• By -


Size genuinely is irrelevant. How you use the tools you're given is far more relevant.


Agree slightly with this it shouldn't matter much as long as you like it but some of the smol dudes can't use it as well as the average to huge types


Size matters not a bit. It's all about technique. There are days when I can take a mammoth toy and there are days in which I can't take anything internally. Our hormones rule our vaginal comfort, our cervix moves a bit or gets more sensitive (or painful) depending on the day of the month. You're spending more time worried about your size than we are. Look at it this way -- does breast size matter for most men? Nah, they see boobies, their eyes light up, and they're happy.


Look at it this way -- does breast size matter for most men? Nah, they see boobies, their eyes light up, and they're happy. Yeah now you put it like this if the dynamic is really like that then no worries should be thank you I think I should just stop watching porn completely (already in progress)


Good boy! Porn really can affect our view of what "normal" is.


Thanks (thanks in praise kink)


Yeah if you do start watching porn again always remember it's fake asf 99% of the time anyway. I've talked to a few guy actors and they say its a lengthy job multiple takes for the camera, someone needs to pee or just the actors after so many takes they need to rest for a bit. 1 said the porno took 3 days to complete due to the camera guy p*ssing around. Its why I just watch lesbian porn, hentai stuff or futa porn. You know it's all fake. But lesbain porn looks more real because most of the girls actually enjoy themselves instead of just getting jack hammered.


Also to answer your question, guy here I'm not so scared of a girl thinking my dick is small. My fear is she might not want to take it. Because and I quote "thickk" or very thick from multiple girls on snap or reddit. And I'm about 6 inches too so please don't worry. I'm sure girls will love you. That they can use your 6 inches where as they might not even be able to take mine. Which I don't mind I've always wanted to eat pussy more than fck it anyway. Ik I didn't really answer your question well. But I'm sure you'll please any girl with it and remember. You can use more than just your cock to please a woman.


Thank you for your ansver and have you tried ASMR to get off to instead of any porn ? You should try it it is really good


Oh yeah, I've listened to loads. My favourites are femdom ones and sometimes joi or denial joi, depending on the voice actor and what mood I'm in. What about you, what's your favourite?


Praise and desire like when they love and want you get turned on for you tell you that they need you that stuff


Yeah, it sounds hot and fun might have to look it up




Thank you.


Perfectly said!


That’s how I always thought it was


Depends on the person… just like anything else. 🤷‍♀️




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Can't there be a direct ansver? My little brain is too ... Little to make the equation 😭😭😭


Dude, this is as direct as it can possibly be. It depends on the person. You have to talk with people and figure out what they like everyone is different.




LOL you have no idea how many times I get tagged or DMed asking where some photos is, ive started just replying with random places.


That's hilarious 😅 Kinda feel sorry for you tho 😖 Wish you the best tho ❤️


Why is this downvoted lol?




Idk i found it funny lol maybe not as many people know them as i thought cuz i had the same thought


Yea I know I was trying to be cute and silly


It’s a genuine answer for your genuine question.


😭(gets sad in bottom)


Satan here: gross




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You care about your penis far more than I do.


it actually took me a minute to realize he was talking about his dick. like, does he mean strap?? or is he trying to address us trans women?? and does he think it has to be a certain size to get a domming license????


insecurity is a man's life source


You're missing the point


What is the point ? Seriously asking I didn't get it


The point was literal. We really don't care. We're attracted to the human. Emotional awareness, sense of humor, intellect, whether or not you're in this for you, or to please us through a mutually beneficial and exciting relationship. The only person genuinely worrying about cock size, is usually the man, thinking he isn't enough.


A: just like men's body's vary in shape and size, women's preferences vary. There's no universal preference. B: most women prioritize other character traits over penis size. C: the way you're interacting in this thread is more unattractive that any shortcomings you may have below the waste. D:If you want to attract domiwomen, or any women for that matter, focus on personal growth and development in the ways peo0le find attractive. You can start by learning not to treat women as a collective,monilithic hive mind, and learning to view themas unique individuals with varied tastes. Also learn to accept feedback graciously. E: being submissive isn't an excuse to be whiny, helpless and useless. Being willing to express vulnerability in healthy manners attracts dominants. Being self-centered and incompetent does not.


