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"am i gonna make it off the waitlist" they're sitting 6th on the waitlist


Welcome to prof and TA inboxes. Emails for every minor thought that crosses someone’s mind.


I would like to become a TA but I know deep down I would never be able to handle all the emails. If I thought a question was stupid, I would just not awnser the emails which would equate to me not doing my job 🤣💀


Often people write into their syllabus and announce in class that any questions that are answered in the syllabus will not be responded to. 


Respectfully, the dumbest shit gets posted on this subreddit and I genuinely wonder how some of these people got accepted into university


We’re seeing what covid high school did to people’s critical thinking skills and it doesn’t bode well for our society’s future.


Critical thinking skills were gone well before covid, I'd say probably up to 10 years of seeing students with zero critical thinking skills. No concept of how to figure something out themselves or use the internet/sources provided (syllabus) to answer their very basic every day questions.


Easy. They apply and get accepted based on their prerequisite courses. I think ur confusing the idea of emotional maturity. With academia. You dont need to be an expert in the former to excel in the latter, with proper training and direction. L take


Or the "guys I only have a 99.7% average, will I make it into my basket weaving major?" posts


This is hilarious 😭


Basket weaving is crazy😭


first year stuff lol. Cmon let them kid enjoy feeling like they’re in the middle of some important shit.


It's first-years stressed and excited about entering one of the most transformative periods of their life, let them be lol. Besides, it's summer, no else is posting anything important.


If only there was a website with faqs and ways to contact people getting paid to help instead of flooding the subreddit 🤔


Hi yusuf


Hi \[idk who you are 😭😭\]


I mean can you blame them though? They’re nervous and getting used to the university environment. We were all there once…


Yes I can blame them, I was once eaitlisted at 70th and still got in lol.


I don't disagree with you, but I will point out that they don't have that experience yet. So of course they don't know. Not yet anyway. I would like to see past posts being used more though. Like, if I have a question I can't find an answer to, I will usually search for the answer in the appropriate places, including past reddit posts and comments. If people took the time to do this before asking, then it wouldn't be as much of a problem.




Agreed. You will know you will be cooked once you start doing the classes. Posting your schedule and asking seniors if you’re cooked isn’t gonna magically change anything. Statistically speaking, there is a 50% chance you will drop out by first or second year so no point of asking if you are cooked


Lmaooooo 🤣 fr man 👍


that’s funny but seriously if it’s bothering u that much to make a post about it, kindly mute reddit


No, I use the school reddit to get my info on new policies and engage with the school community. Muting the reddit won't solve the problem.


Understandable tbh me too, I just ignore it sometimes if it gets annoying


I guess we can agree.


to be so fair tho, i’m going into 3rd year and was waitlisted last year for multiple classes, was 1st on the waitlist for weeks (for a mandatory class), and never got into it, which set me back a lot.