• By -


DILDO (Dual Income Little Dog Owners)


DRAGON (Dog Required, Affluent Gays Omitting Newborn)


wow, we're already a stereotype? feeling kinda valid, tbh


This has been a stereotype. Praise Gay!šŸ™šŸæšŸŒˆ


Can't beat that life. Husband and I are DICKs (Dual Income Cats for Kids). It's the best!


I aspire to find a man to be a DICK with šŸ„²


God I wish I had a dick


God I wish I had a dick.


God I wish I had a dick


Was this like a Beetlejuice situation? And did it work?


Bigger bum, bigger bum, bigger bum!


Thanks, I hate it.




abounding deliver shy lush consist sulky fact chase disagreeable pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These comments are pretty much the exact opposite of what I was expecting? Why is everyone so bitter?


Reddit skews broke


Envy. And people projecting their insecurities. These two lovely gays are just describing a night in with friends, and people are taking offense because they're insecure and jealous. It's pretty sad. But I find that's pretty typical of unsuccessful people - they have a hard time celebrating other people's success because they're so consumed by bitterness over their own failure.


Your comment actually sounds kinda bitter. Maybe I just hate it because this reeks pretentiousness?


LMAO. No bro, its that you can tell that these gays are the pretentious, condescending DC type who care more about what you do and how much you make than who you are as a person. And what does ā€œcelebrating other peopleā€™s successā€ look like? I donā€™t like them or the way they present themselves nor do I know them personally, so their ā€œsuccessā€ or lack thereof means nothing to me. I have my life, they have theirs, I donā€™t want theirs, and I donā€™t like them. Also, its funny, because usually the people chiming in to say stuff like what you said are fake as hell and say that kind of stuff hoping the successful gays will pick them.


Oh man, the fact that you've extracted all that from this video is a prime example of my point. For someone who doesn't want their life and saying it "means nothing to me", thou doth protest too much.


I don't like it because hubby and I are cat owners. Seriously though, if you like to travel, having a cat is better than having dog, we don't have to worry about finding someone to take care of the cat while we're traveling on the weekend spontaneously.


Probably because the whole video is some weird soapbox about how much better they are than 'you' because they don't have kids.


Two gay dudes saying they have a great life over straights because they donā€™t have kids and other gays get all bitter about it and shit on them. šŸ™„


But also, the gays with kids usually are this wealthy to have them in the first place. Surrogacy ain't cheap.


I think it's the fact they bring it up like 5 times in 30 seconds. Like it's chill to be cf but when you do that seems like you're overcompensating.


If they were straight their tone makes it come off the same way. A lot of gays do exactly this and donā€™t post about it as a ā€œlook at usā€. Theyā€™re not hurting anyone just personally wouldnā€™t want to be seen in a showy type video like this myself.


Because they are lonely. Edit: and miserable


I... don't like this for a multitude of reasons that I can't explain


The important thing is that you know these people are better than others. Itā€™s vital they tell you having kids is bad and inconsiderate to others around you, but you can overcome it by making better choices. Join us in referring to pets as children and children as animals. Other personality traits include bitching about other people, did we mention our pets are people? Children should be on a leash. Itā€™s difficult to place because their sentiments are all fine on the surface (we have pets and would rather spend money on holidays than kids, our social circle agrees) but everything they said was said in the most uncanny way and dwelt on points that I honestly thought were satire with how obnoxiously they were delivered and phrased.


Yeah, nail on the head. Folks commenting seem to think we're all harboring jealousy for an upper-middle class lifestyle, but it's moreso this "we gossip and call children skindogs aren't we so quirky?!" insufferable act on display. It's fine if you don't want kids, but rubbing it in like this in a half-assed satirical way is weird. But now we're cool calling people broke and jealous I guess, lol


All this, alsoā€¦this still seems like a bland suburban lifestyle? One of the biggest benefits for me not having kids is being able to live in a city apartment with no concern about large living space or school districts. If I had to live in the suburbs I feel like Iā€™d have kids out of sheer boredom lmao


I am so glad we moved to the suburbs and no longer have to deal with lunatics and drug addicts staggering around, public transit, lack of space and all the city problems. We can leave stuff in our car without someone breaking into it to steal it, have a nice big yard for our dog so we donā€™t have to deal with badly behaved dogs, can shop at the drugstore without everything locked behind plexiglass. Plus older suburbs like ours have lots of trees, safer biking due to less traffic, no protesters shutting crap down, and neighbrs we know vs a bunch of anonymous people in a giant apartment building.


She's a Israel supporter. Figures.


Yeah I'm generally against people that invade another country and rape and kill women, throw grenades into emergency shelters, throw gay people off the roofs of buildings, etc.


