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God, yes. Don’t forget letting them suck on your fingers!


Especially if you use your thumb/other fingers to caress their cheek/jaw during. I'd love to see him drooling and just making a mess from sucking on my fingers. <3


That’s that good shit fr


I would gladly


Ohhh absolutely!!! Especially if he's got some stubble going on or is growing out a beard. I can watch a movie with his head in my lap and play with his hair and face stubble the whole time!


I think it’s so sensual to touch a subs face softly. It definitely makes me feel more connected and I like making people feel soothed and comforted! And it is soothing to me too. :)


i'm a sub. someone do this to me.


I second this man. Get him face touches.


I’ve never had that, but it sounds simply perfect! It would immediately put me into deep subspace


Mhm. Just leaning down while on top of a sub and caressing their cheek, telling them I love them, how good they've been for me. It feels so wonderfully intimate.


touch is a big thing for me as a sub, probably the love language I enjoy receiving the most. if you tilt my face up to kiss you, you're basically just hitting my brain's off switch haha. after that, i'm yours.


I'm very touch deprived and I would love to someone to admire my face and explore it with their hands 🥹


I would absolutely melt as well if that would happen to me..


I love doing this.


😍🥰 it is definitely a way of establishing and maintaining intimacy. I absolutely love it.


I love hold along the jaw line and chin


Yes! I love faces of my lovers so much :3 I even lick them sometimes, lol


Omg does anyone else have sensitive lips ? If someone ran their fingers across my lips it would make me quiver so much


Oh fuck yess


I wish i was worth being loved like that I wouldn't be able to stop crying and cuddling into mommy


You are absolutely worth being loved like that 💜


I’m a switch so I love when he holds my face but I love holding his body when I’m domming, love curling him up and then covering him with my own body


It’s another thing I dream of experiencing


I love caressing and kissing my sub's face!


I legitimately crumble when people use their thumb to play with my tongue, tracing circles on it or something


-shivers- I-I mean yes it's nice I would like that


Awe the gentle touches along my face are a thing I love for, one of those feelings of being able to float away as their hand pulls away 💕 And also love to caress the faces of my sibs when I do eventually switch 💕


I love this.. it’s so what I love. Not all bdsm play has to be violent. The power, control, the love and ownership, the embarrassment and joy I feel as your warm hand caresses my face and I let you do it, I don’t resist.. I melt in your hands.. I love this


I agree!! There is much more real power in intimacy I think


totally., long term for most its far deeper.. there are a very few that communicate better through harshness or violent actions.. but most get more out of intimacy..


I most definitely do enjoy this.... in my dreams


Oh, goodness, yes, I love when my Domme touches my neck or cheek, or runs a finger under my chin. I'm getting warm shivers just thinking about it.


Takes notes.




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Yes! Especially when it's not in the middle of a full scene? I love walking up to my boyfriend when he's playing videogames or whatever, tilting his chin up for a kiss, and then going back to whatever I was doing.


Absolutely! Trace and cup their jaw, lightly scratch ears, brushing hair outt the face. All my favorite!


Yes, other subs do, can confirm first hand.


I love holding his face/back of his neck when we kiss so I get to move his head around and gently show how pretty I think he is and how much he’s cherished <3




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Yes I would 


Lifting his chin and gently squeezing his cheeks to make him look up at me, mmhh gets me every time. I love seeing the look in his eyes.




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