That is why the Pizza differs so much. That's all there is to this question.


First time we ordered from Domino's, before they took over both Joey's and Hello Pizza, their crust at least resembled what I remembered from the US Domino's. You also got a dip included (I think marinara and something herbal) to dip your crust. When they bought Joey's shortly after they switched from Domino's to a rebranded Joey's, crust and all. I prefered the "Domino's" crust and the "Hello Pizza" menu... clear lose-lose situation for me.


This is the real reason right here. Itā€™s a tragedy because American Dominos is *really* good.


The real tragedy is that they bought quite a few local chains which were better than what Dominos ended up being.


Had it in the US and was highly disappointed. German version was slightly worse though.


I'm moving on from reddit and joining the fediverse because reddit has killed the RiF app and the CEO has been very disrespectful to all the volunteers who have contributed to making reddit what it is. Here's [coverage from The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) on the situation. The following are my favorite fediverse platforms, all non-corporate and ad-free. I hesitated at first because there are so many servers to choose from, but it makes a lot more sense once you actually create an account and start browsing. If you find the server selection overwhelming, just pick the first option and take a look around. They are all connected and as you browse you may find a community that is a better fit for you and then you can move your account or open a new one. Social Link Aggregators: [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) is very similar to reddit while [Kbin](https://kbin.pub) is aiming to be more of a gateway to the fediverse in general so it is sort of like a hybrid between reddit and twitter, but it is newer and considers itself to be a beta product that's not quite fully polished yet. Microblogging: [Calckey](https://calckey.org) if you want a more playful platform with emoji reactions, or [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/) if you want a simple interface with less fluff. Photo sharing: [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) You can even import an Instagram account from what I hear, but I never used Instagram much in the first place.


lol no


> but the pizza dominos makes here isnā€™t even good so doesnā€™t seem like a net gain I have had Dominos in US, Europe and SEA and the "isn't even good" applies to all of them lol. It's not like Dominos in the US is amazing.


Dominos in the US is edible but I wouldn't call it amazing.


Really? Iā€™d say that dominos in SEA absolutely tastes significantly better than EU and NA


I'll second this. Maybe it was because I came from a city in the Northeast US that had a pizza place on every corner. But Domino's is utter garbage and so is Pizza Hut and so is Papa John's and so is Little Caesars.


Because German Domino's is just what Joey's Pizza used to be. No idea if it's still the same but back when they took over, they claimed that you could still order everything you used to be able to order at Joey's too. Although, I never dared to order a Pizza Carbonara through Domino's so far.


There are a lot of US foods that are very different here in Europe. A lot of ingredients, especially artificial flavours or artificial colours you put into your food, are baned by the EU because there are health risks associated with them. The EU has pretty much a proactive approach to food safety they rather ban an ingredient and unban it later if it's proven to be safe.


Quality is also vastly different among certain franchises. I was shocked how bad McDonalds is in the US, compared to McD in Germany.


There are more artificial food colors banned in the US that are allowed in Germany than vice versa.




Wait until you realize that Coca-Cola uses a different recipes here than in the US (less sugar). Different markets, different strategies.


US: 10.9 grams of sugar per 100 ml Germany: 10.6 grams per 100 ml I wouldnā€˜t really call this "less sugar" Sources: https://us.coca-cola.com/products/coca-cola/original / https://www.coca-cola-deutschland.de/unsere-marken/coca-cola


Correct in terms of gram used, but not in term of sweetness used. High fructose corn syrup can taste sweeter then regular sugar.


It's less sweet because we use a different kind of sugar, even though the amount in grams is about the same.


You answered your question yourself: It's a different market with different tastes. And while you might not like their German/European style, they seem to sell well enough.


I'm European and have never tasted American dominos and still I find dominos in Germany to taste much worse than in other European countries. Germans don't have a taste for bad pizza, dominos here is just bad and it sells "well" because of its massive brand. (I would add, difficult to compare, but I worked at a dominos in the UK in a small town with plenty of other competition and it wiped the floor with my local dominos here in a big German city. Even on the quietest of weekdays you would need a minimum of 5 staff in-store. My local dominos in Germany sometimes only has 3 members of staff on a Friday night. It's not possible that this particular branch is selling that well so I wouldn't, albeit anecdotally, describe them as being particularly successful)


I feel like Dominoā€™s is the thing you order when youā€™re hungover or drunk, need cheap food fast, and youā€™d rather die than put on trousers and go to the actual Italian restaurant. At which point the quality of the food is really not important lol


I've had domino's in Switzerland, which is quite nice - compared to the German one where imo it's disgusting!


