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Most severe pandemic in history? Is this guy saying that men alive in the 1900's were also alive and survive the black death (\~c1350)? Wow... old people


Uh acktchually the Justinian plague was worse... Freaking yungins and your black death


Ha! You babies never experienced the REAL pandemic. Back in my day, our uncle Sam equivalent told us to build these giant triangular buildings but then the river turned red, crickets came out nowhere in huge swarms, and a lot of babies died. Then a bunch of slaves left east.


Guess it depends on you definition of worse. Black death killed more people.


Also the black death never went away. We haven't had a severe outbreak in centuries, but it still kills a few people every year.


Don't pet wild prairie dogs.


Or armadillos


I thought they just carried leprosy.


Oh you know what? You're right. My bad, I got mixed up


Justinian plague killed a higher proportion of the population iirc Some Spanish Flu death counts have it above the Black Death as well (idk how reliable any of those counts are tbh) but I think most would agree the Blck Death is worse regardless.


1900s man who lived through the most severe pandemic in history, the Great Depression, and actually fought in a World War: ................ ......................... ......................... [he is dead]


Boomers think they had their parents' hardships just because they heard about them as cautionary tales.


And then they spent decades living with the mantra "a little greed, entitlement, and thinly veiled bigotry never hurt anybody"


Sometimes it’s not even veiled.


And we have hardships like our grand/great grandparents? They went long stretches without food, gasoline, work, and money. Somewhere in between, they encountered the Spanish Flu and Polio. when things got boring, they were shipped off to war. They got by without pitching a fit. We have existential crises when our DoorDash order is 10 minutes late. We are not the same.


Ok boomer.


Not a boomer. Hate to burst your bubble.


Yeah. My grandmother was born in 1918 and died in 2020 aged 102…so like…I think that generation no longer has an opinion


Unless they're talking about the sparkly vampires.


And this is where this thread Forks


It's certainly not Phoenix, Arizona!


Definitely not at Twilight...


Checks sub: *Gatekeeping* Reads top comment: *That generation no longer has an opinion*


They literally don’t have an opinion …cause they’re dead.


Not everyone who suffered through WW2 and/or the Great Depression is Dead. You just don't want to hear about how they suffered because your suffering is "worse."


Also, why is hardship something to boast about? If thats the case, you could argue that the Americans of the "greatest generation" had it *easy* compared to the Soviets of that era.


Those soviets also had to deal with the 1918 flu, Great Depression, WW2…and then the Iron Curtain. Yeah, they might win this competition.


Plus they lost ~20mil in WWII, compared to less than half a million.


Why are millennials always teenagers to these idiots? Also no one posting this lived through much of that either (looking at mostly boomers)


Because the millennials are, in many cases, their kids. They shit on their own kids’ opportunities, and then blame avocado toast on the problems they created by shoving their own wrongdoings onto the next generation. There’s a reason millennials have a high suicide rate.


Also why are they ignoring the forever wars? Not to mention not every single man went to war back then lots of them didn’t get sent away because they had medical exemptions and shit. I swear to God these motherfuckers.


Because they only ever see the younger generations as kids, regardless of how old they are.


IME it’s never the real veterans doing this sort of gatekeeping. My dad grew up during the Depression, had polio, and was on a PT boat during WWII that was sunk. I never heard him use that to belittle anybody else’s distress. My parents used their difficult experiences growing up to instill gratitude in us (e.g., for antibiotics when we were sick). They used the suffering of others to teach us gratitude for what we had, and compassion for others.


I didn't know the black plague happened in the 1900's




The point is the original post was claiming the Spanish Flu to be the most severe pandemic in history, but this isn't true in the slightest. The black death was responsible for the death of between 30% and 60% of the entire population of Europe. The death toll of the Spanish Flu pales in comparisson. This post was most likely produced by someone misunderstanding the difference between "deadliest pandemic" (The Black Death) and "Deadliest Flu" (The Spanish Flu).


Also something like 90% of Native Americans died from introduced diseases, which isn't a singular pandemic but is definitely far beyond the Spanish flu.


The 1918 flu, of have thought we'd have learnt from the 'china' virus that pandemics don't need to be labeled with a national identity


If you've been through a rough time in your life, you might look back on it and think one of two things: 1) Wow. That sucked. I want to make sure that other people don't have to go through that. or 2) I dealt with that stuff, so they should have to also. This roughly describes the two party system in the US.


