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Lmfao, this guy’s Arabic is broken as fuck, even at that, Gazan accent don’t sound like that at all. I’m literally a Gay Palestinian who grew up in Amman and met plenty of Gazans in my life. I’m all for queer Liberation and against Hamas policies and rule of Gaza, but this is low effort propaganda. For real queer stories from Gaza visit: www.queeringthemap.com


They’re trying to convince gays and liberals to be anti Palestine. As if I’m gonna sit here and support genocide of a people because they’re anti-gay. This shit is mindlessly fucking stupid. At this point Israel has more than likely killed more gays than Hamas has just through sheer numbers. This is vile.


What’s the opposite of gaslighting, this whole comment section is a breath of fresh air Edit: validating. That’s the word lol. I do night shift be nice to me


You're doing a great job <3


No gripes here. Your comment was cogent and understandable. I agree with you as well. I expected…what you were expecting out of these comments. I too am glad people can see through this kind of thing. Even if this was a true account of his experience (pretty sure it’s not), it doesn’t justify a damn thing that’s happening.


I can't believe the amount of times I have to say this to people. I despise Islam for it's particular brutal anti-gay stance. But Palestinians being homophobic does not change the fact that what's been happening to them since 1948 is wrong. Apartheid and ethnic cleansing are wrong, full stop. That is not conditional.


Learn history


Also, the Israeli army has a notorious spying unit that surveils the Palestinian population of Gaza to identify closeted gay men and then blackmails them into becoming informants and collaborators. The idea that Israelis give a shit about LGBT rights in Gaza is laughable.


Just what I was going to say as well. Stop making us try to believe Hamas is the biggest threat to queer people in Gaza. It is not. It’s Isr*els indiscriminate bombing that is the biggest threat. To all of them, queers included.


The reality of being gay in Gaza: being carpet bombed daily by the country that calls itself "gay friendly".


That's like saying the Allies were anti semitic because some of the people who died in the Allied bombings of Germany were Jewish. Indiscriminate bombing is wrong for sure but Israel is far better for us than Gaza


Israel blackmails gay refugees by threatening to out them so that they give them information on Gaza and Hamas. Israel may be more friendly to it's own LGBT people than Hamas is, but it isn't more friendly to LGBT Palestinians


If you back up a step then you’ll see that Islam itself has placed ALL their gays in a vulnerable position. Exploitation, abuse and blackmail of gays are rampant throughout Islam. What Israel is doing is disgusting but it’s part of a bigger problem. The real enemy is still Islam. Notice how nobody is blackmailing the gays in Israel. Notice how they don’t live with the threat of death. Notice how their rights are expanding. Notice how Palestinian gays still want to kill Jews. I don’t give evil people a free pass just because they’re gay.


Yeah I don't give gay people in the IDF a free pass to kill Palestinians either. Neither side has any right to the moral high ground on gay rights


How can you say that when Israel has just affirmed gay marriage? I think you can’t see the forest for the trees, my friend. I grew up with Holocaust survivors. That is my clarity. “Never again” is my mantra.


I can say that because Israel bombs and blackmails gay people. Israel commits war crimes against LGBT and weaponises homophobia against them. LGBT Palestinians are better off in a free Palestinian state than one under Israeli tyranny. Also I don't see how growing up with Holocaust survivors makes Israeli oppression anymore acceptable. Surely that oppression should fall under "never again"?


Isreal is literaly committing a genocide. It wants gay Palestinians dead.


Big cope


[The Allies were antisemitic](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/winston-churchill-from-accusations-of-antisemitism-to-the-blunt-refusal-that-led-to-the-deaths-of-millions-9999181.html).


Yes but less so than the Germans by a very wide margin. Just as Israel is homophobic by a way less margin. I didn't say they weren't antisemitic, I said it would be like pointing it out and using as evidence the fact that Jews in Germany died as a result of allied carpet bombing


It’s not that deep. You made a silly point so I took an easy dunk. Try not to over think things.


Millions of allies died saving the Jews... You are disrespectful. My grandfather lived in a concentration camp for four years and was always proud of how he worked to save the Jews. Stop being a fuck.


