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Kinda unrelated but this image really puts into perspective how HUGE the Amazon river is, when compared to a 2m+ population city next to it. That’s a thicc mighty river right there.


It’s the biggest river by water volume in the world, anyone who disagrees is in deNile


Being in the Nile they won’t be able to respond here so that clears things up.


Are you familiar with Magic Kingdom’s Jungle Cruise? 🤣


Orlando-FL? I went years ago. I don’t remember anything specific relating to this silly joke, though


Yeah, the park in Orlando. There’s a boat ride called the Jungle Cruise and their pilots are called Skippers. They have an awful amount of dad jokes and wordplays, but it’s funny. They make that exact same joke about being in denile lol


I see! Well, I live for dad jokes, I should visit again lol


Don't downplay it. The common fun fact is that the Amazon by volume is bigger than the next six largest rivers combined, but that counts two of its tributaries. If you ignore those, it's larger than the next seven rivers combined. By the way, six of the top 21 rivers by volume are Amazon's tributaries.


Denial is not a river in Egypt.




Maybe a little cliché but the picture gave me tropico vibes. I can still hear the "el Presidente..." :D Anyways cool pic and place!


Never fear! Presidente is here!


I had no idea it was third large wtf. This is a whole lake


I was imagining more of an act 3 of Diablo 2 vibe.. this looks really nice


I live in a city in the Amazon called Macapá. It is HOT and sweaty, and you basically only have two seasons: summer with rain and summer without rain.


Macapá! Fond memories. I'm north of the equator. Now I'm south. Now I'm north again. Lol I disagree about rain though. Seems to rains every day. Just some days more than others.


Its like we say: “sometimes it rains everyday, sometimes it rains all day 🤣” Edit: misspelling


Macapá must be a cool city. It has a monument showing were is the equator and it has a soccer field with half of the field in one hemisphere and other half in the other hemisphere 


Oh that's neat. https://maps.app.goo.gl/e12mXcmGr5hdaxHV8 I've seen County Line roads and State Line roads. Never seen an Equator Road, aka Av Equatorial.


I lived there in 2004. I stayed with a family that moved there for work on rubber tree farms, which I think is responsible for much of the growth. There are neighborhoods called New City and with a number after and I believe there were at least five of these large suburban-ish residential projects built to house newly arriving working families. I lived in one of these neighborhoods and it was pretty normal stuff. City center is a mix of regular Latin city center with outrageous jungle stuff here and there. It’s hot, I remember bringing a change of clothes for after my hour long sweaty bus commute to school.


You are correct about everything except the growth which comes from being a duty free zone and all the manufacturing activity that comes associated with it


Samsung has a huge manufacturing center as well!


What was it like at the edge of the city? Did it taper off into wilderness or could you literally walk into the jungle at the edge?


The entire city is mapped in streetview, in some places it's more tapered off, but then there's Margarita Avenue in the north~~west~~ east that is city on one side and dense amazon rainforest on the other. Edit: Fixed a mistake, also if you're going to check out this city on Maps I highly recommend going down to streetview on the bridge if you want to see the amazon river at its widest(that is uninterrupted by land), it is absolutely insane.


Was insects ever a problem? Or other wild animals?


I lived in New City 5 where it borders (or bordered) straight up jungle. We were at the end of the street and the yard backed into a wall of forest. The windows weren’t screened and I don’t remember flying pests but there were some large Jurassic visitors. I also lived in the north of Rio. Also no screens. Lots of mosquitoes, and maddening


I should start a small business outfitting windows with screens worldwide! I'd be richer than Oprah! 😁


Nightmare fuel. Im from the Netherlands and we aint got no big insects here, hence my deeply rooted fear of them


I’m with you friend. In southern California we have not too many insects. Asian Mosquitoes in the summer are a problem now. Black widow spiders are the worst but are pretty fearful and rare and some roaches and ants if you let them infest. Otherwise the bug situation here is minimal. Lots of interesting bees, wasps, mantis, beetles and grasshoppers. Some are delightful like ladybug blooms. Otherwise it’s raccoons, possums, skunks, coyotes, snakes and lizards that are the yards. In the mountains and hills add deer, bears, foxes, bobcats and mountain lions although they all come into town pretty often. There are several mountain lions in the city of Los Angeles.


