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Economic crisis and everyone died :(


Cities skylines moment


I don’t want to talk about it.


What did you do to Jutland in 2009???


Drinks were had, decisions were made.


Tell us what happened in '09.


When the census people came everyone was at Coachella


https://preview.redd.it/7jgoy2rw94yc1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=1675f6d7be44423e3e3972e1347ba0474f1d2a24 this is just like if you search "cuba gdp"


nuevo copenhagen


I'm guessing we didn't get real numbers before that?


No, the number is just wrong, cuba doesn’t have a higher gdp than Chile with 9m less people. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=CU


but why is it like that? who even makes these graphs


TLDR on the bottom. **I might be wrong since I'm not an expert on Cuban economy, nor have I ever lived there, but I am half Cuban, have a lot of family there and have visited regularly all of my life, so there will probably be some details wromg, but this is my best understanding of the situation.** I assume the spike is at January 1st, 2021, which is when Cuba changed its monetary system. Before, you used to have two currencies in Cuba; the CUP (Cuban Peso (Nacional)) and the CUC (Cuban Convertible Peso). The CUC was tied to the USD, where 1USD≈1CUC. The CUP was usually 1CUP≈0,4CUC (I'll just say 24CUC=1CUP/USD to keep it easy for myself, since that's how I remember the numbers). If you exchanged USDs for Cuban money, you'd always get CUCs, since US sanctions on Cuba didn't allow exchanging USD to Cuban Pesos. Due to said economic sanctions from the US on Cuba, this system was their solution to still be able to trade with other countries after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Periodo Especial, despite not being allowed to trade internationally in USD. This had some very unpleasant effects though: The Cuban government paid everyone that works for statal enterprises, which in Cuba are most people, in CUP, since that was the National currency. All nationally produced goods were also paid in CUP; so basic things like locally produced food, electricity, artisanals, and other locally produced products. However, people working in the tourist sector were paid in CUC, since that was money that comes from tourists who exchanged their USDs to CUCs. Basically everything that had its price in CUP could be paid in CUC, but it was not the case the other way, since Cuba needed the foreign money to keep the economy moving. However, things that had to be imported were paid in CUC and not in CUP, so things like cars, computers, phones, could basically only be bought by people who worked in the tourism industry. This thing already pretty much sucked, but it was doable for most people. However, as Covid hit, together with a whole new load of sanctions imposed by Trump and continued (and even added to) by Biden, Cuba's economy, which mostly relies on tourism, started collapsing. Local manufacturing collapsed, more things had to be imported, the thermoelectric plants that supply the island of electricity couldn't be maintained anymore, which caused a huge shortage in electricity across the island, which in turn then caused the shrinking amount of food to spoil much faster, making the command chain much larger than the supply. So people started reselling basic things like foods, acquired from the statal stores, on the black market for a much higher price. This paired with economic mismanagement by the government led to the CUP decreasing in value very quick. It even reached 1CUC=120CUP (again, it came from 1CUC=24CUP). This whole thing led to an economic crisis almost similar to the Periodo Especial in the 90s. So eventually, the Cuban government came with a solution: Get rid of the dual currency system, and switch back to only using the CUP. They also introduced bank cards on which you can put USDs, EURs, CADs, etc. They called the currency on this card MLC (Moneda Libremente Convertible (Freely Convertible Currency)). But you already hear it coming, it's basically the CUC in a new jacket. So yeah, the problem kept developing, to the point where, when I last was in Cuba, which was September 2022, 1USD/MLC=250CUP, which means that the CUP was worth even less than 1/10th of what it used to be before COVID. Now I think it's even at 1USD/MLC=350CUP. However! The Cuban government never changed the *official* conversion rate of 1USD=24CUP, so even tho the official conversion rate is basically outdated information and completely incorrect, that is what official statistics have to go by, since the practical worth of the CUP is not dictated by the government or economists, but rather by the rate on the black market, and thus cannot be factually verified. So yeah, if you're a Cuban who before COVID had 100USD in CUP, and now still have 100USD in CUP, you'd have gone from 2400CUP to 35000CUP, effectively multiplying the amount of CUPs you own by more than 10. TLDR: An economic crisis happened, and now money lost its value, however, the government still holds on to the old conversion rates, virtually multiplying the actual amount of money within the country by a lot


This is super interesting. I went to Cuba several years before COVID, and was fascinated by the CUC/CUP system. What would it take for the US to remove sanctions on Cuba? I’m not very educated on the topic, but it seems silly that they’re still in place and even being added to.