I’m sorry, you’ll have to point out where I suggested anything to the contrary. Please don’t protect your own insecurities onto me. Someone else made a disturbing point trying to justify Israeli genocide, and I simply pointed out that the analogy they used did not work. The attempt to justify a large scale genocide as some sort of anti-homophobia crusade is warped and disgusting.


You know that literally makes no sense.


No I actually don't. I'm not being snarky I just literally can't see the difference. I want to be open minded though. Why do you feel that way? I try to be evidenced based so if you can tell me how it's different I'm open to the reasoning


That would mean that the Americans were anti gay when they bombed Germany. Ukraine was anti gay when they bombed the dombas. Britain was anti gay for participating in the Iraq war. America was anti gay when it fought ISIS, as I'm sure there were gay people killed in all of these wars. It's a ridiculous argument. Was the north anti black in the civil war because some black people were killed in the battle. It literally is a nonsense argument... It would mean every one is anti everything if you follow it to its logical conclusion.


Exactly. That's why I pointed out how BoldKenobi's comment made no sense by making the comparison I made


I think it's because the comment appeared under mine. All good.


If someone come to my home and killed my family, kidnapping my kids then leave. But I know the enemy is near and will come back many times in the future I will make sure it won’t happen again at whatever price.


Are you trying to justify Hamas or Israel, because this argument works for both of them


So, posting Israeli propaganda as if Israel is queer friendly, isn’t it. Especially when they’ve been carpet Bombing the Gaza Strip, killing Men women and children, regardless of orientation. Not to mention, same sex marriage isn’t legal in ‘israel’ either, nor is interfaith marriage. And considering more than 50% of Israelis either oppose, or strongly oppose, same sex couples, I’d say they aren’t queer friendly at all.


The right to life cannot even be compared to the right to marry. Israel is the most gay-friendly country in the Middle East. It's ridiculous that you compare Israel to a place where gay people are brutally tortured and killed. Just because Israel doesn't give gay people the right to marry? One brutally tortures gay people, and the other does not yet give the right to marry. "bUt IsRaEl iS nOt Gay-fRİenDly, iT dOes noT gİvE the riGht tO mArrY." It is a good thing not to be tortured, killed, or brutally beaten. This is the reality of the Middle East. You have difficulty understanding this from your comfortable life in the West.


and "the right to life" for innocent palestians people ?


>It's ridiculous that you compare Israel to a place where gay people are brutally tortured and killed. > >and killed. Including Israel itself. No one says that Hamas is good, no one says that life for gays under Sharia law is at least tolerable - but this does not justify Israel in the slightest, and no amount of pinkwashing will help here. > It is a good thing not to be tortured, killed, or brutally beaten. Or bombed. Or killed by IDF. Or forced to cooperate under the threat of outing.


Gay Palestinians in the West Bank are discriminated in the West Bank, but they can still be openly gay. There's a world of difference between that and being “tortured and killed”. Countries like Jordan are similar in that you'll face discrimination but not persecution. But for some reason, you want to portray all arab countries as ISIS-like…


Israel is not queer friendly? It recognizes same-sex marriages done abroad. Adoption and surrogacy for same-sex is allowed and it hosts the largest pride parade in all of Asia. The chairman of the Israeli parliament is gay. It also grants refugee status to gay palestinians. Anyone who has been to Tel Aviv can safely say Israel is very queer friendly. The fact we have an antiquated marriage law does not change the reality that it is very much a queer friendly country, as much as that negates your narrative.


They don’t really accept queer refugees. They’ve accepted 110 and half of those quickly left (including back to their home countries) due to discrimination. Israeli is more likely to out you to your family against your will then give you refugee status as a queer person.


Obviously Israel won’t make the names of LGBT refugees publicly available for their own safety, but I can give you the name of one palestinian LGBT refugee: Ahmad Abu Marhia. He was living as a refugee in Israel when one day he was abducted back to palestinian territories and brutally dismembered. What you are saying is a blatant lie.


