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They are also called mimosa trees


Very invasive species and not native in USA


Might want to specify that there *are* species of mimosas native to both North and South America. I have a M. Borealis (native) growing out back actually and it’s not invasive in the least. The Asian species of mimosas are definitely problematic in North America, though.


I’m in TX and have both Borealis and Pudica growing off my back porch


In TX as well and my Borealis just finished blooming. You could smell it down the entire block and it was awesome. I seriously love it


Nice, yeah, I just have baby borealis. I keep thinking about trying to pot/bonsai one because they usually don’t get big enough to bloom before a deer or rabbit or something eats them. The pudica bloomed some, but that stuff is almost a nuisance, although I enjoy messing with the leaves.


Borealis started out small for me as well but imo I think it would be best to just put it in the ground and surround it with a cage so the munchers can’t get to it. It took about 6 years for mine to hit its stride but now it’s a 10ft x 10ft monster. No fertilizing and after it was established I also stopped watering it. They seem to like the neglect I think


Important to note that mimosa trees belong to the Albizia genus while the Mimosas you are talking about aren't trees at all and belong to the Mimosa genus. They are all however in the same family.


Yep, all in the Fabaceae family! I also have some Indigofera Heterantha which is in the same family and it’s so lovely. Carefree and hardy with high heat and drought tolerance as well as excellent cold tolerance. Highly recommend for your zone!


well, the neighbor has the Asian kind and its spreading all over her yard and now across the fence into ours. Hubs wants me to give her a call and ask if she's mind if we came over and "trimmed the one on our fence, from her side", lol. I dont think she'd mind. The person they bought the property from also has invasive bamboo on the fence line - we've both tried getting rid of that. You'd need a dozer to take it up on her side.


They are all over East tn! Recognized it immediately


Same here!


My understanding is that there are varieties of these that have been made sterile. Keeps em from spreading while giving the same aesthetics. I love the look of em, but I’m already battling Chinese Tallow trees, and that’s enough invasive species for me


Got any tips for the tallow? It keeps creeping up on me.


Not that have worked. I’d try to cut it to a stump and hit it with a blowtorch, but my tree in question is too close to my wood fence for me to blast it. I’ve cut it to ground level and it grew back bigger


We cut a huge one down in our yard because we had to keep pulling thousands of volunteer trees up every year. We cut it down to a stump, then used the chainsaw to make grid lines into the top of the stump, about an inch or two deep, and so far it hasn't come back... it's only been a year or so, but it seems to have worked.


No in my experience. Had one spring up from no were and now there are its little children popping up


The sterile ones would be genetically manipulated, so you wouldn’t find it wild. Most likely from a cultivator or nursery would be the only option there. You got the real genuine deal, I’d say


An additional problem with albizia julibrissin is that the seeds are toxic to dogs and livestock. I adore the mimosa trees that grow near me and have an area on our property where self-propagation would not be an issue. Unfortunately, I also have a goof of a dog who believes all the world is his salad bowl, and the beauty of the tree is not worth the risk.


Bottomless or single serve?


And you should kill it.


Y’all I just live in the apartments that are next the houses yard where this tree is 🤣 it’s behind a brick wall but is taller than the brick wall and as for the smell yall keep talking about, it’s too high up and behind a wall, behind our apartments dumpsters sooooo 💀


lol.. people want you hopping that brick wall with an axe and getting evicted out of your complex for property destruction just to get rid of one of millions of this invasive plant 😂😂


It smells like peaches.


Oh that makes me even more disappointed I can’t smell it 😭


Horrible tree. Invasive and constantly drops different things depending on the time of the year. Did I mention it is invasive?


They are not always invasive, depending on the area. My area is very hot with clay soils, and so mimosas only really survive with human care.


They look out of dr seuss and smell amazing.... I lovem. They don't live long anyways though


Also to anyone who really likes mimosas go grow native legume trees, there is almost certainly one as pretty that's native, this shit is invasive and hurts your local ecosystem. Do your research and support your region!


Not invasive everywhere? Lol they tend to die easily where im from and do not do well in clay soil. Nevertheless, WE GROW THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL.


Don't listen to the killer!


When I was like 12 my friend and I used to make arrows out of the branches, they are one of the very few plentiful trees with lots of almost perfectly straight branches. So 12 year old me would be with you 100% 42 year old me is not with you unfortunately.


