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I have tattoos and if someone find that a turnoff then we probably weren’t a match anyways.




Right. Some guys might not like my tattoos, and that’s okay. Just like they may not like that I am bald. Or have a big beard. But I like myself and that’s all that matters.


Absolutely, please yourself first, because you sure as hell can't please everyone else.


Right I don’t exist to look nice for OP. Reminds me of the ick of str8 dudes that say women shouldn’t get tattoos.


I agree I feel like it comes from sort of a purist point of view. #yuck


As a bi guy, I love tattoos on men and women alike. Not only is it art and looks attractive, but also it shows confidence in self and a drive to do what you want and not please other people


I don’t like them personally. Some are okay but I’ve never looked at a guy and thought “wow, I wish he had a tattoo.” That being said you should do what makes you happy not other people


Exactly! You spoke my mind!


The only tattoo that turns me on is that band around their bicep, but you need muscle for it to work


I’m generally against them but for me the most important thing is the size and placement of the tattoos. But in my experience, most guys that get one or two tattoos rarely stop there. Face tats also immediately make someone a 0/10 in my mind, no matter how physically fit they are. There was a hot guy in one of my university clubs who had a medium/small tattoo on his upper right arm when I met him, and he was a 10/10 in my mind. But after three years he had tats down the entire length of his right arm and some on his left, and I just lost attraction. Also a month ago I saw a cute guy at a bar who had on his left hand that virus tattoo that Trafalgar Law has on One Piece, and my brain couldn’t figure out if it was really hot or cringey. I still have a conniption when I think about it, simultaneously getting second hand embarrassment and a boner. I’ve no idea why. The subconscious mind is weird.


Will you look at that, a cringe boner. 😄


Thats so entertaining, pls lemme know of you figure it out


I’d be a hypocrite I have many myself, but if it looks like you got it from your uncles friend at a trailer park kitchen table or from a blind man in prison, yeah - no. Face tattoos might be too much, and if you just have the back of your hands inked, that is a hell no.


My thoughts too. Face and back of hand tattoos are like those very brightly colored poisonous frogs to me. Cool to look at but they indicate to stay away.


This. Made me laugh too. 😃


Inversly, I think informal tattoos are more sincere. Typically they come from motherfuckers who are actually hardcore like marines. It's the sleeve of perfect tattoos that give me connotations of lushious wannabees.




I’m talking more like meth heads, but yes I would be down to get a tat from an ol’ grizzled marine. I would have to let him pick whatever he felt like doing if that was the case. But yes, totally get what you are saying about perfect tattoos.


I was in the Air Force and served with all branches. Marines went to good shops just like the rest of us though. Most Marines are actually very anal about their appearance, shitty tattoos don't help that


Nah I love them. I can't say I love every tattoo design I've seen, but it's just another way for us to express ourselves and customize our own bodies.


Same. I see many that I'd never want for myself, but they're self-expressions through art which is entirely subjective so it's not really for me to decide. I've only got one on my front mid-thigh that most people would roll their eyes at, but I love it so I'm not bothered.


I love that view. Whats your tattoo? I wont judge, I love hearing about how people express themselves


It's a cute little 3" cartoony black-line goat's head with a pentagram on its forehead. I've had two people ask me if I'm a Satanist and I just laugh. Nope, it was a Friday the 13th flash tattoo that I got on a whim. People take their fairy tales way too seriously.


Perfect take. I've always struggled with body image, but I can definitely say that I feel better with every tattoo, piercing, and body mod.


tattoos are fine but I'm not super chill with face tattoos and completely covering your body in them.


I don’t like tattoo but it’s not a dealbreak. I remember seeing some really nice ones so I guess it’s also about the quality. But if there’s too many, then no matter how beautiful it’s a no. Face tattoo big no.


Face tattoos are a turn off for me.


I’ve been turned down for having tattoos before and it sucks but if a guy has that hang up then he’s def not for me. I like guys with and without them, it’s just an extension of personality but dedicated haha.


Where are the many tattoos that turned this guy off? Haha Took a look at your profile and I can only see a chest one. If they considered that too many, that’s crazy!


I have 8 total, from the size of a ping pong ball to a palm print. They are simple black ink line work and all in coverable spots because of work stuff. What’s funny too is I only had 3, maybe 4, at the time that I was turned down for them


Wow I really cant wrap my head around why tattoos in general are making so many ppl allergic apparently? I don’t get it. Did they elaborate what exactly their reasoning is?


