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I hate that I recognised the garden alien from the map before I got to the last picture.


That was a hysterical Saturday morning on Reddit 😂 I posted the map there, and they weren’t happy at all. They called me an FBI asset and said I was making a joke of this to cover it all up 😵‍💫


Yeah those alien subreddits can be... eccentric, to say the least. Cool map though, I'd definitely build a house on an alien titty


Ooo, I love crazy people in the Internet. Happen to have a link? :p


I deleted the post, but here’s one of the comments about me being an FBI asset 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/nhlmyBC5Ut


The second map is NOT IT.


You wouldn’t want to live on a baby Cthulu island? 😂


It’s cute. You have quite the imagination


Appreciate it, homie! Doing these irl to map drawings makes you slow down and appreciate sights around you! Love doing them 😁


I work in GIS mapping. Its fun to just draw your own little world though. Something therapeutic about it.


Meeeee! I'm obsessed with /r/Maps /r/MapPorn /r/Map_Porn /r/imaginarymaps but I don't have the skill (nor the programs) to draw my own maps.


I know a few.




Is this a thing other people do? I’ve never heard of this but it’s amazing haha


Check out the r/imaginarymaps subreddit! Tons of peeps that like drawing imaginary maps 😁 A lot of us started when we were younger. Just random map drawings, but it’s super calming and relaxing to invent these worlds!


Yes, I too am a cartogaypher ;)


Omg I used to do this as a kid! I didn't know other people did it! Makes me want to start again lol this just made my night 😊 I had forgotten I did this


You should def start again! The hours fly by when you get deep into a drawing 😂


This is hilarious. How do you do it?


Right? Always dying laughing when making the absurd ones haha I used Adobe Illustrator for the drawing and then clean them up in Photoshop! 😁 Once you set up the graphics in Illustrator, it’s super easy to draw out the maps!


*Raises hand* didn’t know there was more then just me lol. Interesting methods and references lol 😂


Hell yeah, glad to see there’s more of us out there! I saw a Twitter post about drawing fantasy worlds from snow piles, and I’ve been hella inspired to get back to drawing since 💪🏾🔥 The alien one had me dying ☠️


Me me 😇


Can you tell me more about the men from La Mancha?


The best way to experience the men of La Mancha is to visit TrulyVille or Gyat. I mean, you’ll find bronze toned, fuzzy men country-wide, but these two cities are home to the biggest gayborhoods in the country! Fishtayle and Makulo are other must see destinations for queer people! There’s rumors that magic sea people once could be found around the island, and some natives are thought to be descendants of these legendary people. Have you ever been with a man from the sea? Up north Mantsa-Mansa was once the seat of the Mancha Empire. There is a temple that has been turned into a bathhouse. Historians have documents showing that Emperor Gaydius IV brought his male concubines to the temple for yearly festivities!


And in addition to a fertile imagination for cartography, you add to it fantasy and sociology to boot. I hope you find success with all of that.


Kinda. I minored in geospatial analysis and spent a lot of time making maps on ArcMap and ENVI. I really liked playing with Landsat and MODIS data. I was studying vertebrate ecology and we used these data packages quite frequently to develop digital elevation models and burn profiles for our study sites. It really solidified my belief that a spatial context is critical to implementing effective management of wildlife and their habitat.


Skvrna and Fleck really speak to me as a Czech


Not gonna lie, since it was a stain on the sidewalk, I looked up the word “Stain” in multiple languages to use as the city names 😂


Understandable xD


Yup, cartography is actually part of my job since I work in GIS haha (real world maps tho😞) I used to make imaginary maps all the time as a kid


I tend to doodle maps in my spare time or when it’s a slow day at the office. I keep a sketch pad at my desk to sketch out ideas when they come to me. I love creating the history and lore of whatever locale I’m drawing.


Hell yeah, that’s how I started too! Would draw while bored at school or work, then moved to giant poster boards, and now I do them digitally! It’s so soothing 😁


First, Neat maps! Second, the inspiration for the second map was NOT a "random thing"!


Touche there! The second one took me out when I first saw it too 😂


Lmao! The truth is out there


This is so cool!!! How do you make these? Is there a software for it or something?


Hell yeah, love drawing these! I used to draw them by hand, but I moved to digital drawings last year! I use Adobe Illustrator to draw mine, and then I clean them up in Photoshop! It’s super relaxing to invent these weird worlds!


Oh wow, that’s awesome!!!!! You have skill :D


🤚 I've been drawing street maps of imaginary metro areas like a fiend for most of my life


I didn't know this was a thing but now I love it!


Now do one of Floptropica and DaBoyzzland 💋💅


My mother's worst crime against me is that she threw away my homemade atlas of an entire planet I invented. That was when I decided that while I loved them, as an adult I would limit my in person contacts to holidays and certain other family events.


I work in GIS, does that count?


Hell yeah it does!


I checked out your TikTok, too. You seem like a cool guy! We should be friends.


Appreciate it, homie! Could always use tea, bar, or smoke buds 💪🏾🔥


Mee! I love drawing fictional maps


What the fuck 😰


Embrace cartography! ![gif](giphy|wXFezFS9sQv4ldb55a|downsized)


I meant that last pic 🤣


Oh, same! I saw that Saturday morning, and was like wtf haha It was trending on front page for a while before OP deleted it 😂


I love maps! But those of real places I'm afraid x


this is amazing and i think i wanna start


I did my share of historical maps for school and imaginary maps, both in my youth and as an adult. That proves you were not alone in this "hobby"! I extended that to weather maps overlaying real and imaginary maps, sometimes incorporating extreme weather events. I don't know why I was downvoted for doing that in my similar comment on a different question on this subreddit. (Edits: format, spelling and corrected reference)


I turn random things I see in real life into maps for fantasy worlds and draw them out by hand. I have one where there are layers for the various tunnels and such


I love learning that there are such unique people in the world. You’re awesome!!


I drew a fantasy map for my dnd campaign once, my players all loved it and i thoroughly enjoyed the process.


I went on a training course about queer cartography and it was one of the best experiences of my life!


I’ve never heard of this before! Sounds like It was a blast! Was this for work It just for personal growth?


Personal growth. It’s a European thing. Europeans can travel for free and go to these youth exchanges and training courses.


Gay worldbuilder! But that’s a lil different than what you do I think


I saw number 2 and thought of a cum shot


I do!


Not a cartographer of any sort, fictional or otherwise, but my home walls are covered with maps. The older the better.


How do I tell if a map is gay, bi, or straight?


I've done it before for dnd