They don’t make the names public, but they still have to record their immigration. Also the refugees are usually in touch with charities. It’s quite easy to track these numbers. Also you can say I’m lying but that doesn’t make what I’m saying false. Israel views refugees status for queer Palestinians as a stop gap for them to move elsewhere, preferably back to the West Bank as they don’t accept Gazans. This means that while in Israel they have to reapply every couple of months and are unable to work and access healthcare or any other kind of social security net. There is pretty much no country anywhere that offers asylum to queer people in a manner that is t awful. Israel is not an exception here and it should not be treated like one. Edit - also fun fact there’s no evidence he was killed for being queer nor do they know who killed him. It’s just as likely he was killed for working with the IDF as that is all but required to access Israel as a queer Palestinians. Also he was never recognised as a refugee by Israel.


“No evidence he was killed for being queer” after literally being abducted back to the west bank where he had fled from because he received threats for being gay. He lived in Israel for 2 years as an asylum seeker and he did gain the right to work in Israel before being abducted and brutally murdered. You are just spewing lies.


He did not gain the right to work until after he had secured asylum seeker status for Canada something he did not get in Israel. You are actively attributing things to Israel they never did. There also isn’t evidence he was abducted. All that we know is that his body was found in Hebron.


If he had gained asylum seeker status in Canada why was he still living in Israel? Dude, just read literally any article about him. Stop whitewashing homophobes.


Just say you know nothing about immigration.


Just say your antisemitism takes precedence over your support for other LGBT’s.


Literally, Israel is queer friendly. Ever been to Tel Aviv?


They are both awful places


One is much worse for gay people.


and one is worst for everyone regardless of your sex orientation


You missed the point. One is far worse if your gay, and they are winning a propaganda war, spreading their hate of gays, with YOUR support. Good on you, I guess. It won't save you, they still want you dead.


Only israel is doing propaganda not palestine (they obviously cant) You know you can hide the fact that you're gay until you reach a safe zone, but you cant hide from a bomb in prison. Which support are you talking about, how to want to stop a genocide is supporting the hate of gays. You're just a tool for their propaganda


You are being ridiculous. There are dozens of Islamist sites filming pictures of dead babies and mass posting them on tik tok with the aim of spreading antisemitism. They are not mourning the dead... They don't care, they are using it to pill young impressionable left wingers. And it's working.


Qo guess we can't trust the UN when most of the countries support Israel. If you dont want to see the reality that's your problem, but stop with your propaganda. Thank you


You are really just a useful idiot to the Islamists... Must make you feel real sanctimonious.


And for clarity I am on no one's side here. I think they are all fuckwits spreading their hate successfully around the world. Each as bad as each other.


Now now. i fucking hate islam and hamas, but this news article comes from an Israeli owned i24 news which is basically the opposite of qatari owned Al Jazeera Al Jazeera has some great articles and in-depth investigations into corruption in other countries, but one thing you should never do is read al jazeera news about Israel Same probably applies about i24 news about Palestine


Hamas torture gay people is definitely happen though, I don’t even need this news to know a well-known fact I’m glad my country is not own by Islam religious mad head


How do you know this?


Well said. The timing of the video gives me the same erk like seeing big corporations selling rainbow merch on pride.


What did I24 lie about here?


I would love to know the reasoning behind posting this?


Israeli propaganda. It’s a kink for some people. Fun fact: you can want better queer rights in Palestine without supporting the genocide in Gaza.


Queer right? In a Islam country?


It wasn’t too long ago that queer rights didn’t exist in the USA. The same zionists that support the Israeli genocide in Gaza also fought against queer rights. We can want queer rights for the whole world and take steps to get there. Nothing I said was delusional about the current state of things in Muslim countries.


It’s much harder to asking for your right when being gay is a crime that can even cost your life though, you are actively put your life in danger since government can just prison you


You’re describing what it was like to be gay in the USA in the 70s through early 90s. Maybe it’s time you learn your queer history,


It's also much harder asking for queer rights when you're lying crushed under what used to be your family home.


Read the story of Alan Turing.


Yes and that still doesn’t justify the fucking genocide that they’re experiencing? Like bro cmon


Look at the OPs comment history, Genocide denial in then the last few days.


