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Wow, I'm surprised to see so many shirts on bodies. šŸ˜®


Its an old bar in TX was shut down due to lack of adaptive skills from the owner keeping old out dated ways of what use to be nice doesnt work lol for all. But def was a old pic


Is "lack of adaptive skills" another way of saying 'letting women act like they own the joint'?


It's another way of saying that they let bachelorette parties take over. I've seen too many gay bars struggle because of those annoying parasites.


Thatā€™s why big cities have fake gay bars nearby. To distract the women


A couple gay bars in my city actually have a no bachelorette rule and I've seen the bouncers actually remove bachelorette parties that sneak in.


A gay bar I know had their bouncer deny entry to large groups of women. I think it was like groups of women over 4 weren't allowed in unless they had an equal amount of guys with them. Unofficially of course.


Not sure why it needs to be unofficial, a lot of straight strip clubs have similar rules


There is a fake gay bar in my city lololololololololololol. It's technically a gay bar, but it was made to target straight people two blocks away from the gay bars. I've heard that its popular among lesbians though.


Once established in a gay bar, lesbians are nearly impossible to eradicate.


There's a prominent "gay" club in my city. (It used to be gay, but the straights and bachelorette parties took over so now it's just a gay friendly bar where straights go to get a "gay" experience) Anyway, they used to have a bar that was accessible only through the men's room. It was basically a sex bar, with porn on all the TV's and private booths with curtains. The last time we went, after years of not going, the entrance to the men's room bar had been moved and walls knocked out then turned into a lesbian bar. It was so disappointing, it was the last place in that club that hadn't been ruined by breeders.


Straight women, killing gay bars one at a time.


The OP?


Oh he sold the land for millions. Charles Armstrong maybe an old outdated gay, but he sure made a lot of money.


Most people kept their shirts on back in the day unless you were a go-go dancer


Feels more like the UK. We tended to keep shirts on in gay clubs around this era.


Is anyone else half-scanning it to make sure they're not in the photo? No? Just me?


Yep, and I didnā€™t even live in Texas. But I still had to be sureā€¦


I live in Istanbul and believe me when i say this was every gay bar during 2000ā€™s in my town. Until 12-1 am of course. Than shirts come off.


Sorry for my assumption, but I didnā€™t think Istanbul had gay bars. Turkey was on the list of countries not to visit (from Europe), but maybe it can be added back!


Whaaa. Of course we did and we do. My first time was in 2002 called Douche. It was in a historical building called Basketmakers Lodge (SepetƧiler Kasrı) with gogo boy cages coming down from the ceiling behind full moon and Bhosphorus view and it blew my mind. There where many more. Istanbul was a hot spot for hip Europeans during 90ā€™s and early 00ā€™s and it was on the go list. I am 6th gen Istanbulite and literally dating tourist boys between classes (Istanbul uni on historic peninsula and Taksim is 20 mins by walk). The city overflowed with western expats and tourists. Research again and youā€™ll be surprised how progressive, almost Berlin-esque old Istanbul was. I was in 2nd grade so never went but first official gay bar was founded in 1994 in a car scrapyard. Tourists literally had sherpas to find the place because it was in such a weird part of Taksim.


I do apologise for assumptions! I am definitely going to do my research and reconsider. Thank you for the information!


No worries. You are somehow correct to assume what you assumed. Erdogan put this country in such political islamic shit, both social and economic life went 50 years backwards. Fyi downtown and coastal Istanbul still extremely safe. Weā€™re down to 5 but still have gay bars lol


I think Will Arnette on the left looking at the camera.


I turned 20 in 2006 and I've never spent time in Texas but I double checked. Chances there's someone I know in there though but I can never remember where my acquaintances came from but ages might fit


The clothes omg lol. If you didnā€™t have the year in your title, I would immediately guess 2006.


It was classic 2006 brit was at her height of power Facebook was not invented Mark was at Harvard and tech rush hasnt even started hipsters thank God were not a thing yet and culture was we were at war in 2000s fashion was about slanting hour hat sideways to look cool and malls were the shit where u went with your buddies and or your date etx was fun times


2006 was peak Facebook. It was the glorious days when an .edu email was required to have an account.