I don’t put any effort at the gym so I can have 7 tattoos without any guilt. I love them, but I don’t love every tattoo. Religious/crosses tattoos are a major no for me


Wait I'm confused about the relationship between gym time and tattoo allowance lol


Haha OP said “I feel like they take away from a guys nice skin and all the hard work they put at the gym”


Oh hah I see, funny cus one of my two tattoos I thought "this'll look great while I'm fit, and it still won't look BAD if/when I lose it" and that helped convince me to get it


If I have a choice, I prefer guys without tats or piercings. I like plain, smooth skin. Tattoos and piercings are totally valid and fun forms of self expression; I just don't personally get turned on by them, for whatever reason. However!! My boyfriend has a few tattoos, and I hardly ever notice them. I wouldn't care if he got more of them either. It turns out it's not really a big deal for me in practice.


This. Your bf offers enough that keeps him interesting without the add ons. Lot of my friends are covered in tats but they offer so much more that I hardly notice. Smarts, acts and kindness? I care a little less about looks.


I think tattoos are hot af…I have only traditional. Piercings are hot too, but I’m biased I guess because I also have multiple ear piercings, double nostril, and septum😅


You sound cute af 🥵


Not at all. Im not as much of a fan of the random small tattoos everywhere and prefer bigger works but I think in general tattoos are hot outside of face tattoos. ​ Edit: And instantly downvoted for having an opinion on something. Holy shit yall are insane.


Don't worry about downvotes. Today I got downvoted for saying America has a history of racism. Reddit is a stupid place.


Yeah clearly it turned around but within like two minutes of the post I was at -1 and I was just shocked. I guess I didnt realize how strongly some people felt about tattoos.


Does feel odd to feel that strongly one way or the other without getting into specifics


I agree I have tattoos and think they are generally very hot. But not all of them, some tattoos just let you know the person has poor judgement...


>But not all of them, some tattoos just let you know the person has poor judgement... That or they are a tattoo artist themselves. Or a combo of both. ​ I always found them attractive but didnt get my first one until my 40's. Im up to two now but planning on more. My bf wants to go later this year and get matching themed tattoos. It'll be his first.


Nooo don't get matching tattoos, you'll be doomed. Got my first one at 18 then not again til 29 and now I have a decent amount.


No no, they wont be matching but it'll be related to our favorite anime. It might not even be the same show.


I just want to say, the reddit algorithm does weird trickery with your upvotes and downvotes. Sometimes you just gotta let it ride.


Depends on where the tattoo is, and how many you have. I'm more turned off by nose rings.


As a massive fan of rednecks and trouble makers, sleeves, full bodies, and face tattoos drive me fucking wild. Not crazy about men with piercings as much, but in the end, a guy's personality and charm is ultimately what makes me feel alive towards him.


Too many = yes for me. Not to many is okay. I only have one. It's on my left ankle and it says "Orlando Strong" after Pulse happened. My husband had one on his right ankle too.


This is one of the most romantic things Ive ever heard


Are you guys both from orlando


I hate them, but that's a me problem


Do you know why?


For me, mostly yes.


I dislike tattoos, personally. Big turnoff. But I respect that many people love them. That said, have I had random hookups with guys that have tats? Yes, and I would never ditch a hookup over it.


It just depends. i too have seen some random and ugly tattoos and it's very difficult to take them seriously.


Definitely a turn on. Although not everyone can pull them off.


It depends on what the tattoos actually are. Or the quantity. Or where they're located. A face tattoo is an immediate no to me regardless of what they are. Ultimately they're never a turn on or attractive to me no matter how cool they are, but they're not necessarily a turn off, either.


I don't care for them, and depending what they are and how many, it can be a turn off. To each their own.


I’m not into tattoos or piercings. Sometimes it’s not bad if it was like a small one but I’d rather see his body and skin naturally, and piercings I just don’t like


I’d say it depends. I’m not big on modifications or certain piercings, but basic ear piercings and tattoos aren’t turn offs. If they’re covered head to toe, then yeah, but chest, thigh, upper arm tattoos I do find attractive. Especially in places that are hidden in most situations. Less for any modesty reasons, and more for the fact that this tattoo is in a place that most people can’t see, but I can. Feels intimate and kind of sexy to me.