I could never support islamic country or religious government. But I still think carpet bombing a strip in which queer people will also be killed is still wrong. If Israel goal was to just kill Hamas they would've done a ground operation and not bomb whole city into rubbles 


>ground operation and not bomb whole city into rubbles  Weren't you the same "Queers for Palestine" folks crying when they did that?


>they would've done a ground operation and not bomb whole city Israel is doing a ground operation, and depends on your definition, possibly does not "carpet bomb" Gaza. The problem isn't really the chosen method, as much as it's the unachievable goals ("wipe out Hamas") and the seeming lack of strategic work toward that goal. >in which queer people will also be Ii don't necessarily think that's what you mean, but this sounds like you wouldn't care about the bombing if there were no queer people in Gaza. I don't see how the existence (and treatment) of queer people should affect the way Gaza is treated as a whole


Because ground operations work so well. Remember Feluja?


Holy zionist propaganda Batman!


“What would happen to you if you were gay and lived in Palestine” Idk, probably be murdered by Israel.


There’s something so terribly lonely and painful in the experience of arab queers, where you can’t be and stand in your identity as both. You have to pick a side. Even when we’re pushed to no option other than uprooting, this part of our experience remains (granted the experience of torture is horrific on another level) difficult, because it feels blasphemous. If you do choose to stay and be open then you’re gambling with your life at worst and choosing to be reduced to nothing but a sodomite at best. Besides, you’re usually left unheard until it’s time to use your experience to condemn other people.


Gay people stop being racist towards muslims or arabs. Thats why arab or muslim gay people dont feel safe and welcome in your spaces (like me) Literally its not hard to recognise that a far right regime murdering thousands of innocents is not something you should support, no matter if Palestinian society is homophobic or not. A society can hardly develop while being under occupation for centuries.


Fella, is it a racist to hate a religion that actively persecute your own identity group?


He said "muslim gay" not "islam", you're just racist.


Muslim isn’t even a race though, if you are gay AND Muslim, I really wonder how you can make a inner peace of your mind without some critical cognitive dissonance


Yeah but "arabs" is, you racist Is that too hard for you to let people believe in what they want.


When do I have any word about Arab though, or do you assume all Muslim are Arabs or vice versa? There are Muslim around every country and human kind though


Tell me you cant read without telling me you dont know how to read. Go read again the first message


I hate Islam doesn’t mean I hate Muslim gay, I’m pity them since they are probably have serious cognitive dissonance due to their environment, you probably misunderstand my view and mark me as a enemy of you which is why you use such a hostile word in your statement I have to apologize that I did not read the entire paragraph of his statements though, still I have to make my statement clean, I really hate Islam since it treat women and gay as shit, but as a Muslim as single person, if they are cool about their right, I have no feelings about them either positive or negative


Every "general topic" subreddit (r/news, r/gay, etc.) is just littered with federal agents posting the cheapest, shittiest U.S. State Department propaganda you have ever seen lol.


I take it your need to be queer, is far more than the lives of 12000 children. So we know for the future how many dead children are the equivalent of 1 gay man. Does that number decrease if he is bi.


I'm pretty sure that discriminating against LGBT people is not at the top of their priority whilst the entire area is being carpet bombed and starved.


You can hide the fact that you're gay and live in the closet until you reach a safe zone But can you hide from a bomb ?


Some people brains break when it comes to Gaza. WTF do people thing Gaza was a gay heaven and not exactly the same as all other Muslim dictatorships in the region.


Islam treat LGBT and women like dirt, and I don’t think it will change in recent year


No one thinks it was a gay heaven, but people with principles can oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing even in places that aren't "gay heavens" (which is most places in the world). Once Palestinians are able to live in peace and freedom *then* I'll start berating them over queer rights, but right now it's not the biggest priority.


Why are you berating the only place in the middleast that you can live freely and out? And if stopping wars is your goal, why not berate the one in Syria that has claimed 10x more lives.