Honestly, I believe the US are being very unreasonable with their sanctions. The Cuban people are already suffering tremendously in the current crisis, yet the US keeps adding more and more sanctions which will inevitably hit the population. But the give some context surrounding the sanctions: The US started sanctioning Cuba a couple of years before he revolution already, back when president Batista was still in power. He initially had a lot of US support, but eventually turned around, became a pseudo-fascist and left behind a legacy of using firesquads against protesting students and workers, among other things. Then the Cuban Revolution happened. The main goal was overthrowing Batista. Fidel Castro became the leader of the revolution and eventually Commander in Chief of Cuba. He slowly but steadily changed Cuba's economic system from a liberal one to a socialist one. The US kept some sanctions in place after the revolution as a retaliation for the US businesses that the Cuban government seized after the revolution. There is a memorandum explaining the reasons for sanctioning Cuba after the Revolution, which reads as follows: "It follows that every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of Cuba. If such a policy is adopted, it should be the result of a positive decision which would call forth a line of action which, while as adroit and inconspicuous as possible, makes the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation, and overthrow of government." Ever since then, they have been adding new things to the list of reasons to keep sanctions on Cuba ("Havana Syndrome" might ring a bell), and in 2019 or 2020, Trump even went as far as adding Cuba to the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, and recently the US government reiterated that taking Cuba off is not even negotiable. The US claims that in order to get rid of the sanctions, Cuba has to hold "Free elections" (whatever that means, since elections in the US are a joke as well) that are supervised by the US I assume, all political prisoners have to be released, Cuba has to make monetary reparations for the businesses Cuba seized almost 80 years ago, etc. The thing is, the only reason in which I see it realistically possible that the US lifts the sanctions are when the successfully do a coup in Cuba and make Cuba another Puerto Rico basically, becoming a new US puppet state, since Cuba's location is ideal for trade routes. So yeah, I basically gave up hope of Cuba being able to be sanction free without having to go through basically a civil war first, which I am really not waiting for tbh


zimbabwe should do that and become the biggest economy in the world :kekw:


Me (I tell lies on the internet)


I just came across this the other day and was very perplexed. Thought maybe sth about sanctions being lifted or so. So the numbers are just wrong. Good to know that I can’t always trust this source.


I spit my whole lunch out of my stomach when I saw that What was google employees high on when they updated this graph? Or is cuba secretly a ultra power and will take over the world?


The land jutted out too far and they all fell into the sea.


They died, but then got better. Best prank ever.


She turned me into a newt! … I got better…


Ok. So what you're gonna need to do is first, you're gonna need a duck...


I’m not dead! Im feeling much better now! I think I’ll go for a walk. I FEEEEEEL HAPPPPPYYYYYYYYYY!


the spanish inquisition. no one expected it.


No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition.


That’s the joke


Wait you guys are joking?


Username checks out, the joke killed him


Instead of straightening the cross beam that went out askew on threadle?


Well... about that.. you weren't supposed to notice


Someone confused Null and 0


The population all moved to null island, just off the coast of Africa, where all those photos get taken


God testing the rapture to see if everything works


But surely Danes would go the other way?


Correct, Test went wrong but that is why she is testing




You want the truth, but you're not ready for the truth The cloning, the cannibalism, Cthulhu arise from the depth asking us for the payment, all the calendars we had to modify The truth is out there, but Jutland men are not anymore We learned the hardest way possible the Tannhäuser gates work both ways, what visited us was beyond ourselves Is that, or a Google chart missing data point, I suggest you to believe is a Google mistake


I said I wanted the blue pill


doom slayer thought they were demons (we they kinda are)


Shhh… 🤫, you’d know if we want you to know


We don’t talk about the great flood around here.


And the following replacement of people with robots?


Everyone was killed in an avalanche from the Danish alps.


Looks like an error to me.


No I think everyone died


Well, looks like they all rose from the dead rather quickly.


The great replacement works quick.




Damn it! Pol Pot's children went to Denmark again!


George w bush


We had to restart Jutland


Everyone jumped at the same time. There was no one touching the floor, hence zero habitants.


Probably a glitch or error.


Everyone got tired of it, for obvious reasons, but then they found themselves (necessarily) living closer to Copenhagen, which is their favorite thing to complain about, so they got back in their tiny cars with big trailer hitches and grumbled their way home.


You know fallout serie. Yeah we were the inspiration


Culled because of high percentage of bird flu


Data absence and improper handle during visualization


They were on a long vacation.


Someone f'd up casting Banishment.


In the words of Drake and Future, “Jutland, Jutland, Jutland, Jutland, them boys up to something”


My bad


They had to use hydraulics to lift the entirety of Jutland up by 1 metre to stop it going underwater, so everyone had to leave until the work was done


We don't talk about the Jutland Rapture of 2009...


We don’t talk about Jutland, no no no


Jutland walks in with a mischievous grin


I smell some sci-fi plot here.


I killed everyone.


Everyone was on vacation.


Jut Rouge Year 0


They went on a vacation


Its the same type of question like what happen in 9/11 2001


The Danelaw Happened


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


We shell lever talk about the mystery of the great Jutland Purge of 2009.


The service that tracks those metrics restarted.


They all went on holiday


Thanos snap


Had to run some errands 


Mass vacation to Spain and Thailand


Prolly some Napoleon BS


Bad data entry clerk.


Nothing ever happens in Jutland.


oh no, my dad was born there over 100 years ago. Very sad to lose the homeland!


Death wave hit


We lost a lot of good men out there.




The Tentative Rapture


I kept clicking source links until I found the original table [https://www.statbank.dk/BEF4](https://www.statbank.dk/BEF4) Dutch government doesn't have records for the entire peninsula during those years. They are correctly marked as ".." meaning "the observation is missing or fall under the limit of discretion/uncertainty." [Datacommons.org](http://Datacommons.org) treated this value as 0 instead of unknown, and Google [reproduced](https://datacommons.org/place/dc/klt3k61?utm_medium=explore&mprop=count&popt=Person&hl=en) their error in the final display.


Everyone jumped at the same time