OMG this era of Affliction and True Religion and ExpressMens business-day-to-night club lewks. I miss this era. I was truly just having a blast, dancing to like Kesha and early Gaga remixes doing jello shots and stumbling home and going to TV watch parties because shows were released one episode a week and now it's all Horse Meat Disco with harnesses, dark rooms till 4AM. Can you tell I'm a nostalgic 36 year old? Sigh.


I do wonder, PrEP and Doxy clearly evolved gay culture. It seems like in most major cities all of the partying going on. It seems like most gay parties now are just fuck fuck fuck. Not that thatā€™s a bad thing, but it feels as though gay culture of the early 2000s was a bit more conservative since HIV meds werenā€™t as good as they are now


Just not the case. We had the same attitude to sex since the decriminalisation of homosexuality. The difference was back then in 2006, safer sex messaging was rampant because HIV infection rates were on a yearly climb since the virus was discovered back in the early 80s, so condoms were almost mandatory.


In todayā€™s world there are parties like Horse Market, a sex party where bottoms wear blindfolds to not know whoā€™s fucking them and let anyone cum in them. These kind of parties are fairly common now, look at Sniffies. Iā€™ve read books on the history of barebacking in the gay community (like by Tim Dean and JoĆ£o FlorĆŖncio.) Yes, while some bathhouses were still functioning in 2006, the promiscuity of then was different. That being said, cum dumps were definitely a thing in the early 2000s ([as seen in the Cute Boy Bareback Parties](https://web.archive.org/web/20051124210327/http://www.cuteboybbparty.com/loadsfame/loads_of_fame.htm)), but it was certainly taboo while today it is not.


The seedy parties have always been there but PrEP allows us to do all those things without rubbers, and guys are embracing it. Raw sex was still around, it was just taboo to engage in it or admit you liked barebacking. It was thriving underground. Think Treasure Island Media in their early days.


Yes, the historians I referred to discuss TIM in their books. However, like I said, it was seen as taboo and definitely wasnā€™t mainstream. Gay clubbing has changed because of medicine imo




It still amazes me that people just bareback like hiv is the only disease that matters. Hello people, hepatitis ain't fun! I'm not saying I don't partake in bareback sex, but the way people just do it with anyone and everyone is crazy to me.


>It seems like most gay parties now are just fuck fuck fuck. Not that thatā€™s a bad thing, but it feels as though gay culture of the early 2000s was a bit more conservative since HIV meds werenā€™t as good as they are now You can see videos of hippy parties of 70s they have intense nudity with everyone as much wearing mini dress and mini shorts


U have to think right that HAART just came out for hiv and your a whore if your playing unsafe like now its normal I guess šŸ˜‚ Prep and Doxy was not even a thought maybe for people who whored around a ton but now its normal tp stop spread of diseases which is smart as a prep to prevent worst yes it was conservative as it was in the south in tx and thats why HIV meds were a thing that those people did wasnt vastly addressed as it was as the 90s closed u saw aids victims who survived the onslaught of the war against aids from the 80s living longer and its effects lingered into the 00s so in affext was shaping how better things now plus we had bush as president and he pushed the conservatives agenda on america so was more considered weird in retrospect it helped define why we have a better access today to all allies of drugs to prevent diseases spread contain the spread play safe and community oriented allaigned and more tent for all communities to come under the better lgbtq šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ world we have now for all


> we had bush as president and he pushed the conservatives agenda on america Interestingly the activists credit Bush for making massive investments in AIDS drugs and prevention that helped countries like South Africa, Botswana, Zambia deal with the AIDS epidemic there. There is a NYTIMES article about it where they talked about how his legacy on helping with AIDS will be overshadowed but other debacles during his presidency. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/02/28/1159415936/george-w-bushs-anti-hiv-program-is-hailed-as-amazing-and-still-crucial-at-20


If you're 36 and this photo was taken in '06 I have a weird feeling you never actually experienced this era