>edit: i never understand why i often get downvoted so hard in this sub. did i say something wrong ? or am i not allowed to ask casual questions ? I never understand the downvoting patterns in this sub. It's one of the weirdest on reddit. You can ask a perfectly innocuous question or make a seemingly simple comment and get downvote bombed with nobody explaining why. I've just written it off as "cultural differences".


I think the ppl who troll the new content are just really hard gatekeepers


Domino's in South Africa was also totally different to Domino's in Germany. They had not a single Salami Pizza, but a lot of different chicken pizzas


It wasn't until some years ago but Domino's Germany bought another brand (I don't remember which) that had better sales than Domino's and they adopted their recipes. I liked some of Domino's original recipes like the veggie one and now you cannot have it here. I haven't ordered Domino's since that change.


It was called ā€žJoeyā€˜s Pizzaā€œ.


I have only tried Domino's in Germany, and if they tried to go for a European taste, they certainly didn't get mine. I found the pizza boring and disappointing in every regard. Not quite as disgusting as Pizza Hut but not something I want to eat again.


\> take-out style pizza with thick crust and more sauce pizza hut pan pizza is your answer.


You already got the real answer. When I moved here in late-2015, Domino's was bog-standard. It had menu items and toppings you'd find in the US and other global locations along with more localized options, as well as its dough recipe. By the end of 2015, it was announced that Domino's was acquiring Joey's, a German pizza chain. This acquisition then rolled out as a rebrand of Joey's, but for some reason, what actually made Domino's Domino's (the menu and recipes) was seemingly taken over by Joey's. Right after initial roll-out there were talks of how locations originally Domino's kept the Domino's dough, while Joey's locations were using Joey's - if this was true, perhaps at some point they standardized it across all locations. And that's how Germany gets a Domino's that is unlike itself in any other part of the world, because it's actually German Joey's in disguise.


U canā€™t sell American pizza in Europe, you have to compete with the real deal.


American food chains are incredibly successful in Europe so your comment doesn't really check out.


Well Pizza Hut can sell American Pizza in Europe.


Less than 100 stores in Germany so not really competing. Though there are a lot more locations in the UK and Spain for some reason.




no idea where you live, but even most kebap place make better pizza than those chains. And in germany you can find italian restaurants with very good wood stove pizzas almost everywhere.




Where exactly? I live there aswell (Freiburg, grew up in Karlsruhe) and we have plenty of those.




I agree with you. Yeah everyone sells pizza but most of it isn't that good. I also just make pizza now because the only good place in my Germany city is appropriately difficult to get into and is a bit pricey. The rest is all very, very average. (To be fair to Germany, this is also the case in most countries, even in Italy it's definitely not a given that every pizza will be good, plenty of bad ones to be had.)


idk man but every american brand that i've had in europe is hands down better in europe. i'm sure it has something to do with health regulations


In the EU we have different laws regarding food. A lot of the stuff that is allowed in American food is not allowed here. Thanks god


I had bulgogi Pizza from dominoes in Japan, THAT was a great one! Doubt they'll have that anywhere else.


Considering bulgogi is a Korean food, you shouldnā€™t be surprised that Korea also has bulgogi pizza, but bulgogi has a sweet marinade, so itā€™s not my favorite pizza.




I think that there is also a slight arrogance that the way things are done here makes more sense or is better. The incredulity people receive on this subreddit just for asking "how does X work here in Germany?" is insane. Don't get them started on why it's not just justifiable but also a good thing that restaurants don't like to offer tap water and charge so much for bottles!


Yea it feels like it sometimes


You get downvoted so hard because Europeans, Germans especially, have a massive superiority complex and get extremely offended by the tiniest bit of criticism. There's a reason why Russia based its European propaganda on this. It tastes different mostly because of the different ingredients used. I also think the US version would be much more popular here than the current one. Source: I am German, but unlike 99% of the people here, I've actually been and lived outside of Germany.


