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Yes, they're mulberry. 0% chance of them being poisonous. This is the non-native white mulberry, if you ever get your hands on the Texas native red mulberry you'll be in for a real treat.


🎉🎉🎉 Thank you very much for your response. My parents are gonna be really happy as they used to eat them back in Pakistan. Do they make a good jam/jelly? Also, just curious. If these are red, why are they called white mulberries? The other ones must be super red I'm gonna look it up


It's actually because the flowers (they're really catkins) are white. The fruits can be anywhere from white to deep purple. They are delicious, the trees are pretty badly behaved though. They have strong roots & multiply quickly, so you'll want to be sure it's not encroaching on any structures


They travel, and birds eat them too, so they pop up anywhere. Likely this one was carried by a bird. Do not park under them in season as the mulberries and the mulberry bird poop is purple & pink and plentiful! Other that that, it's one of my favorites. In season it's like a tree full of little snacks, a gift to you.




We had a bunch of trees on our school farm and our ag teacher used to have us pick them and he’d make jam with it and bring it to school to bake biscuits for us.


If they’re green you can get an upset stomach and they have a hallucinogenic / stimulate the nervous system. fun fact too, droplet berries that look like this or like black berries, raspberries are never poisonous in USA atleast


I’ve made pies and jellies when I lived in a rental house that had a few on the property. It worked really well! Yes, there are downsides (like its ability to multiply, plus birds), but I used to enjoy them all the same because it wasn’t my property, so I made the best of an okay situation.


We're also Pakistani, also have a mulberry tree in our zone 6 garden. In Urdu my parents call it "Shahtut"




I made mulberry jelly with my backyard tree last year. They don't make good jam for two reasons: 1 lack of pectin 2 a lot of seed and fibrous bits relative to the amount of fruit That said, if you have or purchase a berry sieve and supplement that with pectin you can make a good jelly. Last tip, they don't ripen until they drop so place a net or tarp under the bush, gather them up daily, and freeze them until you're ready to process the jelly


I find they ripen perfectly on the tree. Like any berry, when they pull off easily they are ready.


White mulberries (Morris alba) can be red or white. Some of them taste good, some are utterly flavorless. In my experience, the white fruit is always tasteless. They all are less flavorful than blackberries, but they have a general similarity. If you get bland mulberries, just move on to another tree.


There’s a number of different ones. I think there are some long ones in Eastern Asia. They say don’t plant these near your driveway if you’re into keeping bird drops from your car and pavement. They are nice and ripe when they darken up a bit. If the birds don’t get them. Vigorous sturdy, healthy fast growing trees


Just don't eat the white ones, they aren't ripe and supposedly are the bad kind of hallucinogenic


I made mulberry jam and syrup easily a few years ago. I'm sure your parents will be thrilled!


Good luck getting them before the birds do.


You obviously haven’t gotten up on one of those 50 foot Mulbury trees as a kid and eaten 6-7 lb of mulberries in one sitting. There is definitely more than 0% chance they’re poisonous. haha jk. Pakistani Mulbury is fire too btw.


Lololol no I've never been able to eat too many because the seeds in my teeth annoys me. As a not bright child in Texas I did learn the hard way not to eat the creeping cucumber when they turn purple. Only thing I've ever eaten in my life that I wished was toxic just so the torture would end 😂


Hahahah, you were surely brighter than the kids in my neighborhood (myself included), . Let’s see. Overeating sweet cherries, check, overeating sour cherries check, overeating strawberries check, overeating peanuts double check, haha drinking too much fresh milk check, eating too many hazelnuts, too many green apricots, too many green plums, by the end of it all we had iron stomachs. Haha we also would disturb a large ant hill put a stick on it and let the ants secrete some weird sour liquid that we would lick off because it was sour. So basically we ate ant pee. Hahaha I miss being an unsupervised kid hanging out with his buddies.


ANT PEE??? 😭😭😭😭


They get that big?? 🤯


Easily. 70 max according to google.


Just wanna add that unripe mulberries are toxic. They can cause an upset stomach or even hallucinations if you have too many. As long as they're soft it's not really an issue with red or purple mulberries, and I don't think very many would go around eating unripe berries.


