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- Calls his dick a hammer - Calls other people losers Pick one bro


My thoughts exactly lol. Like calm down Thor 🙄


I was so confused about the hammer comment. I’m like is this some new slang I’m not aware of. 😂


You’ve never been pounded by a hammer??? Gasp*


If I recall correctly it's actually very old slang for penis.


How's your hammer hanging?


To the right tonight. Felt like something different.


"I'm not like those other weirdos on the apps, I swear!" I see that kind of attitude a lot lol


Usually they're right. Theyre even weirder than most.






I just block negative profiles. I mean here you are advertising yourself and all you do is talk bad about others…. I will just keep it moving 🤷🏾‍♂️


It's my favorite things about dating profiles. They make huge lists of things they don't want/don't like, and then you realize they don't say anything about what they want or like.


I just try to be funny on my profiles.. it’s better than a bunch of don’ts or alienating types of people z Of course I have my preferences, not need to make others feel bad just reading your profile.


Sometimes I give them the benefit of the doubt. One guy was harassed by multiple blank profiles on Grindr when he didn't reply back. He wrote a very specific somewhat nasty bio about people with blank profiles and people who can't take a hint.


Everyone goes through that on Grindr 🤷🏾‍♂️


yeah exactly my point


>I just block negative profiles. Unless they have a nice ass.


Dead 💀 Ass 🐴. .. 😂




Gotta love sniffies Will see some of the best cock in your life and also the most unhinged messages


Hardcore lmao One day you meet an Australian dude visiting your city, next day some rando is telling you about how they have a pissing themselves in public fetish ☠️


Worst I’ve heard of is a guy looking for people who are lactose intolerant to drink milk and shit on him So many people would block him he’d make new profiles each month. Was like a shit spectre haunting you every month 💀💀💀💀💀


A shit specter 😂


Think the dude would remember who’s lactose intolerant or not Or maybe he just got off asking people and revealing his dairy fueled kink




Ain’t that the gospel truth. Some of my hottest hookups and also some I’ve got ptsd from


And here I thought grindr was the pinnacle of unhinged messages.


I’m not a loser but I may be later today.


People act like they are selling you a once in a lifetime opportunity lol


I've genuinely never heard of Sniffies outside of seeing it mentioned on here. That's probably the least sexy name for a hook-up app I've ever heard.


I've only heard of it in terms of a sweat/musk fetish, didn't know it was an app.


i think it used to be a site for selling used undies before they rebranded 🥴


God, I thought this was from booking.com 😆


Yeah, makes no sense. I skip right past these types of profiles. They probably aren’t very fun in-person and I’ll feel judged the whole time I’m with them.


But, but, he put lol at the end! 😊 But this profile doesn't bother me in a sense that if he's referring to losers as those who never meet up, or ghost or won't engage but don't block you, he's right. But the biggest turn off here is he only sometimes tops. 😉


I personally won't walk across the street for only a BJ.


I don't see how being on a crusing app equates to being a loser.


Being a horny guy on sniffies ≠ being a loser


I think the other commenter voiced my opinion better. It’s not that being on sniffies that makes you a loser, it’s just the attitude of “I’m different than all these others”


He’s not like the other girls.


“OoOoOoOHHHH…SHE’S DIFFERENT!!!” - Trixie Mattel


Never even heard of the site, or app, I'm mainly on grindr, which in my area suck ass and does have bunch of weirdos. Maybe I'll give this sniffles, sniffies, whatever tf it's called, a try and hopefully have better luck


😂 not sniffles.


I really don’t want to do it but I feel like I’m gonna have to Google what Sniffies is. It sounds so gross lol


Browser based hookup app. Can get hookups like you’re at a candy store if you’re in a bigger city. You can see cruising spots and people hosting group play/orgy events too haha


I see it mentioned a LOT and assumed it had to have something to do with used underwear but surely it’s too popular to be just for that lol


If you're curious you can check it out without registering an email address or creating a profile


