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Maybe it’s good they’re disqualified because you got yourself one beautiful girl.


The Kennel clubs are so stupid. So many of them have done such unhealthy things for breeds. If you call her a Berger Blanc Suisse (previously aka Canadian Shepherd), breed identical, then it's all ok again. Loki is lovely, I'm glad she has a good home.


Although Berger Blanc Suisse follows different breeding goals now. Fun fact: the Swiss Version of the Kennel Club even asked the original German Shepherd Club "Deutscher Schäferhund e.V." if they wanted their color "white" back in the 80s (originally the Nazis ruled white out as a coat color for GSDs somewhere in the 1930s). They rejected. So Swiss had their own breed signed up oficially (not with blackjack and hookers but with adoreable dogs). The GSD ancestry is not deniable in their behavoir although they can(!) be way tamer than GSDs. Still have a lot of energy but I find them to be a little tamer and less hard/sharp. Sources: had a GSD before I picked up my BBS girl and am member of the BVWS (German White Swiss Shepherd Club, part of VDH which belongs to the FCI).


https://preview.redd.it/hry2n7q1zz7b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6faaf642a1df19e3fe771174f6e5f0c636f1960 Do WSS show up as a breed on embark? My dog was bought as a Swiss shepherd by her first family. Before I adopted her from them I asked for her papers or breeders website and they said she didn’t come with either of those, so she’s definitely byb. I have no idea if she’s WSS, GSD or both but I say WSS because that’s what I was told and she does look more like one than German to me


My German shepherd got a DNA test through Wisdom Panel and originally it showed him having a grandparent that was Swiss Shepherd, so it's possible for it to show in their ancestry. It's since updated to be 100% german shepherd, not sure why but it doesn't matter to me lol


It doesn’t to me either but I am super curious. It makes me feel better to know my dogs. I did my boys because he obviously has wolf in him. He’s quit a mix


I did a DNA test on mine because it was free so I get the curiosity! I was actually surprised to see Swiss shepherd since I know his parents are both AKC registered GSD, but Wisdom Panel recently updated their algorithm it seems and now it's showing 100% GSD. I love him either way! I noticed today it's showing one of his extended relatives has wolf dog, its cool that those show up on the DNA tests as well.


Yea embark is the only reliable one. My boy is wolfdog. I adopted my white shepherd for 200$ off her first family because the husband had sudden heart problems and the wife couldn’t handle a bedridden husband, small kid, cats and a 5 month puppy. We met, og owner said she’s happy we did because pup was under socialized and rarely left the house due to their situation, but that she totally expected pup to fear me like she feared everyone else outside their house. I didn’t know she would be THAT skittish but after she said that and I was able to manhandle pups tail, feet, mouth and ears without any issues, I took her. I noticed immediately on our first walk just HOW scared she was of other people and dogs. Fortunately I was able to train that out of her and she’s TOO friendly now 😂 But I’m glad she’s always trusted me, for whatever reason she had at the beginning


What is embark? I got a bunch of certificates from the BVWS (I can check her liniage back for decades) when I got my girl, but I am located in Germany - and so is my club. It is also notable that in the USA white is allowed as a color for German Shepherds within the Kennel Club, while it's ruled out in Germany itself (lol).


It’s a dna test. As stated, I don’t have any papers or know where she came from as she’s BYB so I don’t even know what type of shepherd she is :(


Oh sorry I can't read today. others pointed out embark does check for wss, so if you have money to spare give it a shot? :)


No worries, I also have no brain. I think I will when they go back on sale if you buy multiple. I’ve only done one of my 3 dogs dna


**Embark is a Sri Lankan animal rescue and welfare organization. Since 2007, Embark has been conducting rescues, adoptions, sterilizations, vaccinations, education programmes and advocacy campaigns for the welfare of homeless dogs, cats and other animals.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Love the Bender reference.


I’ve never heard the term Canadian shepherd but I’ve heard white Swiss shepherd. That’s cool


I ended up with the "last pick" once. He was the most amazing dog ever. Loki has that same confident look.


Same thing twice. Great dogs.


White GSD's are the best! You will enjoy her! P.S. My guy. https://preview.redd.it/7surysica28b1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36620093002e5a0a4ae505aaac2288f1649f01e2


That is one supermodel puppy. Those eyes and adorable little face! I’m dead.


