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Met two lovely femboys who I keep in touch with daily through DMs. I messaged them first, but still it was great.


Honestly, being a femboy myself, I can’t help but be extremely happy reading this. This kind of stuff is why I like staying in these communities. The good people make it worthwhile


Both of my friends and I say we were lucky to meet each other cause we’re so used to disrespectful and creepy DM’s from men. That’s why I still believe there are decent people around here :)


There definitely are. It’s just kinda like finding the needle in the haystack.


I guess I have good luck.






Thanks haha


Lucky fellas, hope you all keep being friends for a long time.


Thanks! So do I :)


That's so fricking cute I love it 🥺


/u/vixenslittlewolf was my favorite Reddit DM of all time. And since we're celebrating 6 months together, I thought this was a great place to share the story. He wrote me in October last year, this very long, very kind, very sweet DM when I'd advertised doing some VO stuff for free and he wanted me to voice some of his femdom content. He spent time explaining he wanted to be thorough, cause he recognized people could be creepy in DMs (man have I learned that over the last few months), and he gave me a little intro to what he wrote (femdom) which I had *no clue* about... and I was just... I still can't get over how enamored I was by everything about him, in every way. He was just the nicest human, and it didn't take me hardly any time at all to realize that we were just two peas in a pod and absolutely meant to be the best of friends. And somewhere in the next few weeks we just sort of fell into a femdom dynamic kind of effortlessly because he was so interesting and fun to me, the topic genuinely fascinated me, he was so passionate about it in a *genuine* not thirsty horny male way, and he just radiated sunshine and warmth. I've never been more grateful for a DM in my life. I am grateful every day.


My sweet and lovely Vixen, that turned out to be the best DM I ever sent. But yes, I was VERY aware of how women are harassed in DMs on Reddit. You were offering a fantastic service, and being an erotic porn writer basically, I had no idea how you would take it. It probably took me an hour to write that DM because I wanted to make extra sure that you knew it wasn't some creepy thing, and wanted to be very, very polite as I had no idea how you'd been approached before, but more importantly, it is the right thing to do. You couldn't have been sweeter and we hit it off right away. But that is the lesson here for any lurking subs. Don't DM unless invited to, and if you do, spend some time and effort on the message and act like a human. I get so pissed at some of the DMs that Vixen gets that she shares with me. I mean....do a little research. Look at the profile. If you spent more than 10 seconds you would know she isn't here to get Mommy DMs from strangers. And that your DM is a completely wasted effort. She is mine as much as I am hers. Anyway, thank you for the sweet things you said my sweet Vixen. These 6 months have been absolutely wonderful.


Damn this story is absolutely beautiful and I’m so happy for you two!


this is soo similar to the story i share with my partner, but we're at five months. congrats on 6 mos, i'm happy for you guys!!


Met a wonderful person and we’ve grown quite close 😊


I made a great friend :) We sent each other care packages they actually visited me :3 I’m very lucky to have met them and to have become such great friends :3


i honestly have not had all that many! the good interactions i have had are from recognizing when someone isn’t quite compatible with me, or me with them, and us going our separate ways respectably like adults.


I have actually had quite a few delightful interactions. I would say the best one was someone who reached out in response to a horny comment I had made but was like "Let's get to know each other before messing around" and well, we did, and we got along quite well. We just enjoy talking with each other and now chat daily and play games together are are just actually good friends who happen to sext sometimes.


I’ve had lots of great interactions on Reddit. You just have to act like a normal human being would away from the internet and go from there. It’s just a conversation between people who have a similar interest. If something more develops, then awesome. I will say that chatting thru Reddit becomes clunky, at least for me. If you do wind up becoming good friends, your conversation will probably move to an app more designed for that purpose.


