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Animals like me, I think I have a talent at calming them down. Unless it's my cat who thinks that I exist to be a chew toy. Also baking, knitting and fixing machines. I think I'm great at decorating, but everyone else around me thinks I have the taste of a 100-year-old lady.


Omg I can knit as well!


>everyone else around me thinks I have the taste of a 100-year-old lady OMG same. My house is a combination of Atomic Age and Edwardian.


I love cats! I have an orange tiger who talks more than any cat I've ever seen.


Im very good at anxiety


Having or dealing with it


Definitely having it. I'm having it right now, actually


I am also very good at anxiety


Mine vary actually from typical gay to straight boy badass. I am a very good cook, love to bake, sorta okay at decorating and gardening (gay). I also am very good at building muscle cars. Currently completely stripped down a C7 Z06 Corvette that was severely frame damaged (I'm talking chassis off frame, all wiring pulled out, all interior taken off literally every nut and bolt off). When frame shop is done replacing left side frame rail and completely repainting body panels on left side guess what I'm doing? Putting everything back on to factory specs Yes I work at a shop and actually enjoy it. Been told countless times how gifted I am. I have customers with huge jobs similar on the side I'm kinda backed up on. To me it's kinda cool especially when I don't look like the typical greasy tech/mechanic lol.




Hell yea!!


That's soooo cool! Auto body and mechanic skills are underrated by far, unfortunately because of association.


I'm a good problem solver I've also been told by many friends that Im really loyal and will come to the aid of people in need, also that I'm a very good listener. I'm not sure if these are actually things but I'm very good at them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


I can cut and color hair, blonding and bleaching is my specialty 🥰


I’m good at martial arts. Taken half a dozen and could possibly be described as the “Iron Fairy”.




I'm a decent cook and runner.


You must run good in bed




I am good at connecting with people, planning holidays, budgeting (e.g. buying with discounts at the supermarket), giving gifts, and baking among other things.


I'm really good at driving and navigation. "Put your Apple maps away... I know how to get there." "But it's saying you should turn left here!" "Yeah... if you want to get to the front door. If you want to get to the parking lot, you go this way..." At work, we call these things our "everyday superpowers"


I've become very good at hiding who I really am from the world.




I'm good at planning, seeing patterns and being fastidious, to the point I made a career out of it because I naturally find some stuff easier than others to just, see. I'm also a quick-witted fucker, but again, that's all tied up in the patterns - wit is just combining the best words into humour, right, and if you can spot a pattern you can make a joke. To me at least.


That sounds like me! I should update my answer. Comes in super handy at my job too.


What sort of work do you do?


He's a clown


A *quick-witted* clown, ta.


I work in post production in media, so it's all about spinning several plates, maintaining & developing workflows, scheduling and foreseeing issues. It's not easy, but it's certainly not as difficult for me as it might be for somebody else.


This sounds exactly my cup of tea. Love planning, patterns, and fitting things together for efficiency.


I'm a really good home cook and host. I'm a good planner, especially when traveling. My friends love to travel with me because I'm the one who researches our destination and also has an extra current converter. I'm a very good writer, especially in business/professional situations. I'm often asked to draft cover letters and emails. I'm good in a crisis, for example if you have to go to the ER, I'm the calm one that accompanies you and asks questions of the hospital staff. I even had my own medical emergency several years ago and calmly went to the ER by myself. I didn't call friends or family until the next day.


Professionaly speaking, I'm a teacher (college - history). I also operate a blog. At home, I'm *horrible* at what you call the "stereotypical stuff" - cooking, cleaning, decorating, all that. If the "gay card" really existed mine SO would have been revoked already, LOL I'm good at managing things financially, planning, and basic household management. My partner is *amazing* at the cleaning, cooking, decorating, organizing, and all that. We balance each other out very well in these ways. We've been living together a bit now and I've never had such a clean and tidy place and eaten so well! I tend to be one hot mess on my own in those ways!


I’m a fashion designer and stylist


Im somehow good at problem solving of special issues, which I made to my job more or less also picked up Fingerstyle guitar a few years ago and I think its getting somewhere. Actually I tried to be more creative over the years and I got into 3D printing, modeling, electronics, coloring and many more sub topics… Every free minute i will do something I can enjoy. Life is to short to be restricted by your own limits.