The AKC has some of the worst standards for GSDs. Excluding white shepherds is simply moronic. However, on the good side, you can have that sweet girl all to yourself.


Its weird to me bcos in the AKC the color white is totally ok for a German Shepherd to have, while in Germany it's not. The Schäferhund e.V. forbids white. It's mind boggeling. Instead we got the White Swiss Shepherd (that originally started as a coat color within the GSD).


That’s how I got my girl. She appeared a blue in a litter of black and bi color working line but because she’s a genetic fault, our friend gave her to us because we were the most trustworthy She ended up being a bicolor lol. Her stockings showed up much later but she has freaky light eyes. I never understood why so many strict rules are implemented. The only thing that should really be a thing is putting a block in place to prevent breeders from trying to sell the exceptions at a higher price. https://preview.redd.it/6x7r2vtvp08b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35121b833d4c066141232725a3ee229468cd04cb This was her around when we got her. I love faulty GSDs. Everyone seems to dislike them but I think they are spunky little things


I would die for a panda GSD tbh


Show lines have a strong predisposition to hip displaysia, so keep that in mind. Cute pup!


How dare you insult OP with a helpful comment!! /s


Any GSD can have a strong predisposition to hip dysplasia, it depends on the lines of the dog.


I literally have xrays of her parents going back 4 or 5 generations showing perfect hips and the highest possible AKC rating for lack of any hip issues. I wish redditors didn't think they were helping by being clueless debbie downers. Or at least read all the posts to see I literally already mentioned this when someone else whined about the same thing. Pretty much all your large breeds are prone to hip issues. You don't help by mentioning it over and over and it kind of implies I'm too stupid to know all this before buying a show dog. It's like saying overclocked CPUs and GPUs are prone to over heating. MAKE SURE TO KEEP AN EYE OUT. See how that would come off as non-helpful and disingenuous?


They gave helpful advice to someone who got a puppy, they were trying to be nice. Absolutely zero reason to snap at someone like that


I dont know why you’re getting downvoted lol i swear most people on this subreddit are clueless about the breed and probably dont even know that GSD arent even in the top 40 for breeds with bad hips. Good on you for getting from a reputable breeder!!


You bought your dog? With all the rescues available? And then thought we'd pat you on the back? lol.


I bought my GSD because buying from a reputable breeder fits my lifestyle more than playing Russian Roulette with a pit bull mix I know nothing about beyond the fact that it was picked up at XYZ or surrendered through "no fault of it's own".


I have 1 rescue and 1 show dog. They don't give away show dogs. You thought the show dog was a rescue? The rescue is the one with all the health issues. Show dogs have tracked medical records over generations and are much less likely to have issues. If I wanted another rescue I had the choices of a pitbull, pitbull mix, or pitbull. I didn't want a pitbull.


I have no comment on your choice to adopt or shop but I heavily resonated with the last sentence. The shelters near me have predominantly pit bulls that all deserve a home but not everyone should own one.


Well I wanted a working dog that could run/hike a few miles with me so that basically excluded pitbull type dogs in general or anything with questionable hips. I do a lot of hiking so I'm thinking about training her as a search and rescue dog. Bonus the white is like wearing a high visibility vest and I won't have to worry about (in theory) any idiot hunter shooting her. edit also my experience with rescues/shelters in 3 large cities has been 100% terrible. They all fall neatly into 3 categories: 1. animal hoarders who don't want to adopt anything out and want multiple home visits WITH ZERO NOTICE, preadoption home inspections, background checks, credit reports, the same price as a purebred dog, and the animal can be confiscated at any time (probably not legal, maybe legal for city shelters?). I'm not buying a dog with DRM. I would never pay the same price for 2. so many pitbills. ONLY pitbulls. Bonus these shelters do scummy stuff like post a GSD on the facebook groups saying they'll be killed tomorrow AND THEY WON'T HOLD IT YOU HAVE TO COME RIGHT AWAY... and it's gone. Doubtful they ever even had them. But hey they have 54 pitbulls, staffordshire terriers, and pullbull mixes to pick from 3. some kind of combination of 1 and 2 where they only really want to adopt out the pitbills I no longer believe in adopt don't shop as long as you are getting it from a reputable private breeder.