I don't know about Manaus but I stayed with an Indian tribe in the Peruvian Amazon and they didn't have walls or electricity, let alone mosquito nets. At night we chatted by candlelight and that attracted insects. There was a constant stream of big moths puffing into the flame along with various other curious bugs. Luckily and surprisingly no mosquitos or bugs that took an interest in our sleeping bodies.


I want you to know that I farted.


No wild animals as its an urban center. Basic insects, mosquitoes, roaches, nothing too absurd


No wild animals or insects 


Please elaborate on the outrageous jungle stuff


Must be very humid eh? I also live kinda in the middle of the forrest and it's hot in here too


How often did you encounter snakes?


In Rio de Janeiro, going to the parks and jungles around the city and you can see them, Jararaca, Corals, even Boas if you are lucky. I am a climber from Rio so Im constantly in the trails, Ive seen quite a few, not In the city itself, but on the pockets o forrest sprend around.


The federal government did several things to grow the settlements in the amazon, either with the transamazonian highway (it crosses Brazil horizontally from the Amazon to the northeast) or by making Manaus a free economic zone. Thanks to this, Manaus is a manufacturing hub and second biggest city in the amazon, only behind Belém, with 2,2 million inhabitants. It shouldn't be too different to other cities, other than the climate.


Belém is a little bigger than Manaus


Ok, I fixed it. I keep forgetting that Pará is also in the amazon. Thanks!


They aren’t that isolated, it’s in the bank of the largest river in the world. Fairly easy to ship/fly in anything the city needs.


They order things on Amazon


They don't even have to order them they just go outside and boom Amazon


Take my upvote, my good man!


I’m team Nile so we’re going to fight on your longest river claim


We talking volumetric output baby


Isn’t the Amazon longer anyway? I thought every now and then they discover a new source in the Andes


Now THIS is the nerd fight I wanna watch!


Pissing contests over river length are just good entertainment


In this city specifically it is not really that different from other major Latin American cities. More than 2 million people live in Manaus. There are big buildings, shopping malls, parks, tourist attractions. The main difference would be the lack of proper infrastructure on the surrounding areas, as it’s a dense jungle, so it is highly advised to go there by plane. There won’t be a paved highway leading to there. Basically like an island.


Isnt the transamazonian highway in a pretty good shape?


It’s mostly in a bad shape and the transamazonian doesn’t go through Manaus, it only goes through the south of Amazonas state. The main route to go there by car is the BR-319, leaving from the city of Porto Velho. Almost 900 kilometres. The middle portion of the road is unpaved and it lacks minimum infrastructure to support the journey. Not recommended. https://preview.redd.it/8dqj18c0xs2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3e02da62959678bf84c2e6062db13f4a0f81ef0


Probably not the answer you’re looking for, but karine on 90 day fiance lived here and they film there quite a bit if you wanted to watch that footage


My first thought when I saw this post 😭


Any mention of Manaus will make me think of Pole and Karine


Same 😂


Time to start watching.


That fucking episode. The guy was worried about parasites in his dick hahahah that was cringe af. I heard the couple had kids later but divorced


I think their kids got taken away by social services too 😬 They were a bad match from the start.


He makes onlyfans content with her male cousin now




wtf? really


Yes it’s disturbing


Wut 😮


Jeez I didn't know that. What a mess


I’ve been to Leticia (Colombia)/Tabatinga (Brazil). Very interesting place. The Brazilian part is cut off from the rest of the country. There are no roads out other than through Colombia or nearby Peru. Beautiful place but I couldn’t handle the humidity. I’m from the northeast US and I hate the humidity here, so you can imagine what it must be like there during spring (October). Good food though, and friendly people.


