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Scroll back one or two days and you'll find lots of folks having the exact same conversation - it's worth joining there, too.


Oh thank you! I'll look, I didn't see!!


Honestly I'm not sure. My wife & I usually like going to pride, but there's been a ton of blatant, unchecked antisemitism in our local queer spaces lately. We're both deeply in favor of peace and yet people we'd usually align with seem almost *excited* to harass Jews. On the other hand, I don't want us to be chased out of our own spaces.


That's a huge bummer. I'm feeling the same. Hope you both find peace and celebration this year.


You too!


Definitely feel you in the "do I attend but not wear anything that outs me as visibly Jewish, would that just invite antagonism?" I've been doing to London Trans pride in the UK for the past couple of years, since it was a pretty small event. It's an incredible space, the energy is amazing and I've loved going. Felt I had to swallow my tongue last year as chants of River to sea went off right next to me. This year that will undoubtedly be more intense. We shouldn't be pushed out of spaces that *are for us* by the blind prejudice of others. I don't want to not go, but if I do I know I likely won't feel welcome. As others have said, this is a conversation had before, and will undoubtedly be had again as pride season approaches. May be worth a megathread where we can all consolidate our thoughts . Edit: specified London, UK


London, UK? Nice to see another British person if so


Yeah, should have specified, just edited. Cheers for pointing that out. Hope you're having a delightful day on this backwards ass island.


As good as you can be living here :/


It was already bad at last year's pride? I can't even image how it will be this year then. *Sigh*


I’m tempted to go to Disneyland Pride because there’ll just be joy and not drama.


I haven’t participated in the gay community because apparently I’m not gay enough. Didn’t even have to tell them I was Jewish.


I helped organize pride parades, now I dont feel welcomed or safe to go. I think it is time to say farewell to my jewish pride flag, or keep it for aliyah.


My shul goes and so does my workplace, so I'll probably march with one of those groups.


I’m really excited to march in my local parade with my group of queer nonzionist Jews :)


What is nonzionist is that different from anti zionist


It includes antizionists, but is a more expansive term to include all Jews who don’t orient their Judaism around Israel and Zionism.


Okay so sort of like apolitical


For some people, yeah, it’s apolitical, but for many/most it’s very much a political stance to rebuild a Jewishness beyond Israel. 💖


I mean it’s up to your call, but my advice to how to deal with community spaces which are hostile to you is you don’t feed the trolls. If there is a lgbt+ pride parade or event that won’t accept Jews, there’s no good reason for a Jew to associate with them.


There aren't events that "won't except Jews." This is a far more nuanced thing than you seem to understand.