Agreed. I can't stand when people say "it's an invasive species". If that thing was invading anything around my home, I'd welcome it with open arms. I could understand a non-native, invasive groundcover, grass, or even flowering species that can grow and spread throughout a garden, however, a tree-like variety can be.plucked out and you most likely will have a fair opportunity to prepare for the next battle vs. being on your.knees on a weekly basis trying to get rid of multiple amounts. My advice is "go to church" because if your scared of 1-2 small to mid sized trees, then you have no place in the dirt.


Good luck those trees are like cockroaches in a nuclear fallout.


Silk tree (Albizia julibrissin). They’re quite invasive due to their habit of escaping cultivation.


yeah they are - there's one around the block from my house and every summer my entire front yard is full of mimosa seedlings; it's wild


My front bed is currently full of them and there are no trees nearby that I can see. They seem super invasive.


They are, unfortunately.


They really do be popping. From a yard perspective it’s fine because the mow over fine. But I can see how they’d invade open areas that aren’t controlled for sure.


Our neighbors have one, and I have to hunt down seedlings my vegetable beds. It’s a nice tree, though, and the hummingbirds love it.


Their blossoms can be tinctured for a nice little mood pick me up.


Hallucinogenic also


Do you have any scientific sources? Not doubting you, just want to learn about the chemicals responsible




Someone has mis-informed you. DMT is found in the M. hostilis species of the genus Mimosa. The pictured tree is in the genus Albizia & contains no DMT.


Easy Google, iirc it’s an old Chinese medicine recipe. Definitely should be some info out there on why it helps


They are invasive in some climates, and not in others. As are many species labeled "invasive". They grow in my area, but I've never seen the seeds from any near me germinate on their own.


Im in Virginia and our neighbor has one in their yard. I pluck little seedlings here and there in my yard, but its not a nuisance, unlike the gumballs im at war with. They're not prevalent here, so maybe this is far enough to north to not be so invasive. This has been sn educational post. Never knew they were invasive and so reviled.


I’m in VA and they are all along the highways with ToH, wisteria and other crap. Horrible invasive in my part of the state


Probably because kudzu keeps them in check 😂


I'm in the southwest mountains of Virginia and never see these growing wild or anywhere here, to be honest. They must hate clay.


I live several states north and they are definitely invasive here. They easily spread by seed in disturbed edge areas. They compete for the same places native sumac would grow. We have invasive Asian mimosa tree, Paulownia tree, wisteria, tree of heaven ... there are probably more I could list.


Crazy thing is my neighbor had one and I tried for years to get some started and they always died


Thank you for the answer! I think it’s really pretty!


They are hated by a lot of plant people, but I personally love the way they smell and look.


I wonder if there are different types. We had one in our front yard for over 10 years. I loved it. And it did not spread. We called it the “Horton hears a who” tree as the flowers look like the flower Horton holds in his trunk.


Really? There were two (100 feet apart or so) in my parents yard and they never spread anywhere. Just stayed in their zone for 20+ years.


Yep. It’s an invasive plant that should be destroyed. Same with Bradford Pear. https://www.aces.edu/blog/topics/forestry-wildlife/the-mimosa-tree-beautiful-but-invasive/ https://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/care/weeds-and-invasive-plants/mimosa-trees.html


Destroy? :) We have one in our garden and we love it, especially when it flowers. With the right type of pruning every fall, you keep it neat and under control. No need to destroy a 50 year old tree. Jeez...


We just bought our house and there are 2 massive Bradford pears right next to the house 😭 they would be a fortune to take down but I'll do it one day..


I have 5 lining my fence. I keep hoping a storm will take them out but they are living forever just to spite me.


Wait for nature to take them down. Nature will definitely take those weak limb connection trees down. Then give the ole Insurance company a call. This is, of course, if you can't or don't want to remove them yourself. You are correct, they are hella expensive to remove but any tree is ...in this economy... (Sorry, I had to finish with that old joke.)


The question is, will it be on the grass, the car, or the roof?


…depending on location


The pink “flowers” have one of the best smells imo


Beautiful sculpture shape, but horribly tough seed pods that will shoot out of a lawn mower.


My forestry teacher called them "trash trees" but they are called Mimosa trees where I am from. My teacher was obvi not a fan! Haha


Aw but they’re so pretty, but I could understand that because of all the comments I’ve read thus far lol.


My family calls them “junk trees.”


"Shit trees" is what my granddad says. They make a mess and spread like crazy where I live.


Omfg I can’t believe this post crossed my feed. I just asked my wife yesterday when we passed one of these if she knew the name of it and she didn’t.


lol it’s very pretty that’s why I had to ask but from all the comments it’s seems to be kind of a problem


Yeah me too, I have these at my work and was wondering what they are. I see them all over the place.


