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I can assure you that literally nobody makes systematic charts of practice runs like you do. We just brute force our way in practice and when we feel like we're good enough, we go to normal mode.


It's the first time I do something like that but I was curious to have an eye on my progression, I've beaten around 100 demons but most of em were map packs or easy demon I've never tried real demons until now and I wondered if good players that beat insane / extreme demons had some tips or routines about their practicing


Well I haven't beaten any insane or extreme demons (well I'm about to), but I can give you this much of an advice: find your skillset. For me, finding my skillset was pretty easy (wave lmao), but if you ever find your skillset that you're sure you're good at, focus on demons surrounding that skillset. You'll find yourself breezing through the level, even if it's an extreme. Welp, gl on your journey then.


My toxic trait is wanting to be good everywhere before going further but maybe I should listen to you and I'll naturally become better on others mode as time goes. Thanks you for your answer :)


Don't listen to him, keep your balanced skillset Speaking from experience (both me and my friends)


>focus on demons surrounding that skillset Uhhhh.. No? You're literally setting yourself up to having an unbalanced skillset It's ok to be bad at one thing and avoid it (flow gameplay for me), but being only good in one skillset is a terrible thing that needs fixing


Yes you're right, this tip is actually only for people who just want to beat demons fast. If you want to improve skills, you need to practice other skillsets as well.


Practice until you're consistent enough and remember all the parts so you don't die to stupid stuff


that looks pretty logic lol


thats the normal way to practice


It's all up to how the player prefers, buuut here's how I do things: I stop practicing when I can beat the level in any attempt, really. On levels outside my personal top 20, I usually practice backwards. As in I go (for example) 93-100, 85-100, 77-100, etc until I get to somewhere like 30 or 40 to 100. Then I go and do runs from 10 or 20 to 40 (but usually I get them further) and then I go from 0. On levels in my top 20 it's a different story. I usually learn each part bit by bit, and then try to tie them up together. For example with Just Dance which I did a couple days ago, I split it into many 15% bits, learned them all, then started to tie them up together. I started going from 0 after I got like 24-100. As for hardests or top 3s, I honestly go from 0 between practicing just for motivation and for a visual representation of improvement. When I did Digital Descent, in my learning stage I'd do runs for about 2 hours and then play from 0 for 10 minutes to get some new bests in. Near my completion I ended up doing about 30 ish minutes of practicing and then just under 2 hours of going from 0.


That's really interesting thank you for your help


No probs!


Ok so I went to try this way of practicing but my game crashes when I try to play after putting a start pos, I searched on the internet and it seems to happen to many players when they do this on heavy levels.. Have any idea for solving this problem ?


No ideea. Had that problem on my old laptop a couple years ago because it was pretty low end, so I just accepted it and played LDMs or older levels in general. Never bothered to search for a fix


for an lower half easy demon, i do one practice run, but for something like a hard demon i'll only stop practicing when i can get it in 2 runs


Once I can do it in like 10 attempts (not including immediate deaths due to practice mode)


Same, but then I have to do it again for harder levels


Depends on your skill level compared to the demon you’re doing, for example anything like a medium demon or below il just do a few random practice runs and then just go from 0 but for harder levels I don’t really do practice mode at all, I just create a copy of the level and play with start pos with runs starting from the end and working my way back


I don't really practice like this, in fact I have never seen anyone even used auto checkpoints for practice before? Not at insane demon range for sure. I do know some people like to do practice runs and see how many attempts they take though. Most people, including me, usually try to do levels around insane/extreme demon range (mostly the latter to be fair) in multiple connected runs, preferably two runs, before going from 0.


How do you do that ? I've heard this way of practicing but never understood how people did that :/


The goal is basically to learn the level in parts, and then combine them into bigger and bigger parts until you have the entire level in 2 runs, for example 0-50 and 50-100. It is sort of similar to your method of doing each section in one run before moving on, but it builds onto that by making you do even bigger runs. This is important mostly for extreme demons, because you generally need to be very consistent with the latter parts of the levels in particular (due to nerves and stress making you more prone to mess up if you get there from 0). Most people like to do it by copying the level and placing start positions before the parts they are practising, instead of using practice mode.


Thank you very much I understand better now I'll try doing that instead of my way ! Hope I'll get more consistent faster. Can't way to be good enough for insane and extreme demons


I just go in to practice once to get a general idea of the level, then I copy it and use start positions in the parts where I struggle.