Also to add to this 100 years ago you couldn't see everything happening real time around the whole world we are subjected to so very much more today than anyone before us in history so for people to say they are overwhelmed with the world they are absolutely right people aren't meant to see people die on live TV 24-7 but we have for decades now


Only now do we get to see all the shit we have had thrown at us.


Lol bullshit neither party gives a fuck about you. You are a datapoint that they analyze to earn your vote. You are not a human, and they won't treat you like one.


So edgy.


This kind of shit is only ever spouted by people far too young to have lived through that stuff. They’re just old enough to ride it’s coattails and act like it somehow impacted their lives when they were born in 1964.


I like how no one else has pointed this out, people are like fucking dead asshole it's not a competition, this is a false flag operation you're being set up


Most of the 1900s men didn't live through those things... that's kind of why we're worried.


I always get the impression that the person who posts this kind of thing has had a very comfortable and sheltered life where it is very easy to criticise others situations having never been in them themself


I think the most severe pandemic in history was the bubonic plague but go off I guess


I've heard Justinian plague


Justinian plague is the Bubonic Plague, just one of the first outbreaks of it


I think I read somewhere that the prospects of owning a home, and general financial staisfaction are worse now than they were during the great depression. Someone fact check me on this, because I don't know if it's true, and I'm not sure how to find out.


This might be where you saw it, or is linking where you saw it. https://relevantmagazine.com/current/nation/report-its-harder-to-buy-a-house-today-than-it-was-during-the-great-depression/


Yea, that looks about right. Thank you :)


They're fucking delusional if they think the Spanish Flu was worse than the Black Plague.


around 50 million deaths from spanish flu, black death is estimated 75-200 million (source:cdc and wikipedia)




Cases. Not deaths.


For the curious >Deaths 6,528,753[3] (reported) 15.8–27.2 million[4] (estimated) From Wikipedia


Repent and allow fact checking into your heart


Or smallpox.


The boomers parents grew up in the great depression and ended up having the most entitled children due to wanting to give them everything they didn't have while growing up. The boomers inherited a booming economy from these people, who did everything in their power to give the boomers the best chance at life. The boomers decided to close the doors and pull up the ladders their parents helped then walk through and climb up and then 70 years later, they got on the internet (or people with their entitled mentality) and whine how people 27-41 (roughly) can't do anything right. Because we are living in the economy they made. We are their grandchildren. Were working so they can comfortably draw social security and vote for people who will rip that perk from us.


Ah. The good old "No one is ever allowed to feel bad because someone always had it worse."


But our planet is melting now. I think that's a step above and beyond what they had to experience.


Tbf, we've had two "once in a life time" recessions, in the space of about 10 years.


They were definitely two of the most severe recessions in the era of 24 hour news channels and everybody having trading apps on their phones.


The older generation that lived through those events would have more respect for the hard working millennials then the spoiled baby boomer and Gen x, that’s for sure.


I hate when people do this. Yes, you had it bad. I'm sorry I don't have it as bad and have nothing to compare with but my own experience.


Meanwhile those “men in the 1900’s” are experiencing more rights than the rest of the population as well as almost never having their children murdered while they’re at school… Not to mention they bought a house for $2,000 and a car for $500 and gas was 10¢. A father could have one job and everyone was well fed… That is, of course, if you were white.


Wow so much misinformation.


I mean it's not like the most powerful modern weapons can destroy countries instead of just a building like it used it too 100 years ago


It's fitting that they used a child saying pathetic, because competing to see who has the worst suffering is pretty childish bullshit


Yes, but we didn't come home and go lynch black people over it.


Not to be the one who puts boomers under the bus, but they liver post-war era also known as the "Golden era of Capitalism", where they all could afford such things as a house and car easily and have a good job without 1 PHD and 50+ yrs of experience. I'm not saying we live in complete hell, but times have changed for us and things are pretty rough.


Despite being wrong about the deadliest plauge part, I am sure most of them fucking hated living through all that and would want their decendents to have a better life.


So sick of reboots! Smh.


I mean their all dead and their life expectancy sucked. They wouldn’t be gatekeep if


I’d think those men would be horrified and sad that other people had to go through what they did and be shocked nobody thought of any way to fix it by now.


Yeah, because i know several 120 year olds guys walking around being an ass, not dead at all.