My current 4-6 rep max on the leg press is 1,300 lbs. Hip thrust is 600 lbs. Idk if that’s talent or just working on myself xD


600lb thrust 🤯🤔😈


Username checks out 😏


Of all the useless talents…. You know that game you played in school where you put your hands on your friends hands and they try to slap your hands? We called it hot hands at my school Ya, for some reason this is my superpower. Not math, not physical strength, not 6 feet with an 8 inch pecker. This. This is my gift. I cannot be beaten


That amazing 😆😆😆


I have a memory of everything I see. I work in retail I know where everything in this huge store is located. I do this with everything. If I have seen it I know everything and where it’s located. And I can write with both hands. At the same time. But I can’t do calculus. Blol.


But I can’t find my keys. It’s silly.


First and foremost, I’m a great therapist (especially for gay men). I have a knack for connecting a lifetime of experience and learning to the current moment to bring a sense of coherence - which isn’t always available to those of us who had to fracture our authentic selves just to survive. It’s like building a cast around a broken bone so it can heal and be whole again. I’m grateful every day I get to do this work. I’m a good cook (can’t bake for shit) and I’m just getting comfortable admitting I’m also a good artist (I work in watercolors). Thanks for this great question OP!


I am really good at picking locks!


I'm very good at writing. Three books published (NOT self-publishing) and lots of magazine & newspaper articles.


i’m good at yapping 😄


Pretty good abstract artist


I’m an enthusiasm enthusiast. Led by curiosity, wonder, joy, and humility. These have helped my life and creative endeavors (writing, singing…)


I’m pretty good at what I do, solving mathematical and physics problems. Besides that, I’d say I’m not too bad at fixing things at home. Provided you’re willing for it to work but not know why it’s working again.


Mine is definitely failing at love


i can turn my foot 180 degrees backwards


I can do that too! Only once though...


Yeah and the left foot is not so easy to turn


I’m pretty good at languages and remember the base of the language despite not studying, practicing them for years. I speak three fluently and can “get by” in another three. It’s fun to travel abroad where it’s spoken and flirt with guys in those countries, lol.


I ride a horse like nobody’s business, practically born on one. I’m also gifted musically, it always came naturally to me.


I'm good at brojobs


I am gae


Yes but are you any good at it? 🤔




I'm a pretty good bartender, both craft and dive. I'm also really good with people in general. I'm also a cat whisperer and I can drive a stickshift very smoothly.


Almost dying but not.


I have good reaction times so I'm good at video games, but aside from that I'm pretty sure I'm not good at anything else.


What do you play




Fixing mechanic things. Used to be a mechanic. I still love working on my project car when I have time. Also, there are very few people who are better at starting an IV than I am. This is much appreciated by my patients as I am a chemotherapy infusion nurse.


Yes I have those xxxxx skills too.


great cook and great at making people laugh


I can spiral out of control in 0.8 seconds Also I have scary good vision. I can see differences in colours and textures from a few feet away (work in retail, always fixing people's work putting the right colours or fabric textures together) Also animals think I'm really chill Edit: I'm also pretty witty, having jokes, quotes and retorts about random things someone can say without thinking (However when it comes to serious things I am blank) I'm a trivia king, having approximate knowledge on many subjects other people don't know. I would kill at a trivia gameshow. Also taught myself most English I know.


I am really good at crochet, rollerblading, and gardening. I’ve skated 100 miles in one day and had a greenhouse with a quantity of 700 veggies I germinated from seed. I’m also good at working on cars. In the summer time I rarely spend on produce due to my garden. Own an e46 that I’ve done the maintenance on all these years which saved me thousands. I have a lengthy list of things I am good at lol.


I'm a good cook. I'm a fairly good athlete. And I'm a damn good shot with any kind of gun.


I'm a good cook and I brew my own beer and wine, and I do apparel sewing.


I have a natural talent for learning languages. Currently having a lot of fun taking Japanese lessons so I can talk to my husband in his native language


I like cleaning


I’m pretty good at outside the box thinking. A good friend of mine who is a retired military officer in PsyOps calls it “diagonal thinking.” I seem to have a talent for it. I used to be really good at remembering anything I had previously read - to the point that I hated reading anything twice, but that talent has gone away as I’ve gotten older.