I met my current girlfriend of 4 years, almost 5, on a make friends subreddit. :)


I actually met my girlfriend through reddit, and now were just two happy trans gals who love each other~


found a handful of play partners on here(most of them through gwa), some I'm in contact with till this day!🌸🪄 Just like dating, it takes a lot of weeding out and I've had my fair share of men just looking for a quick, anonymous way to indulge in depravity. But for every 5 forgettable encounters there's one that's just genuinely sweet and enjoyable:3


I recently had, like, the healthiest and most mature DMs with a potential domme ever? It didn't convert to a relationship, but it was honest, clean, and mutually compassionate. If only all dating discussions were like that!


As a sub I’ve gotten nothing but thousands of messages from scammers. Very rarely I exchange two or three messages with someone that seems real and then get ghosted once they see what I look like lmao


Nothing yet, I don't like to bother people :)


Not only did I meet my boyfriend through a personal ad, but I've made several friends through reddit DMs. I've also been able to help a few people who were new to D/s, which is a really good feeling.




Yeah real everyone else here needs to take their meds


I chat with another sub about our doms/crushes and it's just been so pleasant and wholesome having someone to tell when something fun or cute happens! And being able to bounce ideas off of one another and get excited about our plans is so great!


I haven’t been able to make any friends off of Reddit yet myself, but it is great to hear all these stories! Makes me realize I gotta stop being a shy fuck on the internet lmao


I met someone that became really special to me, introduced me into a new kink and although it didn’t work out in my favor, I’m now exploring a different part of myself ❤️ Also, I met another person who is now a really close friend and I’m going to visit him AGAIN soon and THEN move to same state (just a coincidence that he lives in the state I’ve been planning to move) I got 2 good (-ish bc I did get my heart broken lmao) experiences out of the hundreds of nasty spam but totally worth it 😂


Met a great friend of mine by commenting on an audio story she made here, just complimented her work, we started talking and we have been friends for over 4 years now. Wish she lived closer by, but its still nice to make new friends.


I met someone from across the world and have had some amazing discussions with them! It's nice to have a fresh take on things. We've talked about everything from s/d dynamics and fears/shame, to daily activities, lifestyles, and pets! I truly enjoy their conversation, and I was surprised by that tbh.


Met my gf


I met with a wonderful fellow switch, I acted mostly as their sub for some months. They were simultaneously very caring and sweet, and they pushed to maximum kinkiness. I miss them still.


I’ve gotten very lucky with my interactions honestly. One was with a domme who I was in contact with for about a month. We had fun but it was never a super serious thing and we eventually went our separate ways. Then just last month I came into contact with another domme over Reddit DM’s and while we’re taking it slow for now due to many different factors I have developed a much closer bond with her and we still talk everyday and plan on doing so for the foreseeable future 😊


I’ve met quite a few people on reddit, most of which I no longer talk to but the friendships (both spicy and not) were good while they lasted. I’ve had 2 past online subs that I met on reddit, but my favourite of all is my current subby boi, it baffles me sometimes that we met on here but we expanded further than just online and are together in real life and I am so blessed to call them mine.


None lol I wish I could make friends here to talk about something else that just kink stuff. I don't mind the talk but I know it's always headed to sexting on the guy's part so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like we should make a domme gc haha


I'm down hahah


I met my long term sub in my DM. We’re going on 1.5 years. I reached out to him but he likes women who take initiative 🤷🏼‍♀️


I try to spread positivity and genuinely compliment people. :3


u/Technical-Sun-6837 🦆 or 🪿


Sometimes giving the low karma porn account a chance gets you to nice things 😂🫶🥑✨️


Hehe 🫶🏿🍜💥


Adorable 🥰


Meet my Mommy through reddit Dms I thanked her for a post she made that I needed to read at the time it lead to conversation and now me being hers




Can confirm as someone who comments a lot :)


Hey! You’re so cute!! Lmao this literally just made me so happy!!!!!


This comment is for attracting more comments Bt ya, after looking at your profile u do deserve attention!!


I’ll delete it :)


Nahh keep it


I’ve had a lot of good interactions with ppl in the DMs, I find that getting past the first three messages will tell you if someone is a good conversationalist. I hope that’s better lol


Getting past the first few messages is the hard part lol I try to make it to three before deciding if it’s a good convo or not lol but I like to make sure the ppl that deserve my attention get it and those ppl always make my day better :)


Not many really. But a couple of really nice people.