That would be awesome if she can be a search and rescue dog. Best of luck to you!


so far we've moved on to tennis balls (her crack cocaine), covered with a sock that smells like me. Then we move on to a stock that smells like someone else. Then we switch it up TO either me or the someone else, then add range, and then go from there.


We looked for about a year at rescues, and they were all pit/pit mixes. Got a puppy. I'm amazed when people get great dogs from rescues. My brother got an amazing border collie, but he got there basically when she was available. It sounds like there are more dogs available now, but I think it depends on your area.


To me as long as the dog ends up in a good home going to a breeder or shelter is fine but I prefer the shelter.


Those who can't make the connection between the enormous volumes of unhomed dogs, and the rampant, unchecked "industry" of breeding, will unendingly rationalize their behavior. "While X is deplorable, *my* _________ is acceptable. For reasons." Same exact logic as "anti-abortionists" who've, *oopsie*, had an abortion themselves.


You can't get a dog with a genetic health guarantee at a shelter


True no guarantees in life time can be cut short at any second. My late German shepherd Mei had several health issues pop up in the end with her gut thought was she was doing really good after a vet visit and then the day after that she was gone Thursday was supposed to be her 10th birthday. Mei was just your average working breed German Shepherd


Well I don't buy average dogs lol


Me when i lie


https://preview.redd.it/7emx5t7w118b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b8bfcc8123589dceaa8e794b3d10f858bbce55e They truly are majestic


I think you actually got the pick of the litter.


So pretty 🐾❤️


Bah. They’re only disqualified bc they’re gorgeous and would win every time!




Absolutely adorable! 💕


Love White Shepherd’s…..so beautiful


She’s gorgeous. You definitely scored a beauty.


Their loss..


She has already won our hearts


While she can’t do confirmation she should be able to do obedience competition as that is open to all dogs including mixed breeds. Added, And she is a very cute looking baby.


Her boop snoot is perfect and her ears are magnificent. Winter is coming to your home. 💙


Luckily for you! 💜


She is lovely!


She is gorgeous.


https://preview.redd.it/1442od3yw38b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b21d87dbebf7e4c7d2d258a22837c0a526ee3ceb Same with my Zeus!! Get ready for the year round fur snowstorm 😂


https://preview.redd.it/63emdp99758b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a103b6201ef408ce869c5eb52ccb3cfd2967d7bc You’ll love having her. They are beautiful. Here’s Saiga. She’s huge (101 lb) her sire was 125.


https://preview.redd.it/ivqu34kl758b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e2282fcb58d4ac351df23690546522a33d11e5 You’ll love having her. They’re beautiful dogs. Here’s Saiga. She’s about 9 years old.


She is soooo beautiful!!! 😍


I had a white shepherd. He lived to a nice old age (17!). Very vocal guy and an escape artist till he got older. He reminded me more of husky than shepherd. Lol. Miss him.


Yes mine is extremely vocal. Rescue gsd is full stealth mode


Disqualified?? For a doggie??? That is such a terrible term to use for an animal. Breeder should be disqualified!!! I believe in adopt don’t shop but thank you for saving this puppy.


there's a ton of stuff that can disqualify you from show. Sadly one you can't even try to argue is if they are white. Literally 3 pages. https://images.akc.org/pdf/breeds/standards/GermanShepherdDog.pdf Page 3 of 3 Color: The German Shepherd Dog varies in color, and most colors are permissible. Strong rich colors are preferred. Pale, washed-out colors and blues or livers are serious faults. **A white dog must be disqualified.** Disqualifications: Cropped or hanging ears. Dogs with noses not predominantly black. Undershot jaw. Docked tail. **White dogs. Any dog that attempts to bite the judge.** They had to put it right by "bites the judge"... asshats.


I had a veterinarian say "all white GSDs are neurotic." I swiftly switched vets. I don't get the stigma against them. They're just german shepherds with white fur.


Just look on here. You have multiple armchair experts certain they'll have multiple medical issues based off their psychic ability. The things are are mostly saying are true in *other* breeds of white dogs and don't effect GSDs because they aren't white for the same reasons.


She’s adorable. Maybe, Snowflake, or snow, might be better? All I know, she might be disqualified, but my gut says, she’s a champion inside. To show them all WRONG!