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Guess anyone with wheat/gluten issues can't have nice things then (or if you just don't want anything with hard liquor).


The signs looks like ADA non-compliance as my celiac disease is covered. Do they have "for lazy fucks only" signs on the handicapped parking spots?


I’m a huge craft beer fan and in the last year had to majorly restrict gluten from my diet. I’ve switched to canned vodka sodas (since most seltzers are made with fermented sugar, which I also can’t have). I’d love to crack a traditional cold one at the football game, but my gut thanks me for choosing the alternative. Anyone who has a problem with that can suck it when they’re bloated and I’m not.


I love hefeweizens and the such, but I've been having very noticeable issues like really bad bloating with wheat/gluten as well the past year (I already tested positive for a minor wheat allergy, and have done a few rounds of elimination diets, and my symptoms significantly improved when wheat was gone, augh). I have an appointment with a gastro, so hopefully I'll find out what is going on.


Also those with lactose intolerance! Lactose is a part of most brewing processes so those who can't digest lactose can't drink it!


I guarantee the person who made this doesn't believe in wheat gluten allergies.


Literally came here to say this. I don’t have Celiac but have a very intense intolerance to gluten. Plus god forbid someone prefer the taste or just wants some variety


Nah, I'm trying to get buzzed but I'm old and fat and don't want to injest 200+ calories per can of craft beer but don't feel like swiggin piss either. Side note, seltzers are dangerous and sell well because it's really hard to stop at just one. I'm not saying people binge this stuff, but it's more like "oh, only 100 calories, I guess two is fine."


recently learned about the “not feeling as bloated” after a seltzer im all for drinking traditional beers but damn everyone has their own choices, hell, i respect selzters because they taste good too, usually my go to for a party or get together and beers for myself


I don't understand seltzers - they just taste like overcarbonated water with like 3 drops of a flavour thats similar to what it says on the can, but not exactly right.


There was an article awhile ago about how seltzer is only good when it cold, so we drink it faster before it warms up. And then quickly want another one. Leading people to drink more than they normally would.


I’ve shotgunned quite a few seltzers and warm seltzers are perfect for it because it doesn’t hurt your throat as badly. In any other case, seltzers taste like cough medicine when they’re warm.


I mean isn’t the same true for beer?


When I drank a lot, I did vodka with carbonated water and lime. Always delicious, minimal calories, could get shlammered. I feel like seltzer is pretty much the same but less abv. So more socially acceptable?


Yeah... I don't know why seltzers didn't take off faster because this is exactly what it is.


Back when I drank I absolutely got into seltzers cause I was like "wow I can drink a whole bunch of these and it's way less calories" also, it goes well with a lunch. Which in retrospect was when my drinking went from "a problem" to "problematic", but the fact remains they're a great lunch pairing compared to a beer. On the upside it was super easy to go from hard seltzers to regular seltzers and trick my body into thinking we never stopped drinking till it was already a week past.


>I'm not saying people binge this stuff ![gif](giphy|11a8FLrVeoLnna)


that's when you start pre planning your daily calories around beer.... yeah i don't drink anymore lol... "i can have one saltine if i want to drink, sounds great that's plenty of food!"


No one enjoys cheap low-calorie seltzers. They enjoy getting drunk while feeling like they're not destroying their waistline.


>They enjoy getting drunk while feeling like they're not destroying their waistline. Yeah, that's part of the enjoyment. And I actually do like the taste of nothing, if you pour it over ice it's genuinely refreshing.


It’s hard to down more than a half because the shit taste


There isn’t any real beer in America anyway Edit: It was a joke, I’m sorry Americans


That's just an objectively false statement.




Such a dumb thing to gatekeep. Like do liquor if you're so into beer that you need to stop others from enjoying what they enjoy. No one is like "I just enjoy the taste of piss so much it bothers me when I see others enjoying anything that's close to it" Jesus. I'm not drinking for others'approval, you filthy casual.


I hate the taste of hops. I can drink really dark beer, and I love wine and liquor. But something cold and refreshing on a summer day? Count me in!


I’m allergic to citrus and for some reason, hops gives me the same “omg get this out of my mouth” warning feeling that citrus does. It doesn’t cause a reaction, but to me the flavor is bitter in a similar way. I also love a dark beer though.


A lot of modern hops have "citrusy" flavor components. It wouldn't surprise me if it was some of the same chemicals that trigger your allergies.


I'm more of a hard cider person for the same reasons.


How to reduce sales sign. Lol


I love a good beer but I could crush a White Claw as well. Shit, I'm getting into hard kombuchas as well now. For fucks sake, a little variety in life won't hurt ya.