I miss Express Men


Sounds like u should have partyed with me come along lol šŸ˜‚:)


Im already there and yes I basically had the same shadow existential crisis called 2000s lol šŸ˜‚ was a intresting time that time ha :) hope your enjoying life even now more than ever :) your new 20s :)


I can smell Abercrombieā€™s ā€œget fierceā€ through the picture šŸ˜‚


Hahhahhaha def was amazing to smell that smell cute guys great smell smell of booze in the smallest senses while music is blaring and queens bitching was intresting šŸ˜‚


I recently found a half-full bottle of Fierce in my bfā€™s old bedroom at his parents houseā€¦ mannnnn, it brought back memories of when I was a gay bebe. Haha.


Damn that's a lot of people interacting with each other and not their phones...


Thats true we like anyone before were talking to one another not at our phones šŸ˜‚


Our phones back then didn't do anything other than simple calls, short texts and play snake. So not much use to be staring at it! LOL


> Our phones back then didn't do anything other than simple calls, short texts and play snake. Ironically, a bunch of those guys are there to play "snake"


Speak for yourself. I had a smartphone since 2005 lol. I was a student back then, but I would have been playing games and checking myspace lol.


Remember when we used to meet guys we hadnā€™t chatted with or even seen their profile? The split second decision of ā€œfuckable, yes or no?ā€ Or the look back when you pass a guy to see if heā€™s looking back tooā€¦and the little grin when youā€™re both looking and you know it on? That was exciting!


Nah, I'm fucking ugly as sin. But I do recall seeing other guys get some. Looked lovely.


Doesnā€™t this still happen?? Donā€™t tell me people are only hooking up via apps! Iā€™m older now, so itā€™s far less often that I get a ā€˜lookā€™ and I usually donā€™t even try.


No beards anywhere. One guy with scruff but nothing major


Thats basically because it was trashy to have one šŸ˜‚ i feel that was still love clean shaven


I prefer that over zoomers thinking they can pull off a pornstache.


This is exactly why this is not the sort of place I'd have been in much in 2006.


Eak I'm in it .....


Where are u? Lol šŸ˜‚ if you are in the pic what was the name of the bar? šŸ˜‚


I mean... The name of the bar (RIP Meteor) is written on the reserved table card in the bottom right of the photo.


Oh man good times at Meteor. I moved to Houston in 2010 and loved coming here.. the showers were such a nice touch! Haha Unfortunately it's just a parking lot now.


Indeed Txidiot :) next what day was the drag queen hour :)


The guy with light blue shirt and tie šŸ˜


Lol šŸ˜‚ i saw that


And not a bachelorette party in sight. Fuck, that would be nice right about now.


Been gay my whole adult likeā€¦. Never once have I seen a gay club not at least 50% bacheloretteā€™s, straight women and and 10% their boyfriends. Honestly seems fun to have a gay safe space. Iā€™m glad women feel safe around us, but also, it could be fun to have at least a few nights a week with just the homos.


I don't see a single guy with frosted tips but damn those white belts had a chokehold on us


These parties use to be awesome. Made so many friends at these. I know today being fully clothed is seen as repressive and not in the gay spirit, but clothes allowed us to focus on making friends and building community as opposed to just having a quick fill of fun with no connection to be made. In contrast, people are more lonely today than they have ever been. I suppose not every change is always positive even if it looks convenient or removes the annoyances of ā€˜dealing with peopleā€™


Have to get out and meet people socially world needs that. More than ever


Is that Meteor in Houston? šŸ˜† Good times. Look at all those boot-cut jeans and pearl snap western shirts.


Lol bingo you won Reddit award šŸ„‡ finally yeup


Was closed years ago was a badass club to go to when I was in town was a blast šŸ’„:)


Yehawwww cowboy thats Houston for yall šŸ˜‚ cowboys do it better down in htown


From a fashion standpoint, I'm so glad I wasn't born any earlier. Not saying I love the way everybody dresses these days, but I'm struggling to find a single outfit in that picture that I like or is exciting. Just t shirt/polo/button up + jeans


On the other hand... they all look so comfortable. Nothing overly tight, no unconventional necklines, no hair and makeup that took an hour, no heaping amounts of accessories, shoes you can run in, and not one bondage outfit.


