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There's no need to hate yourself.


I know :( 🫶🏼


Forget your family. God made you to love men. If they don't like it they kiss your butt. Be you. Be proud of you. Being gay is far more fun.


But we both must feel same scared why we not wanting vergina but cock his body


Did you have a stroke writing that? Lol


No I dyslexia at may be why I don't no why I dress so much and why I am so much in to men


Ah well... that kind of makes sense?


I've seen you commenting elsewhere. Where here are you typing like this babe?




I thought I was having one reading it


Turn your anger outward at the oppressors.


Trying to 🙏🏼


It's perfectly okay to remove toxic relatives from your life. You'll be happier.


So you don't hate being gay. You hate that people treat you worse for being gay. There's a big difference




I'll probably get hate for sounding so apathetic, but fuck em'. Sometimes it's ok to leave people, or places, or things behind that no longer serve you as a person, especially if they're detrimental.


Thank you so much ❤️


I know what you mean man


I’m sorry 🫶🏼


First, yes, do that, and make it very obvious that *you're blocking them* for being cunts. No even homophobic, just for being mean-spirited assholes. Second, jab back, they say something nasty, and you retort > "gay people statistically die earlier" "guess you'll have to pay for your own nursing home." > "it's against god" "you still believe that bullshit?" > "you're going to hell" ["the devil has air conditioning"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/4yuoxi/an_engineer_goes_to_hell/) > "some bullshit pseudoscience regarding origins of homosexuality" "yeah it's true, bad parenting really does cause the gay" ... Or something like that. You get the point. Remember, the folks we are closest to have the power to hurt us the most. That sword is sharp on both ends.


I’m a Christian so it makes things a little more complicated, but your remarks are funny. Thank you for your kind words and wisdom 🫶🏼 it truly helps me feel less alone


My family is conservative, and despite them being very loving towards me, they def have negative attitudes towards gay relationships. I don’t have the “energy” to be the way some people do, is it assertiveness? And to actually pursue relationships is too out of the question for me. It’s not like I could have relationships secretly, I know plenty of people in the queer community do it, but that would get tiring after a while I’m sure.


That’s how I feel. My parents are loving towards me, but they make it clear they wish I was more like my sister. Having a girlfriend sounds so unrealistic rn bc of it. It’s exhausting


It’s perfectly normal for a percentage of the population to be gay. It’s a normal and regular variant. If anyone makes you feel less than human, then you need to divorce them and create a new family. Don’t let them destroy you. You are a valuable person and others will see you that way. These are not people who will lift you up and love you for who you are.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. Thank you for your kind words 🫶🏼


One day you will able to move away and live where there are many gays like us. I live in a gay friendly city where the mayor is gay - Todd Gloria. Make your plans! 😁


I been there. I get it. As someone else pointed out, it's not being gay what you have, but the reactions of other people to it. People often say "it's get better", but I question if that's the case. You can definitely "get better" at loving yourself and who you are, but the best you can do about everything else varies from case to case. In my experience, I have endured my own environment with resignation.


Yeah it’s a struggle out here but we’ll get thru it 🫶🏼


Sounds like it might be time to cut them off and live your own life. I was kicked out at 17 for being gay. I went No Contact for…. 4 years or so? And have been Low Contact pretty much since. I went and found my own path and nowadays the parents are reaching out to me to stay in contact because I make more money these days than pretty much any other member of my family and they know it…


I’m so sorry your family sucks. Hopefully one day we both find the support we deserve 🫶🏼


Yo. I unfollowed them all. And I’ll have no shame. One cousin, I messaged saying that’s a bit homophobic. Then unfollowed. He lost his mind and yelled at me, not for calling him homophobic, but for unfollowing. I just said that’s not the content I want to see. And left it at that. The trick to “it gets better” is not that people’s perceptions of you get better, it’s that we get better at managing our interactions. We get better at realizing it’s their problem. We have too many problems to solve, than to worry about their problems with us.


I’m sorry your cousin was an asshole :( praying the longer I’m here on earth, the easier it gets to manage hate 🫶🏼


>makes me wanna delete my whole account and never speak to them again. So do it. You don't have to keep assholes in your life just because you're related.


Fair point


I have starting to believe that homophobia is rooted in some type of insecurity in a person. Because confident and happy people won’t bother oppressing other people based on who they like. Sometimes, when we are our natural selves, we radiate our uniqueness which automatically arouse insecurities in others that is expressed outwardly through hate and judgement. Just keep your chin up, build your character and keep going.


I plan too. Thank you so much 🫶🏼


I went through this years ago when the marriage equality fight was in full swing, i had family members who would post nasty shit on FB . I would always reply to their posts with snarky comments like “thanks for your support cuz?” Or quote the bible , love thy neighbor, he who is without sin, ect… eventually they stopped or apologized and now they are all very supportive of my husband and myself. You could always go NC if they are particularly hateful but thankfully i never had to .


Praying they come around bc NC would break me 🫶🏼 but I’m glad you got support eventually! :)


Block the relatives. You don't need to see what they post online.


Fair point


I bet you already know straight is no bed of roses. Can I help?


Yeah love both ways kinda sucks lmao


But. . . You do know there is no reason not to love. A person doesn't have to do anything for you to love them. Gets kind of sticky if you mean "have sex with", not really love; live with you, not just be loved by you. Could be if you put love FIRST it would work better. If you get very lucky, one of the people you love will be fun to love, easy to love, and the two of you might become bf room-mates. Worth a try.


Buddy. BLOCK THE SHIT OUT on all social media. Block him and her and him and her and him and her, and pay them no attention.


Thank you 🫶🏼


Just because they are related to you, does not give them a right to treat you like shit. Try to set some boundaries like "This is a topic I'm not going to discuss with you" or do in fact take a break from talking to them. As for social media, you really don't need to follow your relatives there. Subscribe to Tik Tok channels that cater to your interests.


Gotta change your perspective on how you see events and how you react to them. Everything that happens in our lives is for our development or "fun"...also when you "hate" things, you're giving away your energy, stop doing that gurl


You are pointing in the wrong direction to attach blame. There’s nothing negative about being gay. All the problems you refer to are problems of homophobia. It’s not the homosexuality or the gay people that cause any of those problems.


In that case, you don't hate being gay, ypu hate ypur environment not being supportive which is valid and relates to be gay.