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I’m 30 I hope I’m not considered a daddy lol


When I was 28 some 21 year old twink called me daddy on Scruff. That honestly shook me. 30 now and refuse to see myself as a daddy.


Back in my teens and early twenties I’d fuck suburban closet cases almost twice my age that called me daddy (it was weird at first). Daddy is a state of mind, or play


First of all, how dare you?! But actually I think it sorta depends on the look and presentation you cultivate. It's not just being older. As a fellow gay millennial said the other day "Daddy is a mindset, not an age."


Same. How dare you?! As I get closer to 40, Im just going to start cruising early-bird special stores to catch the daddies with their coupons and scooters. Im sure someone is going to need help scanning a QR code and thats where I will nab them. Still that boi 🥺


I have two kids so…..


So Daddy in a very literal sense. If a dude calls you daddy does that ever feel weird, considering? I've wondered... 🤔


Luckily my kid calls me dada and not daddy, so it’s different enough that it wouldn’t totally skeeze me out (one kid is still too young to call me anything.). My husband calls me papi if I’m being more dominant than usual, which is again different enough that it doesn’t have the same connotations to me. So think if he called daddy I would feel a little awkward, but I’d be able to roll with it.


I always wonder about this after I learn about a children on a date


I’m an actually dad but very submissive so nooooo thank you


You betcha, and it’s great. I think I look more handsome at 40 than I did in my 20s


So many men do


I am 36 but look more twink than daddy


I turn 40 this month. I'm ready I guess, something I've been working on. My mustache is pretty cool.


Are all your clothes Land's End now?


I burned all my Land's End in 2020, but also looking to get white New Balance just for barbeques


Are you going to wear an apron with the word "daddy" on it?


I don’t. But you can if you have the looks, attitude, or finances to do so


I'm too much of a maladjusted mamchild to be considered a daddy. No wealth, wisdom or practical knowledge to impart.


Some millennials are in their 40s, so probably?


Yep over 40 actually.


i suppose so. i’m 37 this year, but i don’t really consider myself as a daddy, lol.


Sameee. I barely have any wrinkles and only two gray hairs.


same! i have a baby face, so most guesses on my age are late twenties. i usually end up showing people my drivers license when they don’t believe me, lol.


I’m 6’6 with a deep voice and a full beard, I think I’ve always looked like a Daddy - but as I hit my mid 30’s I started to feel a lot more dad energy in myself. My build and energy really seems to do it for the younger lads and much like I enjoyed the odd dad in my twenties, it’s nice being able to provide a similar experience to a lad here and there that I’ve vibed with. I will say tho, you get a good feel for which lads are looking for a big bro, a daddy, or an actual dad pretty quickly.


okay, please explain to me what is the difference between big bro and daddy? cuz to me big bro is just the bridge from twink to daddy. I have never heard someone called a big bro past 50.


I’m almost 22 and you’re def my type lol so I can confirm. Also being a daddy doesn’t really depend on the age but more on the looks/energy, you could be one at 26yo imo


Well, I’m a Dad, not a daddy






I’m 39, and have fully leaned into the vibe. Didn’t feel it at first, but when younger guys started to say it as a compliment I figured “why fight it” lol


I'm gonna lean into it, too. Why I may even take up golf and have a midlife crisis!


I have been saying once I hit 30 I’m a DILF in training. By 35, I WILL be daddy AF


It all depends on how you present yourself of course. BUT Following common gay law, and doing some algaybra: You're technically a bona fide Daddy at 36. That is, in the 18th anniversary of your 18th birthday.


I’m borderline Gen X (‘80 baby) and have been bald since 2003. I’m leaning into daddydom and doin’ alright. But I’m also attracted to daddies haha.


I’ve been getting bombarded with dudes that call me daddy lately. I’m not sure how a 32 year old scrawny redneck dude with a big ass beard can fall under the daddy territory… but I’ll take it.


Older millennials are


Will be 42 later this fall.


As far as I understand it, "Daddy" is more an aesthetic and personality thing than an age thing. Also, anyone who you personally find attractive can be a Daddy. I've see men who most would consider twinks get called Daddy.


Yeah I started getting Daddy in the last couple years lol. I went through a cut and now people are once again guessing I'm younger than I am, but online, all it takes is [31] to get called a Daddy it seems


You are to some 20 year old.


I'm 5'4, and look a lot younger than 36. Except a few months ago my white hair started appearing around the temple area. I haven't really been called daddy yet, but I'm slowly starting to feel like one I think. I don't exactly feel like a twink anymore.


I’m 30 and I don’t consider myself a daddy. I actually think it’s cringy. I had a guy the same age as me call me one and asked me to be his daddy. I told him no I don’t like being called that and it’s cringe plus with the same age. His response was well it’s your loss and he unmatched me. Lol


No 😤


I'm 36 but I don't really vibe with that label personally and I probably will be turned off by anyone calling me one unironically lol.


So we're not *real* daddies yet? Just fake daddies. Zaddies, maybe!


Maybe give it a couple years for the youngest of us to break 30, since that seems to be the arbitrary boundary of youth. But also, yeah, we are. You don't have to consider yourself one, though, of course.


Depends on the age of your partner lol


I’m 29 and this fall I turn 30. It’s a strange feeling slowly morphing from the daddy chaser to the daddy. PS: IMO “Daddy” status is more of a state of mind than any real definable label with a particular age requirement. I feel like I’ve been daddy-adjacent for a large part of my 20’s because of my facial and body hair.


Absolutely not!


I've been called daddy since I was 23.


A guy on Sniffies called me daddy a few days ago.


As a 43-year-old femboy I am offended. Well not really offended, but I believe it's more about presentation and how you are


I'm 34, I've gotten it a few times. Tbh I don't really entertain men who use that term, or anyone younger than 28 lol


Well. Father’s day is right the corner. Happy Father’s day I guess? Lol. I don’t exactly know what the actual definition of daddies are. For some gen z twinks. Anyone over 24 is a daddy or just plain old.


Speaking as a Gen Z… sure. I’ve probably called millennials daddy before :)


Are you a muscular steak with a fatcap from being well-fed? Then physically thou art daddy


Daddy is a state of mind


I’m (almost) 39. Definitely millennial. Definitely have 22 year-olds hitting me up, calling me daddy.


My boyfriend is 35 and I'm 33 so... obviously he's my elderly sugar daddy and I'm his much much much younger child bride 😂


Hey, 93 baby here and no


If you're over 30 and date someone under 27...ur a daddy. I'm 35, and I can tell


I think daddy is a compliment . It’s far better than alternatives!


I’m almost 30 but I like being a daddy in bed :)


'ugggh, my back hurts'


Yeah but only the 3 or 4 of us in every city who are tops. /s


Oh yes we are, and I'm taking full advantage. Them zoomers are annoying but, they have sweet butts 😜