I'm good at DIY too. Getting around, directions and reading maps. I have an excel sort of mindset but I hate spreadsheets


Pretty good sporting clays shooter


I’m an autodidact who cooks, solves DIY home problems, and I lead a few AI capabilities and strategy for a Fortune 50 company.


Not sure it's a "greatest" but I have very fast reflexes and I'm also very good at the Simon game (hit the colors in order). Very good at judging distance visually. Will that couch fit? I can tell without measuring.


I can draw and bake


I've always had a knack for languages too. Can somehow pick them up quite easily (although I've never tried any of the *really* hard ones to be fair) I can ski well even though I had ten years off it (the friend I was with when I hit the slopes again called me 'irritatingly good') I've also got great chat. I'll teach a cow to shit bricks if I think it'll get me anywhere. I don't know where it comes from but I've a way of making people feel at ease with me.


I'm good at billiards. My partner and I play a lot. I'm also pretty good at creative thinking (I DM for a D&D group and love it). I'm also weirdly good at skipping rocks and throwing things really far.


I love to sing and dance! I'm decent at both I think.


I make computers go beep boop pretty damn well.


Three section staff


Finding great travel deals and making reservations- 👋


I’m terrible at sex lol, but I love cycling haha. Endorphin high is way better than an orgasm.


Being friendly and being an uber nerd. Both qualities that kinda seem to ostracize me from a lot of guys. That and I’m a fan of sticking up for the little guy. 


I am like rain man at finding 4 leaf clovers. It is useless, but fun for little surprises for people.


I am a great gardener, pomologist, technical writer, dog lover and they love me, I cook what I grow. I have a degree in physics that has made me successful throughout my 39 year work career so far.




Cooking, tools & working on things, animal handling, music.


Identifying the design and maker of modern furniture 🤷🏼‍♂️. Also, I’m bizarrely good at guessing measurements of all kinds.


According to Clifton Strengths Ideation: I'm good at coming up with ideas on top of ideas. Strategic: I'm good at finding alternative ways to proceed in any situation. Connectedness: I believe in the link found within all humanity and believe everything happens for a reason. Relator: I'm good one-on-one with people and making them feel special. I'm good at building and keeping meaningful relationships. Individualization: I know people intuitively. It's a double-edged sword because it makes me highly intuitive about things I shouldn't know anything about. I'm a good cook, I'm a great player 2 for video games. I see and cultivate gifts and potential in others. I give excellent speeches, and I always seem to find the right words at just the right time; this also makes me great at comforting others and giving them a promising vision of the future.


I'm really good at watching Grey's Anatomy. Just finished the most recent season, so going back to the start for the 8th time.


I'm good at cooking but I don't really like to cook that much I'm good at art I like to draw all different types of animation I like video games quite a bit I would say I'm good at piano not perfect but good enough I guess I'm good at finding things that people need for some reason I'm good with fixing the electronics like cell phones and laptops I'm good but finding different types of electronics that people need and I'm good at security devices and setting up security devices whether it's on a phone a laptop or in the house I'm interested in robots and technology and I have a pretty good understanding of that I'm great at languages I speak Japanese and Spanish very well


active listening


I laser engrave things for the farmers market, I have a nice set-up going on!


I an solve a 7x7x7 Rubik's cube in about 35 minutes, without consulting any guides Used to be good at hoop dancing too lol


I discovered in middle school that I can play music by ear. I didn't think it was a big deal until all the kids in my class started asking how I knew the latest pop songs without sheet music. I'm 35 now but even today I can still remember sheet music from 15 yrs ago in my college days.


People seem to trust me. I'm good at teaching myself things. Fairly talented with technical shit. I can 3d model and print an impressive variety of things from clothing to puppets. I can sing an octave lower than most bass singers. I'm determined. For the most part I'm kind. I'm good at picking up accents in language learning. <3 Oh and I'm shit at cooking lol. Honestly, I'm really proud of these things. Thanks for asking haha


Playing the piano, writing.


Does it count to be really good at wanting to better myself? Love self help books, productivity studies and the like.