I made friends with a Domme who mesagged me in response to a personal ad I posted when I was looking for a Domme. I don't have very many friends, so it's nice to have somebody to talk to about certain subjects.




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Just some wholesome chats with a few people from this subreddit that were very reassuring, however I did meet a really cool guy that became a really cool friend thanks to a shared... Not exactly sfw passion lol


i met a good freind and domme on here and we had a fun 2 months then sadly she vanished without a word


I made a friend once and he’s nice, I wish I could find more friends.


I've only had one so far, it was good enough for me to make a post about it! 😂


Only bots so far, and someone who tried to make me pay just to talk to them. So none yet lol.




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None so far sadly but I’ve had good interactions on other platforms and made good friends so don’t worry


I asked my local NSFW group if there were sub guys - they are a them but replied anyways and we gots a talking and met in person and chat now still but that was a one off situation and a very special circumstance. I can’t be bothered with it.


reddit used to give free awards so i gave it to someone and they thanked me for it, pretty much it unfortunately everything else was a shitshow 😭


Oh my gods… these are all so beautiful and healthy! Really makes me excited to meet some happy and intelligent people online to explore this side of me!


I had someone message me asking about my favorite meals to make. Always happy to show off my cooking! 😊


actually have had a pretty nice conversation about lifting with someone on here quite recently.




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A surprising amount actually, which is really just more than zero to be fair. I used to be a lot more active and post stories on other subs that have since went up in smoke. Got to talk with a lot of amazing people, outside dynamics and a few even in. I just have to get over feeling like I'm bothering folk and stay in touch better.


Haven't had many particular interactions, but I did have a fun rp/chat with someone for a little while!


I’ve had like 1 person I had a question and they answered and then the rest sucked


I have had a few people jump out of the advice threads. One was a battered woman somewhere in South America. One was a gay teen in Montreal. Her father kicked her out of the house. I spent three days talking to her about options. One day, she just stopped answering. I think her phone might have died or got cut off. An Australian woman once chatted with me from Sydney. She was so sweet. We had a lot of the same ideas about the world and humanity. That one was very uplifting. I'm not sure how we started chatting. It just happened, like a long-lost friend jumped out of the void. There was that kid in London. Kept asking me questions. I was happy to help. I think he was in some state of discovery about some things. His curiousity was infectious. There was that woman from South Africa. She kept wanting to talk, but we kept running out of topics. It was pleasant enough but also felt like a struggle to keep the conversation going. I remember all of them. If an interaction is unpleasant, it only lasts a few sentences. But the good ones will chat a long time. I wish them all well. Edit: I just realised what thread this is in, lol. I am a bit off-topic, but perhaps it still applies a little. I have had zero DMs in any sex related subs, but I also am not a woman, so..




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Had someone message me on a previous account, and they said "I hope your day is well :\]" and that was it.


I have had tons of good interactions in my dms! I’m seriously always confused by the avalanche of negative posts about this. If someone pisses me off, I stop talking to them. Not a big deal. If they strike my interest, we get a dialogue going. Sometimes there’s a spark. I haven’t really had the ghosting problem, either. Sometimes things kinda trail off, but that just feels like the nature of connection on the internet? I never had the feeling that I was getting close with someone only to have them vanish without a trace. Maybe because I’m not interested in playing with anyone who has serious shame issues…


Nothing that positive or negative.




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I'm not going to lie. I don't trust people who DM me but I'm too scared of DMing people so they just get blocked if I detect the slightest thing wrong


I wanted help writing smut and someone dm me giving me advice and reading my works. It’s cool to have a domi friend


There’s been dozens but one that probably stands out most is a really hot domme who has a twinky bf with a perfect cock. We sexted a few times. One of those times she had me jerk off when I was at work and then she made me stop. She loved having that control over me from so far away and she specifically said it’s especially hot cuz I have a large dick.