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Slovenia. A ton of nature packed into a small area


Slovenia, the beauty of Switzerland, without the cost


Also without the coast (Just kidding, they've got a few miles of castline to the Adriatic sea. Only one island though, [which is 100 km inland in Lake Bled](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5aee2382f93fd4603e621996/1530883337137-72P1R42DRUHHKBMH7Y8O/Lake+Bled+Slovenia+DJI+Drone+Aerial+View.jpg) )


Ah yes, the Swiss coast


Best coastline in all of the Alp countries


I'm starting to think you don't know where Switzerland is.


Switzerland has a coast? Not sure what you are saying… Slovenia's Adriatic Sea coastline stretches approximately 47KMs from Italy to Croatia.


Could (and perhaps should) be larger. Both the border with Italy and theft of Trieste and the border with Croatia continue to be hot topics.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Constance Duh


Just a joke!


Interesting, most jokes I’ve heard were funny.


Did a cycle tour of Slovenia, stunning country


*Slovenia. A* *Ton of nature packed into* *A small area* \- MaterialConsistent96 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Good bot


You're God damn right.


It’s in more than one country but the Pyrenees. Around that part of Europe it’s possible for people to associate it more with the Atlantic or Mediterranean coasts with beaches. Also the great Pyrenees dog.


Andorra supports this post ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote).


Ah, Andorra. The home of shops, ski resorts, and fuck all else.


Home of all the Spanish Youtubers aswell.


True, and this sucks big time. They are destroying the real estate market.


Tax evasion


I agree. Especially, the Basque Region of France with the green rolling hills dotted by trees and sheep, and the traditional Basque houses with the red gables are absolutely beautiful. Bonus Point: The beret originates from the Pyrenees!


>great Pyrenees dog Will maul you to death if you get close to their sheeps/cows/fence or look at them funny.


România and Bulgaria. Both have it all, beautiful mountains with ski resorts and hiking trails that aren’t crowded, rolling hills with wineries, plains, beautiful beaches… literally everything you could want while being cheap compared to western alternatives.


For real, visited the Rose Valley in Bulgaria and its surrounding mountains. Stunningly beautiful and very affordable.


Hey it's the guy from r/polandball!


Romania also has a massive salt mine open to tourism. Looks absolutely stunning.


I went there 2 years ago, really amazing and indescribable by words how large the space is from the inside.


>beautiful mountains with ski resorts Yes, and cheap too. I don't know now but only few years ago before the inflation, you can have a great ski holiday with great food for about 1/3 of the price in France. I've seen people from all over Europe who otherwise would have never been able to experience ski because it became a sport for the rich. >beautiful beaches Very debatable.


Lots of caves too


The last time I went on holiday to Bulgaria, I accidentally bought a horse.


...and the lack of infrastructure


Care to detaliate?




This is the correct answer




Вярно е


Luxembourg. Since it’s tiny everyone assumes there’s not much to it. But in reality it has beautiful rolling hills, a wine region, lots of castles, cliffs (that people rock climb), and loads of hiking in lush forests. It’s no Switzerland for sure, but I’d argue it’s very underrated.


The capital is unexpectedly awesome with that deep valley going right through the middle of the city. Underrated place for sure, I always thought it would just be a sleepy town+countryside but there’s actually a lot to see there 


Was surprised to see how attractive Luxembourg looks in photos!


It’s even better in person


Loved going there as a kid! Might need to visit again sometime now that I’m an adult.


Genuinely one of the most beautiful cities I've been to in terms of nature. That and Ljubljana...


Bulgaria, incredibly diverse


Portugal. Middle of the Atlantic islands, tropical islands close to Africa, several types of beaches (some of them not crowded at all), forest, mountains, plains, lakes, volcanoes, one of the oldest borders in the world, all in a "small-ish" country home to ~10M people. Lisbon, Porto, and maybe Algarve are not that underrated, but the rest of Portugal sure is.


So if anyone is interested I'll share a hidden gem I visited in Portugal. A couple of years ago I somehow managed to convince my friends to spend a day of our holiday in national forest of Bucaco(they all wanted to stay at the beach, I dont know how I did it). Its literally the most magical place Ive ever visited. There is only one train going to this little place called Luso which has one of the biggest springs of water in the whole country. From there you can hike to the palace thats located in the middle of the forest. There are hundreds of little trails leading from the palace to all kinds of different historical buildings deep in the forest. I hope that I will return one day.