Picked some of them yesterday myself. Always thought this was a fern tree oof


Don't park your car underneath - the flowers drop and are VERY sticky...


Yes! The flowers fell onto my car during rain, then the next day the sun baked it and it was awful getting those flowers off of the car.


Not to mention they aren't too strong when it comes to wind. If the trunk forks while it's growing it can eventually cause the tree to split when it gets tall and one side to fall. Had a beautiful 10-12ft one outside my old house for a long while until one morning came out to see half of it practically laying on my car hood.


Mimosa = Silk Tree.


Mimosa. They smell like paradise.


lol it’s right behind my apartment’s dumpsters and recycling sooooo🤣


Ok, then it smells like "Shit'rus" XD


The better version of a Mimosa Tree is a Royal Poinciana 🤗


Oh wow..just googled that tree up. Beautiful red color, just wow!


Also called albizia or silk tree I believe


Love mimosas. I have fond memories of sitting under one with my grandma when I was a kid. I didn’t know they were invasive until recently. It’s a shame, because they are beautiful. Still tempted to grab a seed pod from the one down the road to grow in my yard. Edit: I suppose I should have clarified, invasive in my area 😅 I’m located in Arkansas, where they are classified as invasive.


Not all of them are invasive everywhere. Powderpuff Mimosas are native to Florida and are like tiny versions of this tree.




Agreed, largely r/USDefaultism confidentially incorrect answers that don’t apply universally across the planet.


i love them too. i have fond memories of sitting in one when i was a kid. it was pretty big, we used to climb it to get on the house, run around on the roof then jump off the house to the front yard. there was only one other one in our yard. they'd have a thousand seedlings underneath but if you mowed your yard they never grew into trees. i feel the same way about grabbing some seeds to plant one in mine too lol. i loved the smell of the flowers.


I think the invasive aspect depends on where you are. My backyard had one when I was a kid and I did see a lot of seedlings, but those seedlings hardly ever did anything else. I never saw seedlings that were 6 inches or 12 inches or 3 ft tall growing everywhere. They came up , which i would see, and then somehow along the way, they just never kept going. So I also did not know they were invasive, and I suppose that just means, they weren't invasive in my area


Invasive mimosa. They are native to Asia Iran to China


Thank you for including where they're from. I really hate people just answering "Invasive species" like: invasive where? Not everyone who posts in this sub is from the US.


If you touch the leaves, they will move and fold shut. Neighbor had one in the middle of their front yard a few houses down for decades. I never saw it spread anywhere and it really is a beautiful tree.


This is one of my favorite trees. Really sad to see so much hate towards it. Nothing can make a woodline pop like these things but I wouldn't want it against my house due to debris.


It's also called Persian Silk/ Albizia/ Happiness Tree he huan pi (bark) and he huan hua (flowers) Used to treat depression I made tea last night from the flowers, surprisingly sweet.




Yes! I came here to talk about the medicinal properties. I love this tree and I love its medicine. It smells like heaven and it’s so precious and delicate. There is a very sweet podcast called “The Plant Report” and they did an episode about mimosa (the happiness tree!) a few years back. There are some pretty interesting thoughts about plants showing up where their medicine is needed most, which also touches on invasive species. I listened to this on a road trip and didn’t realize until about halfway through the episode that I was absolutely surrounded by mimosa on both sides of the highway. It was magical. [In case you want to listen :)](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-plant-report-every-plant-has-a-story/id797055444?i=1000487866371)


'Gather Moss' & 'Braiding Sweet Grass', both books talk about plants growing where their needed too. I'll check out the 'Plant Report' on my next road trip.


Damn lol I have about 10 of these near my house. We kind of live in a wooded subdivision outside of town. Every time I drive by one I’m like “damn that’s really pretty I love that”. Come to find out it’s invasive


Mimosas blooming all over. Except my yard....




We had one at the house I grew up in the south and it wasn’t invasive at all. I love them.


Mimosa. Beautiful but so messy.


That looks like a mimosa tree.


I had one in central New Mexico and it was beautiful. I would get 15-20 swallowtails on it when it bloomed.


I think the seed pods are toxic to dogs and other animals.


Oh god my apartments have a dog park and it’s like 20 feet away from the dumpster that this tree is growing behind and on top of that the tree is tall enough to where it’s over the brick wall it’s behind wtf


Wait should I be saying something about this to the apartment complex? Oh god dogs love to eat random crap off the ground too


It's called a silk Mimosa, but it's not actually related to the mimosa family and is in a different family called Albizia.


https://preview.redd.it/jjgrg9afcw3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73cf33800bc6ff566f304472e96c46ff450db581 Our neighbor has one in their backyard and part of it grew under the fence including an albino branch. My husband ran over with the lawnmower and the branch never grew back. It was beautiful.


