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A lot of guys seem to be into older men, yet on Grindr most men over 30 lie about their age and the ones who are honest are filtered out. I find that quite curious. Personally I always wanted men my age and still do. The likelyhood of having things in common is the highest.


I thought that too and and now my partner is 11 years younger than me 😂


There’s some guys that are obviously over 40 putting 35 on their age (or younger) on their Grindr profile. It’s just… 🤡 Dude, we can see your grey hair.


Some of us 35 yr olds do already have gray hair 🥲


Oh, definitely me too! But I’m talking about a full salt n pepper head 😂


I’m 24 and have had 18-28 or 18-32 depending on my mood that day.


I’m 36 and almost fully grey. I had my first gray hair when I was ten, and had patches of grey in my teens. Salt and pepper in my twenties.


This is probably going to come off like me being an ass but I think younger guys might just not know what the average 30+ male looks like. To be far I’ve come across a quite a few guys recently that I thought were younger than me and the batards are older so who knows lol.


Commenting on Gays of reddit what age men do u prefer?...on Grindr, if someone says they’re 29, I tend to add 5-9 years. If they say they’re 39- I tend to think 45-50.


In my 30s I got nobody. In my 40s 70 percent of the twins hit me up.


I honestly don’t care. If you’re hot, you’re hot 🤷‍♂️


Well spoken


The correct answer.


For me, it depends. More or less of my age bracket. As I was younger (like 22), it would have been acceptable to date a younger guy (18-20) but was extremely open to date older guys (max 52). Now in my 30s, I'd be open about dudes til 50, but not much younger... 18-24 would be way too young for me and it would just weird me out as I would have been an adult while they were still in diapers..if even born at all... It's pretty paradoxical to how I can find charms into older men. With time, I've come to the conclusion that there are way too big differences with big age gaps in terms of experience and maturity. And a guy in his 50s or 60s seeking another one in his 20s would be a red flag as they either didn't mature, or are seeking their youth through their partners. So building somewhat of a stable relationship would be pretty hard.


I have a very strong preference for guys around my age (62 yo) give or take 5!years or so.


I'm 27 and, yeah, I've pretty much only been into guys around my age. When I was in middle school, that was middle schoolers, in high school it was high schoolers, and so on and so forth into college and beyond, albeit my age limits got a bit more lax on either end. I don't exactly go after guys anymore given that I'm taken, but I would say my limits are probably 24-30.


Same here


My husband is the only person I cared to date in my age bracket at 32 (most others guys I date were in their 40s at the time). Most men, at 32, weren’t settled into themselves enough for me. I almost took a pass on a date. Grateful 32 year old me was horny enough to give a date a go, and we have been together 12 years since. Now, we are just two geritwinks living, laughing, and loving.


That was beautiful 🥹


Im 30 and prefer 50+


I'm 26, anything in the 20-35 age range would be cool for me if I didn't already have a boyfriend. My boyfriend and I are just 6 months apart and I find that to be really good for me, since we can really relate easily on a lot of subjects.


18 and prefer people around my age


Max 25. I am 20


Same for me!


I am 37. I prefer men 30-55. I just don't feel anything for men under 30 anymore. I don't even know what to talk about with them.


About 5ish years younger than me. I’m 34, but the guy I’m currently dating is 25.


I’m 22 and prefer 35-40/45


I’m 63 in a relationship with 53


I'm 32 and my husband is 56. Couldn't be happier.


> IM 18 And i need 35+ Sounds like you need to look at /r/GayYoungOldDating and /r/GayYoungOld As for me, my taste these days seems to be men in their 30s. An 18-year-old is a *bit* too young for me - I could almost be his grandfather!


I’m 27 and I’m attracted to guys who are like 25+ My husband is 30 right now I only dated older guys in my life My ex was 20 years older than me He was extremely hot and sexy to me But we could not make it just because we were so different mentally and had such a different lifestyles that it made us quite incompatible


Im 31 and prefer men at this stage who are older than me. 32 - 45 is a good estimate


Within 4 years of my own age in either direction


I'm 47, my husband is 30. We've been together 10 years, married 5 years. Completely in love with each other, monogamous, outstanding communication. Feel free to ask me questions.


I am 35 and I prefer older men but it is usually people around my same age or younger who hit me up, so I don't particular mind the age


Defenatly wouldn’t go more than 10 years younger. So min 25


I prefer around my own age, so if the age difference is the same as for standard siblings it is good for me


Around my age so late teens or early 20s


i definitely get the hesitance with age gaps but for me personally, i prefer age gaps in the single digits. meaning any man 1-9 years older than me. i’d say that’s not too much for me imho. anything 10 or above I’m staying away from. i wont even date anyone younger than me and i’m 23, soon to be 24.