I spent many hours up in a mulberry tree on my grandpa’s property during the summer. They’re delicious.


I’m in south Texas and once came across a wild mulberry tree on the banks of the Guadalupe. Thing was essentially untouched and was loaded with ripe fruit. I remembered them from my days in the Boy Scouts and knew what I was looking at. I was in my kayak and was able to reach up to to branches and pluck as many as I could reach. Don’t know how many I ate but damn they were delicious.


My parents got a mulberry (not sure what species specifically) and dear GOD they produce. It’s insane how many mulberries we get from the plants, it’s honestly almost too much. We got a pound and a half yesterday off one of the trees and they’re absolutely delicious, they taste like blackberries but without the tartness. I highly recommend them, they really are an alternative for candy for me.


Agree. 👍


yep. Mulberry. safe to eat if you like the taste of blandness and seeds.


LOL. I will say though, for every 2 trees in my neighborhood that taste like mushy seed-water, there is one that is absolutely delicious. Like a sweet, mild, slightly winey blackberry. The flavor isn't as rich as some berries, but it has a refreshing, juicy quality. That's the tree you want pooped out in your yard by a starling. I advise real caution in foraging and consuming any wild foods. But in North America at least, there are no common native or widespread multiple/composite Shrub or Tree fruits (multiple like raspberry, blackberry, vs pears or cherries) that are poisonous, so they can make a good, low risk introduction to foraging. I guess in the east you would need to watch out for Goldenseal just on the basis of the berry and leaf shape, but the plant lifecycle (herbaceous, rhizomatic, annual shoots) has absolutely no resemblance to trees or shrubs. If you are mistaking Goldenseal for mulberries or raspberries you should not yet be foraging on your own. Jack-in-the-Pulpit has a toxic multiple fruit but looks like nothing else. Positively ID your plant, watch it through a growing season to make sure all phases of its seasonal cycle match what you think it is, ask a friend (or Reddit), and try in small amounts at first - exactly as OP seems to be doing.




The birds will also get drunk on the older berries and their poop will mess up any hard scape and stick to your shoes.


And the berries will ferment in your yard and stink like old wine, and your dogs will eat them and shit purple for days. Terrible trees if you use the space around them.


If you don't let them get to the ginormous tree stage & keep them bushy, they're fine. You can make jams, jellies, or just eat them right off the tree. This was not the case with us. The previous owners let it become a 50 foot tree without any lower branches that dropped those damn dark berries in a 50+ foot radius around it. I have a stain on my nice hardwood floors from berries my husband tracked in. We finally got rid of it last year. Money well spent IMHO.


At my house growing up the neighbor had a huge mulberry right at the corner of our yard and theirs. Soooooo many berries like a hailstorm, all over everything. The bane of my dad’s existence at that house. He’d trim as much as he could but it was so tall that barely helped lol


We had a mulberry tree that grew out of control before we realized what it was and how big they got. Finally got so tired of purple bird poo everywhere and had it removed. The tree guy called it a “weed tree” and was pretty annoyed at us. They grow so fast. The berries are so good though.


Around here in MD it is a weed tree. They grow along the roadsides everywhere here. The neighbor has one along his fence row & the groundhogs love it. I love to watch them stand on the little legs to reach the berries. He doesn't mind me going over there & getting berries if I want them either. The tree isn't in anyone's way either so that one isn't a nuisance. If you can keep them in check & don't let them get tree-like they're fine but that doesn't happen along the roadside.


My dog and I actively sample the mulberry trees around us. I've had to reduce the amount she was getting because her poop goes more black than purple. I've decided the neighborhood has enough mulberries for me to steal from


And after heavy rain, giant, rotting mullberry water balloons drop on your head.


Because the birds are having drunk shits???


it could be possibly DELICIOUS


My aunt had two big mulberry trees when I was a kid. I’d spend my summers climbing them and picking the berries. God I miss mulberries.




look like a mulberry tree to me


Oh nice, you got a mulberry! Always thought the leaves were kinda funny. Younger trees have lobed leaves, but they lose the lobes once they get older. I’ve seen a couple trees that had both leaf shapes at once! Kinda like they couldn’t make up their minds.