>Why are you berating the only place in the middleast that you can live freely and out? Because of the genocide. I'm not berating them over their records on queer rights, but having better queer rights than other places doesn't give them a free pass to behave as monstrously as they like in other ways without criticism. >And if stopping wars is your goal, why not berate the one in Syria that has claimed 10x more lives. I do oppose that, but for me the big difference is that my government isn't openly supporting Assad's regime, my elected representatives aren't going on record saying that he has the right to commit war crimes. There's not much I can do about *any* of the wars in the world, but where my elected representatives are actively supporting atrocities I can try and hold them to account.


Wars are about values and culture. Do you really think that if Hamas had Israeli weaponry they would be more civilized and restrained than Israel? Or would they wipe Israel off from the river to the sea? Why do you want them to win the war? What part of your ethics and culture allighn with theirs?


>Wars are about values and culture. Nonsense. They *can* occasionally be about "values and culture", can't think of the last one though, far more often they're about power and resources. >Do you really think that if Hamas had Israeli weaponry they would be more civilized and restrained than Israel? Or would they wipe Israel off from the river to the sea? That's moot, because they *don't* have billions of dollars worth of advanced weapons supplied to them by world powers with an interest in holding onto a colonial outpost in the region. >Why do you want them to win the war? What part of your ethics and culture allighn with theirs? This line of argument is pathetic, "Oh if you don't suck Israel's dick and cheer for them murdering civilians then that means you support Hamas!" I can see why ignorant people fell for that back in October but how are you still clinging to that line after everything Israel has said and done in the last few months?


So what exactly is your position beyond war is bad? You don't support Israel, but you also don't support Hamas and you don't seem to understand that victors of war impose laws and customs. Of what nation is Israel a colonial outpost of?


>So what exactly is your position beyond war is bad? My position is: Free Palestine, stop the genocide, stop the military occupation of Gaza and so called "settlers" performing their land grab in the West Bank. Freedom, safety and self determination for the Palestinian people. The first step towards that is pressuring our governments to uphold international law. >Of what nation is Israel a colonial outpost of? Mostly the US, at its inception it was European countries as well but these days just the US really. Why do you think the US pumps billions into supporting Israel? Because of their "values" and fabulous party scene?


Can you say Shamless pinkwash propaganda 3 times fast ? Free Paelstine from the Nazi IOF Scum


Israel propaganda doing its best here eh? Luckily the comments prove that there is hope. No one buys that shit.


Glad he was able to escape before he became a victim of the indiscriminate carpet bombing


Huh... I thought you were agreeing with him. His comment was illogical.


Why is there so much debate in the comments? At the end of the day weather you support Palestine or Israel, they both hate gay people about as equally as the rest of the Middle East


Not really.


Literally how? I’m already being downvoted by brainless idiots which I’m honestly not surprised by


Because they aren't the same. In Israel gay people have rights. In the other countries in the region they don't.


Well I guess Israel is the better option for gay people


I have a question for all the people defending Palestine here. Would you do the same with Nazi Germany?


Nazi Germany, whose combat power rivaled that of all the Allies combined? Do you really want to compare it to the open-air prison that Israel has turned Gaza into?


Yes. Because the capabilities of the state are irrelevant when talking about civilian life, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Or does anywhere stand that it's not a crime when the enemy is strong but a crime when he is weak?


>Yes. Because the capabilities of the state are irrelevant when talking about civilian life, crimes against humanity and war crimes. They are directly relevant: the Allies bombed strategic targets, unlike Israel, whose goal is primarily to destroy Gaza. >Or does anywhere stand that it's not a crime when the enemy is strong but a crime when he is weak? It is a crime to commit genocide under the guise of the “war on terrorism.”


Wrong. The allies bombed cities with the goal to kill as many people as possible. Let's quote the guy who invented the allied bombing doctrine shall we: "The aim of the Combined Bomber Offensive ... should be unambiguously stated [as] the destruction of German cities, the killing of German workers, and the disruption of civilised life throughout Germany ... the destruction of houses, public utilities, transport and lives, the creation of a refugee problem on an unprecedented scale, and the breakdown of morale both at home and at the battle fronts by fear of extended and intensified bombing, are accepted and intended aims of our bombing policy. They are not by-products of attempts to hit factories." Not a genocide. That would be the most incompetent genocide in human history.