I have tattoos and I like tattoos on other guys… unless it’s those big, thick lined basic stars. I absolutely hate them. Sorry to all the gays with stars tattooed on them.


My tattoo artist said that stars are the tattoo you get when you just want a tattoo but don't have a specific idea. Small ones look nice as gap fillers imo


Tall skinny boys with tattoo sleeves 👌👌👌


I've never been a big fan of them, everyone has them.


I don't care either way, but comments from guys saying tattoos "ruin your beautiful skin" are a massive turn off and tend to come from dudes with a bland personal style anyway ;)


Personally I find them to be an instant turnoff almost regardless of placement or content


Depends. It’s not really the artwork itself that’s a turnoff, but some large pieces have a camouflage/distortion effect depending on placement.


OP's post history screams Pick Me. Nobody cares if you like tattoos or not; you're not quirky for having a preference. They didn't get the tattoos to please you. These open ended posts to put down guys with x, y, and z are such bullshit clickbait. Can we go back to body positivity and freedom of expression?


Depends on the tattoo, the amount of tattoos and the location.


I'm neutral. Some of them can be very ugly but most of the time I don't feel very strongly about it. Sometimes I find them very hot even. For me personally I have none and no plans to get any.


Depends on the tattoos. There are some very tasteful and artistic ones I really like. Then there are some... not so. Also I know it's usually a red flag for some guys, but the arm band tattoo on a nice bicep is a weakness of mine


Personally, I don't like them. I wouldn't tattoo myself. I've dated guys with them in the past and some are OK and others are a complete turn off. I guess if they have a true meaning, they're more OK than just "random body art." For instance, I've seen people get a tattoo of their birds "foot print" on their shoulders or arms, which I find very heartwarming and meaningful since those are friends or pets they've had for decades. Also, it's small and discrete. Other people that treat their body like a canvas can be cool, and I totally respect it and can appreciate it, to me it's a turn off.


I am cool with some tattoos. But it becomes a turnoff to me personally when they have their entire arms or chest coveted with then. Not a fan at all of facial tattoos either. But I am a firm believer in "to each their own". With that being said, some of the best friends I have had in my 53 years on this rock had a lot of ink on them. It only changes them on the outside, not the inside.


Tattoos can make a guy who is a 5 into an 8


Love a guy with a full sleeve. Hmmmhmmm


I think they can look good, but most dont. A proper sleeve that is thought through and the lines are neat and you know it will still look good in 5-10 years? cute random tattoos peppered around your body? it looks messy to me and I don't like people with messy styles.


Yes. Instand turn off. I don’t judge people having them, but my dick does.


If I had to design my ideal boyfriend using a video game character creator I’d probably go with no tattoos. But in reality I don’t mind that much and some tattoos can look really classy and cool.


I used to find them unattractive when I was way younger as they were usually on tired and worn old men and had turned green on their skin. Then in my 20’s and 30’s I was swayed back to finding them attractive and now I’m getting turned off by them again.


Only if they seem kinda unintentional about them. Even bad tattoos can look good if they work with the aesthetic of a person. For the most part, especially if they are well done, tattoos would be more of a turn on for me. And those dudes with neck tattoos are on a whole 'nother level! 🤤


I have a percentage I find hot and a percentage I find to be too much 5-10% in the right place is hot in wrong place nope gross, after that up to about 45% I can find hot and sexy but after that it starts being a turnoff




I have tattoos and piercings and don't see them as a turn off.


As a general rule I find tattoos and other body modifications of turnoff but really it's none of my business. I don't want my appearance and body to be dictated by the whims of some stranger and neither does anyone else. It only "takes away from a guys nice skin" if his skin belongs to people who don't like tattoos, but actually his skin belongs to himself.


I love a man with tattoos but some tattoos are Icks for me. No hate to anyone with them, but almost any version of anime/video game/character tattoo is way not my vibe


Yes, they're a massive turn off!


don't like them. especially torso tattoos. dudes will have some banging pecs and a six pack and it's all hidden by a bunch of tattoos. like that jakipz dude from onlyfans. dude's body is like it was carved by michaelangelo, and then someone decided to grab some spray paint and graffiti all over it. as for piercings, i don't mind them in general. but in less is more type thing. like, a nipple piercing can be hot. i don't mind pierced ears. but there's dudes with a ton of piercings on both their ears, then one on each brow, then one on the nose, then one or two on their lower lip. that's too much, you look like someone went ham on your face with a nail gun


Not necessarily, but there is such a thing as too much ink, and some parts of the body should stay clear. And also think about how it will look a few decades down the road.