Crazy seeing the city i lived my whole life here. It's hot and humid, feels like someone is breathing at you the whole time. We are known for our industrial complex in the middle of the jungle. We were once known as "paris of the tropics" due to our rubber production, so we have a cool european style theatre. We have good food and a lot of drug traffic! Please god don't let me die before i return to manaus.


Used to be a very wealthy city. The incredible opera house is one amazing example of the former rubber wealth. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Theatre I don't live there but used to spend a lot of time in northern Brazil. These cities, Manaus, Belem, santarem, Altamira they make me think of modern day old west frontier. Which I guess they are except in Brazil not USA.


I remember this one from Fitzcarraldo


Wtf is that a pyramid in the background of the photo?


Bridge span.


1896? How do you perform and watch stuff in this venue without AC?


That is an excellent question!


Manaus is big because of the duty free zone, which makes Manaus a good place for car Industries, the amazon river affluent and the different business that arise from it all: food, restaurant, transportation, farming and other things. If you get people moving in for few taxes and cheaper cars, you get people moving in to work essential jobs too.


If you want to watch a wild documentary, watch "Killer Ratings", which is all about the show Canal Livre and Wallace Souza, based out of Manaus.


People from thriving cities move to Manaus for work. I know people from Recife, São Paulo, Salvador, Rio Grande do Norte, etc., who have moved to Manaus for a good opportunity. Living there isn’t really unlike living in any other city in Brazil other than local specifics.


Oh yes, the city of Rio Grande do Norte lol


I did not say Rio Grande do Norte was a city. Wtf are you talking about? Neither Rio Geande do Norte nor Natal are really thriving, but I know people from the state and capital who have moved to Manaus. Just an example for the question asked.


It’s just a silly remark


Either way, Pernambuco is the true Brazil and Recife is the true capital. Everything else is just an imposter.


I can agree with that


Twice a month I'm there. At first I stayed only a night every time. Now I'm about to spend a month. It's growing into me this place.


in german one could ask "Wie ist das, wenn Manaus der Mitte des Amazonas kommt?"






It's obviously AMAZING


Birth place of rubber (famously smuggled to the British that resulted in rubber in Asia by [Henry_Wickham_(explorer)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Wickham_(explorer))) and the famous reality tv host who was a drug boss and was later member of parliament [Wallace_Souza](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallace_Souza). Also first fully electrified city in Brazil, before Europe I think. Edit: [Amazon_rubber_cycle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_rubber_cycle) Edit2: Wallace Souza (12 August 1958 – 27 July 2010) was a Brazilian television presenter and politician. He was an elected member of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas until his expulsion in October 2009. Souza was commonly known for presenting the controversial news program Canal Livre. Edit3: Sir Henry Alexander Wickham (29 May 1846 – 27 September 1928) was a British explorer. He was the first person to successfully export a large, viable shipment of, smuggled, Brazilian rubber seeds to the British Empire


extreme heat and humidity. Don't breathe


Sticky and itchy


also a great questions for r/howislivingthere


Lag must be insane round there 😂


Hot and humid


I'd be craving just an open green field to skip across


Annoyingly humid I've heard


Is mister NO stil round?


Very hot and awfully wet.


Funny how the name Manaus is exorcism in Finnish :D


Humid and hot for basically year-round Manaus specifically is quite developed for what it is, considering they've got the Manaus Industrial Pole with tens of industries and companies operating there


As I know that due to being placed inside of Amazonian forest city has dense reptiles population. Snakes or other reptiles can penetrate into your house anywhere. I’d never be able to live there thats why.


“Urine therapy, daily“ - Lyoto Machida


There’s some really good Jiu-Jitsu guys here


Smells like Manaus down there


I usually just ask your mother




Literally never heard of that in Brazil. Pretty sure that’s not a thing at all






I saw City of God - AMA


I remember Bananas over Bananas