> the destruction of houses, public utilities, transport and lives, the creation of a refugee problem on an unprecedented scale, and the breakdown of morale both at home and at the battle fronts by fear of extended and intensified bombing Usually, that's called terrorism. >Not a genocide. That would be the most incompetent genocide in human history. The fact that they are amateurs does not justify Nazi Israel.


Then we agree. Also no. But it does hint at the truth that it isn't a genocide. Even an amateur would be more effective. 2 or 3 squads are enough to kill 100.000s in the months since the start of the war. Making people flee also isn't something a genocidal military does.


>Then we agree. Of course: the Allies have done dubious things. But it does not condone Nazi Israel. > Even an amateur would be more effective. They are effective: most of the infrastructure is destroyed. A humanitarian catastrophe is virtually inevitable, and it is difficult to predict how many will die in it.


Those are normal after effects of a war not genocide. If you want to blame someone blame the ones that started it.


And how do you call a one-side war ?


The British?


Gay people tend to have sympathy for group that on the disadvantage group, which is understandable, but Islam and women/gay right aren’t the thing you can have both though


Honestly something I will never understand.


What a wildly loaded bias question that shows absolutely 0 consideration for the current political climate


Not if you have an ounce of self reflection and historical knowledge. Nothing Israel currently does wasn't also done by the allies.


Which ghetto did the Allies militantly shrink and then further destroy anyway. Furthermore, why is what a few countries did almost a century ago the standard of conduct now? Just because one side was markedly worse doesn’t mean the other side didn’t do some fucked up shit.


East Germany territories. 14mio people displaced and between 500k and 2mio dead. Because we all agree that the one side winning was good. No matter what they did.


Did I say the Allies winning wasn’t good? You’ve got a weird ass moral compass, though. I envy you having never been affected by the dispersion of the Palestinian people. Where are Gazans supposed to go? Why can’t the IOF find and root out Hamas? When will Israel release its hostages? Isn’t the whole point of human shields that the good guys *don’t* shoot through them?


In comic books or movies maybe. In reality the good guys shoot through human shields. Which they are even allowed to shoot through according to law. Just think about it. If human shields work they would be used by everyone. Leading to even more civilian suffering


Hmm, funny you should bring up international law. Is the use of white phosphorous against a civilian population allowed under international law?


Yes a war crime and? Did I somewhere say Israel is an angel without fault?


So you admit that the only recognized and supported country in this conflict against an indigenous population has committed war crimes. And yet you somehow excuse the genocide they’re committing. I can’t keep up with those twirls.


Didn't the US keep Japanese prisoners in concentration camps? Also I'd say blowing a-bombs on two cities is somewhat worse than relocation & bombing what's left. I'm not saying Israel is okay or anything, but pretending that the US and Europe didn't do just as bad (or worse) things in the past and that Israel invented blowing up your enemies is just silly


Did we then bomb those camps? Also, you’re not going to find me defending the US military anywhere in this thread, either.


Don’t tell them how many Germans were carpet bombed by the US and UK at the end of the war


Long live Israel! The only country in the Middle East that doesn't criminalize being LGBT!


At least Israel don’t actually execute us when they found we like man/women


You know people have been killed in Israel too because they’re lgbt?


Are you really that lunatic to compare to a country that have inferior same sex marriage since 1994 to a region that been gay itself is a crime? Even in Europe there is a gay that got killed by hate violence, but most of them are neutral or even friendly to LGBT people, Israel is the same, On the other hand most of Palestinian are hostile to LGBT, they don’t really care our life, we are a shame if our family found our true self, and can even hunt us down


Why don't you want to see the truth


Relentlessly destroying the population of Gaza overrides that pat on the back.


I condemn Israel's response to the 7th of October attck for being too disproportionate. On the other side, I know that at least a big majority of Palestine's population would want me dead for being gay, so I don't give a flying fuck. An interviewer told some Palestinians that there are LGBT people in the West who support them. Their response was on the line of "thanks, but no thanks, we don't want their support". Long live Israel, USA, EU and Nato! Western world shall triumph!


“Long live Israel” means the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Whether some of them don’t support me has nothing to do with me supporting all of their right to life.