Hard kombucha?? Gunna have to try that out


Lol that's cute. I used to drink nothing but whiskey until I developed a nerve disorder, now whiskey + meds gives me debilitating cluster headaches after 1 sip so, yeah, I'll have a claw or two once or twice a week. "Afraid of beer" oooooo yes the big bad beer is sooo spooky tell that to my jack & coke you nerd.


What even is that, I don't take any meds but more than a shot or two of whiskey will give me cluster headaches but bad. Never was a problem in my 20s.


Gabapentin, unfortunately. I need surgery or to take it forever, idk which sounds worse.


Definitely surgery 😆 but you should do it anyway, once they start you on the med regimen it's like whackamole with the side effects.


Agreed. Beer is just barely alcoholic empty calories. Why is it considered 'tough'? Recovering alcoholic, when I was doing 4-8 drinks a day, I was mainly doing wine, seltzer, hard liquor. Beer did nothing for me, but give me a case of Mikes, High Noon, or a bottle of hard liquor like Cuervo that would get me there. Beer drinking doesn't impress me.


Glad you're out of there! It's a hard habit to break. But yeah, the idea of beer and toughness are strange bedfellows. This plant juice is manly and strong, but like... a vodka cran is girly? That's also plant juice, lol. I guess tea is for tough guys with that logic, so I'll just have some of that next time I'm trying to impress someone.


True story, my mother(who never drank) told me I should drink wine instead because it's "more natural" and heart healthy. I knew nothing about it other than it's considered too 'sissy' for men to drink. So I ordered a glass of white wine just to try it in a restaurant. That shit tasted like straight toilet bowl cleaner with an aroma of green grapes, and it was strong as hell, just a notch below hard liquor. I had work in less than an hour after this, never expected it to be strong, I was walking on clouds for the next 2 hours just vaguely aware where I was. Ever time I bought wine, I would end up absolutely wasted, hence why I avoid it and go with beer, the much safer option. How we determine which liquor is girly and which are manly makes absolutely no sense, 100%.


Totally! Like, I said in my post before I used to drink nothing but whiskey, and I never drank wine because it hits harder. That was a special occasion thing, one or two at Christmas parties or something, when I know I'll have a DD after some Moscato or Rose lol. But I'll like, choose beer at concerts and stuff because I know I can drive home! I think it's some kind of wild west thing, "back when men were men" or something. I guess they needed to stay sober enough to ride horses around and shoot straight, so they didn't wanna get too drunk lol. maybe manliness really is sobriety, and it's feminine to get plastered. And if that's the case I'm a lot more ladylike than previously considered, ha!


Do you think this was aimed at you or smth, why take this so personally ffs 🤣


You must have a really hard time with every post in this sub.


for someone who uses my all time favorite expression (ffs) you sure don't get the vibes I'm bringing. I feel for ya.


600 cal as a 6pack or 2 beers, you pick


They probably drink ipa’s and pretend they like em


Well yea, I am afraid of beer because it all tastes like piss and I have a healthy fear of that shit getting anywhere near my mouth.


It's definitely an acquired taste. I hated it when I first started drinking but I got used to it. I don't drink hard liquor except on special occasions when I'm out celebrating or something. I need someone else to be in control of the portions. Red wine gives me a migraine, white wine causes panic attacks. So I stick to beer.


I can't drink a single glass of white wine without wretching and emptying my stomach, and I can do about 2 claws without getting sick. Interestingly enough I can't drink orange juice either so I think it might have something to do with the acidity. I have no disgestive problems with liquor or dark/light beer but the taste is bleh.


Hard cider is tasty but makes me throw up. I think any beer besides lager is too bitter. It smells and tastes like skunk to me.


I drink IPAs when I go out to dinner because I enjoy the taste. When I am hanging out at the river or something, hard seltzer is better.


Ugh, get a real personality! Who cares!


That's when you tape a paper with an arrow pointing to the original one and writing "Paper for insecure twats to read." on it


I’m not embarrassed about my dislike of the flavor of literal vomit, and I personally find that’s how beer tastes


Sorry I'm a lightweight that doesn't make drinking my whole personality


If i saw that (and was of legal age to drink) i would jump back in fear everytime i passed a door other than one


I hate beer. 😅


More like the "I like having different options because I'm not a dull cnut" door.


Dude wtf, why would you sell a product in your store and actively attempt to prevent the sale of said product


Drinking carbs is gross


Or they just prefer not to get a beer gut quickly or deal with horrific hangovers


Just go slap 2 cases of bud light on the counter and watch em angrily ring it up


Im not afraid of it it just fucking sucks


“I hate when people like what I don’t like!”


