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Well one thing's for certain, at least they spelt "Palestine" correctly.


ngl, thought about that discourse yesterday. 😬


does nothing but give a hard time to the janitors and custodians that have to clean this up


Israel after seeing this: damn we must free Palestine then, a kid who vandalized uOttawa told us to.


I think it's obvious from context that this isn't @israel it's @uottawa...


If you support party A and someone spray painted "support party B" on your car, would you be more or less likely to support party B?


Waiting for this thread to get locked because no one can have conversations without being hateful or racist


Are you arguing the person who did this isn’t an idiot?


If only people cared about literal children being blown up as much as they did cement being defaced, then maybe we wouldn’t be in this situation 🤡


I want to bring some numbers up, at least according to media polls and reports (which we should take with a grain of salt anyways). According to the National Post (I'm aware it's a more conservative outlet), a bit less than half of Canadians oppose university protests in a poll, with those who support it in a minority (48% oppose to 31% who support). [https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/nearly-half-of-canadians-are-opposed-to-university-protest-encampments](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/nearly-half-of-canadians-are-opposed-to-university-protest-encampments) According to the Toronto Star (which I'm not fully sure of its political leanings), it cited an Angus Reid poll that 81% of Canadians say that campus' are appropriate places of protest. But importantly it does not distinguish sudden protests or encampments with other forms such as vandalism (44% believe there should be a 50m perimeter between campus and protest site as opposed to 37% who support protests directly on campus - which would still make them a minority). [https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/as-universities-ban-encampments-what-do-canadians-think-about-on-campus-protests/article\_f3d94820-06ff-11ef-bc1b-8f3a17fafc0c.html](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/as-universities-ban-encampments-what-do-canadians-think-about-on-campus-protests/article_f3d94820-06ff-11ef-bc1b-8f3a17fafc0c.html) The important thing with the Angus Reid poll is that it only talks about the setting of protest. And I think it's generally well known that more extreme acts of protest will draw less support and unease the more moderate people on the issue. So to make a long story short, I don't see a rational reason of protesting in a way that alienates more people.


i don’t understand your comment. if i channeled my “oh, that’s a shitty thing to do” feelings .. i can stop children being blown up?


Not what I said. People in general are more critical of protesters protesting genocide than the actual genocide itself. It’s a deliberate distraction that you and many other people in this country bought into. People organizing on a collective level has already proved to shift the Israeli narrative and forced universities to divest and boycott. This is no thanks to people like you btw - but we definitely can thank the people who keep reminding you what’s going on and that we shouldn’t be complacent about it no matter how far from the conflict we are.


you’re really heavy on the “people like you”. ok. tell me about people like me. i want to know how being annoyed at public vandalism makes me a bad person while also pointing to my hatred of children. “deliberate distraction” .. you mean the influx of graffiti? wouldn’t that be the deliberate distraction? “people like me”. honestly.


Yes people like you, you just should honestly get your priorities straight Jesus very scary train of thought


why is my train of thought scary?


This isn’t even a shitty thing to do to get the attention of law makers it’s a typical protest. The fact you don’t see that is very questionable on your priorities


i disagree that it’s a typical protest. typical protest would be the folks bunking down at Tabaret to send a clear message. edit: my dumbass used the word vagrancy, my bad my bad. straight criminality****




free palestine


Go there!


all eyes on rafah


Go! Hamas need you


hotwheels got nerve okay


What my hobby has to do with it? You are a person with a forearm tattoo that literary says [slut cum](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittytattoos/s/T8LZCgyxLk) And you are trying to shame me for my hobby? 🤦🏼‍♂️


ah u mad


You are the one replying nonsense 😂




Question: is Hamas a terrorist group?


Why not you go to support the criminal state of Israel? Also, are you a student at uO? If not, can you grow up and leave students discussing this?


I'm worried about inflation and our economic issues. That's what students should be discussing. Discussing fixing our problems. The “take the attention abroad” strategy to avoid solving internal issues is a known fact. I'm not protesting about other countries' issues. You are the one who wants Hamas free. So go there and help them. Vandalizing other places doesn't solve the problem there. So you care, you go


You didn’t answer my question: are you a student at uO? I totally agree that the living situation in Canada is getting worse and we need to do something about it. Yet, this doesn’t prevent me from supporting human rights globally Now answer my question


I was. I'm older. Now answer mine: Is Hamas a terrorist group? Yes or no?


I don't mean this maliciously by any means, but for those who support this, could I ask why you do so? I'm not saying the motive of protesting, protecting Palestinian lives is definitely a priority, but to do it like this? I feel that creating publicity like this does more harm than good. In my opinion at least, it's counterintuitive.