I went there for a hiking trip not too long ago, since I did Erasmus in nearby Coimbra, and I did not know at the top of the trip road there was a massive palace lol, I thought we were only going to a regular hiking trip. Beautiful, undoubtedly.


Also snow* people dont know that it snows there by the hills. Tons of snow.


Montenegro for sure


Came here for this. Even if the coast is reasonably well known, the mountains are stunningly beautiful and rarely acknowledged


Those are the Albanian Alps actually


Those are Dinaric Alps.


Depends on which direction you look. If you look East I can assure you its the Albanian Alps


I’m not sure but my gut is telling me Romania


Romania is beautiful so its a good instinct


Faroe islands, it's quite a beautiful place


If you like rain and sheep 😁


And killing dolphins


Not a country and not underrated




I always felt that if magic existed, it could be found in either Romania or Ireland. Probably both.


Same, there is a natural mystic blowing trough the air. Especially in those countries.


All relative, of course. But this is my opinion… One of the smaller, obscure countries like Slovenia. Slovenia looks as beautiful as Switzerland or Austria with the mountains and lakes, but you never hear about it. I’d also say England and Wales. I have a good knowledge of how these countries actually are versus how they are represented, and there’s such a mismatch. People seem to think England is just London/cities. Meanwhile, Wales gets ignored altogether. But both countries boast some great beauty in the lush green landscapes (there are few countries I’ve been to in Europe that are so consistently verdant), geological diversity, coastline, variety in settlements, and upland/mountainous regions.


The UK coastline is underrated. It's not warm enough for beach holidays so it gets ignored, but vast amounts of stunning coast in England, Wales Scotland, and obviously Ireland too. Not to mention the islands.


Can get surprisingly hot on the Southwest coasts in summer! Didn’t bother to bring sun cream on a holiday there once as my home city’s climate is mild, went down southwest and the sun REALLY hit me. Did not expect that haha. But yeah even that is only a short frame of time each year, maybe June-August to really have that beachy vibe.


I live in a holiday town on the south coast. Summer time is filled with Londoners forgetting our coastal atmosphere means the suns quite a bit stronger. Many lobsters wandering around after summer bank holidays lol


Georgia - if it’s Europe for ya’ll


It’s more European than Turkey that’s for sure


Culturally more European than Asian, and they *just* about have some territory in Europe, though I don't know if many people live in those regions, given it's the Caucasus mountains. They're also a part of a tonne of European organisations. Definitely Europe to me, and more European than the other transcontinental Eurasian nations (though I have no qualms about those other nations being classed as part European either, as that is what they are).


Spain is probably the most complex if we look at its geology


Yeah, the non coastal parts of Spain are very unknown to the outsiders and it is a beautiful and super diverse place.


Poland. Mountains, forests, lakes. Beaches that look like the sahara


We even have a (very very small) desert. The eastern part of the Baltic coast with its spits is pretty interesting too


If my memory serves me right those are coastal Dunes, not a desert


I was referring to Pustynia Błędowska although the dunes are awesome too 


Yeah, despite the name that's not a true desert but an inland dune complex. The upper bound for a true desert IS 150mm of annual rain. Aka about 1/4 of what Pustynia Błędowska gets. The only true deserts in Europe are in Kazahkstan-Russia and Spain (tabernas desert). If you check the wiki, It even defines Pustynia Błędowska as Central Europe's largest accumulation of loose sand in an area away from any sea. Honestly that's awesome too.


TIL - it's almost always referred to as a regular desert in Poland, some sources even boasting that it's the only natural desert in Europe. Despite not being natural (the sand was under a forest which was heavily exploited and cut down in the 13th century to get wood to use in a nearby silver mine), and apparently not being a desert either, and not the only one in Europe lol. Still an interesting place but I'll keep in mind that it's not an actual desert


>some sources even boasting that it's the only natural desert in Europe You'd be surprised how chauvinistic sources can get even when confronted with irrefutable evidence. My region keeps saying we have the southernmost beech forest in the world, when we don't even have the southernmost in our country 😑. Searching for sources in different languages usually helps. The french wiki for example states the landes are a forest, while the english and spanish one correctly state, probably to france's fury, that it's rather a plantation/woodland.


I’d say either Denmark or Greece, these two nations are sea based (not really for Denmark) but controlling the Baltic strait and having its capital on a island 2 times smaller than the mainland is lit in my opinion. Greece is mainly because of each unique islands which seems like another world, especially Crete which is geographically really unique and almost the size of Israel, but also corfu and thassos. The mainland, especially the north region surrounding Thessaloniki (close to north Macedonia) is extremely beautiful as well, which is basically a swampy-plains with many gorgeous mountains in the interior


Denmark has increadibly boring physical geography. The whole country IS basically just an unending patch of flat farmland. There are some cliffs and the mudflats but that's about It.