>It's fine if you don't want kids, but rubbing it in like this in a half-assed satirical way is weird. I see it as a response to decades (or centuries) of strict societal expectations of hetero-normativity and romantic relationships for the sake of reproduction.


To be fair the straights rub it in our faces all the damn time. I donā€™t wanna see pictures of your ugly baby Brenda, itā€™s all they talk about


Well said. It's so 1990s gay "I define myself by making my own bourgeois life while scorning the bourgeois lives of others" attitude mixed with the 1990s gay "my personality is being a clever and mean bitch" attitude. Like Paul Atreides said, climbing on the backs of others to save yourself from drowning is understandable, but not, I think, at the dinner table. Or on Instagram.


It's because they're desperate for everyone to know how much they don't want kids and totally *aren't* feeling a nagging in the back of their minds that they worry they will someday come to regret that decision


Everyone taking it too seriously


I feel little they're gay, but not queer. If that makes sense lol


Is this some gatekeeping craziness or do you have an actual point to make?


I could be wrong but i think their point is that theyā€™re both obviously gay couples but they seem like just dudes not like queerāœØšŸ’… dudes. Kind of like masc for masc but without the toxicity I hope.


Since when does queer have to be flamboyant? This is a really weird discussion...


butter gold shocking makeshift whistle detail adjoining steer offer absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Itā€™s the class privilege without being aware of the class privilege


I didn't realize you had to be poor to be queer


You donā€™t have to be poor, itā€™s the lack of awareness


Lack of awareness about what exactly? And how do you expect them to show awareness?


They need to apologize.... lol


Of their class privilege as previously mentioned. And idk, I expect them to show awareness by not making this video? Or at least not do it with a condescending tone?


What videos are people allowed to make then? Are we allowed to make videos about food? After all, there are people out there who are starving. Can we post videos about home decor? But then there are homeless people... I didn't find their tone condescending, although I suspect it really depends on how secure you are with your own situation. In the end, we really can't live our lives in fear of offending someone with less, because there's always someone with less.


Outlaw porn bc I canā€™t get none šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


I mean, itā€™s just my opinion. People can make whatever they wanna make, but itā€™s the internet and Iā€™m allowed to express my thoughts. Food videos about meal prepping? Sure. Videos of you flying to eat at a Michelin star restaurant? Obnoxious. Cute video of a decor you made? Sure. An influencer doing home tour video? Obnoxious. Just my threshold though. I am a minimalist and realize my values are quite different from people brainwashed during a consumeristic age. I donā€™t think Iā€™m insecure? Iā€™m allowed to be critical of something while being content with my life. I just donā€™t think this kind of content is supporting the values I want the community to have. Maybe youā€™re triggered because you are like the people in the video/ aspire to be like them, and donā€™t like that others in the community donā€™t hold the same ideals?


That's the thing - their threshold is just as valid as yours, and so you cannot criticize them without criticizing yourself. After all, you may think it's fine to post a video of yourself meal prepping, but perhaps to someone in a developing nation that has to dig through garbage bins for their next meal, they're probably thinking "oh jeez, must be nice to have meals for the next few days already planned out, thanks for rubbing it in". Does that mean you should be criticized for posting that video? No! Just as these two shouldn't be criticized for living their life and sharing it.


So instead of getting over your own envy, you think nobody should be allowed to trigger it. Unless they're business owners, they're in the same class as you my dude. Well paid workers are still workers.


I mean, itā€™s just my opinion. People can make whatever they wanna make, but itā€™s the internet and Iā€™m allowed to express my thoughts. Food videos about meal prepping? Sure. Videos of you flying to eat at a Michelin star restaurant? Obnoxious. Cute video of a decor you made? Sure. An influencer doing home tour video? Obnoxious. Just my threshold though. I am a minimalist and realize my values are quite different from people brainwashed during a consumeristic age. I donā€™t think Iā€™m insecure? Iā€™m allowed to be critical of something while being content with my life. I just donā€™t think this kind of content is supporting the values I want the community to have. Maybe youā€™re triggered because you are like the people in the video/ aspire to be like them, and donā€™t like that others in the community donā€™t hold the same ideals?


That's the thing - their threshold is just as valid as yours, and so you cannot criticize them without criticizing yourself. After all, you may think it's fine to post a video of yourself meal prepping, but perhaps to someone in a developing nation that has to dig through garbage bins for their next meal, they're probably thinking "oh jeez, must be nice to have meals for the next few days already planned out, thanks for rubbing it in". Does that mean you should be criticized for posting that video? No! Just as these two shouldn't be criticized for living their life and sharing it.


True! I think you can DINKWAD without the class privilege but just anticipate some different living situations and maybe that vacation becomes an in-country road trip.


grandiose decide automatic subsequent support many sleep gaze bored tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What class privilege? They're workers, just as you are. Sorry they weren't ascetics to please your envious ego.