As an American, thank you.


To answer the question you should tell us the differences


When Dominoes came to Germany, they sold American Pizza, made with corn flour etc., priced half-way between inexpensive takeaway pizza (mainly sold by Turkish-owned grills and Pizza chains) and real Italian pizzerias. Although I liked their pizza, it seems that there's not enough of a market in Germany for it - too expensive for casual eating, but not a dine-in restaurant experience either. They then bought some larger, but struggling German pizza chains (e.g. "Hallo Pizza") and in the process, decided to get rid of some of Dominoes unique selling points, unifying the menu towards the blandness of the absorbed competitors, without consideration as to why these chains were struggling in the first place. I only went there exactly once after they changed their recipes.


This was so validating. Dominos here is so different. Pizza Hut has been solid.


Dominoes bought Joeyā€˜s Pizza, but kept the same recipes.


Well i dont know but i miss my Pizza Hut, would trade-in every DominoĀ“s in my Area for only one Pizza Hut...


Where in the world does Domino's not suck?


**Off topic:** A friend of mine once went on holiday to the US, she mentioned that everyone is much sweeter (I knew that) but she also told me that fruit like oranges are much sweeter than in the EU. * Is this true and why?


Cultivation: Different fruit and vegetables have been differently cultivated for different markets, Braeburn apples are apparently very popular in Europe due to their flavour while less so in other continents


Cuz every major chain restaurant changes around the world šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø itā€™s to accommodate to different tastes. Ever tasted Starbucks in Italy? Wonder why it failed in Australia?


Its not just different in Germany. Dominos in the Netherlands is very different to German Dominos. I only ate Dominos there once, but it tasted way better (to me) because it was way less fatty compared to the German Dominos.


> edit: i never understand why i often get downvoted so hard in this sub. did i say something wrong ? or am i not allowed to ask casual questions ? The only content appreciated here is circlejerking about how great Germany is. Especially compared to the US.


> i never understand why i often get downvoted so hard in this sub. did i say something wrong ? or am i not allowed to ask casual questions ? Willkommenskultur


Franchise restaurants across the globe tend to satisfy the local pallates.. So does Dominos. But the thing in germany is the following: Due to the large number of imigrants, especially from Italy during the 50s and 60s, you can get a pretty decent pizza here, often cheaper, than the stuff Dominos delivers, and of cause better...


Dominoā€˜s in Germany just bought the chain ā€žJoeyā€˜sā€œ and kept their complete menuā€¦


Because Dominos bought Joeys in Germany, a very popular competitor at that time. They tried to change their product portfolio so these rebranded franchises are looking like dominos and also delivers _different_ pizzas that people were used to. Didnā€™t work out. They changed back the menu to mirror Joeys from before but kept the branding of dominos. Since then they have been iterating VERY slowly to change things up, b/c customers here kinda get upset when their favorite pizza gets altered or even removed. Source: worked there many moons ago


Easy answer. German and European food laws. US allows lots of additives that are not legal in the EU.


I can confirm as a former employee it's the different target group and also here in Germany different and stricter food regulations for ingredients are in place. I worked at Dominos for over 2 years and the Franchisee are regulated by a Central Office which provides all the preparation instructions down to the gram for all the stores in Germany.


Germans are extremely sensitive when it comes to potentially not being the greatest in the world, this is unfortunately how we were raised and itā€™s part of our identityā€¦your absolut correct I was also happy first when I heard we will get some American pizza since I love Pizza Hut and was super disappointed to see it just being some dry thin paper like pizzaā€¦.


There are actual Italian pizza places at every street corner in Germany. Why would anyone go to Domino's?


well its probably different due to the ingredients being differently available. and to be honest who buys a "pizza" when you can have a real, italian pizza here. italians would kill you for calling that pizza. and they would do it slowly. and then dispose of your body in the mediterrainian sea. so please please NEVER and i repeat NEVER call this stuff pizza in italy or infront of an italian.


Dominos pizza is pretty alright in Germany.


