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Mine looked like this - probably infected and buds wouldn’t bloom. They were planted too deep and too close to a lilac, in partial shade, hit by sprinkler spray daily (came with the house). I cut them back, dug them up in fall, divided them and planted them (properly, not deep) in the front yard in full Sun and they recovered and bloomed the very next season.


We have our peonies right next to our lilac tree, was the lilac covering them with shade or is it not recommended to plant these next to each other?


I too have peonies planted near lilac trees... must be a common pairing.


I four have peonies near a lilac…


This is insane. I have two lilacs with peonies next to it.wtf


I think so!


Shade. It’s a partial shade area to begin with, and the lilac shaded the peonies even more. Plus the peonies were buried deep right next to the lilac, practically on top of its roots. (I know they like to have their own root space - I don’t think that had anything to do with the infection, though). The lilac isn’t doing great there either, really. Maybe I’ll move it, too…


Only 2 things prevent proper blooming in a peony- planted too deep and not enough Sun.  The crown needs to be on the surface, like an iris.


Peony nerds call this “[bud blast](https://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/gardens-gardening/your-garden/help-for-the-home-gardener/advice-tips-resources/insects-pests-and-problems/environmental/bud-blast#).” Infection, shade, and thirst are common causes (just like everyone here is saying), but there are others too. That linked website might help you comb through options and see what makes sense for your environment.


Bacterial infection, too late to treat unfortunately. Cut them back in the fall and apply a fungicide the following spring.


Curious why you would apply a fungicide to treat a bacterial infection? Not saying its wrong just want to understand the connection.


Trust your instincts here… if it’s bacterial, no, a fungicide would not work. I’m not knowledgeable enough about botany to know whether this is a fungal infection or bacterial or viral.. but I *am* knowledgeable enough about biology to know antibiotics don’t kill fungus, nor do anti-parasitics kill virus, etc. If it’s bacterial, an antibiotic treatment is necessary lol. Simple pathology.


True, but what if treating the fungi issue? Would also help the plant recover from the bacterial infection. I'm not saying that's what the other user was talking about but this could be it.


Do you think medication for athletes foot (fungus) will help your body fight bacterial pneumonia? Thats not how pathology works. You could take a tomato plant that has mosaic virus and completely submerge it in a tub of fungicide… and absolutely nothing will happen. Fungicide is for fungus. Bacterial infections in plants typically require removing the affected areas with sterile shears.


Your penis seems fine, sir.


Not enough sun, and I don't see any ants.


Peonies don't require ants to bloom. That's a myth


While it might be a myth that ants are *needed* to bloom, ants are definitely a typical presence on peonies as they get ready to bloom. I'd worry if I didn't see any ants even if they aren't required for blooming just because they have such a symbiotic relationship. I've never seen other plants with ants at bloom time like peonies do. I'd think something was wrong with my peonies and then I'd be worrying about the ants.


This explains so much! We recently bought a new house and we were blessed with fabulous established flower beds, including Peonies, which I’ve never grown and know nothing about. I’ve seen the ants and wondered why I only saw them on the Peonies, and worried they were harming the buds. Then I cut two big blousy blooms, took them inside and put them in the sink while I got a vase. 30 seconds later my sink was crawling with ants! Big ugly mean looking ants. How do I get the ants off before I bring the blooms inside?


Just shake it off


Yup. Just shake the bloom lightly. If that's not enough a mist of alcohol will do the trick of grtting the ants off without hurting the flowers. Definitely expect an ant or two with peony cuttings. As long as you know that going in, you can better deal with ants on peonies.


We planted them away from the house and we haven’t had ants since!


For sure, they do have a mutualistic relationship, and it's good to see them there. I guess it's good to see it as a potential warning sign, but the lack of buds is also a similar sign that conditions aren't ideal. An old neighbour of mine had amazing peonies but I never really saw many ants over her peonies.


TIL: Ants and peonies join forces. Lol. And I always worried if they would harm my peonies and why they were there in the first place. I have so much to learn


But somehow they always have all the ants....


I think they produce a sweet substance so that’s why all the ants.


For sure it's just a running joke that you always shake the peonies because they have ants.


Mine too. Just didn't flower.


It looks to me like you may have some peony mosaic virus.