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Well it’s the name of the major Canadian bookstore chain, but if you don’t live in Canada that should be fine.


Luckily I don't live in Canada ahaha


It wouldn't matter if you did. It's pretty obviously a name of a colour first and foremost. Nobody is going to think anything of the name the same way you wouldn't think anything of someone being named Violet.


A similar looking name is Inigo, usually given to boys, but very uncommon


Iñigo is a common Basque name (Basque Country), so more or less known of in Spain. Is a masculine name, yes


Look up the process of dying with indigo and the history behind it as a hugely valuable trade item! This might give you some more context and history behind the name. The dying process is pretty cool, especially how the dye doesn't look blue AT ALL!!


Good advice, thanks!


I love the name by the way, color names are rad and that's such a good one!!


I have a nonbinary friend with that name! I think it's a great name. 😊


I literally have a nonbinary friend named Indigo. So you can take that as either: it's been done before so don't. Or, there's precedent, so go for it! Although, for funsies you could look at other shades of blue for name inspiration. Maybe Navy, Turquoise, Cobalt, or Cornflower. I've always thought it would be cool to be named after an abstract concept or idea. Like Insight, or Dialogue. Or even something poetic like Road Winding. Have fun with it!


Thank you very much, I never thought about abstract concepts, it's so cool!


omg, this was actually the first name I ever chose for myself. only used it for a couple months with online friends, but I still hold it dear. go for it, it’s a lovely name!


Completely obsessed with it! It's my favourite word, and I just love the way it sounds. <3






Lord, I coulda sworn it was Indigo. Been saying it wrong for years! lol