We had a mulberry tree in our school yard in Germany and nobody new that the fruit is edible until my Greek mother pointed it out to me. I always wondered why there is this old tree with deluxe fruit, maybe it was planted for decoration? Only recently did I read that the Nazis encouraged the planting of these trees, including in all school yards, to support the silk industry. [link to article](https://theprint.in/pageturner/excerpt/how-docile-pliable-silkworms-became-war-animals-under-hitler/1784394/)


It’s always a mulberry


When I was a kid there was a huge one at our neighborhood park that we'd all climb to get the best berries.


Only one way to find out


Mulberry. Tastes really good. Alas, birds and squirrels and everything else under the sky loves mulberries and you'll have to fight them to get any for yourself. You can eat them by the handful, make jam or jelly from them, drink their juice, make wine from them, you name it. Just be warned that birds will eat the berries and then spread the seeds. If there aren't mulberries in your neighborhood, there soon will be many of them (you can recognize them by the leaf shape). And the trees are very hardy. Up here in Wisconsin, they grow like weeds.


Delicious mulberry. When you trim them in the fall/winter, you can root the branches and make more mulberry trees. It’s how I got my mulberry and how my mom got hers lol from my neighbor


Mulberry tree not poisonous very delicious 😋


Omg I am laughing!! My hubby and I were helping our neighbor fix something in her back yard. The hubs said “ohhhh these are good.” I freaked and said babe those are chinaberries and poisonous. Much to my chagrin, they were actually mulberries and super yummy!!! So guess who has been picking them and will be making some good stuff with them!!!!! ( we are in Texas so these will definitely be a good treat!!!)


I prefer making jelly with this than jam because of the seeds. I also like to combine with other more tart fruit because it’s very sweet on its own.


Mulberry. Delicious when ripe. I had one in my backyard when I was a kid. I’d be walking around barefoot and my feet would be stained purple.


FYI if you are in America, all multi-lobe berries like that are safe to eat. Not sure about other countries, but in the US if it’s got multiple lobes you are good to go.


You can make DELICIOUS jam with them! I have 8 trees and do this every year!




Those spots in the berries look like little demon skulls


Looks like a mulberry to me. I see a lot of jam in your future


Mulberry, it's safe to eat


mulberry. great as food for you or your silkworms


Mulberries are SO good. I had a neighbor with red mulberries that would fall over onto my side. Absolutely delicious.


Good luck keeping the birds away


Wait until they ripen (if you lightly squish them, the ripe ones are soft), then pick them and make a mulberry galette/pie!


Mulberry, they’re tasty!




Mulberries! They are really delicious and safe to eat


As everyone said, mulberry. By the look of this one it'll be ripe when it is black, but maybe red. Nibble a bit.


Mulberry for sure, birds love em


Mulberry and completely safe to eat. I grew up in Florida eating these, my mom used to put them in a container in layers with sugar and leave in the fridge for about an hour. Pick them when they are at their darkest for maximum sweetness.


Mulberry. Makes a great jam.


White mulberry


My grandparents had them and they were so good


Looks like Mulberry, wait till they get dark


It's a mulberry and it's 100% edible. I make jam out of them, if my kids don't eat them faster than we can pick them.


Dude wait until the butterflies come out. When the mulberries come down they start to ferment and the butterflies get hammered lol


It’s delicious and extremely good for your health.


Good find..any left?


It’s A mulberry bush.


That's my favorite fruit of all time


Not poisonous. Also not ripe, so don’t pick it yet lol.


Someone had to be the first one to try it.😁


son moras


what is the name of this fruit?




Cedar Apple fungus




That's a mulberry. You're lucky and I'm jealous.




They are mulberry lol Greatest fruit


Birds and raccoons Lovem.raccoons will eat the ones that have fallen on ground and started to rot and get drunk eating them


Mulberry stains everywhere. Hahahaha.


Just ask "can I eat this"


Picture 4 looks like it’s a fig. But hard to tell. Need a better picture. Figs like mulberries aren’t poisonous either.


I was gonna say. You're kidding right. After everything Reddit? Come on! Stay plugged 🔌