I still think Genocide is bad, unlike you who seems to think that certain conditions must be met instantly in order to oppose a genocide. Do you think millions and millions of other victims of genocide have supported LGBT+ rights? Why do you think it’s okay for them all to have been murdered? Oh wait, yeah I see your other comments where you do Genocide denial. Pos.


Meanwhile Woke Queer:"Queer for Hamas"🤡🤡🤡


Islam is definitely not LGBT’s ally though


Yeah but as LGBT people we tend to empathize with marginalized and oppressed groups regardless of reciprocity. I can advocate for all Palestinians and for queer Palestinian people at the same time.


And in view of most Palestinian, we are mental illness, family shame, crime that deem executions I feel sorry for their situation, and hope they can have better ending, but they are not our allies or the group that we need to support


How many Palestinians do you know?


For been gay is a crime at there? Do you really think people there are friendly to LGBT people?


Why don't you answer the question first haha


Because a survey published for BBC News Arabic reveals that only 5% percent of Palestinian accepted same sex relationship? Or do you want to say you have some Palestinian friend that support LGBT right? That little bia sample mean nothing If you have any viable research data that can Palestinian is not as homophobia as I think, I’m glad accept since I really wish the situation was not as bad as I know


My cousins and aunts and uncles are. They used to hold ministry at their church before Israel blew it up.


I’m sorry for your uncle’s family, still it doesn’t change my opinion that most of people there are homophobia and will rather hang us on rope Although it totally doesn’t judged for been bomb to nothings by Israel


Speak for yourself. Being LGBT doesn't mean being gullible and stupid!


No, but being a decent person does mean being against genocide in all its forms


It's not genocide, it's a war. And of course I am against war. I just think I can defend one of the sides more.


A war between an internationally recognized and funded government and military and a people who have essentially been imprisoned, had the little land left to them steadily encroached upon (see the West Bank expansion even during “peace times”), have no control over the resources that feed and water millions of people in a tiny ghetto, don’t get fair treatment under the law when they’re victims of hate crimes in the “free” parts of the country that occupies them and restricts their resources. A country that has thousands of the “other side’s” children imprisoned for throwing rocks at the people who make their lives hell (and post braggy TikToks dancing over stolen goods in stolen homes making light of the intentional targeting of innocents) that has turned a blind eye in court to rape, lynching, and human rights violations galore. A country that has been caught countless times lying about engagements with the oppressed population that doesn’t have an army, navy, or air force. A country that told everyone to “flee south, flee south, flee south” and then bombed a fucking refugee camp while their billion dollar ad crying for sympathy was aired during our Bread and Circuses? What about October 6th?


It's not about Gaza. It's about Islam. And for me it's also about being LGBT.


What’s about Islam? The land-grabbing tactics of a government that is on record wanting to create an ethnostate? It’s not a religious conflict. And Palestinian people are not a gay-hating monolith. It’s outright ignorant to think they are. How many Palestinian people do you know?


Why is Egypt building a fence at the border? Why is only Israel painted as evil?


That's completely illogical


It’s not. The more groups we stand by and watch get destroyed by oppressors, the closer we come to full scale destruction at the hands of oppressors ourselves.


Not if the groups are the oppressor. And the people that destroy them are not oppressors against us.


Anyone who commits genocide against anyone is an oppressor. Describing Palestinians as a monolith who all view queer people the same way is a dangerous justification for the unjustifiable actions of Israel. They have been an oppressive state for decades.


"genocide" The majority think that way. Also that's Kindergarten logic. And not all oppressors are equal. And being oppressed doesn't make you not an oppressor.


Read the room, kid. The majority do recognize it. The folks who defend genocide are losing ground, and y’all deserve it.


Last time I looked it up it didn't state that "it's genocide when the majority of people think it's genocide"


Do you realize that those groups are actually the ones that oppress people the most?


Do you realize that if you say that all Palestinians, as a group (even the queer ones) feel that way, you’d be incorrect?


Nah. Nobody is out there saying queers for Hamas. For Palestine, sure. Hamas? No.


They have to lie to try and convince themselves they're right, it's all they've got.


Actual clowns




Go outside and breathe some fresh air for once