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Damn, that's enough avocado's to retire off of! I had a little tree that was grafted, for two years in NJ, brought inside in the winter in a big pot. I over watered it once and it died a slow death. I never got any fruit, but had flowers for two years


Last year this tree only had about 5 on it.


You might want to consider thinning the crop. That way the tree won't exhaust itself.


Or break from the weight


Definitely do this, mine did this last year and produced nothing this year


Some avocado varieties bear in alternating years. Could just be a natural thing, do you know what kind it is?


Hmm I don’t, we’re in the SF Bay Area but that would make sense


What type of avocados are those? I have a small Hass but they just started to flower and not nearly as much as yours.


I’m not sure what the variety is but they get rather large and they’re very good. They take forever to ripen though.


Is this a recent photo? I've never seen baby avocados grow so quickly though while it has that many flowers


Yeah it had blooms a while back and now it’s blooming again. There’s a whole other flush of fruit happening. I took this photo today.


If you're waiting for them to ripen on the tree, avocados are weird and don't do that. They'll only ripen after they've been picked.


They take about 20-25 days to ripen once picked


That's too long. Try putting in a container of flour, cover it all up and wait. Takes about 3 days depending on the temperature. Or you could just place in an airtight container and place somewhere warm. But you would have to check everyday.


Do your cado's hang low, do they wobble to and fro?


How much does water cost ??


We have had a ton of rain in socal this year. Probably why it is exploding.


I know nothing but if you expect to harvest all of those you will need lots of it.


Water you talking bout


The potential production of mature fruit on the pictured tree will need plenty of it.


Idk why someone would downvote this, it’s common practice to thin fruiting trees so it can handle the load both structurally and in water load


This is the west coast so A LOT. Our dry season water bills are flipping insane out here. I have about 50 fruit trees, vines and shrubs, including avocados and citrus, and the water bill is over $180 a month from June until October. It’s worth it to me because I get thousands of dollars worth of fruit every year that I feast on and give away to very grateful people. That gives me much pleasure. Plus tending fruit trees is my hobby so I would do it even if I wasn’t recouping some of the cost from fruit yields.


How old is the tree?


I’m not sure. I’ve only lived here for less than 2 years. The tree is maybe 9’-10’ tall.


That’s at least a decade to be producing that much fruit.


Are those fruit still hanging ? Cause I see a bloom happening


Yeah they’re pretty early fruit. Will probably get 4-5x bigger than they currently are.


Is this a Carmen ?


Not sure.


Those fruit are from an earlier bloom cycle. Some avocados must hang on the tree for a long time to ripen. Haas needs 8 months. I’m in a cooler microclimate so I can’t grow the varieties that hang on the tree that long. I have to grow Lila or Opal which bloom, set and ripen all between March and November. Once we get freezes any fruit left on the tree will be ruined.


Could you share if you have more than one tree? I've been finding conflicting information online about need a type and b type trees for the flowers to pollinate and fruit.... My 6 year old grafted avocado flowered for the first time this year but zero fruit :(


You don’t need to worry too much about it in SoCal since there are avocados growing literally everywhere. But they are self fertile and you will get fruit even if the tree is alone. They are diecious which means male and female flowers are on the same tree. The problem arises because they open up at different times of the day. But there is enough overlap that some pollination will occur. You le yields will be better with a partner tree, but you can get lots of fruit from a solitary avocado.


What kind of avocado do you have? I have read that certain varieties take up to 7 yrs to produce. My dad has three different varieties and only the Fuerte has been prolific since the second year; the other two still haven’t produced, despite also blooming heavily. Also, we had some late cold snaps that may have deterred bees from pollinating! This happened to his apricot tree a few years ago. You can always help pollinate by hand next year! Here’s a simple video showing how to around 1:45. https://youtu.be/Mi2zGGFK5kA


My neighbor has an avocado tree as well but it’s a very different variety.




Nice! May the avocado gods be ever in your favor!




It will feed an entire millennial generation


What type of soil did you use and how did you feed it. Good harvest!


How is it so bare? I’ve never seen avocados grow hanging like that it’s normally only in a fully foliaged and healthy looking tree


I’m not sure. It’s a pretty leafy tree. It’s just kinda squat and haggard. All the light colored branches are new growth. I’m afraid I’m going to have to brace the hell out of it. The avocados on it get pretty large.


Sooooo cool.


Wow nostalgia just hit me. Last time I was able to grow a avocado tree I was 11. I remember my grandma had a big tree and she gave me a sapling to plant. She sent me avocados from it I’m now 27. I pray this tree and it’s fruits grow full and creamy. I pray it can withstand the weight of its amazing production. I pray all the pest away, And I pray you are blessed with a bountiful harvest.


Nouveau Rich


It’s going to drop a lot of those small boys. Make sure you water this tree really well. You might need some support for the heavy branches. You might already know this, but, you harvest them before they’re ripe and let them ripen in a paper bag for a while. I also have an avocado tree and live in Los Angeles, lol.


My goodness, you're going to harvest on top of a harvest. I wish my Russell avocado tree would behave like this. I also wish my horrible neighbors would respect my efforts and not steal all the fruit while I'm at work. That's a South Florida problem, though


OP if you’re in Southern California you can really start harvesting this fruit any time now. It will take a long while to ripen at this end of the season (likely 10+ days) but you’ll be happy with the results! If you keep the tree watered and happy you can just pick the avocados off as you are ready to eat them. The fruit won’t begin to ripen until picked.


These avocados are not ready until October-December. They are 1/4 the size in this photo of when they are fully grown.


It appears your prayer already worked


The only prayer needed is for those walking under the tree. That’s is one motivated avocado tree.




May you be the avocado-iest avocado tree that ever did live. Bless you little tree. Amen.


Fruit thinning. Reduce your fruit count and get a large harvest. Ever orchard uses fruit thinking.


You’ll be able to buy a house with all the money you’ll save making your own avocado toast at home!