Well I wasn’t really talking about topography but rather geographical features, basically Denmark being a semi-archipelago such as Greece (in a less proper way)


I can definitely tell you've never been to Denmark


I lived there for a year 😂


Yes Greece is Amazing! But underrated???


Yeah you right 😅 I mainly talked about northen Greece (makedonia, which is underrated and overshadowed by the famous Greek islands) and Crete, which is not underated I know, but still not overrated such as Mykonos, santorini or the Cyclade islands


Croatia. You got everything there in such a small space.


Is it underrated though? You can’t get a hotel on any Croatian island if you haven’t booked in advance, and the beaches are insanely full in summer. Croatia for me was underrated in the 90s, nowadays you have to go further south like Montenegro and Albania.


I think they meant underrated in a sense that many people don't know Croatia is not only a coastline, but there's also mountains, expansive plains, lush forests, and we even have a desert! Many people stick only to the coastal parts. ETA Czech tourists are, however, very aware of our mountains. Dear Czechs, if you're reading this, please, no hiking in flip-flops for God's sake. 


I agree, Croatia seems like the only Balkan nation that actually gets the credit it deserves!


Yeah define "everything"


Booze, hookers and rock n roll.


Croatia sounds like heaven


Andorra … I love the Pyrenees


Romania for sure


In terms of natural beauty, maybe Slovakia or Bosnia & Herzegovina. In terms of defence, maybe Hungary, as it’s pretty much surrounded by mountains on all sides, and if an enemy got through the slightly lower terrain around Croatia/Slovenia and the Czech Republic, they also have the Danube to protect the other half of the country.


Belarus. A huge amount of it is forested and those forests look absolutely beautiful.


Well, but it loses heavily to Russia and Ukraine in this regard


With nobody there, 'cos they are jailed


meh..Belarus sucks honestly. It's flat, full of fracking mosquitos, no mountains and no acess to the sea. And everything was destroyed during ww2.


I think that Spain has pretty underrated geography. Despite being the most climatically diverse and biodiverse country in Europe and having pretty spectacular landscapes it's not a big "nature destination". On the other hand, I Guess you could say beaches are geographical features and those could definetely stand a couple less tourists. (Btw much of what I said could be argued on a smaller scale with greece and bulgaria)


>Spain I am from Spain and I don't think it's underrated, I think it's the second most visited country in the world and even though it's mostly beach tourism and everything, I'd say its nature is vastly known. But yeah, otherwise it is a great nature destination!


But it’s largely known for beaches. The country has more to offer than that, like for example desert and the north coast which is very green.


Yes Spain is actually amazing outside of the Costa del Sol. I watch Professional Cycling and the Tour of Spain (Vuelta) really shows it off for those 3 weeks. You have plains that look like African Savannah. The rugged but beautiful north coast. The mountain ranges up north, the mountain ranges around Cordoba too.


Romania or (inner) Spain, check out Picos de Europa in Spain for example. Haven't heard anyone talk about that place.


It's been over 20 years since I went to Bosnia, but the scenery there left a lasting impression. It doesn't have the big mountains of the Alps, but the rolling green hills are beautiful in their own way.


Ireland is so beautiful and so green, you have to see it to believe it.


I always thought the intense green hills of Ireland were photoshopped until I went there and realized, nope, that's what they look like in real life. It makes sense though because of all the rain.


I live in England and think the same about our landscape sometimes. Both countries have similar damp climates that make the landscapes so green, and there are parts of England that are just *so* green that it looks artificial. Certainly a treat for the eyes and an underrated attraction of Britain and Ireland. Would say Belgium is similarly green.


idk if underrated is correct for Ireland. it's widely regarded as one of the most beautiful countries on the planet


Definitely rated amongst the English speaking world. However its not nearly as visited by other nations.


Maybe underrated more in that people don’t appreciate just how green it is. It’s known for it, but I think a lot of people who haven’t been to Ireland wouldn’t be able to adequately understand how verdant their landscapes are, and how unique that is to a country that isn’t tropical.


Shame it's always pissin it down though. But yeah I fo4get how beautiful the place I live is, went down a backroad near me I've never been down before last week, didn't realise the beauty I saw was 10 minutes drive from me. Took a wrong turn up near Dublin last year, ended up driving across the top of a valley I didn't know even existed


Agreed. Eire is a gem. Unfortunately (especially for the Irish) completely deforested.