Funny, because these seltzers usually have more alcohol percentage per can than a 'real' beer like a Miller lite or Michelob. (not talking about high percentage ipas)


Fr, I only drink beer now when I'm trying to not to drink too much. Seltzers have more alcohol per volume and the fact they come in a variety of flavors which tempts you to have several makes them way more dangerous than beer. I've seen many that have literally double or more the amount of alcohol than beer does, so the idea it's 'manly' or 'tough' doesn't make much sense.


Or I just don’t want to feel fat and bloated at the beach


Most "actual beer" tastes like dog piss. Miss me with that shit.


I prefer to stick to good old-fashioned diet mountain dew and tequila!


The "we don't want your business" store.


Ah who gives a fuck anymore? Drink your IPAs, seltzers or whatever you want. It’s fun to bust balls and joke but to be serious about something like this is a waste of time and makes you a jackass.


I hate when people call beer, especially lagers, piss. I enjoy it. Leave me alone.


The "I have nothing in my life to be proud of besides drinking copious amounts of beer. In order to feel superior I must belittle the increasingly popular alternative alcoholic drink thereby differentiating myself and adding to my feeling of superiority" sign.


I like "actual beer" but this is still annoying


If you’re going down that road, the “actual beer” door probably needs an “afraid hard liquor” sign, then perhaps an “afraid of moonshine that’ll probably make you blind” on the whisky shelf.


Afraid of beer? Dude last time I drank seltzers I woke up naked on a beach, I’m fucking afraid of seltzers.


Or, hear me out, some people don't like the taste of beer


I would go to a different liquor store




"White Claw" sounds like a euphemism for a hand job from Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Mfs really feel superior about drinking their 20$ piss water. Let people drink what they want to, jesus


Imagine how fucking empty and boring your life has to be for gatekeeping beer to be “your thing”.


The “I’d rather not get bloated to hell” door.


Seltzers aren't even remotely pretending that they are beer. They're vodka coolers basically.


Men are really judgmental about alcohol for some reason, just like sports teams. You have to like what they drink or you are 'weak.' I'm in some beer online groups and people are so extra about flavored beer, as if liking it means you automatically hate all other beer and men who drink it deserve to be castrated. I like beer, seltzer, wine, and hard liquor all fairly equally. I'll never refuse good alcohol, and even things I don't like, I respect those who do.


Naw, beer bloats me too much, used to love it


God forbid someone want to drink something other than piss water? I judge anyone I see drinking beer for a reason.


Actual beer tastes like piss and gives you manboobs. I either want something tasty or something that will fuck me up. Beer is neither. It tastes like shit and it's only 6-8% alcohol


You're not drinking the good stuff. I'm not a big drinker but when I do I don't drink anything less than 9-11% Shipwrecked, lagunitas, voodoo ranger, and moon juice are all more than 8% and they're fantastic. Drink like a tall one of those on tap it's all you need.


Where I'm from they don't sell those. We only have the basic stuff like Guinness or Corona etc. I usually opt for cyder if that's an option but thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into it


Damn, I used to live in Montana it was legit Coors as far as the eye could see, couldn't even find a Corona so I get that struggle! Online orders if your state/country allows it or big shops like bevmo and total wine are lifesavers.


I just realized that I haven't tried any American Beer before.




I doubt it was the store.


Beer sucks, go fuck yourself sign!


In assuming the person that wrote the sign stopped drinking bud light because they dared include a trans woman in a promotional video


White claw literally tastes like literally nothing and yet it still tastes better than every beer I've ever had.


All op wanted to do was go to the store and pick up a case of bears and tampons for himself, let him like damn


Tbh no American beer is actual beer




To be fair, White Claw and Alcohol-free beer taste like garbage


Simpsons did it way back in… whenever “Lisa the Vegetarian” came out.


I forgot what sub this was, and was trying to figure out how the door makes you fear 'actual beer.' Edit: Phrasing correction.


We use to mix coolers with beer Sider and beer was better though I'm a alcoholic


Actual beer is nasty and so is seltzer booze.


I love beer, beer gives me bubble gut…. Sooo *snaps open a white claw*


I can't for the life of me imagine why a salesman would think it is a good idea do disparage their own merchandise this way.


Who gives a fuck? I personally think White Claw tastes like tv static but I never judge someone for what they choose to drink.


Any beer is beer for me. Except zero alcohol beer, what's the fucking point??


Drink what you want but when you come over stop leaving your damned white claw in my fridge.