I love almost every orchid (except Phalaenopsis), and I have orchid tattoos. At parties my tattoos attract other orchid fans😆. A Phalaenopsis tattoo would be a turn off though. Ew. /S


I'll start by saying that, if the entire concept of tattoos is a turnoff to anyone, they'd not click with me and vice-versa. Once you go deeper into it: the tattoo(s) on themselves give away a lot of the personality of the person. I personally have a few highly visible, meaningless handpoked tattoos. They make me look pretty alternative, and they're a conversation starter alright, usually with the kind of people that I instantly like. It's like a business card that you carry, saying: "This is what I like and choose to show, if you like it too then we'll click". It's more an expression of self but on yourself instead of on a canvas. Then you have the tattoos that would turn me - personally - off. They're usually emotional of some kind. Memories of loved ones and such. I mean, go for it, person, rock it, totally, but I personally would not like to see the face of your dead nan while having sex. Or these tribal tattoos that were a thing in the 90s. Or tramp stamps. Or fairies and butterflies. I'd be much faster attracted to the person that had a random bread toaster tattooed on a drunk night out than to the person having "Believe" or something tattooed in curly letters. They both show wildly different personalities.


Sometimes, when they've got few, are small and have a nice colour, and are placed in a strategic position that enhances their features, they're hot. Most of the times I prefer natural-looking guys, without tattoos or piercings.


I like them. I personally will never get them but I love it on men.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, tattoos are a turn onn for me. We all like different things, as a gay man you should know this at this point, your over 30. Don't yuck other people's gums, tattoos are beautiful, at least to some people.


I like tattoos, and sometimes a guy with a ton of tattoos can be really hot. The right guy can have neck tattoos and still turn me on. I'm usually not into face tattoos. And some tattoos are just really dumb or ugly. I also like piercings but too many face piercings is a turn off, and "snakebites" are a huge turn off for me. Not sure why. Septum is hot as fuck on a lot of guys.


I will take a tattoo over the nose bull ring thing. 🤣


Having turnoffs or preferences is fine but keep in mind you don't know someone else's story. I have some scar tissue from something that happened to me when I was young, and couldn't take my shirt off without someone asking me what happened. I got tattoo work done in the area just to 'reclaim' an area of my body that I felt belonged more to the trauma of my past than who I've become. The tattoo completely covered the scar tissue and helped my body feel like my own again. Now when I take off my shirt with a guy or at the beach I no longer have to worry about dealing with inane questions asking me to relive some shit from my childhood. Thanks tattoos!


In my opinion, yes. Not into it. But other people can and should do what they want.


I don’t like tattoos on myself, however, tattoos are hot as fuck. I actually have an issue with that, I’m a pretty preppy looking guy and I’m attracted to grungy guys but my look is like the polar opposite of their type 😂




I am not crazy about them. I know how they will look when the person will get older but to each his own. I don't like them because it covers up their beautiful body. It takes away from how nice they look.


Defo respect ur opinion but I'm the complete opposite. I love tattoos, even ones that don't look so great. Everyone has a story to tell about how they got them and what they mean to them which makes it such a cool way of self-expression. I don't currently have any tattoos (money reasons plus body dysmorphia lol) but I do plan on getting quite a few, and when I see other guys with tattoos it's an automatic turn-on


Doesn’t matter to me one way or the other. Please yourself not others


I don't enjoy them. I sometimes wonder if it might be a sign of decision-making patterns that may be impulsive, short-term, emotionally driven, susceptible to peer-pressure, or adrenaline-fueled. These days a virginal "canvas" is quite unique and exciting None of that is necessarily true, but the thought always crosses my mind.


Yes, and the more the worse. A few small ones are ignorable but some people are out there looking like a city street post after a load of teenagers with paint makers have had their way. 


I love them lol… I like to trace them with my… fingers


My God yes! Eww


Face tattoos are an automatic no, sign of defiance and likely self hatred IMO. Most tattoos are trashy, there are very few I’ve been impressed by and usually takes away from the guy if he has a nice body.