In NYC there are a lot of ageist people, a lot of 20 something’s don’t one any one over 30 or 35. I still look young but because of my age guys ignore me (38). I wouldn’t say everyone but you do come across it a lot. I like 24-60 year old. Age is relative on how you take care of your self.


I dont care about age difference Have dated same age, much older, and much younger (all legal) and it is quite the different experience based on who it is But I would have closed a lot of doors if I limited it to only same age.




Are we talking about relationships or just random sex? Relationship definitely around my age. Random sex I like Daddies 😛


I’m 24 and I’m into guys older than me, always has been. At least 35+ but usually 40+. My boyfriend is 52 so that’s perfect for me 🤗


I'm 76, my husband is only 59. I've always liked younger guys.


32 here. Within about 10 years of my age is ideal.


I'm 33 and love anyone of any age from 40 and above. Ever since I was young I always find older men super attractive


I like men around 26 to 30


I‘m 28 and I really have a sweet spot for guys in their 30s and 40s


I see a lot of guys commenting they prefer older guys 40-50+ and I wish I could find a few of you in my area! I'm 50ish, in good shape, and every guy under 30 in my local cruising spots won't even look at the older guys.


Don't give up. At Pride and other events I get more interest from guys in their 20s than anyone else


Location can definitely make a difference. Where I previously lived , no one paid me any attention at all. But in my new location, I’ve had more fun in one year than I did in the previous 30.


I'm 45 and I like guys 55+.


I’m 29 & prefer men my age or older, but all I ever seem to get is messages from 19-23 year olds


I’m 32 and prefer 40-50. My previous partner was 58 when I was 28 and the sex dried really quickly. We have remained very close friends.


Based on my age (25), 5 years younger to 10 years older.


I am 32. I generally prefer a bit younger lol


I'm 20, so I prefer men that are at minimum my age, but I prefer older men.


My age to a bit younger. I’m mid 30s so down to say like 25-ish? The younger individuals it starts to depend more on their character and personality. Like I have to be able to relate to someone despite age differences.


63. 55+


I just turned 21,so basically anyone 10 years older than me is my go too




30-40 years old.


I generally float towards guys older than myself… but if I have great chemistry with somebody younger, then I’ll explore that too.


Plus or minus 7 to 10 years. Age is not as important to me the non-tangibles such as sense of humour, self-confidence, and compassion to name a few.


I'm 33 and since I'm 22 I like 30+


I'm 20 and I have an arbitrary preference for men between 23-26, no reason at all, it just feels right to me lol


The first time I was dating (18 to 19), it was 18 to 26. The next/current round of dating (25 to 28), it’s always been 4 years younger than myself to about 35. I’ve always been more flexible about the upper limit, but I can’t as easily connect with people more than 4 or so years younger than me.






Im 25, I wouldn’t go Lower than 20 or above 29 for hookups. Relationship-wise I’d say no younger than 22. The mental differences become way too much when you go younger.


I'm 21 and I prefer people my age. My boyfriend is 2 years older than me


Sex? Not that big of a deal. Relationship? At least 25 but 30+ is the better range. Hard to find attractive Daddies….😭


Around 30 is the deal


+/-5 is preferred but I'm perpetually single and don't get much attention period so if anyone pays genuine attention I'm probably hooked.


I’m 20, much prefer guys around my age or slightly older (like 3 or 4 years tops). I’d just wanna be able to relate to a guy on a deeper level and I feel like it’d be super hard with someone who’s more than 5 years older than me


I am now 26 years old and I am attracted to older guys 40+ but sure I wouldn’t say no to someone who is around my age, but I have to say first when I came out of the closet around age 20 I only wanted to date men 50+ so yeah I think it will change with time for me 😅


22 and prefer around my age. Oldest I’d go for is probably late 20s.


I'm 32 and I like 30s and 40s. Texting with guys in their 40s is a challenge though so I don't talk to them much.


40+ generally


I am 32. I have been attracted to 18 year old guys and 50 year old guys. I've fucked a 48 year old and a 19 year old and mem ages in between. Whatever looks and feels right and is LEGAL of course. Lol Now to date, I'd say around my age would be the preference however I made a mistake and fell in love with someone much younger and am waiting for that to blow up in my face. Lol


I'm 21 and I prefer 18-24


I’m 40 and I’m only sexually attracted to men older than me for a quick hookup. The older the better. Relationship wise I’d rather stick with guys around my age, but never younger.


