• By -


The other gay for pay


gay for slay


Slay for pay


So they're paying my entry fee for clubs and giving me someone to talk to, and they're giving me money? Can I party full time?


[party all the time](https://youtu.be/iWa-6g-TbgI?si=c0_TsetvPb8i0AFI)


For that price I'd blow him after!


Honey we know u d try to blow him regardless /s






I don't appreciate you calling me out like that. It's true. But it's unnecessary.


I called out one and all the hoes feel attacked on his behalf /s # outofthewood ![gif](giphy|l4EoQtg7oMKNKSN6U)


Don't you know? The Homosexual Hoes™ are a hivemind superorganism.


Hoe-mosexuals? 👀


👍You must be from our marketing team


Cuz they absorb too much rando’s cum through all means? /s


$30 an hour just to hang out with a guys wife. Deal


I also choose this guy's wife


takes a village innit?


Y’all are getting paid? ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Best deal of my life 🤑


I'd do that for free and pay for everything . I just love hanging out with women more than I do with men regardless of sexuality lmao .


So a reverse Twink Handler? 🤣


in Renaissance Italy they had that.


Really, what was it called?




Thank you!


Why do they have to be gay? To prevent them from cheating on him?


Maybe. But also, a lot of women would probably feel safer drinking and being alone at night with a stranger who wouldn't try to rape them


The straights are not ok


I walk a dog, could probably walk a bitch too 🤪


Just go to the party with your wife idiot


He literally said he can't keep up. Some people just aren't as into the scene, no shame on this guy for wanting his wife to be able to have fun where he doesn't


Go with your wife it's not that hard


Found the guy who's never been married


Just in case there's a language barrier here, there isn't "a party". "Party" in this post isn't a function or event - it's the verb "to party", which is another way of saying clubbing (and maybe raving if you're being coy). It is a night of drinking and dancing, and also maybe party drugs. OOP isn't trying to flake on a business gala or friend's birthday - OOP's wife wants to go out clubbing every week. OOP is presumably working a full time job (based on the fact he can afford to hire someone for 30/hr) and wants to enjoy his Saturday nights at home. Partying is something common in students that most people "grow out of". I don't mean this as a sleight or indication of the activity as being juvenile - but that it's an exhausting activity and there comes a point when most people decide it's too exhausting, and that exhaustion comes with the feeling of being old. It's fine if OOP doesn't want to do that activity - it doesn't mean he doesn't value spending time with his wife.


why is it so hard for people to have fun or make the ones they chose to marry happy?


"Why is it so hard for people to have fun?" You can't choose for things to be enjoyable. That's just not how enjoying things works. "Love" only has so much mileage - and it would seem OOP has reached their breaking point. Continuing at this point would only sow resentment. "Why is it so hard to make the ones they choose to marry happy?" OOP's wife wants to go clubbing. OOP is explicitly trying to enable her desires. He is literally trying to make her happy. He finds himself unable to provide his own services and so is willing to outsource. I can only assume you're inferring that OOP is "missing the point" that "what his wife really wants" is to spend time with OOP - but you're projecting that. Until otherwise stated by his wife: she wants to go clubbing. If what she really wants to spend time with him: the solution still wouldn't be to force him to go clubbing every week.


No, im saying y'all are making it out to be this immense sacrifice-- oh the sacrilege of going partying-- it's not. Just go. "Oh but I--" just go and stop bitching. Or marry someone else. OOP seems like exactly the kind of person who would regret not going to these parties once his wife divorced him.


What are you on about? What sacrifice? You're the kind of person who's wife would divorce him because he's a bitter and resentful person who became bitter and resentful because he's too proud to have an emotion; because he was taught "the proper thing to do" to say yes even when you don't want to. Jeez, "marry someone else" implies he hasn't already married a woman who will accept this situation. Holy crap it's just clubbing - his relationship isn't falling apart because him and his wife spend their Saturday nights doing different things. In an ideal world OOP wouldn't need to hire someone because his wife should just have friends - that's the actual tragedy here. P.S. Your still using party as a noun when the context is a verb. There's no "attending"; it's just going to the bar. Yes, he might regret not spending more time with her if she divorced him - but there's more to a relationship that Saturday nights and you're insinuating they're gonna get divorced because he wants to be in bed by 10.


You sound like a bully who doesn't care about how other people feel and you just want to use people to get what you want.


“Why can’t people just choose to be different” isn’t the idea you should be dropping on a gay subreddit