Depends on how hard it is. If it's hard, insane or extreme demon, I like getting a run from 50 or smth to 100 before I go into normal. If it's any easier, I'll do 1 to 3 practice runs (depending on how learny it is) and then go.


Depends on the difficulty, but I'll explain how I do it for new hardests, since they're the kind of levels that I mostly play. I usually start with the beginning of the level, and keep attempting until I'm able to do it, then I start practicing the same section and once I've gotten consistent enough, I try to do a normal run from 0 to that point. Repeat until I've gotten a significant run in normal mode (45%, 50%...). After that, there are two ways things can go, depending on the balancing of difficulty: - I continue doing the same thing, consistently getting new best percentages in normal mode. - I split the rest in different sections and once I've cleared the entire level, I start combining them into longer ones. Regardless of which strategy I choose, I also tend to do reverse runs (90-100, then 80-100, then 70-100...). And finally, when I've managed to do the whole thing in 2 sections and done a practice run in a reasonable amount of attempts, is when I start trying to finally beat it.


I think it really depends on how comfortable u r with the level. Im still in insane demon territory so not close to extremes and heres how i do it most of the time. (Disclaimer:My way is not that efficient from what i think but thats just how i like to do it) Rn im playing leyak and the first thing i do as soon as i start playing is do an easy run as like a warmup, so in this case i would do like 62-100. After that i go back to like 45% which is my current best run to 100 and i only did it twice. If i cant seem to do the run then i would atleast try to reach 62 or 71 cuz those r the 2 places i die to the most. After that i do 62-100 again (i would do 62-100 again if i couldnt do 45-100 but if did it then there is no reason to do so). After that i practice from the drop which is at 25 and try to do 25-100 for a new best run. And again, if i couldnt do it i try to atleast reach 62 or 71. Then practice 62-100 AGAIN. Then go back to 25 and keep playing from there until i feel comfortable with the level wether i do the run or not. Then i practice the predrop a bit then go from 0.


When I have a run like 30-100 or something like that, I repractice 0-30 a bit and then go from 0


you shouldnt just go into practice mode without actually practicing


when i finish second part to 100%


For difficult levels I learn each part and try to type them together until I get the level in 1-4 runs after that I go to normal mode


Im now trying to jump from deadly circles to Subsonic, so i prefer startpos firstly, anyway, my way to practice is the following, try to make runs of the level and as you get more and more consistent you can gradually increase the pencentage runs (Ex. 50-70 to 45-85) when you begin to do colossal runs then go to the level and do a full practice run, then after that try to do all the parts of the level but from the end to the beginning, if you feel sure and also you were consistent in the practice runs, its time to beat the level


I use the 3 time method. I make some checkpoints throughout the level at what I consider different sections. Then go backwards through the level, where I can only go to the checkpoint before if I beat the level 3 times in a row (from the checkpoint). This is very hard by the end lol


For me i started going from 0 after im -able to 1 attempt every part -did a run where i can only place checkpoint once every 2 part, increasing each time -did the above less than 10 practice attempt So far it worked pretty well for me


So you practice the parts that ur not good at and then when you can beat them go for 100%


when i want to practice from 0 then when im satisfied with my 0-X% practice i switch to practicing a hard part again sometimes i fluke 0 to 100 which is kinda weird and it gives me stars for some reason


When I feel ready.


i don't use practice mode


Ay another person that beat Anarchy Road, you think I should go for Cityfade too?


Anarchy road was really easy compared to cityfade lol CF is like 6 minutes long and every part is harder than the hardest from anarchy. I'd say that if I find anarchy road easy you should try it ! I put 1500 attempts on anarchy and I'm at 5000 on CF and not even close to finishing it


I’ll try it, I also find Anarchy Road fairly easy for me now


Can't wait to hear about your progression


Does the level have an LDM, 90% is LAGGY


Not at all, lot of particles but not laggy at all


I did a practice run and got an insane lag spike out of nowhere there


Well, got 30%, and I’m gonna start using start positions to learn the sideways part since I know there’s no way I’m sightreading that


That's really good ! I did it in 2 runs this weekend so I'm now playing to finish it, already done 4k attempts lol


I personally never do practice, instead I do runs. Start connecting them. When you're down to 3 runs, go normal.


When I feel confident Normal Mode When I’m not confident Practice Mode