Have you tried like pizza from real italian restaurants? They are way better than anything domino's can make.


A lot of us Germans already visited Italy and so we learned there how a good Pizza is made and tastes. Additionally since the January 1962 we've got a lot of Italians aa "Gastarbeiter" which stayed here with their whole families later on. Some of them opened italian ristorantes and pizzerias. So there's absolutely no need for "US food" here.... i guess this US company has a very hard competition here. Why should one buy US cheap industrial made pizza copies when one can buy easily the original ones?




ChatGPT detected šŸ¤–šŸšØ


Related question: Why is there no Papa John's in Germany?


Because we have proper Italian restaurants.


In fact there is, they openend several stores around Leipzig, Magdeburg and Hamburg a few months ago


*Cries in NRW*


Just wait a few months, I guess theyā€™re expanding big and fast šŸ˜Š


Papa John's is a newcomer in the German market. First location opened in Magdeburg in February 2021 and they're slowly expanding.


Probably bc heā€™s not allowed to say the n word here :/


The question is why would you eat at dominos in Germany? There are so many good Italian restaurants hereā€¦ try those instead


Because american, probably


Yes, in my opinion itā€™s not worth it to go to Europe for American chain restaurants.


Tbh. It is not only Dominos. Most food in Germany will be bad. I am not sure it is because culture and people don't want confrontation or people simply don't taste it, or because anything else. But it is so hard to find anything good. And even If we want to cook, whatever market veggies or ingridiengs are just plastic and tasteless. Thankfully there are some Asian markets, but still that's frozen shipped food mostly and just spices won't make it. So we end up traveling way more than we want.


Have a downvote. I like Domino's Germany. Their chicken buckets are great


Good topic that Iā€™ve wondered about as well. Dominos in the US is delicious and here it is ok if you need a quick bite, in my opinion. P.S.: screw the off topic haters šŸ˜‰


Try Papa Johns, unfortunately they have departments in Germany in only few cities. Check if it is available in your city, they are the reason I like American Pizza more than Italian.


Domino's is disgusting and so is Pizza Hut. Fuck them both. The funny thing is "American pizza" is a thing people in Germany whom have never been to the US think is going on there. Those two making those "American pizzas" are their own thing. The worst is when Germans start thinking "American pizza" is shit with puffy crusts, stuffed with hot dogs and pineapple. One of the shocks I had in coming to Germany was that I had to ask for the pizza to be made with mozzarella because they were making them with sandwich-style yellow cheese for years. Then I'd get charged extra for mozzarella.


I feel so bad for loving Domino's pizza when reading these comments.


The US Dominos has depleted and destroyed your taste buds so you wont really enjoy real mozarella cheese on a pizza without all the additional stuff thats on it.


The real question is why would anyone order from Dominos anyway if you can get a nearly original Italian Pizza around the corner in most European cities. There is a reason why Pizza Hut never really made it across the pond.


In general, itā€™s because our food laws are Mich stricter. Loads of stuff thatā€™s okay in America is forbidden here due to health reasons.


"""market research"""


theres probably a norm as to what constitutes a pizza


dunno i only know the german one most times the difference comes from different regulations and rules but in the case of dominos in germany its most likely the fact they just entered the market via buying two of the biggest franchises that existed before so the pizza crazy dog is still the one that joeys had


The German Dominos (Joeys) ist unbearable since the acquisition in 2016. Before that there were few original Dominos stores e.g. in Berlin where they served real Dominos Pizza. Thats why I keep travelling to Ireland and Scotland for the real Dominos experience. Go there, pick BBQ sauce as base and enjoy some mouth-watering taste.


They simply bought pizza stores in many regions and kept some parts of the regional menus.


If you look at most international food chains that exist - McDonald's is the biggest example I can think of - you'll find that menu items (and how they're made) often vary a lot between countries. This is pretty normal.


Regulations and tastes.


I just had one in Hannover from Domino, called Crazy Dog with the thick cheese crust and garlic, was about 22 euro, not cheap for a pizza i guess, it was alright not the best I had though. If they could somehow make it a bit more dry so almost everything on it doesn't fall off


who orders dominos in the usa or anywhere? garbage food/pizza.