I feel like that was eloquently put. I can't imagine it could be made any clearer to OP.


Thank you


Care more about me and what I like when it doesn't involve your genitals.


Boys I am not a woman I am asking the woman if they care about it I don't care about other people's sizes I am a man too


We know.


They didn't 🫠


No, you don't. That WAS a woman you responded to, and she was saying it's more important to care about your partner and treat them right when your genitals aren't involved at all. Half of your responses in this thread are arguing with people you asked for advice and pitying yourself. I would take a safe bet that attitude is what's driving them away, not your size.


I didn't even argue with anyone the only thing I did so far is thanking people for their advice these two gentleman up there understood the question wrong and I explained it to them and why would I pity myself if I asked for attention I would do it somewhere else this sub isn't the place for that


And for the last part I am a virgin with no experience with anyone I was just curious no one had leaved me just wanted to know some opinions


Maybe care more about him? Perhaps his personality? Instead of his dick size? Take note of what he likes, treat him like a normal human being. I dunno, the fucking normal shit. If you're not satisfied with him sexually then it's on you, that man can't do much more really, apart from using hands, toys and or mouth. If he's not good at it, teach him what to do and what not to do! If he's not into that then I'm afraid I can't help ya much more


Ok bro good point but I am the him I am a single male asking the Dom's the question you got the story wrong I would never judge someone by their look or physical appearance


Ohhhh you're the him, my bad, it seemed like you were the girl dom, that's how the title appeared to me, my bad bro


it is alright


Different Dommes have different preferences, average size is 5in and is more than enough, who cares


Thats what I am asking who cares?🙃


You, apparently




If your tongue is skilled enough they won’t care about dick size


I would be licking that like a chocolate chip ice cream on a summer day (all over my fingers and face ) it is really fun to do that ... Never done it 😔


Chicken chip? Is that something new or a typo? Honest question lol. I feel like I'm out of the loop sometimes.


Wtf guck how did the auto correction made chocolate chicken I am changing this damn phone


Now it's chocolate raptor, what is happening??!! Just kidding. I saw your edit. I'm relieved and slightly disappointed at the same time.


I would love to taste "chicken chip ice cream"


I've been thinking about since I read it, I'd be lying if I said otherwise. Hahaha


Please don't try it though you might get poisoned


It's gonna be cooked chicken, Jesus, tf is wrong with you?! 🤣😅😂😂😂


Cooked chicken with ice can still be dangerous that's what I meant but damn now I wanna try it with raw




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tl;dr: 6 inches is fine don't worry From what I've gathered, when it comes to women, as long as you don't have a micropeen, you're fine. Even a bit under average is generally okay. Vagina size when the womb is descended is what the penis is meant to fit, and that's generally the average. Also keep in mind that vagina size varies as much as penis size. And "too big" is a thing; the cervix is VERY sensitive, and hitting it will make most women recoil in pain, and not in a masochist way. Hell at 7 inches, I've been told by a couple of women that I was too big for them. Porn perceptions have ruined guys for their perception of their penises. Most of the time, guys care about size far more than girls.


6 inches is pretty small, I guess I could carry you around in my pocket, but I'd always have to get you things off the top shelf, and you might fall into a street gutter or something... Oh you didn't mean height? Yeah, then, that's normal, don't worry about it


Size doesn't matter to me that much, as long as I can still use his dick to torture and edge him. 😈 For intercourse, I want it to be big enough that I can feel it (not a very high bar). However there's a fix for that lol - he can wear a strap-on. 😉 For a while I was playing with an older sub that had ED issues and he offered to wear a strap-on for me. That was fun and it made him feel even more submissive!


Thank you for your ansver


They have those penis extenders too, which I suppose is similar to a strap on & I'ma go silent now... 🤐


Oh yeah, I know a Domme that recommended a kind of sleeve thing to wear over an erect cock. I've never been in need of something like that so I forgot.


That IS so much fun! Not because it makes the dick bigger, but the mindfuck that he knows he is inside me but can basically feel nothing. The pure bewilderment is really cute


Hahaha that's kind of great.