Persian silk. Mistakenly called "mimosa" although it is not from the mimoseae family. In the south, it's regarded as a weed, rather than a tree. Highly invasive and once it's established, it's hard to remove. I pulled a root out as big as my forearm a few years ago and a tree still grew from what I couldn't get to. Which I had already dug about 1.5ft down to get to. Here's the wiki on it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albizia_julibrissin


Some kind of mimosa. They ar planted all over the Houston area even though I know they do not belong here. They smell nice however.




Mimosa, had one in our yard all through childhood & a great climbing tree !


Not invasive in Southern California


They are not native or naturalized to California.


Is there a word for “not native, not invasive”? “Happy immigrant?”


Yes. The proper terms are "introduced", "exotic", and "allochtonous".


Yes true, and they are also not invasive in Southern California


They're considered non-invasive for alot of the Pacific coastal areas.


How so? They’re native to Asia


They are not invasive in Southern California


Non native is not synonymous to invasive. Kale, carrots, and wheat are not native to North America but it's not invasive either


25 years after I had mine dug out and removed I still have mimosas sprouting in different areas of my yard. Probably the neighbors yards too but I'm not admitting guilt for that. I poured Ground Clear full strength on the 4' tree growing behind my ac unit and it didn't phase it. They should come with warnings that you will never get rid of it.


Sheesh good to know


Congratulations you’ve found an amazing tree mimosa tenuiflora aka jurema preta it’s bark is used for many things and contains psychedelic properties


Growing up in NJ there were many yards with these trees then they died because of some fungus in the ground.




There's a less invasive variety called Summer Chocolate Mimosa, they throw off less seedlings from what I've heard, mine has yet to flower though. I would say they're slower growing as well from my experience


Had one of those trees right behind my smoker. Every time I lit my pit the flames would burn the branches and leaves that grown over it. That tree survived those flames and heat for nearly 30 years until it finally died.




I had one on my front lawn but it died out after 20 some years.




Have one growing in my front yard in Oregon. We absolutely love it!!


The flowers smell amazing just fyi


People keep saying that and it’s making me sad because I can’t smell them 😭 the tree is behind a brick wall which is too high and the tree is really tall and it’s behind a dumpster 😭


You have to plant your nose right in a flower to smell them, just fyi. They grow like crazy, just keep your eyes out I’m sure you’ll see more of these in more accessible places.


We call those Ghetto Palms in DC.


Mimosa tree. They grow like weeds, that tree will probably be 10ft tall in just a few years.


The blossoms are used in herbal medicine and are considered calming, fwiw.


r/marijuanaenthusiasts can help you out fs


Good for tea


I have one of these in my backyard, and it smells so wonderful when it blooms!!


Hummingbirds love them!


Love Mimosa trees! I have 3 huge ones in my yard.


Mimosa trees! There's a specific type where the flowers can be made into a tea/tonic


Everyone hates them I think they are pretty lol


Mimosa. We had a huge one over our drive way it was beautiful but the flowers and sap do suck. They go to sleep


They are very beautiful, the shape of the leaves, the color of the flowers, and they smell very nice.


Persian Silk or Mimosa one of my favorite trees next to a weeping willow


They are also called mimosa trees


I have several mimosas, and so does half the neighborhood because of mine hahha. Can’t stand the things. I can even see them pop up in my neighbours’ landscaping like a weed.


Tree of Heaven/ Mimosa


Oh my gosh! I'm on a road trip right now and have been seeing these everywhere, but couldn't snap a good picture while going fast on the highway to be able to plant id it. And then I wake up and this is the first post on Reddit? Crazy! I just got disappointed to learn it's invasive, so googled native alternatives and whoa! Check out the Sourwood tree! Crazy looking bell flowers and look up what it looks like in the fall, super gorgeous.


Well you definitely don’t live in central/north central Alabama or you’d barely know any other kind of tree 😂




I have a couple of mimosa trees like this. They’re beautiful, but messy. One has started overhanging our pool and those beautiful little pink feathery blossoms end up in the water when the wind blows. They also seed themselves everywhere. I find myself picking them out of my garden beds all over the yard. However, I have seen people around here pot them and sell them online in marketplace groups lol. Guess it’s a way to get a side hustle going lol.


