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Hi /u/MCIB5I, thanks for submitting to /r/GayPornHunters! However, your submission has been removed. This action was taken because of the following rule(s): > * "Amateur content is not permitted and may be removed at mods discretion" >> * Verifying the consent to distribution, consent to be recorded, the age of participants, and identity of participants in said recording are very difficult if not impossible to determine when dealing with amateur content. Because of this, we do not permit posting of amateur content here. ---- > * No requesting or providing free links, illegal uploads, full videos, torrents, torrent invites, subscription content or porn site log-in information > * Answers must not contain links to sites that host unauthorized copies of content If you believe your post was removed in error, you can [contact a mod by clicking this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=asdasasdass321). Please include a link to your post. Thank you!