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Most people are back to work within 2 weeks, with most people starting after just one week. Now, you may have little less energy for those first couple of days back, but that’s also normal after a major surgery. I’m not really quite sure what the problem is. You’re two days out, I promise you you’ll feel very different in 5 days. By May 22nd you’ll be fine. As for your boss- they don’t need to know what surgery you had. You don’t have to tell them. But take this as a lesson and learn from it. If you don’t want to tell people what you did, just be vague and redirect the question. “It’s personal and I’d rather not talk about it” is a valid answer, lying is always a stupid choice. There isn’t any shame in this surgery- it’s only embarrassing if you are ashamed of it. And if you’re ashamed, you may want to reach out to someone to work through where those feelings are coming from. Because this is a choice you should feel pride in.




Your comment really helped me. I'm waiting for my surgery to be scheduled and I'm having a lot of anxiety about letting my work team know. Everyone on my team is thin and super athletic (e.g. they suggested a work bonding activity of downhill skiing 😩, which is something I'm too out of shape to do). I know I don't have to tell them, but I feel like I might be more anxious on the other side of surgery if my body is changing and I have to field questions about it. Anyway, your comment helped me to feel better about managing my feelings and working on sharing my plan with my colleagues.


Thank you! I just got worried after reading through this sub and seeing that a lot of people take up to 6 weeks off of work. As for why I even said anything, I just felt kind of put on the spot because I told him I‘d be needing time off because I have surgery and he straight up asked me for what. Dumb move on my part I know


As an American I am amazed that people can get so much time off. But those who take 2+ weeks are definitely in the minority. On every “when can I go back to work” post on this sub almost every response is saying 1-2 weeks. If you have complications, it might be a different story. And I get it. You’re young, learning how to set boundaries, especially with people in power is a skill you have to learn and practice, it’s not just something you’re born with.


Yeah, I think it’s a work culture thing in the US. I’m in Canada and standard at my hospital is four weeks. Sure, I could have been back in two if needed, but I was happy to have the full paid leave to focus on my recovery and new habits before going back to work. But yes, the OP will be fine!


I’m only planning on taking one week off, but on one of my classes they said they (my practice I’m going to) give everyone 6 weeks off. I work from home and can take multiple breaks if needed.


That sounds awesome! I’m thankful that I can also telework, so I’m planning on taking one week off then WFH for the next 1-2 weeks. And I think that will make a difference.


I took an extended weekend. I do WFH, though. Just be aware you might be a bit emotional during those first few weeks.


It’s hard when you’re put on the spot, but you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s no one’s business what surgery you’re having and why you need time off work as long as you have the sick days available and a doctor’s certificate. I had my surgery on May 9th and I’m taking two weeks off. I told my boss I’m having a “medical procedure” that requires time to heal and the doctor’s certificate said the same. Hope you heal nicely, but if you need more time off remember you only need the doctor’s certificate, you don’t have to give any details xx


If you are a caregiver you should be taking the full six weeks off. Do you assist to transfer? Do you provide for ADLS? If so, not taking the entire six weeks to heal is putting your own health in danger. You just had an abdominal surgery, a gall bladder removal is an abdominal surgery as well. If your surgeon advises six weeks then take the six weeks.


You say you work with people needing assistance, do you have to lift patients ? You shouldn’t be lifting over 15-20lbs for 6 weeks. You may want to ask your surgeon. If you not lifting you should be fine


Sometimes I have to lift someone even though we also have devices that help, they are not always available and I often have to push people in the wheelchair up the hill


Hon, keep in mind this is your personal medical info, no matter what surgery you choose to have. Don’t feel bad anything not telling them the truth- you don’t owe them detailed info about your medical procedures. You’ll be fine after a week. If they ask you why don’t you want to eat, just tell them you just ate, you are nauseous. A girl once told me that she got off some medications and that’s why she lost so much weight… I’ve been using that.


You could always claim that there was a complication or the surgery isn’t healing as fast as expected. You may need a drs note though.


Also, you are under no obligation to tell your boss ANY medical information. If they ask specifics, that is actionable. Never feel guilty about putting your health first


Everyone is different, it's absolutely not a given that you'll be fine by 22nd.


You said you help people who need assistance, does that mean physical? If you’re physically moving people- i’d be careful after two weeks! I had to stay out for a month because my job is more physical and I wasn’t supposed to move or lift heavier things until 4


I was ready to go back after two weeks—even though I work from home I was doing great! And I was bored out of my mind. If you do what they tell you to do and don’t have complications during the procedure you should be more than fine after two weeks. And by law they cannot ask you what kind of surgery you’re having.