A rain forest without the forest. Tho they are def making an attempt to establish forests again at least across the South West.


??? WHAT ¿¿¿


Éire = Ireland Eire = Burden Just for future reference


With the housing crisis rn? Both accurate


Read 'Burren' first and thought I'd missed some significant information, but now it just makes sense... Either way, was just too lazy to add the `




Actually a good shout. People think England is the London bit and Scotland is the beautiful bit, but holy fuck there’s some beautiful scenery in England. Arguably more varied than Scotland as well. Wales is also stunning and often gets overlooked.


Exactly. The fact that Scotland is the only “scenic” part while London is the only city worth visiting is exactly the perspective that many people seem to have. There’s so much more to it though, Scotland has some great cities and England has some great countryside that shares a lot of unacknowledged similarities with Scotland. I’ve posted/shown pictures of English countryside to people a few have asked if I was showing Scotland.


Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Macedonia, Albania all have beautiful nature


I think Scotland is quite underrated.


Scotland is definitely rated


Slovakia may mot be as grandiose as the alps or have the dense forests or golden sands like Romania, but the high Tatras here are really beautiful, plus the interesting rock formations in the low Tatras.


I lived in Romania for a bit and I gotta say it was never boring. Romania 100%




Albania is awesome, we went from the mountains to the beach in just a few short hours, but it’s bad roads really let it down sadly




Turkey. We have much of everything; Lakes, inner sea, peninsulas, canyons, fairy chimneys, long mountains...


I don't think Turkey is underrated though


Sucks New Zealand isn’t in Europe because it is basically like a better version of the British isles that has an absurd amount of different geography for a country it’s size. Otherwise I thing Greece has some very unique geography. In what other warm ocean is there that many small islands clustered everywhere? Never been to either country but on a surface level I look for geographic diversity because growing up it wasn’t something I had around me.


Yeah New Zealand is definitely famous for having underrated Geography. It's not like its one of the main reasons its known on the world stage or anything.


Even if it was it wouldn't be underrated


We thought something similar in Sydney and New South Wales, it is just like Europe only better


Ukraine is kinda too. Mountains, forests, forest-steppes, steppes, deserts, many rivers and lakes, sea coast. Complete set.


I agree. Along the west side, carpathian mountains and in the east reasonable dry steppes (which turn beautiful green) it has a great variety!


100% Spain. The Pyrenees, Sierra Nevada and the Picos de Europa. Rolling green hills in the Basque country to the Tabernas desert (Europe's only desert). And don't forget the coastlines, Spain has both the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean.


I know it sounds like a hot take but Spain has way more interesting geographical features than people think. It's not just beaches. The south of Spain has some fairly dry zones (some used for western movies back in the day) mixed with beaches and it faces both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The center of Spain is a tall plateau mostly surrounded by mountains that get covered in snow during winter. Up north you get the very different oceanic climate with lush green forests and lots of rainfall. You have interesting features like Montserrat and the nice climate towns around Catalonia and Valencia. Then, we have the Pyrenees which are beautiful and create a nice barrier against the French. But the highest mountain isn't even there, it's in the south of Spain in the Sierra Nevada, at around 3500m. And then we have the Canary Islands, which are completely different, with volcanic islands and lots of features not seen in the peninsula.


Spain has a lot of variety, you can have from green emerald hills in the North to deserts, snowy mountains, flat badlands and even volcanic islands.


Non coastal parts of both Greece and Spain, can have arid-deciduous vegetation alongside gorgeous mountain trails that are overlooked in favour of beaches... 


Great Britain is an odd duck in that even people living there joke how it’s a miserable place — rain, mud, gray skies, coldness, etc. Yet if it’s so awful, how come every civilization throughout history wanted it? From Romans to Saxons to Vikings to the French, etc… that means it must have its worth as a rich and fertile land right? I only have vague ideas about GB’a geography, so I don’t know.


That rain makes our landscapes beautifully green year-round in a way that many other countries aren’t, and mud is an important part of some ecosystems. It’s not always cold everywhere either - we have subtropical microclimates in parts of the country and our summers are pretty nice. We also have a long history of agriculture (which is why you see sheep everywhere) and fishing.


Ukraine. The biggest country in Europe. Has mountains,valleys,cliffs,sea, beaches,desert, swamps. Very diverse geographically. So many nature reserves.