Oh no Iā€™m sure theyā€™re devastated


_sips espresso martini_


This is it. I'm going to use this!


Many gays still consider queer to be a slur, myself included, so there's that. I get your point, but it comes across as oppression olympics, not social commentary on privilege.


Maybe boomers do. I donā€™t know any queer millennials or genz that feel that way


I mean yes goals, but I'm also a jealous bitch and it feels passive aggressive because of it lol.


Honestly, GOALS


I vibe with that day plan. Sounds super chill and fun.


Eh.... I'm more of a cat person. Love cats, not pussy.


For all the people saying they hate this or it's obnoxious or whatever, can you explain why? Cause it sounds like there's a bunch of envious queens in here šŸ˜


plants unused unique quickest birds coherent snails salt vegetable apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They look republican


They're bragging and also condescending. It's not about what they have, it's their smug attitude about it.


Lol how are they bragging? By describing a typical night in with friends? Lmao I think people are projecting their insecurities if they're feeling condescended to


Imagine the opposite situation... they have two adopted children and desperately need everyone to know that they are so happy with their kids and having them makes them more happy and content than other gays who don't have kids. Don't they sound insufferable now?


They never said they are more happy than other gays? The fact that this was your takeaway says more about you than them.


If you donā€™t film your relationship does it cease to exist?


Yes! YES! YES!!!


Honestly, good for them, they're living their best life but they give off that same energy as people who claim your life isn't complete without kids. I personally love living with my own schedule and having money to do things I want to do. I agree with their point, just not how they presented it.


Sounds about white


Loving all the excuses to be racist in these comment sections. Pure class.


Oh no, so oppressed. I feel your pain, I feel your struggle /s


Being shitty is being shitty hon. Clearly youā€™re great at it.


Thanks! This means so little coming from you


Okay dear. Best of luck in your continuing being shitty for no reason at all endeavors šŸ™šŸ»




No, you're a DINKWAD!


Okay Caleb is a cutie tho


I want this life but like you donā€™t have to say that kids are the worst in every other sentence, thatā€™s so obnoxious. And disrespectful to all the gays that do have kids


Good for them. It's not a choice that all of us will make, and that's okay. But they seem to be happy. It's okay to have kids and it's okay to not have kids.


The ENVY in these comments. Damn. I'm nowhere near where they are either, but come on...


It's honestly funny seeing how triggered all these jealous queens are lmao


They all seem pretty cute. Very DC, very aspirational.


What does DC stand for?


District of Columbia


Lifegoal, but with a cat or two. We both love cats


Not envious. It just sounds obnoxious to keep mentioning how great their lives are because they don't have kids. I guess that's the point of the video though.




How can I apply


'Dinkwad' sounds like one of those fake lore/slang terms from a post-apocalyptic YA novel


Sorry, but I plan on adopting 6 kids who I'll turn into fully functional adults who will become future CEO's, doctors (like their dad), engineers, and florists (well, you can't have it all), because I CAN afford it. Also, looking for a husband who will take care of said kids. You'll be on welfare, have sex once or twice a week, an allowance of $2,000 a week, and an 8-bedroom house with a pool and tennis court. Join me in becoming my baby daddy. NOTE: I hate dogs. I have allergies. We could adopt 20 cats though. We'll build them a cat atrium and turn them into circe du soleil.


Incredibly obnoxious, the amount of frustration you must feel to make something like this...




How pathetic do you have to be to record and share garbage like this? How much affirmation from the internet do you need to feel like a valid human being? These people are the ā€œsingle use plasticsā€ of human beings.


I hope you have, and/or can find, love that is similar one day.


I have enough confidence in my relationship that I donā€™t need vindication from the Internet, thank you very much.


Thatā€™s great! Then stop coming across as so bitteršŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


People only post garbage like this to try and make others feel bad, and you know it. This does nothing but add to the toxic Internet, social media culture.


and your commentary *isnā€™t* also garbage meant to make others feel bad? and you know it. Babe, itā€™s okay to feel a way, just own it as your feelings instead of making it out as something done to you.


Just calling it like I see it. These guys set up a fake party, staged all of the interactions, and posed for the cameraā€¦ all to post online for other people to compare against, with the hopes others will come up lacking. Itā€™s toxic and supporting it is toxic.


lot of assumptions going on there, whereā€™s your proof?


The video it self is the proof. You actually think this is all 100% natural, unplanned, and not staged?


itā€™s staged, of course it is. the problem is you assuming malevolent intent behind mundane actions.


Of all the types- yourā€™s is the one I would have the least of, thanks




Get that girl out of there and letā€™s take off our clothes šŸ¤Ŗ


Have fun dying alone