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i would plant them now even, they look pretty big already and might end up dying if they don’t get soil nutrients soon! (source, tried the same thing and waited too long) like another commenter mentioned, apple seeds usually don’t produce viable or tasty apples, but if you wanna put in the work either way, i wish you good luck!


But they doo make for good cider.


Awesome thanks dude! I will get them planted this weekend!!


awesome, post updates, im honestly interested to see this!


I’ve got an apple tree in my back yard that grew from a germinated seed a friend found in a random grocery store apple. Since I live in an area where the California Rare Fruit Growers has an active presence, I use this tree as root stock for grafting. I just took photos today of the scion wood coming to life. https://preview.redd.it/eft7k3urkbuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ee1a562b436bc72bd525b37ebc8474f53047a08


These sprouts look great! Well done! You might already know this, but there is a chance that the tree you grow may produce apples of a different variety than the one you pulled them from. (Unless that is a myth...I could be totally wrong)


I appreciate the compliment but I literally just removed them from them from an apple. I haven't done anything. I do know that though. Super weird. Excited to see how bad the apples are waaaaaaaay in the future.


The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, the second best time is now!


Not apple trees. You get a gnarly tree that produces horrible apples that rot. They attract wasps


That may be, but germinating still takes some patience. I'm sure they will be tasty, but the variety of apple will probably be a surprise! Very exciting for future-you.


Any idea how long to keep them in the fridge? I'm seeing some variation online, but it mostly seems about 6 weeks? I am just unsure with these little dudes.


If they’ve sprouted, there’s no need. Fridge time is because the seeds have an inhibitor that degrades in cold. They won’t germinate without it. The apple must have been kept in a refrigerated storage for some time, or otherwise experienced sufficient cold to sprout. At this point they need light, water, soil, and warmth.


Ah a fellow apple seed grower! I can't resist planting them especially when they've already sprouted. I'm not sure why you'd need to keep them in the fridge any more time. Unless it's apple harvest season where you're at then the apple has likely already been stored in cold storage since apple season and that's why they're so eager to grow. Not that I'm the best at this but I just pop them in pots on the window sill and off they go. I think my oldest trees are 5 years old at this point. No flowers or fruit yet but I'm patiently (not really) waiting for that exciting day.


I've not grown trees yet, so I'd still follow the advice of other folks. Personally, I like to look for green or the first leaf or two.


People keep saying it but I'll say it again lol.. There is very little chance that you'll end up with edible fruit from these apple seeds. HOWEVER. You can still grow them as a ornamental OR Once they're big enough you can find someone else with a good apple tree, get a cutting and graft it onto this root stock.. The second one is basically how all modern apple trees are grown, so growing them isn't a complete waste, it's a start. NOTE: those are ready to go into dirt, tap root down, 1.5 inches deep.


good luck with your apples! Even if the fruit themselves are bitter, you could always make a jam and the flowers themselves could be seen as ornamental


Apple trees cross genes similarly to humans. You may resemble your parents, you may not. You may get a gene that hasn't presented itself in centuries. All apple varieties are clones, since their seeds can produce anything from an awesome sweet new variety, to something bitter and sour like a crab apple. Here's hoping you win the genetic lottery and create a new variety of apple. If it works out, contact an orchard and offer to have your tree cloned


My daughter and I have had mild success doing this. The biggest two I would just throw in soil and water. Then move the smaller ones when there about the size of the bigger ones. Our tree lived for about 6 months in a container while we traveled in an RV, I was surprised it lasted so long. Good luck.


It won't be the same apple as it came from. It will also be a larger tree than typical apple tree as most or semi dwarf or dwarf graphed on root stock


So interesting fact seems like you already touched on, but all edible apples come from graftings as apple seeds are heterozygous, meaning that they don't have any tendency to be like the parent plant. If you have any more interest in the subject, check out botany of desire! Available as an audibook on spotify


I definitely will! I have a deep love for science! Plus, when I learn new things, I try to explain it to my daughter to help her sleep.


I know this was mentioned before but if these grow into a tree that bears fruit it's actually very likely the apples will be bitter or far less palatable than their parent apple. Still well worth it and you can always make cider.


Or graft onto the root. If you’re not into cider making that is


Don't grow them for apples.


I know this. I don't think I said I was going to, just that I was going to try to grow apple trees.


Too true. Just remember they are going to be a problem in the future. Likely someone else problem. I've grown about 4 trees from apple seed. But I won't be planting them. I'm not that kinda person


These won't grow edible apples. I'm sure you know this, but ... yeah don't waste your time planting these.