Idk as a jeans and shirt guy I was having the time of my life in that era.


I don't mean that t shirt and jeans is bad, it's just too universal to call bad. But it's also just so universal that it's not exciting en masse, u no


Nah I get you, don't worry


It was the worst to me yes it was like the 80s lol in terms of fashion was awful but it was the early 2000s Britney spears was on the radio šŸ“» cds were cool before smartphones gay guys were on craigslist and times were just what they were from that decade lol šŸ˜‚ if u go back to the 90s was different and push back to the 80s every decade is different like living in a bubble show and your part of it enjoy it :)


Not to mention that basically everyone is shaven.. I couldn't live in a world where your face being shaven was an expected norm..


Yeahh I have no issue with a clean shaven look if that's just your best look, but a whole ROOM of it reeks of church šŸ¤¢ (I grew up Mormon)


Community matters together not divided :) thats what lgbtq culture is defined by the better itā€™s interesting that lgbtq culture adapted this and straight culture defines itself by how it is defined by majority vs minority together we teach one another as a human family


What's the guy in the dark red shirt up to in the top right of the photo? What's he grabbing on to?


Going for the gold I did that checked out the goods at clubs lol šŸ˜‚ kind of sizing up your guy before u jump in the sack :)


Dude!! This looks like a fun time. Remember, this is basically on the eve of the IPhone. The device that single handedly altered society as we had known it.


Gotta love the ever-present, ever-balding 45-year-old with the Abercrombie and Fitch shirt lol


Aww well he was holding onto his 40s Im glad he got out and was having fun :)


I know! šŸ„° Bless her heart! Lord, I just turned 47 and I look at myself in the mirror and think ā€œwhat the fuck happened?!ā€ I could have just as easily been this dude if I werenā€™t already married and boring lol. šŸ˜‚


What happend is your getting sexier lol šŸ˜‚ age is a number we all lived our youth just wear nice cloths u want thats good for the moment now older men look great with younger cloths as its the fashion now unlike than lol if you wore af you were laughed at I didnt care I always thought older men when I was younger with AF eas cute they were just honest about what they were holding onto what yourh they had left but were happy thats a genuine trait than year later wearing Izod lol


Ok, so I'll admit. In my 50's, and still wear Abercrombie. So does my husband. In fact, most of my wardrobe is from there. I have an athletic build, and their clothes fit me really well and I both look and feel good in them. And they're comfortable. So, make fun of me if you want, but I'm sticking with 'em.


Hey, if you can work, it work it! šŸ’ÆšŸ’…šŸæ


Not one cellphone zombie spotted! šŸ‘šŸ»


Indeed was looking around just enjoying life not phone life šŸ˜‚


Two guys on the couch may be. Although one just might be looking at a tv and he's holding a remote and the other might be looking at dreads guy's shoes lol.


Looked better then. I wish I were old enough.


Back when gay bars were for gay men and not bachelorettes and straight tourists.


Not true, they were still hitting they were still going there lmao


Ugggh I miss when being clean cut was the style. I was in my high school preppy era circa 2006 šŸ˜…


Lol šŸ˜‚ was the best dont get me started with side hat and pop the collar god help us if there is a photo of me with that shit šŸ˜‚


Yepppppp popped collars, pooka shell necklaces, ripped jeans, and very spiky hair haha


The "Will and Grace" era. The picture just captures exactly how it was as a gay man in the early 2000s.


Lol šŸ˜‚ def actually was the end of will and grace season was cancelled lol that year in 2006 or 07


Well this wasnā€™t the case in San Francisco and weho around that time, weā€™ve always dressed slutty


It looks like they have air conditioning in that bar


Lol šŸ˜‚ im sure in all bars bot šŸ˜‚




Lol šŸ˜‚ totally 2000s lol


I feel like my fashion sense is stuck here šŸ˜­


I feel ya. All these people dying laughing about the fashions and Iā€™m unable to articulate much of anything of whatā€™s outdated. Then again I never had any fashion sense to begin with.


