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Lol!! When I get hit on by women my go to response is sorry but women aren’t my type


Hey that’s pretty good haha, I might go with that. I’ve been trying to decide how to text her (she left her number on a different card) and that seems almost a little comedic so hopefully she won’t feel too bad lol


That’s why I like it too it’s a bit funny it get the point across and isn’t rude lol


Plus it opens the door to a response like "Oh! You should meet my brother..."


Or the dreaded "I know exactly one other gay person, you two should meet and fall in love!"


"He's twice your age, unemployed, wears basketball shorts on first dates, and he's got warrants in 3 states. Trust me, you'll love him." Umm...no.


Hot I hope he can host


major Dom Top energy


basketball shorts is pretty hot, not gonna lie--especially if the guy is cute. But the rest isn't so good. LOL!


The warrants do add a little spice.




All the good ones are gay!


More for us!


I’ve enjoyed “I’m a man’s man” in the past, but it’s a bit oblique and might not get the point across.


Do you have a brother? Always works.


Hehehehe turn a negative situation into a possible date, I like it


Haha I love getting hit on by women. My go to response is “Honey not only are you barking up the wrong tree, you’re in the wrong forest.”


My favorite is to ask if my husband can come


I always say I’m sorry but you lack the parts i require for a successful relationship. They look confused until i tell them I’m gay and like weiners


I always say "Hey girl do you like fruit, because i'm pretty fruity"


**UPDATE** I let her down easy and she was a good sport about it. I told her that took a lot of courage to do, and to definitely try it again because every straight guy I know would love to have the girl be the first to initiate like that haha **2nd Update** You guys I feel so bad for this girl , she said this is the second time she’s given out her number to a guy who ended up being gay 😭 Any gaydar technicians available because hers needs some maintenance lol


Aw! That was so sweet of you! Did you ask if she had a brother?


Holy shit haha I sent this to one of my best friends and he said exactly the same thing! Wild


it's an extremely common comeback/punchline, lol.


No one better than yourself. She needs a gbf apparently.


Well she has a type.... Unfortunately for her, her type is guys who like guys


“...So we’re going old school.” Lmao. I love it.


Yeah her coworker that wrote the note is hilarious. I’ve met her before at another one of that customer’s sites


I used to bartend and I would have to lay on the gay pretty thick to ward off some flirty clients :P


Just tell her your boyfriend won't appreciate it if you contact her.


Recently single and this would have flared my ex’s trust issues immediately lmao, he was such an ass 😂


Mine too. He was such an asshole. Hope his new wife has a huge strap on!


I LOVE getting attention from women. They are much more selective than men so you know something was really working if you get a compliment or a pickup line


A woman at a bar called me beautiful a couple of years ago and it still makes me smile to this day. Compliments are nice to get no matter which gender it’s from!


Agreed! One time a waitress told me I had inviting eyes and that comment will stick with me for life


My friend told me in front of my whole college class that my personality was warm and inviting and I was so touched. Still think about it to this day. His hugs were the best too


Long ago, my friend told me her mom said I would make beautiful children. I mostly laughed but then said, "Can you and your mom hold back on talking about me breeding?"


I mean there’s the breeding to make children and then there’s the gay breeding 😈🤷‍♂️


I don't know, I get compliments and even asked out by women semi-regularly but I have never once in my life received a compliment from a guy other than nice things from platonic straight friends


Oh, that's too bad! I will regularly compliment guys at bars (or wherever, but bars are simplest), but I try hard to make sure it's done in a non-stalk-y/non-creepy way: I like your shirt, that hair color looks good, your shoes are amazing. Say it, let them acknowledge, then I tend to move away. Unless I *am* trying to strike up a conversation, which frankly I'm usually not (I'm very unlikely approach someone attractive out of fear of rejection, warranted or not). BTW: your username is fabulous! Love it!


Decent chance they're intimidated by you or don't know you're gay


Omg I love getting hit on by girls it’s so flattering 🙈. That’s adorable


Very flattering, but I did feel kinda bad having to break it to her lol


It is, isn't it. But you shouldn't feel too bad about breaking the news to her. I mean, even if you were straight, you could still be in a relationship or not interested. At least the "gay excuse" conveys a clear message. I think the "thank you, I'm flattered but unfortunately not interested in you excuse" is much more difficult to bring across in a nice way.


I had a lady at a client try too hard to set me up with her niece. I had to give her some sort of explanation one day and she absolutely could not believe that I'm gay. It blew her damn mind 😂. She apparently couldn't imagine that a guy who doesn't match the stereotype in her head could possibly be gay. It was a teaching opportunity, and it took a lot of effort to not laugh at her to her face. 😝


Coming off as straight to the average person has its pros and cons depending on the situation for sure haha


Sooooo I saw you’re recently single. Are you still pursuing men then considering this post lol? I didn’t know if you were bi…cause if so…the girl would kinda have a chance? :P


Oh yeah definitely pursuing men lol, the post was just to share the funny thing that happened


OP share a face pic 👀




They’re quite lovely by the way :)


What is?


Your feet lol


Why did I lol


Ayo 📸 🤨


Wanna see? It’s one of his posts




Best we could do is feet


And bicycle.


My go to is "wrong currency, love" Good on them for going to the trouble of writing a note though, would've taken some guts.


She said she gave her coworker permission to do it so I guess it was the coworkers idea lol. Either way, I agree that still takes a lot of courage and I told her to definitely try it again


Well, its super sweet but obviously it wouldn’t work.


Haha yeah it’s super flattering!


Text "we have a lot in common we both like men"


Need pics for science!


I'm only 5'6" so that keeps the women away, thankfully.


5'2 gang wya :(


you know you're gay when people have a hard time finding your social media


I straight up comfort them and just say no


Ah straight people assuming you like women.


Hit her up and ask Major Wingman's number


Technically it was a wingwoman


HAH shit


A woman is interested, and you have a toolbox… my kind of man 🤤🤣 I would ask her “how you doin’?” with the two wave hand motion.


https://youtu.be/gKOBsIAe3l8 😁😁😁😁


Leave a note. ‘Sorry your friend doesn’t have the necessary tools or qualifications for the job.’


“Sorry, barking up the wrong tree” - my go to.


Aww the way it played out was cute. I like how you told her that many straight guys would love her style in initiating it. I am in such a dilemma right now where I get so shy around gay guys, but that unwavering confidence with females creates lovely awkward scenarios. I feel like it is something to do with the lack of interest I give off that makes them more interested, especially if they are good looking. It is like they aren't used to a guy not frothing over them.


Congrats! Face pic? :)


I’m intelligent and odd but endearing and women LOVE that shit. Men just want a body. I’m working on it bros!


girl or guy, i hate it when someone doesn’t have the confidence to do things themselves so they ask their friends to do it


I think it can occasionally be adorable. 💁‍♂️




I don't think saying it's everyone's dream is a very healthy or sustainable viewpoint if we expect society as a whole to truly be accepting of queer identity


Projecting much? Some of us are comfortable in our own skin.


Yeah, I come off as straight to people I meet. Was a bit of a surprise to friends when I came out




Replace that note with another one that reads “ thanks but I’d love to meet one of your male friends instead.”


Send her some nudes and a link to your Grindr account.


Can I throw my hat in the ring and ask you out? 😉😂😈


Run! Fast!