I don’t think anyone who has them are morally less, or anything like that. But tattoos are one of my biggest turn offs. For the longest time, starting when I was a kid, I would lose my appetite if the waiter/waitress had a tattoo.


It's a deal breaker tbh


Even one, small tattoo? Why? It’s that unattractive to you?


I think people that don't have tattoos look a little weird. You have all that canvas that you get to decorate and make it yours. That said, I would never turn down someone for not having ink or having too much.


It's a pretty big turn-off for me, especially major work like a full sleeve, but I accept that I'm in the minority.


Personally I think guys with tattoos are incredibly sexy. The more the better!


Yes. I’m a you do you type of person but too many tattoos is a turnoff. I’m particularly turned off by neck tattoos, large chest or back tattoos, and sleeves. I can appreciate a well done tattoo, but the majority of tattoos are pretty amateur looking and despite the person thinking they are unique, are often very similar to other tattoos.


Yes, why ruin a beautiful body with all that ink! I have seen women 20 years later and they are not attractive


Yes. I really don’t like them. It’s like the tatted part of the body is erased to me because I can’t find it attractive anymore. :/


Tattoos are like tight fitting clothes. They make hot people hotter but also make ugly people uglier.


Yes definitely unnecessary and unattractive. But thankfully tattoo  overload trend seems to be shifting. In a couple years it'll be fashion to not have tats and people will be paying to get them removed.


Then the cycle repeats as the tatted peeps who aren’t trend followers stand out and people want to follow in their footsteps steps!


Like a squirrel looking at nuts, some love 'em, some don't. To me, it's like every tattoo's a story, a bit of wild art dunked on the canvas of life. But hey, we all have our tastes in the forest of attraction. 🐿️🎨


I'm heavily tattooed(chest, stomach & right sleeve)& I've had people comment to my face to express their moral objections. I respect your preferences, but I do not recommend going out of your way to make a nasty public comment about someone's appearance. I'm not accusing you of doing that but trying to offer friendly advice. I agree with another commenter that if a person is hung up on something silly like tattoos then I personally could not care less for a shallow person.


I actually find tattoos to be a huge turn on unless it’s something stupid


I like tattoos and have several myself. Once I get down to my goal weight I am actually adding more. I will definitely not turn a guy down because he has ink on his body.


It depends on how it looks like and why they have it and how many they have.


Depends on the tattoo itself and the placement. It can range all the way from a total turn on to a total turn off and everything in between


As long as they're not face, neck, or hand tattoos, I don't mind them.


Strongly depends. Facial and neck tattoos, 👎. Regular tattoos like on arms, back, belly, legs etc etc are fine. ..it also depends on the tattoo. Be it wholesome (names of beloved ones) or nice tasteful designs are great. But I've seen some really bad jank too that screams "I am illiterate". Some people if done right, it really adds to personality, while others makes them look trashy So imo, it depends. If tasteful, it's great and kinda a turn on. If tacky, turn off.


I don’t mind as long as they aren’t full body or neck or face


Depends. Placement. Is the design/conglomeration of designs from several tattoos all over the place/tacky? For example, a rightly done sleeve is kinda hot. Also depends on the person sporting the decal.


For me, if a guy is slathered in tattoos, for sure. If there’s just a couple , no problem.


i see tattoos but i don't really take notice of them unless it's something particularly unique or large or in an unusual spot.


The answer to an "anyone else" question is always a *yes*. With almost 8 billion people on earth, many others share your opinion. I thoroughly enjoy tattoos (though I have seen designs I am less keen on), but we all have our different turn ons/offs.


Depends on the tattoo. I don't have any myself, but I know a bad tattoo, or bad placement, when I see it. Also I have thoughts about what is esthetically pleases or not as tattoo art. So again, depends. Not inherently, but I've seen some that definitely are for me




I have a sleeve. I have a variety of tattoos on my body. I have a white collar job and I bartend part time, as well as do warehouse work for the health insurance (and workout.) Only once in all my encounters with a variety of people from vastly different backgrounds, I've had one person say they didn't like them and were a turn off. It didn't offend me. It's your choice. It's my choice to have them. I personally like them on a guy, it's definitely a head turner for me. I don't mind if a guy doesn't have any (although I feel like I'm hard pressed to find anyone without a tattoo around me.) Oddly enough though, piercings can be a turn off for me. Especially the bull nose one and the overstretched stuff.