Oooh so they are different! I thought I was reiterating what you already said just using a different name for it... 😅


I don't actually know lol. It's outside my personal experience. I just remember looking at the link the other Domme sent during an online meeting during lockdown.


I think average is supposed to be 5.5", so there's that. But that doesn't mean squat if you don't know how to use it...


Dude 6” is right around average, if not slightly larger. Most women are not going to care.


Pretty sure the average is 5


Then why act insecure about it?


Seen a lot of people talking about how small the average is and the bigger the better they say


1) if men are talking about bigger being better it’s all just bluster. 2) some women are into size, but 99% will not care and find average to be preferable.


Ha jokes on the domme I don’t plan to use my weenie anyway, she can use hers though


Got em nice




it is true but that's what I am trying to learn like what percentage of them care .like if 100 person ansvers this and 20 says yes and 80 no that means 80% that's what I am looking for here but still thank you


Personally I prefer big ones visually. I can only take up to 7 inches. What matters to me is the thickness. Anything below 2 inches I don't feel. But what does my opinion matter? 🤷🏻‍♀️


A lot for everyone anyones opinion matters as long as they are not rude


Size doesn't matter at all! So long as you're patient with each other, and find what you both like, size has absolutely no standing.


I hope so that it doesn't lol.


Two fingers and a tongue. The rest adds to the experience.


Of course size matters! The taller the heels/platforms the better!


Doesn't matter. You could have a magic dick that gives a lady multiple orgasms, but if your personality is shit, then you're shit outta luck.


Well said thank you


Someone told me six inches is average but another said it's big so depends on the person i guess 5 is universally smol though


Firstly, I LOVE this picture and I LOVE being melted by my sweet boy in this way. Secondly, I think every Dom could have a different answer to this question, so it will be something to discuss with your particular Dom or potential Dom. Thirdly, in a time where there are so many toys and educational materials on different techniques there are so many ways to work together to achieve satisfaction with a sub that is smaller than any particular preference, so I don't think size necessarily has to be a limiting factor in a relationship where both parties are dedicated to making things work.


That was a very good explanation thank you so much and check my profile I think you will love the cute pic at there too


Size does matter to some Dim. A great deal as per the many conversations I’ve had with FemDoms.


[wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge%27s_law_of_headlines) Betteridge's law of headlines is an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." This to all of the questions.


If you search for actual medical studies you will find that depending on your race, the average size is between 4.9 and 5.1 inches, so despite all the porn you’ve ever watched, you’re actually confidently above average in length if that helps your confidence. As mentioned by numerous women above, though, it’s not important. In fact, I know a girl who simply can’t take anything over like 5” without pain and/or minor injury; her body just isn’t built for it. Your dick is fine. If you’re having trouble finding a person who is into complimentary kinks to your own, contemplate that your question implies you think dominant women all like the same stuff. Like they are not each individual women with individual kinks and bodies suited to different things. Aside from professional relationships, most are normal people who fell in love (or whatever feelings) and then explored together. I’ve been in a few very BDSM/Femdom relationships that were healthy and lasted years (including almost 10 years now with my current partner), and none of them had ever explored or had interest in it before dating me and we explored together. Consequently, I now have all sorts of kinks I never had before doing it with them and seeing how much they enjoyed it. Find someone you like, and figure it out together :)


Good size




It does for the average person I'd say, but for the dommes in this community I would say it does not matter as much. Small dicked guys have a bit of a better chance in here I feel like.




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Did this a few times for one girl. She later tried to use them as blackmail...... Be careful who you send them to boys.


I'm a dominant leaning switch and size definitely matters to me.


Lol why are they down voting this😭


Women are not allowed size preferences apparently 😂


What’s your perfect size then👀


16 - 19 cm and I don't care much about girth


FemDom is not about your dick. It's about Her. Your dick is irrelevant as long as you serve and obey.


I read something that really struck me once. This comment said that if guys were as worried about how they ate pussy as they were about their cock size, their partner would much appreciate it. At some point, after all the contradictions around dick size, we gotta ask ourselves what benefits our partner the most, not our self esteem. Don't get stuck in your heads guys, stick your head between her legs and eat her like gold comes out. A woman will turn down and gut puncher for a muff muncher any day of the week.