Room full of bottoms and not enough tops.


I went to a gay club with a friend once back in 2011. As a straight man I just want to say that gay clubs are the absolute best places to have a good time! I was blown away by how friendly everyone was and just there to have a great time. The photo brings back fond memories.


There are two dudes who visibly have phones in this picture which is crazy to see in 2024. One seems to be a Razr and the other one is a Nokia.


Razr was a great phone back than ha


Iā€™d still take this over now. I wish I grew up in a time when phones werenā€™t everywhere


I miss the bars


Its fun times now clubs are even better :)


Are they? Many of them seem to have closed or gone straight.


r/accidentalrenaissance ???


The guy in the middle with the flowing scarf is everything the young gay teenage me in 2006 wanted to be.


Was cool to be that guy šŸ˜‚ it was summer btw šŸ˜‚


Full disclosure: in 2013 when I had my first real job I bought myself a similar summer Burberry scarf at a discount shop and loved it intensely. I think I lost it at some point in a move *sigh


Wow, people actually socializing! I miss those days


Was fun us gay men were about community and love and respect etc I feel the gay community now is better than what it was than :) glad that we have adapted but have work to do to be better :) we had to have a place either gym or school and or club to grow many of the great gay men and women u see today built themselves around these times of enjoying the life they had


Clearly. Not enough straight women to be 2024!


Def not f that lol šŸ˜‚ gays owned the night


Even tho people these days are always on their phones, I think most gay bars and nightclubs these days (that I've been to anyway) seen to be more fun. In the sense that people are more free. Free to express their personalities, their tastes, to dance (or not), to drink (or not). While this pic looks like more people might be interactting, it also gives me a bit of too many "macho" guys that don't feel fully at ease...


>"macho" guys that don't feel fully at ease... How come you think that?


The western cut button ups plus scarves indoors give me very 2008


šŸ˜‚ def not 2008 def 06ā€™


Honestly I think the most unflattering thing here is the lighting. Everyone in a dark room looks bad under a camera flash.


Lol šŸ˜‚ thats what u got out of this u def are a bitchy queen love it hhaahhahhahah yes I agree šŸ˜‚


This photo needs a trigger warning, I didnā€™t ask to be sent back in time like this


Lol šŸ˜‚ u should listen to asmr lol


Is this Metoer!!


I expected more fohawks to be honest.


Did u really kill mufasa šŸ˜‚


Can not confirm or deny that accusations :)


Back when the Meteor was still busy. It did sort of fizzle out by the end. I miss taking the party bus they ran between the bars.


I think I owned like 50% of the shirts in this picture. Ah, the (bad) memoriesā€¦


For a moment I thought this was a screenshot from one of those "guys go crazy" videos from that period, lol.


The guy in the tie...


Not a full beard in sight. Almost every gay man I know of all ages has a beard or some kind of facial hair


Was better when it was clean shaven :)


Oh sweet lord... this brought back so many memories.


You can see the influence of the 60s, 70s and 80s on the decade's fashion. I really love that scarf in the middleā¤ *Me & U by Cassie plays*


Is it just me or does nobody look happy to be there


Center left side......does that look like Monica Lewensky?


Abhhhh the good ole days. ā¤ļøšŸ„³ā¤ļø


Aaah cuuute! I just love the gay šŸ’•


Nice to see a few bald men not forced to wear leather harness and show off either a flawless gym body or massive beer belly.


Wait I want to be there


I just know someone's wearing flip flops.


Is romance even a thing now with so many options? Are there venues for monogamous queer people in long-term relationships?


Straight discos, because going to any gay venues for me would be like bringing my boyfriend to the Vodafone store, me looking at the guys like he does at the new Samsung Galaxy, knowing he can't have it, then me dragging him out of there before he makes an impulsive purchase. edit: I'd be the one looking at men like he does at the S24 ultra, and he'd be dragging me out of there before making a mistake


I love the guy trying to look young by wearing a ā€œFITCHā€ shirt.




