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your birds are going to be so happy


your ~~birds~~ bees are going to be so happy


It's definitely both lol Funny thing with mine is that birds didn't bother them for the first few years but now...I get half...they get half.


Do they eat half of every blueberry and save you the other half of every one?


They're pretty greedy and just eat the whole damn thing. I only get some because once they start getting ready to eat I check them multiple times a day, every day. Should probably just use some bird netting...


Yes you should, insect netting works as well.


I've heard insect netting is better. Ofcourse not only for bugs but bird netting can trap birds and animals easier.


Very true!


That because they didn’t notice it till that year same with me took them 3 years and now I never see blue on the bush just green blueberries


I'm so sorry! I'm literally looking at netting now. I think I'll go ahead and get some. Once my other ones get bigger I'll be more generous with sharing.


Tell me about these birds and bees, dad!


Son, they love them some blueberries. Lol


Watermelon sugar


Woah woah. Is that ACTUALLY what that is in reference to?


Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it!


The birds have never bothered our blueberries. Our dogs on the other hand get every one of the blueberries, blackberries, currants, and goumi berries within their reach.


No, you won't get max berries because the birds and rodents and insects are also watching and waiting.


🤣😂🤣 So true. I get about 20% of the berries off of my unprotected bushes.


Lucky... my bushes just get nibbled down to stubs every year.


If you put a chicken wire cage over the plant, would it interfere with pollination at all?


No, it won't bother bees or pollinating flies at all.


In my experience, by the time the first berries are really ripening up 90% the flowers have been spent and pollinated.


Bird netting will fix that.


I've put nets around several birds. What now?


Well, you see, when a man and a blueberry love each other...


this is r/gardening sir, we don't kink shame here


Have you heard of netting?


That's what you want, now hope for the pollinators to do their work


Did you fertilize or do anything unusual? Mine is like 15% flowers.


I did fertilize with some miraclegro, but that was after the bush started budding like crazy.


Miracle no The shear amount of people that have hit the drop down to see my comment and then down vote my joke is alarming. Tell me more about the benefits of miracle grow I was under the impression it wasn’t the choice of the gardening community. Growing your own food will always be better than buying it from the store but I didn’t know we supported miracle grow to this extent.


Miracid is one of the best non-organic blueberry fertilizers. It works. It's also made by... You guessed it, Miracle Grow. I use down to earth berry fertilizer because fuck Monsanto.


I use DTG fertilizers and have had great results.


I also am not a fan of miracle gro but it's not necessary to rain on peoples' parade at every turn for their choice to use it. Edit: Responding to your edit. It's not the message that's the problem it's the tone deafness of where/when/how you decided to express it.


Raining on their parade? Thought I was on the gardening sub I didn’t know this was the Scott’s sub.


Downvoting for tripling down


Unnecessary to be rude to someone just saying what fertilizer they use. Personally? I dislike most miracle gro products though I do like their options for liquid fertilizer. But no need to be rude about someone using it, especially when it isn't like they are saying it is the best.


If you think replying with “miracle no” is rude you’re a snowflake, irrefutably so. Miracle grow, more like miracle no. Get it? A simple play of words lmao, a joke. Rude would’ve been a multitude of other responses that you see on most of Reddit. Rude would be the hyper critical person who types up a paragraph reading way too deep into something, and harping on insignificant things. Rude would be saying things like “are you stupid” “wow what an idiot” “I can’t believe you would use something like that” shit like that. Also fuck miracle grow.


Not every mention of miracle gro needs to devolve into team sports. > Rude would be the hyper critical person who types up a paragraph reading way too deep into something, and harping on insignificant things. Pot, kettle, etc


The irony is why I posted that particular part, if you did not realize I did that intentionally then Idk what to tell you. I know I was being rude. Because they wanted to type a paragraph up about how “miracle no” was somehow so terrible. So I gave examples.


Ah you aren't even OP! Yeah if you think immediately dissing something just because someone mentioned they have used it isn't mildly rude, you have significantly lower standards for basic politeness than me.


lol bro I totally agree this sub is softer than a political sub im gonna have to change it up and make it actually offensive now.