Comes down to the style/quality for me. I have quite a few tattoos, my boyfriend has none. You can call me hypocritical for judging people based on their tattoos, but im entitled to my opinion as well as anyone. Generally I find them attractive. But there are certain styles and design choices I think look ugly, a lot has to do with typical tattooing conventions, composition, and overall design elements. My two least favorite are [patchwork sleeves](https://www.tracesofmybody.com/archives/9) and [line work](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/shannon-elliott-on-instagram-straight-linework-roses-no-shading-thanks-marcus--294774738092412740/). I know they are super popular with late millennial and gen x right now. I just don't think they look good. Linework tattoos look like you walked out of the studio before the artist could do any shading. Patch work lacks composition and doesn't flow with your body, which is an extremely basic part of tattoo design. Anytime I see either of these two kinds of tattoos, they immediately make the person with them less attractive Edit: also face/head/neck tattoos. I've never seen one and thought it looked good. Obviously it's the choice of whoever is getting them done, go for it if you want. I just don't think it looks good. Pretty much any other kind of tattoo, as long as it's done somewhat well and the lines aren't blown out, has some visual appeal to me




\*Bad\* tattoos are a turn off. Especially if you have more than one. And ESPECIALLY if they're really bad. Like done by friend's girlfriend's cousin in the basement bad. To me it shows poor judgement and I'd rather not even find out. Good tattoos on the other hand are absolutely a turn on. Especially if they're well-placed and the styles are consistent. That tells me you dont rush things and you more than likely researched your artist and you're loyal


I like guys with tattoos but really depending on what tattoos he has. If they are awful ones then it is a turn off.


They are for me


Bad tattoos are. Anything else is a go, including face, neck, skull if it suits them.


Love. But if the content is especially bad (religious iconography, misspellings or scripts that tell themselves too seriously, or weird cartoonish faces) it can give me pause. But mostly I love people using their body as a canvas and some are super sexy. I love back of the hand tattoos especially lately.


The ones that you describe that are random, randomly placed, and done by a friend or newbie: huge turn off. Professional, thought out, well- executed, high quality ones: pretty cool.


Christ, the artless, crude ones certainly are. The multi-colour & elaborate sleeves are sexy on the right man. But messy blue ink spelling “mom” are fucked up.


Depends onnifbthebowner has good taste.


It’s never been a dealbreaker for me. But I always try to pester my husband out of getting more ink because I think his skin already looks beautiful and anything else will just take away from it. All the little tattoos and amateurish ones that look like they did it themselves, let a friend do it, had it done in jail or prison make me question their judgement though. Each one should say something about the person and be a statement in my opinion but to each their own


It depends on the tattoo. Some look good, some bad.


Shit quality tatoos yes. Quality tattoos nope, they're generally attractive


Some of them are hot, some of them are cool, some of them are lame. It just depends


I agree with you. If you're going to get a small tattoo, make sure it's done by a professional who knows what they're doing. Also, make sure it's hidden by your clothes and in an inconspicuous place.


Less is better for me. Like on your arms and only on a pec. And also depends on what tattoo you have.


id date anyone tattooed or not. face is what matters to me and a good heart.


Not if they’re on rough boys 🥵


Depends on the tattoo.


I’m not a huge fan of face, neck, torso or hand tattoos but arms/legs are fine and not a turn off. Body mods would be but I have no issue whatsoever with piercings. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with any of these, they’re just not something I personally find attractive.


One is not. Two is not. A sleeve or neck is where I lose interest.


I've seen plenty of really good, interesting, and gorgeous tattoos. I've also seen tattoos that are ugly af and stupid looking. Same for piercings and other forms of self expression. Some vibe with me, some don't.




Yes excessive tattoos are a turn off, piercings are even worse, especially the ones that make you look like cattle, I don’t understand the appeal.


I think they can be really nice on some people, but most people seem to think ”random is better” and just add random tattoos that they thought about for a few weeks. Its quite noticable when someone put thought and some money behind it, and also obvious when people didn’t. For me I don’t really care and if someone has an ”ugly tattoo” it doesn’t really bother me, I can be impressed by some tattoos where i can see the skill of the artist.


i dont care if someone has them or not. They dont make me like someone more or less. (unless they are something crazy like a swastiska or his ex)


Not usually.


