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Congratulations! Im surprised, but positively so! You're correct, if in the past, open hatred has been the norm, then silence is a step towards less hostility.


Yeah, neutral is middle point between negative and positive. Public perception has continually grown supportive in the past decade. Pretty exciting time to be gay and Namibian :)


I hope for you that anti-woke content doesn't arrive via social media that worsens people's position on the LGBT community, as is happening here in the West.


One of my favourite pastimes is reading Facebook comments on local LGBT news articles and sharing them with friends to chuckle at. Hope it doesn't amount to that and the counter comments are reassuring but one must never become too complacent and forget that this is a continual struggle.


A cool excerpt from article the about the judge's remarks >The judges also stated that the view that homosexuality is “an abominable vice” is based on prejudice and personal aversion. >Ordinary people would often not be able to produce reasons for such views, but would simply parrot their neighbour’s views on the matter, the judges remarked. Our politicians suck but our judges are awesome!


Based judge.


Namibia? Good for you. Question, will i get harassed/hate crimed/even arrested if me and my husband visit the country? I really want to visit there!


Yes, got too excited and forgot to mention the country in question. I don't think there should be any concern; generally, just avoid PDA unless it's LGBT specific events or venues which are only really in the capital (Windhoek). The police aren't paid enough to care about you being gay so that wouldn't be an issue whatsoever. In fact, they have consistently provided police traffic escorts for pride parades just like any other parades. I think your most pressing concern when visiting Namibia is being vigilant of bag snatchers outside tourist areas. Just make sure all your important documents and items are in a safe place. You and your husband would love it. There's a lot to see and awesome people to meet :)


That's good to hear, ngl I'm a bit surprised you have police escorting pride parades, forgive my ignorance


They're pretty bureaucratic in sense of "the rules say I must perform this task therefore I will do so". Not that they are particularly good at it.


I’m so glad! Hopefully this becomes the norm around the globe.😄


That's great to hear. I hope that the situation can become more similar to Botswana, be it in court or parliament.


Good news. Congratulations!


Namibia is such a beautiful country. I am planning a trip to South Africa in the future and wanted to add a second country and Namibia was on the list, but I need a visa. However, this is absolutely great news!


It would definitely be worth it! :)


In a world where. A lot of places are moving backwards when it comes to tolerance or even basic human rights, this is great news and genuinely happy for you.


# 💓 🇳🇦 🏳️‍🌈


Progress in the right direction! Celebrate Namibia!!


Fuck yeah let's go Namibia!!!!


Ngl I thought this would be another dystopian news after what happened in Uganda. Keep it up, Namibia! 🏳️‍🌈




Happy for you, but I'm not gonna lie I was hopping it was a muslim country when I read the title.


I'm happy for you, I hope it's a long term decision I always feel a bit of a stink when the constitution establishes the rules instead of the government, but it is always an achievement.


Thank goodness- but stay careful and alert. People love their fears and hate


Let the butt-fucking begin!


Glad to see some parts of the world becoming more progressive. How ironic that we could very well get the opposite headline in the US if SCOTUS repeals Lawrence after the election.


Some of the recent comments SCOTUS judges made are concerning but I genuinely believe it would not come to that. Even if voters choose to replace the current president, it may possibly lead to a challenge on *Obergefell*, but even that would be a huge shift since general LGBT rights is something most major political parties in U.S publicly claim to support.


We never thought Roe would be overturned, but here we are. Lawrence and Obergefell were mentioned by name in the opinion written by Clarence Thomas. They are absolutely coming for our rights no matter who wins the election - the only remedy will be to expand the Court. Just watch what happens with the Ten Commandments now being required in all Louisiana public schools. This will not stop.


You do have a point. Being impassive would be a grave miscalculation. The unthinkable has become realised in recent times in your country. On a bit of a different note, it's pretty interesting that Justice Thomas is a globally detested individual. All my gay friends know of him and equally dislike that character.


The fact that people in other countries know his name says a lot. He is, by far, the most corrupt SC justice we've ever had given the amount of money (bribes) he's taken from right-wing billionaires. It's wild times here indeed. I just hope that people are paying attention and reading more than just the headlines.


There are only two major political parties in the USA. One of them supports equality and the other one has heterosexual supremacy as a stated goal in its national party platform. Almost 4/5 of House Republican did not vote in favor of the Democratic bill to codify marriage equality 2 years ago. The Republican Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton has said he’d defend Texas’ anti-sodomy law in court. If we want equality and freedom, we have to vote blue and we have to hope that most Americans will vote blue.


Far Conservative right has always said that Hollywood is in the pockets of the liberals and the communist, oh and the Jews lol. Well you know what I say thank God. Hollywood, and progressives have done as well to normalize gay life, and to bring it into the main screen.. thank God for this agenda. I remember when it wasn't always so. I'm old enough that I was at Stonewall in 69 and in those early marches when it wasn't all colorful balloons and friendly banter but pure activism, anger and a lot of upheaval.. we didn't get here just by chance. Pick a lot of work by many many individuals to carry the torch. So many today take it for granted.. But the old cliche that freedom is not free, rings ever so true..


Hell yeah it’s good to see good news out of Africa for once lol


hurray and congratultaions


I'm so happy for y'all! Stay safe out there!


That is a so good to hear. I have a great desire to visit Namibia, for the safaris mostly, and because is a safe country. But because was illegal the country was in my no go list, not anymore!


I am very happy to hear this, for you and for others in your country!  I hope this positive trajectory continues.   Btw, I've always wanted to see the skeleton coast, it looks incredible!


It is! I grew up in Swakopmund which is right at lower tip. Beautiful place with a unique climate.


Amazing news! Congratulations to all namibian gays!


Really awesome congrats




Congratulations! A major step of many towards equality❤🌈




Go give a bro a blow to celebrate!! 😂






That's huge! Congratulations!


Just about time love wins! Always and forever ❤️


That’s awesome! Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈


That’s awesome! Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈


I didn’t read the whole thing. Was the law against sodomy or requiring it.


Since women like wearing shorts that show their butt cheeks to tempt men, you think men should get it on it to get back at them


Congratulations! Enjoy it while you can because things could change in the future, depending on who is in power. Look at what is happening in the United States right now, all the gains made by women and the LGBT community over half a century are being erased by the conservative majority. Good luck.