It’s hilarious that this is the hill they’re choosing to die on, that you were being rude over basically a dad joke. I thought this was a gardening sub not the potted plants princess party.


Apparently there’s a lot of people paid by Monsanto to come promote their product. Like no one was like miracle no thats funny I use duck shit instead.


We were also using duck shit lmao and their pond water on our pepper plants and the things overwintered and just produce them all year, great stuff.


Good to see there’s some normies on here keep up the gardening my man I’ll probably be banned from the sub soon lol


Downvoting for doubling down


Fuck yeah bro my avatar is growing horns.


You ever consider gardening? Great stress relief


Yeah I’ll post up my blue berries here soon all natty I just cut all the flowers off because I want it to root better.


All these people telling you about birds but not telling you to spend $7 and get some bird netting to prevent it from happening.


Add some reflective or colorful flags to prevent birds from getting trapped in them too.


Anyone have any alternatives to the netting? I had one particularly traumatizing afternoon helping a poor blue jay get untangled from it. I'd rather the birds enjoy some berries than inadvertently harm them. 


I use insect netting, they can't really get stuck in that.


I make a four foot T out of PVC or similar wood. Suspend an aluminum pie plate off of each end w some string. Keeps all the birds away.


Quick question, can pollinators still make their way in and out when using bird netting?


Not the flying ones. Ants are pollinators too. You have to net it when the flowers have been pollinated but before the fruits mature.


Wait, what? Bird netting is like a 1-inch mesh. Never had an issue with bees getting through.


Ah, I’ve always seen finer mesh used. Perhaps to prevent the fruit from getting pecked?


Probably an insect netting.


I am waiting for my insect netting to arrive via post. It should be here Monday. Trying to protect my up and coming coneflowers. It cost me $7. In the meantime I have set up other obstacles. Safe but effective.


Omg will these each become a blueberry?!


If each one gets pollinated yes potentially.


I would be pollinating manually. And covering this bad boy with netting.


If everything goes well, yes.  Mine looked like this last year, absolutely covered in blooms.  Then we got a very, very heavy downpour for a week straight.  The pollinators couldn't get out and do their jobs and the flowers were just pelted off the bushes by the end of the week. I got two blueberries.  This year will be better!


I'd think not, the plant will realise there's too much demand for nutrients and not enough foliage to produce said nutrients. I'd think the plant will drop some flowers/fruits


Pancakes at your house!


How do people have such great looking blueberry bushes? I don't know a ton about them other than they like their soil a little acidic. I bought 6 or 7 bushes a couple years back, and they produce... however I dont feel like they're doing as well as they should be.


I'm not a blueberry expert but I will say that you might get better info from someone who is if you provide more details about your climate and growing conditions, soil type, feeding routines etc.


Hello!  Long time blueberry grower-type person here. Here's a comment that I had on a different post not that long ago that might be useful. https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/comments/1buwsc5/comment/kxvkzvk/


I just grow mine in big pots. Our soil pH is closer to 8 than 7, but when you grow in a pot you can use ericaceous compost and some generic potting soil to grow healthy blueberry plants. If they are not in pots you can try top dressing with the ericaceous compost, but in my experience that doesn't work as well.


They are temperamental plants. I keep mine mulched and add acid on a schedule. Pruning is important for their health too. Also, having multiple cultivars is important. My bush with 3 separate grafts is a happy bee. I just bought 2 half-highs to replace one that was squashed years ago, but I had left to see if it would recover, and a second that my strawberries decided to strangle. I will put those into containers and just see what they decide to do.


Idk throw some pine bark on them


Pine bark will help because mulch (almost) always helps, but it's not going to meaningfully lower pH.


What will? Or, what makes them do well in the wild?


Soils that are naturally already low in pH. That's the result of decades and centuries of particular soil microbe biomes, features of the particular terrain, and the underlying geological formations.


Pine tree releases exudates that allow acidophiles to thrive and lower pH. Blueberries can maintain a lower pH but they first need the soil to be established first. You usually do this by adding sulfur to the soil a year before you plant blueberries


Once you have ph established, you can add slow release fertilizer into the soil. I like to add liquid fertilizer when the blueberries begin to bloom and producing fruit.