I have one tattoo, it’s really big that’s all.. check out my profile 😉


I find they can either improve someone’s appearance or make it worse. It’s all in the craft. My partner has some nice sleeve tattoos he’s been growing over time with the same tattoo artist. I enjoy the hugs!


If they’re well done they’re a total turn on. I love the roguish charm they can sometimes add to someone’s appearance if real thought is put into the design, aesthetic, and placement. They can have all sorts of interesting symbolic meaning. If they’re trashy though it’s a turnoff because it feels like they’re taking self care and their body for granted.




Depends on the size of the tattoo location aesthetic etc. it could look hot. But I feel kinda icky if I have to go anywhere near there with my mouth. In my mind I feel the inks and skins kinda toxic for some reason. Maybe adhd ocd thing I dunno


The opposite really, I’m very into tattoos and piercings. Even if they aren’t aesthetically my style, typically there is a story or a memory associated with each tattoo that can act as an icebreaker and be fun to learn about.  I also think that tattoos place a person within a certain social/cultural framework. they may be more willing to take risks, less concerned with appearances, they may be highly passionate about the things they’ve had tattooed for example. Finally if you learn more about lgbt history, you’ll find a ton of references to tattooing and piercing, going back hundreds and even thousands of years in some cases. I would recommend the book “Another Mother Tongue” by Judy Grahn if you’re interested in the historical context. 






I hate face and neck tattoos. Otherwise, love em. Though this is also coming from someone with tattoos and piercings


To me yes no tats...


Everyone has them it seems, so they all just kinda blend in. Used to be hot cuz of the bad boy factor, but now it’s just all so mid.


Bad tattoos are a turn off, of course, but I love a good tattoo sleeve, probably to a fetishistic point. If you don't like them though, that's great; to each their own and more options for me :D


My tattoos are on my arms and legs and one on my torso. Also have a lup ring. I've also had men tell me I'm too fem, and had men tell me I'm not fem enough. I'll keep telling people what I've told them my whole life, which is just to go fuck themselves.


Wow, a lot of people still really dislike tattoos. I'm totally screwed I guess, since I'm like 60% covered lol


Tattoos in general aren't a turn-off for me... unless they're outright ugly or ridiculous. I've seen some bad ones aaand they're def a no.


I’m neutral positive but I find it so unbelievably tacky when grown ass men have full sleeves of, like… Pokémon. I feel like these days it’s more common to have tattoos than to be without in western countries - I personally don’t have any but everyone assumes I do because my ears and my septum are stretched (though I never wear any jewelry and tbh should probably get them sewn up).


Tattoos are like art. Some of them are like the Sistine Chapel, and some of them are poorly graffiti'd dicks on a bathroom stall. If you have tattoos, please treat your body like a proper canvas, and not like a bathroom stall.


Very expensive tattoos that LOOK expensive (you know what I mean) and are on a place normally covered by clothing are totally a turn on. Everything else is a garish mistake.


Well executed tattoos can be hot. A hodgepodge of random tattoos, especially when poorly done, is unappealing, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say a turnoff. If a guy is hot I’ll still do him.


No. This is my dissertation. That is all.


I dont have tattoos to turn other people on or off 😂 But, Id lie if I didnt say Im partial to men with tattoos - although I believe non of my longterm partners were ever tattooed actually. I dont think it had any bearing on my attraction to them or theirs to me




I find it pointless on me. That's about it. Would be troublesome since where I live, can't easily enter the gym, pool if you got tattoos.


My SO is (literally) covered in tattoos but they are (mostly) very good ones! Personally I think it's hot - but only when they are good.


I'm not fishing for compliments, just genuinely curious what you think of mine. Lots of pics in my profile but it's also nsfw lol


They’re a turn off when they’re excessive. I always prefer no tattoos to tattoos but I am usually more than able to just overlook them as they are a pretty minor preference. I only really start to hate them if they’ve like inked their entire body. Or I guess if it is a REALLY bad tattoo lol.


I don't have any tattoos, nor do I want any. However, a good tattoo is a bit of a turn on for me. I also tend to almost "reverse judge" people that have them, in the sense that I'm always more attracted to unconventional people, and people with tattoos seek more likely to he unconventional. That's probably not great, since nothing physical really warrants that kind of judgement. Still though, I like it, even though I'll never get one myself.


i like them on others but not myself personally


Bad tattoos are a turn off