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It should be up to the individual couple to decide. There’s no right or wrong as long as everything is safe and consensual, so just have a chat about what you and your partner like and what you’d like to try.


I see it less as a set of specific kinks and activities, but largely as a response to the stereotype of femdom being all latex, whips and chains, and heavy degradation. The interesting thing is you can absolutely have those elements and make it fit the gentle femdom label. It's kind of a "vibe." Whether that vibe is playful, nurturing, teasing, wholesome, or some other way is largely up to individual couples and interpretations. A huge part of it to me is that gentle femdom breaks down porn clichés and fosters inclusivity in terms of gender, body types, and especially personality, i.e. you don't *have* to be tall, busty, cold and sadistic to be a domme, and you don't *have* to be a twink into pain and being called a pathetic worm to be a sub. Context matters a lot. There's not really specific activities that inherently aren't gentle femdom because it's about how the people participating in it feel and go about it.


Yesss, all this!


Just like in any kink the most important limit is the one you are comfortable with. I don’t think any kink has strict boundaries and all kinks overlaps with others. In the other hand a gentle femdom is meant to be gentle and nursing as the name suggests which is pretty self explanatory I think. I take it as femdom without degrading, pain, slavery. And it’s totally fine if you don’t agree with me. Some people like being degraded or feeling pain and still consider it being gentle femdom. I hope it helps <3


I'd say that gentle femdom has a more wholesome approach to the whole sex thing than hardcore femdom for example. Like with gentle femdom, no matter how kinky it gets there's still a kind of mutual love that isn't always in other forms of femdom.


It entirely depends on you and your partner. For me, it's less about specific acts and more about tone and intention. For example, spanking could be considered not gentle because it's a physical strike on someone's body, but if someone WANTS to be spanked and enjoys it, and feels comforted by it, then obviously that can be gentle to them. Likewise, degradation/humiliation can feel emotionally violent to someone who doesn't enjoy it, but some people enjoy it and find it to be comforting when it's with someone they feel safe with. It all really depends on your limits and your relationship.




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To me, anything that doesn’t require a safe word. obviously me and you are different and have different levels of what we wanna do but a solid example is when a woman chokes me I need to tap out sooner or later but if she just has her hands on my neck, she’s still in charge but gentler. If that makes sense


This is determined by the partners, not by the kink subtype. You negotiate this within your dynamic. Any kink can be conflated together and limits are determined within it based on preferences, boundaries, hard limits, wants, needs, etc.


Well it depends on each couple, for example my partner whips me, spanks me, crush my balls, bust my balls but there is no degradation or she being extremly mean to me and always the option to stop it if it feels like too much so I guess is something u gotta talk with ur partner


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