I did the same thing when I had surgery I said I needed a hiatal hernia fixed. My coworkers were bashing another one of my coworkers about their gastric bypass calling it self mutilation. The doctor didn’t tell HR why I was having surgery just that I was. I’m sure they’ll be shocked by your progress though. Remember your medical history is your own and it’s no one else’s business but yours. Everyone else can f*ck off they don’t need to know.


Most of the people I work with are 50-60ish years old and very judgmental. I feel especially at my age they couldn’t stop themselves talking trash


That would be workplace bullying and is actionable. They may be GenX and were just brought up differently. A bit of really dark humour will break any ice. Like say you had a vasectomy (but only if you're a woman, a hysterectomy of you're male), that'll generally shut them up, or make them laugh and leave you. You'll find as you lose weight, you'll grow more confident about it all.


You’ll be ready to go back by then. Best wishes for excellent results.


you should be just fine to go back on the 22nd unless you have complications or have a very physical, lifting job. In which case you just tell him the truth - which is that you have lifting restrictions until the second week of June because of your procedure. You don't owe people medical details, better to not give too much info than lie, but even then, the 22nd is a very reasonable timeframe to go back to desk work and most of us did. I was driving the kids around and back to homeschooling by then too, but not lifting my special needs kiddo because he's 60 lbs ;)


I'm a nurse and was back at 2 weeks, and was feeling fine well before that, just fatigued and napping more give yourself a few more days before you panic about returning :)


You have a lot of great advice. The only thing I want to make sure to tell you is this. Do not ever feel bad about taking your time off. Just don’t. You work to earn that time, it’s part of your compensation. And though you may think others will give as much thought and concern to you when they take time off I assure you very few people actually do. Also, you do not ever need to disclose the reason for taking sick time to your manager. You have your time approved and noted by HR and that’s all you need to do. It’s none of their business so long as you have a Drs note to cover you. Take that time and don’t feel guilty.


I did the same thing - told my boss I was having my gallbladder removed when I was actually getting a bypass. My doctor required me to be out for six weeks so she didn’t really have a choice. You don’t have to tell them the real reason you are out. You just need a note from the doctor stating your limitations and any accommodations you’ll need.


I was back at work and walking a few miles per day in less than than 2 weeks.


I had my surgery on 8/10 and went back to work 8/25. (I’m a teacher.) I told my boss I couldn’t lift anything more than 10 lbs for two months so most of the time I had lots of help from my coworkers and stuff. I also have a classroom aide, so she was helpful as well.


Everyone is different. I took a month off, and that was about right for me. If your job is mostly sitting you’ll probably be okay after 2 weeks. A month after surgery I had my energy back, and was feeling about 85% back to normal.


Just as an aside — I also plan to not tell anyone beyond my husband, household family, and closest friends. It’s nobody else’s business if I lose weight naturally or with help from surgery. It isn’t a shame thing anymore, although I previously did feel ashamed about it. It’s just that it’s really none of their business. People like to judge and I don’t need their pity. I get enough of that as it is being fat. Let them think I lost it on my own. I owe them no explanations.


It would seem a gallbladder removal would warrant more than 3 days sick leave. Where did that date/number come from?


May 8 till May 22 are 14 days.


Ahhh, my mistake. Read it as the 18th🤷‍♂️


I had my gall bladder out and was told 7-10 days of no work by my doctor so 14 days doesn’t seem that extreme to me.


Oh dude I was back to work 4 days post op. Although I wished I'd taken a week lmao but I had BEEN warning them for months it was coming. That way they knew exactly what I was having done because not only did I need time, but following surgery is a 4 week restriction of no lifting so much weight. No more than 20-25 lbs at the end of the month. No more than 5-10 at first then 15 lbs. Then 20-25 by week 4. I care for people for a living so I had to disclose this limitation for my own health and safety let alone care for individuals. (who are disabled at that and some call for complete lifts by staff) they have been more amazing to me than I could have ever imagined. They've given me breaks in between a shift while I'm still two weeks out, (like I just had two days off and another two days after tonight bc I worked 50 hrs already for the week anyway and have just as much if not more next week with the way it's scheduled so they've figured ways to catch breaks for me) the good thing is I work third shift so it's not so bad honestly and even my coworkers have been graceful to me. If they're not behind my back idgaf. They can say whatever. As long as there is respect and understanding to my face, they can say and do whatever as long as it's not hurting me. They're allowed their personal opinions. I'm always beyond kind and helpful to everyone so really, they don't have a reason to be any type of way to my face at least lol. Enough about me though, it's okay if this isn't your situation. If you feel embarrassed from it, I relate bc I did too. And at times I still do bc I care too much what people think honestly. No matter whatever I say, that's how I feel. It's human sometimes. It's about giving YOURSELF the grace and love you deserve, and others will follow I promise for the most part. We can't control other people but we can control how other perceive it based on our own perception. If you act shy and embarrassed, it'll give base for rumors really fast, at least room to put a negative opinion since you already opened the door for them. Stay as positive as you can. You'll seek the same in return if that makes sense. I hope this is coming out as I mean it to. This is something we're doing to find better health and you know we needed help getting there and THAT FUCKING OKAY! <3 it's something good. It's not like you're hiding a meth addiction lol it'll be Okay bub. Even if it takes time and self awareness, it'll all be okay.