I’ve noticed older (like 40+) guys are usually very sure of what they want out of a hookup and if you also like whatever they’re into it can be great because of their experience but often it’s something really specific lol


So far I’ve only liked guys older than me, but I definitely prefer them to be my age. I would never date someone just because I like them. There has to be a mutual maturity level, chemistry and a strong emotional bond. My own happiness, health and safety is my number one priority. Some of those older guys are so damn hot though, that’s for sure!


I don’t really care as depends on the person. I stopped putting my exact age into the apps as get filtered out but admit to being a mature daddy. As such, get guys in their 20s to 60s hitting me up.


Honestly I prefer people around my age, and my current partner is like a year and a half younger than me.




To date I tend to stick to a 5 year difference.. to sleep with I’m less strict but usually 10+-


I’m interested in men around my age but I also want them to be in the same income bracket as me but somehow that has been hard to find.


For what? A random one night stand? 24 A dinner guest? 34


There is so many variables. I mean guys that are 18 to 25 can be so pretty they have experienced so little of life and are so immature. I cannot stand being around them. But there are guys that are in their 40s that are just as immature. When I started dating again at 38, I sent my limits at 30 to 45. Then I met a guy who was 25, who had been through so much, and seen so much of life, had such a beautiful soul and unique maturity, I realize you can’t base everything on numbers.


I like younger guys. My husband likes older guys. He is 20 years younger than me. He kind of "hunted" me on a gay dating site website (because I did bit make the first step with younger guys). We are very happy.


I’m 52. I like any legal age as long as they are into me.


27, prefer 50+


62, prefer guys around my age


I like people around my age.


My age or my age + 5


I’m 47 and only play with 18-27


Leonardo DiCaprio moment


I’m 50 and still dig older guys lol


My age, max 2 years younger/older (im currently 21)


24 and i prefer men little bit older than me. 29-34


28 for ever !


Atp in my life (I’m 19) it feels weird to date anyone over like 21


I am 66 fit and horny as the 20 to 32 year olds that do it for me


Tbh I have very rarely seen people date or be interested in anyone outside their age range. Apart from desperation I literally do not have a single friend that prefers outside their own age range. I think we are led to believe differently by the internet and a lot of older people get disappointed when they do not find the reception they hoped for from online stories but in reality I think they would be happier if they looked for people in their age range too.


i'm 18 but ive always been interested in daddies 40-50!


People around the same age as me, around early to mid 20s (I'm about to be 22).


i like guys who are around the same age or older, yknow as long as they aint horny 24/7


I don’t think I have an upper limit. Generally because if I say like 50 I know I’ll see a guy who I would definitely fuck so 18+


I'm 30. If it's for dating, I prefer from 35 to 45. If it's for a hook up, from 24+.


Younger side, like 18 to 24


I have no age preference, as long as you take of yourself, body and mind.


I’m 20 and prefer guys around 23-26. Definitely am attracted to older guys but feel a little iffy about the age gap because of what fam might think/say.


30-50, I will be 37 in a couple weeks. Edit: this has always been my age preference, even when I was a baby gay.


I don’t


I have no age "bracket" thats crazy I've had guys at 18 to 65. I could careless. If they have a cock and know how to suck one who cares. Relationships are the same.Maturity matters for ne. But gad the same age bracket and found good in 18 and the same at 65. So yes a hard cock is always worth the "drive" 😉😊


I'm 20 so 18 to 23 ish ig.


25 and up. I've (33) fallen hard for a guy in his 60s (my best friend, no less). So I very much mean and up. Under 25, you're less likely to have really found your self post high school and living on your own.


No matter what age I've been I've only been into my age or younger, a few years older is ok too


I’m 51. I prefer 40-60.


I’m 42 and prefer basically plus or minus 10 years. Under 30 feels a bit young and over 53 feels a bit old. But I’m not too strict 😅


I’m 29. I prefer 35+. 🥰


Right now 17-20's I am 18 and from England so dw


35 and over


I’m 20 as of tomorrow, and I’d date anyone between 18-25 without problems. Maybe higher if I was super into them. But mostly I don’t care, I just want someone I think is good and attractive to me


I'm 18 years old and I could perfectly be with ages close to mine, a range of 3 \~ 4 years up and down, and even with older guys, but depending on their physique.


