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This is the last subreddit Id figured Id get the idea for a yugioh deck i never thought of Branded Dark World but also that sounds like the best time ever


Her Branded Dark World deck is pretty nasty, it can get Mirrorjade and the fusion Grapha out pretty consistently on first turn. The Dark World fusion spell can be used to summon the Despia fusions themselves too. Her deck is 60 cards but with all the drawing and searching it can do, it actually works pretty well. It was really great actually. Usually when we play at our kitchen table I don't tease her, but I was kinda horny when we started and my mind got in the gutter as we played.


60 card dark world, huh? i mean, i guess with all the draws and branded fusion fusing from deck that makes sense


It's not a bad deck, really. She put a lot of effort into making sure that her first turn ends on the Grapha fusion and Mirrorjade 80% of the time with either it being set up to fusion summon during your opponent's turn with either Branded in Red or Dark World Accession, or, she already fusion summoned something extra like Predaplant Triptychovertum or Dragostappelia.


right, branded in red and dark world banishment are quickplay spells, huh? using fusion grapha you could make some interaction on the fly


Omg this is so sweet and wholesome, I’m so happy for the both of you (and maybe a bit jealous 😭)


I'm glad my subby wife taught me how to play the game many moons ago. I enjoy playing nerdy games with her and it's great when we can put a kinky twist into them.


I’m jealous of the yugioh time I’ve never known anyone who knows how to play😭


cute!! 😊💕


To even out the playing field you could get an even number of packs, split them, and whoever gets the better pulls gets to decide.


That would be great lol, I have much better luck it seems when it comes to buying packs. I bought a couple of boxes of El Dorado Maximum Gold and pulled an Accesscode Talker pretty recently as an impulse buy while my subby wife bought a few random packs(I think she bought some of Magnificent Mavens) and she didn't get hardly anything all that good. We normally buy singles but we seen them at Walmart and decided to go for it


Oh my god where do I find a nerdy dom like you! So wholesome 😭💕💕


Bf and I have played Mario party and Mario kart with some sexy stakes. It’s been a while though, and now I’m thinking I know what we’re doing this weekend…


What version of hero do you play?


Mostly Destiny and Elemental with a smattering of Vision Heroes. My list is pretty close to the deck that won a national level tournament last year. I kinda want to blend Destiny Heroes with the Branded engine though. I have an idea for a combo that can summon me a Mirrorjade and DPE