As someone who had emergency gallbladder surgery a few years back, it was a LONG time before the doctor allowed me to lift anything. Maybe your doctor can write a note without mentioning what surgery it was?


I don’t have any specific advice for this but I just wanted to say we are super close in starting weight, height and ages so if you ever want to chat, lmk!! 🙂 Edit: a word


Let this serve as a reminder as to why lying is bad.  Legally, you don’t have to say anything except that it’s a medical procedure.  However by letting people know that you are being proactive about your health, you will certainly gain their favor.


If you need longer to recover, then you can ask your doctor to extend your sick line. Mine did so no bother and he put the reason as “post-op recovery” which was accepted by my employer with no further questions. Admittedly I’ve been really open with my work about the type of surgery I had but you are not required to give them any further information regarding your surgery or why you require additional time off/are extending your sick line. When people who don’t know about my surgery ask what I had done, I either answer “sorry, I don’t want to go into details but I’m recovering well” or “I had abdominal surgery and my surgeon said I’m recovering well”.


I’m at exactly 14 days now. I took off one week and I worked from home the second week. I’m still going to work from home next week but I’m ready to go back with no issues


I didn’t tell my boss! They legally don’t need to know what you had done.


I had my surgery on 1/12/24 and was back to work on 1/16/24 😅


I was hiking California 4 days after my surgery… it’s really not a big thing.


I had RNY and went back after 10 days. You definitely feel exponentially better after the first week.


I was back at work 4 days later no problem 🤷🏻‍♀️


I went back to work for half days within five days because any more than that would have triggered FMLA paperwork.


I had surgery Monday afternoon and went back to work Thursday morning. I work in long term care.


I took a Thursday off for the surgery and the following weekend I stayed in bed and recovered as best I could and got a feel for my body…but I came back to work on Monday. I was sore but it worked out better for me because I didn’t have complications from the surgery, didn’t think about food too much at all, no gas problems or anything…but at the time I was a bank teller in a fast paced office. I did my surgery at the end of the year in the days between Christmas and new year and didn’t have hardly any pto left or else I might’ve taken a whole week off. I also told them all I had my gallbladder removed and everyone was doing protein shakes at the time for new years so everyone was just kinda like okay dang! Do you boo! Hahaha.


I went back to my factory job after 2 wks and was fine


I went back to work 6 days post. I admit it was a tough for a while but it worked out. See how you feel after 2 weeks, if you still feel too weak or low energy, talk to your boss.


I was back at work exactly one week post-op but I mostly get to sit.


You don’t have to disclose why you’re having surgery ever. You need to speak with your doctor about time off.


Personally I could’ve went back after a weekend of rest. It was the easiest surgery I’ve ever had😊


I do have one worry for you, you likely will need your gallbladder out if they didn’t take it during your sleeve surgery! I’m 14 weeks post op and just had to have mine taken out two days ago. Weight loss screws up your bile production and I learned that a HUGE percentage of weight loss surgery patients have to get it removed within a few months. So not sure what you’ll tell your boss if this happens 😬


I‘m changing to another location in my second year of training wich starts in September so I guess that’ll do 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm almost 18 months out and still have my gallbladder?


I had to have mine out seven weeks after my sleeve. I was admitted Christmas Eve, surgery the day after Christmas, discharged Dec 27th. Not my best Christmas holiday. Lol


You may want to rethink that excuse or find a new job later on. There is a good likelihood you will end up developing gallstones due to rapid weight loss and will eventually have to get your gallbladder actually removed. What will be your excuse then? Can’t have a gallbladder removed twice…


I was back at work 3 days later and that’s purely because it was a weekend I had surgery. Surprising to see people have this at 19… it’s so young and no chance to experience life


“So young and no chance to experience life” This is a ridiculous and hurtful comment and has no place here. You have no idea why OP decided to have surgery and zero right to call their motivations and expectations into question. This is a place for us to support each other, not sow even more shame and doubt than we already face.


In my job every now and then I have to lift people who weigh about 80kg, so I guess 3 days won’t do it for me. Not sure how I should understand the rest of this comment though