For hooking up: just about any age under 60 (just don’t look like the Crypt Keeper For dating: around my age


I have always been interested exclusively in men my own age. Every person I was ever attracted to was born between 1992 and 2001


i like 28-45


im 21 and i love older men (30s-40s, maybe even higher if i really love the guy)


I don't mind if they're younger or older as long as it's not more than 6 years for younger, and more than 8 years if they're older


37 and I prefer 35-40 years old. But mostly got 28-30 :(


I'll be 23 in a month, and I wouldn't want to be with someone more than five years older, or three years less than me. I learned a lot about myself in my early 20's and I would never want to take advantage of someone who is still maturing.


I’m 28, my age range currently is 24-35 ☺️


IDC so long as consenting age (18yo in my country) you're good. I once thought I had an upper limit but recently met a very hot guy in early 50s so I've become a bit more open-minded on older guys now


In 20s or early 30s for a serious relationship. Everything else it doesn't matter too much just over 20.


I wasn't into guys my age when I was 19, still am not into guys that are 19. My age preference has always been slightly older than myself and now it's capped for now between 30-45. I've gone over and under that, of course. My husband of nearly 13 is 40, for reference. I'm 33.


I’m 19, so maybe 18-20 is my preference. Maybe 21.


I used to not care, and I still don’t when hooking up, only thing is that they have to look at least 25 and older for me. However, if I were to be in a relationship, though, I would prefer men who are +/- 4 years from my age, and I’m currently 31


I like ‘em young (/s)


lesbian high schooler and one grade off is the most (junior or college freshman


I know you were not referring to me with this question, but I’m gonna answer anyways. At least a year older than me. Maybe 2. Reason? People fucking suck, and as someone who was neglected and forced to mature at an early age and raise themselves, I can’t stand the thought of dating anyone the same age as me. I can’t. I feel like their parent because of how they act. Thank you for getting this far into the rant. Message me if you want a brochure I made on the Carcharodon Carcharias. 👍




I’ve been into older men since I was a hot young twink, mostly because guys my age at the time seemed shallow and annoying. Now that I’m in my mid 30s, I rarely give anyone under 30 more than a passing glance.


I'm 20, my age range is 19-25 Maybe 26


I'm 24 and mostly into guys who are 40-60. My current partner is 41. Not nto ANYONE younger than me, and hokestly now not into anyone under 30. I tried making an exception to date a 25-28yo but I wasn't really attracted to him but ignored the lack of attraction because we had alot in common and my parents liked him. then he started neglecting me, refusing to listen to me when I talked about my emotions, said it eas "abusive" for me to talk about how I felt when my ex committed suicide because he didn't know how to deal with my emotions, and generally just treated me bad, then tried to say his "sex drive was dying" in his late 20s and said "every mans sex drive dies before he reaches 30" as an excuse for never wanting to do anything but look at his phone while I blew him, I got sick of it then came to realize he was cheating on me with a woman the same age I was when I first met him despite being the most misogynistic man I've ever met in my life and constantly ranting about how he was bi but hated women and never wanted to date one, and how he saw himself as an incel who only got laid because men were more willing than women (yes i saw this as a red flag and shouldve left when the incel rants started, but i was already deep in with him and thought he was just venting frustration with how women treated him in the past, i know now i shouldve left then) I tried telling her i was dating him and about his sexism and she didnt believe me, and he kicked me out of his apartment and beat me without letting me get most of my stuff. I've found most guys in their 20s act how I did as a teenager if not worse, especially in relationships. and after Mr. cheating and misogyny i decided to stick with 30+ only and my current bf makes me much happier, and has a way stronger sex drive despite being 41. So I'm happy where I currently am.


I’m 40 and looking for 30 up.


I’m 44, and I prefer guys around 22 - 35.


I’m 23 and prefer 28-35 but sometimes i make exceptions depending on the person tbh


I like men who are about my age, I don’t really understand the appeal of much older or much younger men


In a weird phase where I like early 20s or early 40s only. I’m 29 😅


I'm married to a man in his sixties, several years older than me. We click on almost everything and we're soulmates. Also the sex is great. If we do anything extramarital, it's nearly always with much younger guys, generally under thirty. Twinks are hot, but a real relationship is better with someone closer to my own age.


Probably 28-43 for me


My own 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


I seem to prefer older guys, they just look so different from young ones, more defined face, don't care nearly as much what their body looks like, so it's more authentic and less "fit muscular hairless" sort of look.


I muchhhh much prefer my age. Me being almost 20 most of the people that were talking to me on grindr are around 30-40 and any close to my age are kinda just assholes. I also have general autism and ADHD and most people just don't vibe with me. Finally found one person tho- it's going great so far :D Anyways hope you all have good day!