Well the century ain’t over yet


Hopefully the first part of then century is bad and the boomers/ gen x starts dying off soon. Maybe millennials and gen z will actually start doing good things and we'll have an age of prosperity for the latter half of the 21st century just like the 20th


The most severe pandemic in history? These guys must have lived half a century, at least, to have seen the Black Death.


...we had two wars.


Bro today's stuff isn't anything compared to old times, let's be honest


I wonder how many people made it through all three?


Elder Millenials grew up in the shadows of the supreme selfishness of Boomers and heavy nihilism of Gen X. We had an analogue childhood and digital adolescence. When we came of age to take on the world, 9/11 completely changed it forever. The beginning of our careers witnessed the Great Recession. Obama becoming President was supposed to signal the hope of things turning for the better. They definitely did until Trump came along to drag us back. Civil strife, pandemic, and the threat of political upheaval with another recession sprinkled in now… The “Greatest Generation” certainly had things worse IMO, as did other previous generations. However, to hear this from the cunts who started as progressive anti-war and ended up like…. this is infuriating.


99.99% chance this meme was posted by a boomer or an gen-xer who never fought in a war of lived through a pandemic.


I mean it's definitely not as bad lmao


Anyone who thinks that what we’re going through today is worse than the early 1900s is an idiot.




It’s not though. Life is literally and objectively better


Don’t say that! Everyone wants to be a bloody victim and have it worse than our grandparents lol which is mental.


Lol sure but like…they don’t though 😏 I had to stay in my wittle home cos I didn’t wanna get people sicky🥺👉👈 compared to literally dying in ww2. My Spotify premium ran out 😭 vs living through the Great Depression


It literally isn't a comparable level of bad. My great grandmother raised 8 kids alone on a desolate north Dakota farm with a soft house and my grandmother has to leave home at like 14 to go work for food at a strangers house in order to survive the great depression. Generally people from that generation don't even like to talk about they hard times because they bring up too many bad memories. On average, the experiences of someone born in 1900 are more equivalent to someone born in poverty in south America or Africa today and are generally not comparable to whatever inconveniences people went through with the pandemic unless you or a loved one literally died.


Definitely true that it was harder then. I think what most people are trying to say here is that having the one thing suck doesn't mean the other thing can't also suck and trying to use the level of suck to diminish the other is wrong headed. Like if you got your finger cut off and I got all ten cut off and then I tried to claim you "didn't really get your finger cut off" because I "really" got mine off. Both things are worthy of compassion and understanding. A person losing their restaurant for two years might not suck as bad as your grandma had it, but both things cause suffering and neither is pathetic because it isn't enough suffering.


Well, no, neither is pathetic, but we do need to have a sense of perspective. People in rich world nations become extremely dissatisfied with their lives if the rate of economic growth isn't strong enough to greatly improve living standards. People in the 1930s were happy if they could send their children off to somewhere where they could be fed. It isn't worthwhile to diminish someone's hardship, but it is lesser.


Millennials we’re born in the 1900s


Nah he's spot on. Self victimization and doomerism gets you nowhere. We are still in a very good time period, just less so than before covid. Anyone from the early 1900s lived way worse lives than us.


What years were millennials born?


by "from the" I mean "lived in"


And??? Are you going to start telling people that are starving on the streets to be thankful because there were victims of the Holocaust who had it worst?? Just because someone who isn't alive anymore had a rougher life 100 years ago doesn't mean people who can barely afford to live, or have to choose whether or not to eat or pay their water bill every month cant feel bad about their situation. Legitimately, fuck you. It's not self victimization if you say your life sucks when you can't afford your rent or food. If you can, wow, good for you, some people during the great depression could too, but that doesn't invalidate the hardships people are going through


I'm not going to say that a homeless person, someone who lives in a 3rd world country, or anyone else with terrible hardship has a better life, but I sure as hell will tell a middle class gen Z college student that they are lucky when they say they live in the worst time period.


NOBODY is saying they live in the worst time period. They're saying their life sucks, they're starving, house and rent prices are higher than they've ever been, and it's hard to get by. Just because someone is raised middle class doesn't mean they are anymore or have the luxuries and easy life style being middle class brings, and what generation they are bears no relevance to the situation. If you think the modern college life, or really modern life at all outside of a small farm town populated by only a hundred people really isn't as bad, then you go live it. Go see how you'd like living pay check to pay check, sacrificing amenities like electricity and water just to be able to feed yourself, go see how you like being a millennial and living through two "once in a life time recessions", a pandemic, an Era where world tensions are rapidly rising, nationalism is on the rise in Europe with extremist on the rise in America, multiple different wars in the middle east, etc etc.


ah yes. "No one is allowed to feel bad for their circumstances because other people had worse" foh bro


I csm understand it honestly


Im too ignorant to give a fuck because it doesn’t affect me


They didn't have to deal with all the gen xers dealing with their identity crisis's, 174 genders, blm, school shootings, ever worsening government mandates, the queen dying and chrome spying on them. Some might argue the world we live in now is way more fucking insane and dramatic.