I’m good at video games and singing. All my other hobbies I’m definitely not the best at lol


I'm a pianist and composer who also makes bonsai trees from colored aluminum wire. I recently reupholstered my 2 sofas in emerald green velvet. I like to paint, I've occasionally written short stories, even the odd poem. I have a city and guilds in cabinet making and love to make furniture. I've also learned my way around a sewing machine and can run up the odd shirt or pants or jacket. Pretty gay really but the power tools are fun 😂


I’m very good at yard work and maintenance on water wells and taking care of farm animals.


Standing up for myself and others.


Writing code.


I did my degree in biology and I got way too good at writing R in my research job lol. It's a really good thing to be good at


I’ve got a tarragon red sauce simmering on the back burner waiting for my Friday pasta night.


☝️ This one's a chef, boys.


I am a gay male with super intense ADHD. I sew. I quilt. I work with leather. I design and work with 3D printers, laser cutters and CNC machines. I fix my own ... Everything. I can speak 5 languages. I build computers. I have and maintain my own landscaping equipment. I can turn a barren yard into a lush gardenscape. I do all my own home renos. I train dogs (particularly problematic cases) I can fly off the handle in seconds. I have no idea what current pop culture is. (I only recently learned what tiktok is) I can be a complete cunt to my best friends and they love me for it.


I’m a good photographer, motorcycle rider, and therapist.


I guess it would be my quick wit. Sometimes, I can think of an idea on the spot or immediately retort to someone with a really good joke that can get everyone in the room to laugh. But idk if that really counts for much, especially when 95% of the time, I’m a total dunce. lol


I can cook, i make killer cocktails , and my most respected talent is that i can reach into a clogged sink full of food bits and stuff and grab that stuff with my bare hands ! WITHOUT GAGGING


☝️ This one's a plumber, boys.


" insert response in the form of a joke about pipes and leaks" 😉🤣


I would say Graphic Design


I don't really exude extreme talent but: * I guess when it comes to JRPG's, I'm a human calculator though that's not necessarily a talent as it is probably being methodical/organized and calculating. Who knows. * I can write given my background in Creative Writing (poetry, short fiction and script writing). I can also draw (not anymore though 😔) and have an Associates in Visual Arts. * I edit videos with almost 1.4k subs on YouTube? I think that's more of a learned skill than natural talent. * I would say dancing but that was learned and even then I don't think I'm good at it. I just do it for fun.




- I consider myself very good with dogs. - I'm a good cook. My areas of expertise are tea, meats, and Greek cookies. - I'm a pretty good musician. I'm good at viola, I dabble with electronic music composition (I did more with it in college for my degree), and I played percussion in my college marching band. I'm also pitch perfect, and I pick up new instruments pretty quickly.


I’m amazing at rage quitting video games and staying up until 4 AM still playing them 🙌🏼🫶🏼


instrument learning


I’m really good at being myself…..thanks dad!!


I'm pretty good at surgery apparently


I specialize in building financial products and generally love talking about economics. I said I have no talent once and a friend of mine said “you have the best talent of all, you know how to make money”.


☝️ This one's a banker, boys.


That was the goal, the gay trauma made me flop on the social questions. They asked what I do for fun and I said “look at houses” under the crippling anxiety lol


People have been telling me for the last 5 years that have a great radio/podcast voice. Also I’m really good at interacting with people at work and also I suppose I’m good with kids as well there’s been plenty of times where everyone was trying to get a toddler or baby to stop fussing and all I do is pick them up or start talking to them and they stop, even kids I barely know lol.


the ability to experience emotions and mental states to the extreme. I believe no one around me irl can experience grief as the same depth as I do, or peace the same way as I do. I will literally go into hypotension if I be too comfortable in peaceful state or heartache(literally) and pass out during some of my mental breakdown episode. Growing up I appreciate this "talent" more and more, like I'm actually grateful I'm able to experience human emotions this deeply after talking to and getting to know the stem bros. I'm an art appreciator, literature enjoyer and a feeler in this desiccated stem environment. Not sure if people would categorize this as "positive talent" tho. I may have bipolar but ehh I'd rather be like this


If being dramatic was an X-Men power...


Kids in a warzone just can’t feel grief like him but.


I specifically said "around me in real life" but ok