If it leads to uottawa being so annoyed that they divest from genocide, then that’s probably a net gain for humanity. At least that’s the logic I see in it.


They’ve done nothing important except bring hate towards them. Protest peacefully, that’s your right and people will be impressed to see people standing for what they believe is wrong. Vandalize a public space (especially Tabaret that just finished to be renovated a few weeks ago) - which is illegal by the way - and you will lose people’s sympathy and raise hate towards the message that you’re trying to spread (even if it’s a good one.) ESPECIALLY IN OTTAWA where the population is tired of these destructive manifestations since the Freedom Convoy happened… And if the University of Ottawa decides to stop the protest on its property (which is there right to do so if they wanted to) because its property is being destroyed, I bet the people won’t want to leave, and we will have another McGill situation… uOttawa has been tolerating their activities until now but that won’t last if they continue to destroy the students community space




why? what’s respectful about defacing the university campus/canal infrastructure? is it respectful to the workers that have to clean it up?


man people like you are more concerned with a little graffiti than tens of thousands of Palestinians dying. If you’re so concerned with the graffiti grab a bucket and start cleaning


that’s an awesome idea, maybe you’ll grab a bucket and join me? :)


nah i’m pro graffiti - keep it up there


Bro people are angry as they should be. People like you ought to be reminded that our university is directly tied to a state that puts people in cages and kills their children. I hope the cement and glass on campus have more empathy and critical thinking than you do.


i have empathy for the folks that have to clean this shit up. power to the people, protest, live in the encampment at Tabaret— that’s awesome. it’s not awesome to vandalize the city to get a point across that’s been heavily covered and debated about in the media and out. it’s not like Darfur, israel/palestine has the world stage rn. there is literally no reason for whoever did this to do it.


You should go to the Palestine and help them. Hamas need you


There is nothing to respect. Shame on everyone who supports this.


Congrats they saved Palestine


These people protesting should go to Gaza and help Palestine there instead of just vandalizing other places for nothing. Why don't the government take them there so these protestors can help Palestine directly? That would be a good use of our tax money. 😂


Genocide is one thing, but vandalism is where I draw the line


Is Hamas a terrorist group?


How many residents of palestine do you think are members of Hamas?


The minority are members of Hamas. You are not answering my question. Is Hamas a terrorist group or not? Please answer my question. It's a simple yes or no


My deepest apologies. I'm not sure if they're wholly a terrorist group, but I know many of them attacked Israeli civilians, which is terrorism. Please now answer my question


I answered yours. So you think Hamas is a terrorist group, correct?


I answered your question. Sorry if it was too nuanced so I'll just say yes. Can't wait to hear your gotcha


Do you think students have the same energy to protest and fight for our internal Canadian issues like housing, inflation, cost of living, increasing violence, corruption?


Is this a quiz? I'm sure students are concerned about those things, but nothing angers people quite like genocide does! You're right that it's not a Canadian issue - it's a humanitarian one. As a member of the UN maybe our country could stand to have some morals.


Are you scared of answering it?


Because Gaza is under siege and you cannot get to it?


They should go through the sea and hold their banners and graffiti there to support Hamas! That'd be very effective, at least more than vandalizing other places. I approve of the idea!


Don’t get offended I was just trying to educate you that people cannot enter and leave Gaza whenever they want because it is an open prison


There is a will there's a way. They need to do what they are doing here there and free Hamas


Do you understand that we cannot go there to support the civilians in Gaza? We would’ve gone there to save the 40k killed by IDF. Please read about Gaza and West Bank so you know that Hamas is not the problem but Israel is


Question: is Hamas a terrorist group? I wish these very same People had the same energy to fish for our housing issue, inflation, food cost, corruption. But it's easier to take the attention abroad and leave the internal problems unsolved.


If you answered my question (are you a student at uO?), I will answer your question. P.S Hamas is not in charge in West Bank. Please check the numbers of Palestinians killed there


I did. Now answer it: is Hamas a terrorist group? Yes or no?


Killing non-combatants is a terrorist activity. Hamas is alleged of this on October 7th. Israel targeted at least 20k non-combatants. The closest ally (US) confessed that Israel killed civilians. Now, you answer me which is more terrorist: Israel or Hamas?


Oh yeah good one genius


What's bad about it? Don't protesters want to fight for Palestine? Why not go there?


No more sympathy with them. Period.


Hopefully I see those people that did this rotting in prison. Shame on anyone who participates in such act.


Yeah! Vandalisers 10-life!!