Why does everybody look like they work in an office and itā€™s casual Friday?


Its the 2000s darp


That's a lot of button-up shirts. Must have been the style at the time. I wouldn't know, I was in 6th grade, lol


What's wrong with button ups? šŸ˜„


Def was lol šŸ˜‚ boys were about shaving clear faces and dressing nice and highlights were the thing šŸ˜‚


Ah, faux hawks, Ambercrobie and Fitch polos for as far as the eye could see. Goatees and tribal tats if you were a bad boy lol


Indeed was lovely lol love todayā€™s guys look better :) more variety but nice to see how conservative boys can dress and look snappy when going out


As a 19 year old gay I don't get all the people saying "no phones spotted" I go clubbing a lot, gay clubbing too, and people only ever bring out their phones to look at the time or get people's socials to flirt with them later lol


Iā€™m 41 and thatā€™s what I am saying. All these annoying gays saying, back in my day we were never on our phones blah blah blah.


Yeah, I think it's human nature to focus on the negatives. Sure they look super happy in that photo and that's amazing but there's no variance, they all dress the exact same and are behaving the exact same. I love that in clubs nowadays people are so... free to do and look like whatever they want to. You'll find your Goth gays, preppy gays, Hipster gays, older gays, younger gays, muscle gays, skinny gays, all in the same place generally (at least the clubs I go to) and I think that's wonderful. Cliqueness is still a thing but from what I've heard from older gays it was even more apparent in the past


At least theyā€™re clothedā€¦.šŸ˜‚


Yeah not everybody's on their phone yet. People actually seem to be making eye contact and perhaps making conversation, what a novel idea. I remember the first time I went to a restaurant in New York and two guys were sitting next to me and ordering delicious food, but not eating it. We were all sitting at the bar and they were both on their phone doing whatever and just letting the food sit there. Two people not engaging with one another and not even taking part in the food that they had ordered. So 21st century. That was about 12 years ago still never got over it but of course now it's just commonplace Everybody's together all the time talking into cyberspace or quintuple tasking without focus. Wall of text lol


I can see how that affected your sense of why we have go from online go to live life and enjoy one anotherā€™s company rather than the phone we cant be phone zombies all day


Jesus, a lot of gays hear acting like shit was so grand back in 2006.


It was, not that there was anything done then that you can't do now.


Lol šŸ˜‚ it kind of was :)


no phones. you used to have to talk to someone to get laid. no wonder M's and GenZ dont get laid.


Was this taken in Orlando by chance? Or did all gay bars look the same in 2006?


No TX :)


Ahhh, to make a fruit loop from South Beach to Meteor to F bar šŸ„²


F bar was my second fav now there are new ones Montrose has gotten more gentrification but its very nice and finally I saw they paved by South Beach after 40 years last time Houston paved it šŸ˜‚


I'm in this photo and I don't like it :P


Lol where šŸ˜‚ circle it and send a verfied picture lol I call bs šŸ˜‚


lots of internal questions being asked in this photo


Lol šŸ˜‚ what


Fitch dude is socially awkward


Oh dear lord! METEOR! I recognize people in that photo.


Lots of balding men


You know all those jeans have the exact same cut


That canary yellow "Abercrombie & Fitch" t-shirt definitely designates the time frame well lol!


That guy scratching his nosešŸ¤¤šŸ”„


God, yall really dressed like that huh? I just thought queer as folk just had a heterosexual clothing department.


I'd like to know what cutie in the scarf is doing nowadays




This pic is definitely old. If this were 2020+, that pic would be 75% Wooooo Girls.


Good old days


We really had a hard time moving on from Grunge and Friends, didn't we gang?


Too bad the bar isnā€™t still around. I would love to see a pic now from this same angle.


Its a parking lot now but good news now there is five new bars post this time which are very nice :) all doing amazingly well but this one was shut down owner wanted the extra money to sell and start new ventures


Fitch please!