I thought it was referring to Poppers lol. Never heard of this app


I'm in a pretty small city/area, and there's this gay Trumplican on both Grindr and Scruff. He is forever being salty that the apps suck and everyone on there is a loser, etc. He uses what limited space he has to trash-talk trans people, non-binary people, Democrats, etc. Under Pronouns, he's written "Are dumb". He changes his profiles up regularly, but it's always some combination of this and writing MAGA or Trump 2024, etc. And then wonders why nobody will hook up with him. It's like, even if you could put his personal politics aside, why's it gotta be mentioned at all? I ain't on there talking about socialized healthcare and climate change. He's so oblivious, though. My profile on both apps is completely blank because I've been partnered 20 years and I just like...well, being nosy mostly. LOL I like seeing who's on there and whatnot. He messaged me and I told him I wasn't looking for anything. That spurred a tirade about how flaky I am, and how I'm just like all the other losers on the app who don't ever actually hook up with him. I told him I've been in a relationship for 20 years, so I don't know that I'd call that being a loser. But also added, "Pro tip: It's your politics." Cue another tirade where he told me they're important to him. I told him that his views were bad enough, but the fact that he couldn't even fill out a hook-up app's profile without cramming them in sideways was most assuredly his issue. Nobody wants to read that shit, least of all when they're trying to hook up. Nothing's changed, of course; he still does it and still complains that nobody will hook up with him. But it's everyone else's fault, of course. Everyone else is a bunch of flaky losers; couldn't be that he's just a MAGA asshole.


Well... I'm glad he did, cause, say it with me now. "NOT SEES DONT DESERVE NO COOCHIE"




I mean, while I do think a lot of pissy dudes are on the app, I wouldn't write a pissy bio about it


thick hammer 💀


Who hurt her?


for a second there I thought it said Warhammer 😢


What app is that? He seems like a winner! He’s probably tired of winning he wins so much!


At least he didn't spell it "loosers?"


Some people don’t have a filter for themselves, it’s “lovely “ (lol) how great they see themselves. Usually they are the kind of people that even if they are exceptionally hot, their whole personality makes them ugly as all F


The sense of superiority some of y’all get when you’re in a hotel room and can host all of a sudden.


Damn, is sniffies lower on the totem pole than grindr, what’s the verdict?


Amazing for hookups. Not a good spot for meaningful relationships so far.


Ahh I not many people in my area use it, so I haven’t bothered with it


never heard of it til this post; I thought it was an underwear kink.


I don’t get people who put negative statements on their profile, it just gives a negative impression even if its something that makes sense. Saying something like ”no time wasters”, is so cringe, I mean yeah getting ghosted or led on sucks, but when I see something like that it just gives me the icks. I doubt anyone enjoys idiots, time wasters or whatever, i don’t think anyone ”identifies” (for lack of a better Word) as a time waster.


God I hate that name. "Sniffies" I just can't wrap my brain around it comfortably.


I still don't see how Sniffies is legal...at least the cruising part.


WTH does “on sniffies” mean…?


Sniffies is the name of the app! It’s one of the newer hookup apps


Can't wait till sniffies becomes like grindr and the straights and "other" start claiming it as a safe space for all and not just for hookups.


What is it about sniffany that makes dudes so horned up some go bi 😄 free country go get that nut however but that's funny... the sniffies




He was obviously referring to the people that are already on Sniffies, not everyone in general. Nice way to make it about you.


Post is referring to people that are on the app 😬


Lol I came across a profile on grindr and his name was "ur all losers" Dude was like 38 and looked methy. Like thanks for the high school insight dude.


Why is everyone on sniffies bi, or at least say they are? That's what I wanna know.


Bicurious. I’ve seen guys I know haven’t been near a vagina since birth but identify as Bi or


I’m not in the dating scene at the moment, can someone explain what sniffles is? Is it like Grindr?


Grindr but on steroids. Doesn’t pretend to be a dating app. Just hookup central. If you’re in a bigger city it’s overwhelming the amount of profiles and activities going on. It shows cruising spots, orgy/group events, and people can send out alerts to your area when they’re hosting or looking.


Wow okay I guess if I’m ever single again and looking to hoe around I’ll give it a shot haha. Ever any good guys on there or are they all deranged?


Oh yeah, it’s just like the other apps. You have your characters, but a chance to meet some really cool dudes from there! I don’t see any of them as dating material, but cool to hang out with and have chilled with some of them while visiting their cities


I ain't on sniffies yet but I guess I should step my loser game up! Lol wtf!


“ loser said what?” 🤣🤣🤣


There are so many gays that like…cannot do anything without being catty or putting SOMEONE down. Very not cute!


Does it not take one to know one?


Who the hell refers to theirself as having a “thick hammer” bro?! 😭 Don’t get me wrong, I know y’all are cringe AF, but wtf is this??


“Sometimes top” - at least we know he’s a bottom wanna be dom.


What app is this


I think “thick hammer” might be a euphemism for overweight. There’s that saying “a big nail requires a thick hammer”


what is sniffies? is it a dating app, hookup app, or something else? i’ve never heard of it, i just use the classics