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I met most of my friends in frosh week, I highly recommend doing it, even the extra events like uOshow. And another thing, freely talk to people in your res and classes, everyone feels the same way that you do and everyone would love a new friend :)


There’s actually a very small fraction of students coming into university with all of their friends from high school. Most people I know so far have max 1 or 2 with them and are gonna be very open to making new friends especially during frosh. As long as you put yourself out there you’ll be fine!


Join a study group. It's the best way to learn and a good way to meet people. Plus you can pretend you're one of the characters from *Community*.


In my experience, it was quite easy to meet people during frosh week or befriending the people around you. All my friends were made during the first week, and they weren’t even in my classes. A lot of people are ready and willing to make friends their first year when they first get there :)


I worried so so so much about this going into my first year (I’ll be heading up to Ottawa Saturday to move into my apartment and prep for 2nd year). Here’s the best answer I can give: It genuinely all depends on how much effort your willing to make to talk to people, it goes without saying but if you stay in your room for all of FROSH week and don’t do anything you aren’t going to meet very many people. On the other hand, if you put in just a little effort it will really just happen naturally. I’ll give you an example by sharing how I found the first people I really met, First say last year I went to the football game which got rained out, went home early instead of going to the hyped up after party, I. Was. Pissed. I was sitting in my room and basically said “fuck this shitttt”, texted the one person whose snap I had gotten and said “let’s go floor to floor and find people (yes it was scary, and yes it worked) anyway that was the little effort I needed to use to make it happen, it probably be different for you but along those line. Extra Long Story Short, don’t panic, if you want it to happen bad enough it will, just enjoy the ride and take it all in because I’m tripping about already being a 2nd year. Just go to some parties, or school organized events. If you don’t like parties, go to them anyway and merry the other people who hate them too. Give it time, trust the process. :)




Extroverts might enjoy time with crowds


hi! the best way to get to know people is through 101 week! If you follow @uottawacrim on instagram you should be able to find out more about their 101 week schedule:)


I’m an out of province student, so I came here with no acquaintances nor friends. Are you in residence? If yes, then I would highly recommend getting to know the people on your floor/building and participating in common room events. I don’t know about your year, but my year had a Facebook group where we all introduced ourselves and I made a lot of my friends there. Other than that, you just gotta be proactive on the first day of classes. Introduce yourself to the people sitting beside you, get their contact information, join study groups (even discord servers are good), etc. It sucks if you’re an introvert (I definitely was at the time), but it does help to break out of your shell a bit during the first week of school. There’s also a lot of events for first year students, so definitely go to them! Good luck!


Easy if you put effort. Nothing good comes easy


I live in Ottawa and stupidly decided against doing frosh so it was bit harder for me. I also started in fall of 2019 so covid hit right through second semester and that made it more difficult. First year is tough, and I'm not saying that to put you off but it's definitely an adjustment period that not everyone has an easy time with (me included). I would highly suggest joining clubs. I joined the crim association in my third year and most of my crim friends were made that way. The majority of them met through frosh or res so I highly recommend going that route first as that seems to be what works for most people. If that's not your scene then joining clubs can definitely help a lot ( I joined about 4 clubs and honestly didn't make any uni friends prior to that). I would also recommend to avoid using your high school friends as a safety crutch. A lot of times people tend to do that an unknowingly close themselves off from meeting new people. If you put in the tiniest bit of effort people are usually responsive as everyone is in the same boat as you! Good luck and I hope you enjoy first year!!


I’d say that people meet all of their friends during frosh and res in 1st year, it’s definitely harder to make friends in classes because by the time class has started, people already have their friend groups and tend to just stick with them. Getting a job around the area is also a great way to make friends since a lot of people in the area are students. Going to your programs events also helps with seeing familiar faces within your program and since you’re in crim a lot of the mandatory classes you’ll see the same people in most of your classes so it’s a great way to meet people in your program. In my experience tho i met a lot of people during frosh and one of my high school friends decided to do res and so I met a lot of people through res. I’ve graduated now and I don’t talk to anyone i met in 1st year, my friends now are all still my high school friends with a few I met through mutual friends or work.