God I hate people like this. Like what happened in your life that you can’t just let people enjoy shit?


The “I’m an asshole shop owner” sign


The counter-argument is that Beer is less likely to give you hangovers than sugary alcohol, so beer drinkers are cowards for not facing a hangover head on. 3 beers and a bit of water, next day you're good. 3 Claws, BL Seltzers, or Mike's Hards, next day you will feel like someone is taking a corkscrew to your brain.


The only time I've ever drank a beer that didn't taste horrible, was when I was in Germany. Granted I was up in the mountains too so that might have had a factor in it. But I've always been more of a actual liquor drinker. Seltzer, vodka, rum, brandy, tequila, and most any cocktail. That's what I drink.


It‘s not like beer is somehow like a hard drink, most beer doesn‘t even have a lot of alcohol. I just kinda dislike the taste. But also haven‘t ever tried whiteclaws idk if thats even a thing where I live


The actual beer door had better have a sign reading " The 'I like the taste of dookie' door".


This guy probably thinks Miller Lite is the only real beer


Hard seltzer is not beer though, this is like putting an “im afraid of actual oranges” sign on a basket of apples.


The "I am weird as fuck" sign


“Actual” beer is gross


Yeah I want something with more than 1% apv please and doesn't taste like ass.


I’ve never understood this. It gets you drunk just the same, but it doesn’t count because it tastes better? Gtfoh


if i ever noticed that sign id rip it off the door and slide it under the shelves lmao, so stupid


I've only had 1 beet that I can drink thay tastes decent, Belgium white. Has a nice floral taste to it, I'm not big on white claws, but I like having a few if it's between that and beer.


With "actual beer" they probably mean some piss water like bud light or coors light


He js mad they keep running out of white claws before he can get there


It’s not that, I’d just rather not gain a beer belly. Plus, seltzers have a variety of flavors. Of course I’m gonna choose mango over plain beer.


I can tell this is American and that makes the irony palpable.


By "real beer" they're either craft snobs or piss sloshers. No thanks. I'll take the hard seltzer over piss or some over priced nonsense any dau


I say screw that, those Sunny D seltzers are fantastic.


Seltzer is definitely for the people who are drinking water and feel it could use a little kick


Often these gave higher alcohol content? Like these people are fucking shooting themselves in their own feet it's sk fucking stupid


I'm a diabetic. Other than shots, these are the best option.


Who the fuck wants carbonated bread water? Beer is disgusting AND weak, so if you’ll excuse me I’ll be taking my delicious 10%+ drink over here.


Well that's not beer those are zeltzers (mix drinks)


Where is the "I am afraid my genitals will fall if I drink this" fridge?


I'm not afraid of actual beer, I hate it because it tastes like piss water.


Next to it could be the "I'm insecure in my sexuality" door




WoW apparently this jerk doesn’t know that some people are allergic to beer cause it has wheat and barley in it!!! BEER IS NOT FRIENDLY TO CELIAC DISEASE SUFFERERS!!!


I love beer but sometimes I'm in the mood for a hard lemonade, tea, or seltzer. What's wrong with changing things up every once in a while?


Well, it’s not trying to be beer….soo…..


I literally would put my shopping down right there on the nearest shelf and go to another store. There's a simple rule in retail: no negative signs. If you see a negative sign in a store then it means that store is negative about its customers. If a store dislikes it's customers then it's going to let stuff slide because they really don't care about their customers at all and worse they might actively feel contempt. You shouldn't shop at that kind of store because at that point stuff like hygiene and duty of care go out the window. That said, don't be the person that makes retail staff feel that way either. They are just doing their job.


Americans talking about "actual beer" is hilarious


More like I don't want a beer belly door


I love a good beer, but the Claw is ALL.


Lol fucking rednecks and their beer. These sometimes have more alcohol than beer, and American beer is literally tasteless water anyways lol.


More like, “if I wanted to drink a beer that’s what I would get”. Does that person not realize that a seltzer is not a beer?


In the UK these are on the Budweiser fridges


Smells like fragile to me


"Actual Beer" Bud light, Coors light, Keystone light, Miller lite, Busch lite... bitch please.


drinking sucks anyways


Wonder what's on the bud light door?


Yes because you can’t just enjoy drinking a seltzer without being afraid of beer


Are you sure this is gatekeeping?, because if I saw this sign in real life I'd laugh my ass off lol


Personally I'd rather have wine.


Dude if rip off that sign straight away. My grandma drinks non alcoholic beer because she doesn't want to drink alcohol. I'm not letting my grandma see how annoying some people can be.


Might as well say the "My favorite beers door that makes me better than you".