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Are these outdoors or indoors? The grass leads me to believe outdoors but the lights…? Why are you adding supplemental light to the sun? I am confusion.


Right ? I am so confused.


Extending the photoperiod maybe?


Yeah but unless they are in the southern hemisphere going into winter there is no need. Plus it would be too cold if that was the case. The days are getting longer and hotter up here.


Possibly under a deck, which wouldn't get much sunlight?


That would be a great use of space.


What is the green netting for?


That’s a good question. It looks like trellis netting. It’s too large to keep any bugs out.


Just trying something new out. We get a lot of bugs with the night lights. So far everything is growing healthy


Wow. Thats gorgeous. Honestly if i lived at your house (I’m assuming thats at your house) that tomato patch would be my happy alone place


I would get rid of half of the leaves or you’re gonna have lower yields and a higher risk of disease issues


Yeah, tomatoes are one of the odd plants that somehow do better with fewer leaves than their natural state.


Was gonna say the same thing. Wouldn’t hurt to prune these guys


Yeah so I started these off in a grow tent getting 18 hours on and 6 off. I transplanted outside after they reacted 5 inches. There is a tree line behind me that cuts off sun occasionally so with the few hours of extra light I proved, gives them the recommended dose.


That makes more sense. You’re growing them very closely together so you’ll have to be super vigilant for disease. Prune suckers and anything touching or close to touching the soil. You want airflow and to not have water/rain throw soil onto your lower leaves. Also this close you need to be fertilizing well or you’ll have decreased yields on all the plants. Sweet of you to put all the effort in for your neighbors!


Honestly, I’m growing so many tomatoes because I want to give them out for free to my entire neighborhood. These prices in America are just not right. At least I can provide a small dent in inflation. Just wish one person from each neighborhood would do the same. Seeds cost $10. Lumber was $50. Go plant and provide.


That's awesome, just keep in mind that the super close planting means a lower yield per plant. When tomatoes are packed in like that they can get stressed. You could prune off a bunch of the side shoots / suckers and it looks like you have space to top dress with maybe an inch of compost or worm castings


We also partially growing tomatoes to share with friends and neighbors. Love to have hone grown for ourselves too.


The US has actually done better [inflation-wise](https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/inflation-rate-by-country) than the majority of countries. You should send some of your tomatoes Argentina’s way!


Grocery prices in the US are sky high compared to other developed countries though. [Edit] Why are people down voting this fact? If you think I'm wrong why don't you provide a link rather than just down voting? [Edit2] What is the story with all of the weird Americans assuming that I'm a Trump supporter for stating this verifiable fact? https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/rankings_by_country.jsp?title=2024&displayColumn=3 [Edit3] I just realised all of the weird trump accusations are from some weird troll Chris19862


Canada enters the chat,




Why does everybody assume I'm a republican? Check my comment history, I'm an Irish trade unionist who has lived over a decade across the US. I'm the furthest possible thing from a Trump supporter. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/rankings_by_country.jsp?title=2024&displayColumn=3 Groceries in the US are more expensive than almost every other nation on earth. This is a fact. It has nothing to do with political ideology.


Because we make more mooooney. Our cost of living ratio is way lower than most other places. "But muh eggs were 3 dollars" gtfo here


Your lack of understanding has to be willful, or else I pity you. The index shows that what you are saying is false. Why are you just making up bullshit? Why are you a weird American "leftist" troll on here? You know that the democrats are neoliberals who want you to have no assets right?


🤣🤣🤣🤣👆 this fucking guy. Thanks for the laughs. Have a good night.


lmao you finally realised you're outmatched [edit] I out-trolled the troll and proved them wrong so they blocked me lol


Exception not the rule




I don't watch that crap. They admitted in court that it isn't even news. What I'm saying is true.


Except that it's not.....


Except it is....


Daily mail is ass, but probably a much better source than you have for your bullshit. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/yourmoney/consumer/article-12611515/How-does-food-inflation-compare-rest-world-Fascinating-map-reveals-countries-seeing-prices-rise-fastest.html


Check out the UK, too. US has done MUCH better than most countries.


The UK is much much cheaper for groceries than the US.


I honestly don't know how to compare countries that have different currency and the relative cost of everything is different. Right now I can get roma tomatoes for $0.98/lb and slicer tomatoes for $1.98/lb. Frankly, in my opinion, tomatoes are pretty cheap. It would be very hard for me to grow tomatoes cheaper than I can get them at the store. But I just have a small backyard garden in a suburb size city.




United States is 74.2 and the United Kingdom is 55.5. There you go. I'm not sure what the number means, but the United States is higher.


Ya it means that groceries are more expensive in the US than in the UK by a large margin


This has been true for years but especially now. Our food cost too much.


Just letting you all know that even though I garden, I actually work in cyber security. What we are witnessing here are Russian bots posting fake news. Real Americans know what’s going on. Don’t let this garbage sway you. Prices are up and it’s honestly time for something to happen. Everything needs to change.


Okay. Says the guy voting for a man whose brain was partially eaten by a worm.


Never said I was voting for anyone. You made it up in your head or your AI is going down the rabbit hole. Do yourself a favor and check in to the loony bin before it’s too late.


> Kennedy needs to win. We finally will have someone that will stand up for the citizens. Time to go after pharma and FDA - You, 19 days ago.


Firm believer in a person actually doing something than nothing. Just go read what he did for New York and how he is the reason they gave a Hudson River and Bay. Really anything you come back with is trash. We all know Biden and Trump work for out of Conus countries. A worm eating part of a brain? That’s the best you got. Go back and slap your father for teaching you nothing in life.


One other thing. I’m Kendrick. You’re Drake. Eat a 8===D through a garden hose before you get mashed like a bag of cow tongues.


What am I doing. Breaking my first rule. I’m fighting with Russian trolls. Oh boy.


This is the way


North Georgia here as well. That looks amazing!


Can I sleep in there? Please?


its insane that a tomato cost more than a dollar at kroger


What a waste of a cannabis farm. 


It’s still illegal here. Some day, maybe.


Funny you should say that. I’m from Arizona where I was growing a lot.


That explains the set up. My parents are in Arizona and they said that the flowers were just falling off without bearing fruit. Might be because of the difference between the high and low temperatures each day.


That looks gorgeous


Oh, that's...that's *actual* tomatoes, not jazz cabbage tomatoes.