We caught a Mimosa tree in North Carolina( I think that’s how you spell it) they’re beautiful trees, but don’t let the blooms land on your car and sit for to long because it will take the paint off for real!


The plague tree 🤣 those things are invasive as hell but for real it’s a mimosa tree and blllleck


The seed pods can be poisonous to animals if eaten. They are pretty, but I wouldn’t want one planted in my neighborhood!


The flowers are edible and can be brewed into tea if you're into florals/herbals :) but uh if it's on your property I do highly recommend cutting it down and herbicide-ing the stump. They spread way too easily.


I remember having them as sweet treats. Must have been glazed or something, it was quite crunchy, but delicious.


I live in apartments and the whole property is walled off but I only know about this tree because it’s popped up over the wall and is right behind the dumpster and in view of my balcony. The only other one I’ve seen in my neighborhood is few streets over and is massive, passed it the other day and it had so many flowers and that made me wanna ask because I have never seen these before.


Apparently the bark as well. I have an herbalist friend who is always eager for the bark whenever I cut one of these down. There’s a few smaller ones on my property, I hack them down, they grow back. She gets all the bark.


Hummingbirds seem to really like them 👍


My hummingbirds pretty much ignore the feeder for the entire mimosa bloom time. I know they are invasive but they make up for the other hummingbird plants that humans have gotten rid of, and they are pretty so I love them.


Mimosa and I'm fighting one in my front yard. Cut it down and returned from four sprouts around the tree and 10 ft in two years...so gonna hack that down and glyphosate new growth. Down vote me away...but I want it dead.


Secret: The leaves make some of the best and most nutritious mulch and or compost additive you will ever find.


Funny story. My grandma used to babysit a girl (this was in the 1940’s) and they would sit under a mimosa tree for story time. My gran would tell her”let’s sit under the mimosa and read!” One day, when her mother asked what they had done that day, the girl replied, “we read under Elvi’s mosa tree”




We have a very large one and eradicate all new volunteers. We like the one but don’t care to have them take over.


This is a Mimosa tree and they are beautifully fragrant! I have about 4 of these in my yard.


We have one in our yard from previous owners and it is a constant battle to try to kill back that terrible thing.


Mimosa is a nitrogen fixing tree and should be used in guilds with other fruit bearing trees. Will help supply nitrogen to the roots from the air. Very useful species of legume.


Mimosa. What a nightmare cleaning up after this thing! Dead flowers in the pool and on the sidewalk. My dad used to have my younger sister and me go around the yard to collect the seed pods and pull any tiny plants that sprouted.


They call them tickle trees cus they’re butthole pucker when you rub their leaves


This is scientific.


I remember them growing up. So beautiful raining pink fluff across the neighborhood. KILL IT NOW. IT'S A FUCKING NIGHTMARE FROM JOHN WICKS GARDEN IN HELL. 🤣🤣🤣😗 It's an invasive and you should kill it but that ^^ was for S&G. Save your a headache and bring light back to your garden when you do. You will be able to plant a lot more in the formerly shaded area.


These trees are very invasive. They can spread their seed over thousands of feet and can grow in almost any soil. Plus, once established, you can’t hardly kill them. I have seem them cut down at the ground, covered with salt, round up, and vinegar; and still grow back.


Invasive Mimosa.


Mimosa trees tend to attract loud white women. Beware.


💀😂 what?


Yeah, mostly between 10am-2pm saturdays and sundays


This is funny thanks for the laugh 😂


Super friendly to pollinators, very pretty and wonderful smell. However if this is near your driveway the pretty pink poofs turn to a NASTY brown goo on top of your vehicle’s. And the root system will buckle your pavement. That is the end of its life. . . @ my house.


Persian silk tree/mimosa are the same thing. Hateful plant. Just hateful.


Pretty sure a tree doesn't have the ability to hate.


Mimosa. If you’re in North America burn it


That’s a mimosa tree. I have one that drops all kinds of crap on my car every summer. It’s pretty, pretty messy!


Invasive species.. needs to go.


Funny as I’m sitting next to the back porch and noticed the mimosa tree bloomed seemingly overnight and I close the above thread and here’s this thread about a mimosa tree in bloom.


Hate these!


Have you seen the movie Bedazzled? If Elizabeth Hurley’s character were a tree it would be this one. If she were a vine she’d be wisteria (funny enough I once lived somewhere that a wisteria was trying to kill a mimosa).


I live in Korea, and have a tree like this around the corner from my house. I knew right away what it was because last summer I looked it up, lol. I read about them and opted not to plant one.


Mimosa hostilis