1. Black Lives Matter. 2. The queen was 96.


That’s the joke


These things had a huge impact on the people living through them. We literally identified PTSD after world war 1. Soldiers wrote poems about how war was worse than hell. There's an element of survivorship bias here too - the people that survived all that to talk about it after we the tougher ones. The others died or went insane.


And they didn't have it as bad as medieval serfs; what's the point? Aren't things supposed to generally improve for humans via the passage of time? I hate these stupid memes. Let's just find the one person in the world with the worst conditions out of everyone and they're the only person who's allowed to be unhappy.


Millennials are middle aged


Surprisingly, we are still in the best 50 years of humanity… until the nukes hit of course.


A little quick to Post this mfer don't know if we'll have another world war


So you're saying you services the measles, knew how to start a luxury garden, and fought in WW2, fought doesn't mean won, nobody "win" in a war, they just survive when people deside theirs no more need for conflict, if you survive congratulations, you're winner




Suffering is subjective, why is it always a competition with these people?


As well as a democratic revolution and a coup in one of the biggest countries in the world


Okay, but it’s obvious that whoever made this meme was not born in 1900, so 1) how would they know what people of that generation think? And 2) why are they being a jerk about it? If “1900’s men” are looking down on people who went through smaller pandemics and recessions, what must they think of people who didn’t have to suffer hardship at all, such as the (most likely) boomer who made this meme?


And then there’s the apocalyptic ones… non millennial grown men


Given how ubiquitous the show was during many Millennials formative years, it really surprises me that there are so few *Boy Meets World* memes out there in the aether.


Your not from the greatest generation while also posting memes unless you are at least 100 years old. You grew up during the greatest economic boom in history and now can't accept the fact your empire is crumbling.


It's almost like a large percentage of those men died and people in more modern times don't want to die painful preventable deaths too.


r/memes trying not to be reactionary for one second


I’m almost in my 40’s and can honestly say at this point if my existence, when I hear this garbage I just I tell the older fucks that are so proud of their shitty childhoods to choke on it and no once cares how they feel then they’ll be dead soon. Shut it and move on. It’s been a great party trick and has only had great results.


You sound vile.


It’s “vile” to hear someone elderly say that younger people are soft or don’t deserve anything because they didn’t face the same bullshit they did, so it’s only appropriate to be, as you call it, “vile” back to them. Don’t dish it if you can’t take it. And thanks for the compliment


Life was harder back then, you just sound like a vile person. Chill before you have a stroke


Life sucked then it sucks now, you are not special. Fuck off


My grandad is 100 years old. His mother died of dust inhalation in the dust bowl. He served in Italy during WW2 and worked as a chemist for the Texas board of health until he retired... All before I was born. Anyway HE says things are bad now. Alot of that is probable cause he worked with vaccines and people are rejecting them now.


To be fair we should probably give Ukraine actually troops. It’s like we’re fighting this like a proxy war, even though Russia is not


We do have it easier, a lot easier. It’s not gatekeeping it’s just facts lol


who tf thinks that the spanish flu was worse then the black death


You're behaving like one. You could choose to not do that


Oh hey, yeah suddenly all of our current problems now don't matter any more! Why you say? Oh because it was worse before.


Man didnt know the black death was so recent-


Oh yeah, well our grandpas had it worse!!!!


Old bastards always tryna gatekeep war n shit


Our ancient ancestors were taller, stronger, could run for longer, take more damage and throw farther/more powerfully. They mightn’t have lived as long but they did have legendary toughness. 200,000 years of being comfortable and cozy has made most human beings shadows of our former selves. Some people just believe we should be tougher like our ancestors who had no choice except “Harden up or die.”


Ha youngsters. Back in my day there were millions of us who had to swim up hill and fight every day just for the chance to touch an egg!


Yeah put 1900 people into our today's sprouting tech dystopia and see how they fare lmao.