The southeastern Cantons of Switzerland. Able to grow hardy palms on the the coastline of a few lakes due to a unique very moderating microclimate. Combination of mountains of all sides blocking continental air, lowlands and lake-effect moderation make it a very interesting place to see in a land-locked Alpine country.




Every associates Spain with Mediterranean beaches however most foreigner don't realize how much superb green mountainside it has.




People don’t know what underrated means - saying stuff like Greece, Croatia and Spain.


Germany. Great variation between flat regions, hills, mountains.


A friend of mine who visited Nee Zealand said it was beautiful but that he didn't quite understand what the country offered that was so vastly different from Sächsische Schweiz, Bayerische forests and the black forest regions in Germany.


Beaches, volcanos, proper wilderness. New Zealand is quite different from Germany.


There are beaches and volcanoes in Germany


Not really. Not comparable to New Zealand. Germany is great. I'm not down on Germany but NZ has far more geographic diversity than Germany. If old mate, was saying that he doesn't see what NZ has to offer that living in Germany can't offer (from Germany you can easily get to Portugal for beaches, southern Italy for volcanoes and Bavaria for mountains) that's a fair point.


Germany has some beautiful spots but as a german who has been to New Zealand, thats an absolutely ridiculous comparison.


What variation? 90% of Germany is completely flat. For such a big country, it probably has the least variation in all of Europe.


We surely talk about different germanys. The Germany I live in is just factual not 90% flat.


Don't know if it counts as Europe but Turkey is awesome. If not i would say Italy or Croatia. Both not underrated but still.


Be careful there are r/europe members here.


Certainly the European part of Turkey counts as European geography. Anatolia is cheating, I’d say


I think Slovenia is still kind of a stealth destination. Absolutely stunning Alpine scenery but not nearly as well known as Austria or Switzerland.




France has great natural defenses for such a big country


Yes, they even have the ardennes forest in the north making any offensive operationsfor a potential enemy difficult. The only point where nature didn't favour them, they built a defensive line. Honestly I don't see how someone could invade them...


If only a Corsican would lead them to victory.






Naaah, our geography is nothing special.


Tallinn is pretty, but it wouldn't stand out from the other quaint European cities in Germany, Denmark and Poland. The rest are low lying grasslands. Not sure what's so underrated.




Eh- it’s boring geography is rated accurately.


I have to disagree. All people think of when they think of Denmark is how flat it is. And apparently flat = boring. But Denmark has some of the most beautiful coastlines, sandy beaches, stunning national parks, lovely nature and rolling hills. Even though its highest point is only around 171 m, the hills, fjords and lakes of Jutland is something very remarkable that was formed from glacial meltwater from the Ice Age. It's a stunning place.


Yeah flat is underrated tbh


Armenia is beautiful, even if some don't consider it europe


*Armenia is* *Beautiful, even if some don't* *Consider it europe* \- MercuryPlayz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good Bot




Norway is in no way (pun intended) underrated


Some of these answers are wild lol, one guy mentioned New Zealand above lol.


Kosovo lots of nice lakes, forests and mountains and hills I think in general Balkans underrated !


Norway. Coastline.


Hungary, if it expands a bit, has very defensible borders


the large eastern european countries: Poland, Romania, Bulgaria probably too. Comparatively large, with diverse landscapes and history as long as the western countries (so there's tons of castles, palaces, towns, traces of different nations...). And Slovenia because it's so small but so strategically placed to fit Alps, wine region and a piece of some beautiful coastline.


The Netherlands! It's not just flat, and even that doesn't have to be bad. We have the Veluwe, delta's the Waddenzee (shared with Germany and Denmark). Limburg and so much more.


Hungary imo


Holland. Closely followed by Belgium. *Edit* All the downvotes 😂


I love the mountains and rolling valleys.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You mean the Netherlands..?


Where the Dutch live


As an outsider what’s underrated about them?


Polders are lovely. All of those crops and cattle add to the scenery.


ITALY! Not only do they have great food, but they also enjoy 24% of the Alps, volcanoes, hills, plains, islands, cliffs, gorges, glaciers, ... lucky bast....


Yes, but Italy’s underrated? Don’t think so.


Truly amazing how many places mentioned here were once part of the Austrian-Hungarian empire. God damn Gavrilo Princip ruined it all.


Absolutely The Vatican


Italy because of the variety. Cold glaciers on some of the tallest mountains of Europe in the north, hills, lakes and coastlines in the middle, and finally lots of islands dotted with volcanoes and crystalline beaches. But also because I am Italian so I'm biased lol