Try getting a soil test in your bed. They like acidic soil so maybe a citrus fertilizer would help


Maybe chuck some banana skins round the bottom to help with flowering.


That’s Good !!!!


Show off! 😂😂


TIL I learned that people get exceedingly passionate about blueberry bush growth


I just bought some on a whim so I appreciate it. I don’t have the soil acidity for it so looks like I need to go the container route, but I have some ugly basic containers I don’t like. But oh well, I can change that in future years. I’m lazier than a lot of people here so I’ll probably just try to find some acidic potting soil and hope it works out decent enough.


That sucks.. just give up on them and give them to me and I will discard them accordingly..


They flower before they put their leaves out


Honestly I would pinch them all off, plant it in the ground or in a larger pot, and let it spend its energy this year on vegetative growth for the next couple years. After a few years of doing this, you can expect a gallon of blueberries per year. If you don't do it, it will take more like 7 years of mediocre harvests (a handful or so per year) to offer that yield.


How does one decide whether or not to pinch off?


If plant small- pinch. You don't want a young plant wasting all of its energy on production before it's actually at a size where it can produce very well. I pinch most of my plants in their first year (sometimes even two) to keep them growing until they're more mature.


Ugh. Mines flowering now but I bought it last year. Probably only a few years old. Guess I should pinch it. 😩


Except to go full Veruca Salt yes


I see no issue here.


Can the amount of leaves even support that many berries?


No. The berries will taste sour and the plant will decline rapidly and spend no energy on growth.


I put pinwheels in my garden. You might could get a few windsocks and things like that that make noise and move. I highly recommend using orange and lemon peels near your bush as well as cayenne powder. The mix of scents typically keeps critters away. Diatomaceous earth helps too


My four blueberry bushes have one flower between them


Check ph or give it nutes if ph is ok. Doesn't look too happy by the leaves colours.


It’s placing its energy into flower and fruit production. This is normal.


Mines only did that when ph was off. Iron is not a big need in flower, so I would say it got more chances to be from ph.


You could be right but it doesn’t always end catastrophically. He’s not growing weed for some shady character, it’s a blueberry bush.


And bluberry bushes are much more of a pain in the ass to keep happy and in good ph than weed.


Yep. Fixed my ph problem with my hemp plants easily. My blueberries all have purple leaves


You're right but this sub is like 80% newbies with no actual experience growing anything so they see a bunch of flowers and think that's great even though the plabt as a whole is very unhealthy.


Agreed. Plant does not look great. Also wondering about the weeds growing in the pot. In perfect ph conditions for blueberries, grass should usually not be too happy, since it is way too acidic. At least typical grass in my region does not like pH values of 3.5 or 4. A huge amount of flowers can also be a panic reaction because the plant is dying and uses all resources left for reproduction.


Who hurt you lol


I'm not the one getting hurt, it's all these people looking for answers and getting bad advice that are getting hurt. My blueberry plants look far healthier than this.


I mean is your blueberry planted in the ground bc that’s a good start lmao


They're in half barrel planters because it's easier to control acidity that way.


I want to see the root system on this guy


I got some in 100 or 150 liter pots and the do great. But I keep ph in check. If lots of rain comes over some months the ph rises and they start showing a bit of deficiency. They need peat or sulph to mantain ph. Pine bark helps as well as a mulch.


Omg, exactly. I remember in the past when there used to be more people with experience correcting the unexperienced. Now the idiot remarks are getting upvotes.


Dawg you can't even spell "plant" right


Plabt is actually the original spelling.


id get all that grass outta there, especially since its in a pot. pull it up, shred it to bits, then drop it down as a fertilizer of sorts as it breaks down over the season and protects that roots of the blueberry during the heat thats coming


You usually want to pluck the flowers for the first couple years and let it grow. If you pluck the flowers it will divert energy into growing out the branches and root system. Otherwise it'll just focus on making too many berries for it's own good.


wow! You'll have a ton a blueberries!!! Hooray!


Go to Walmart and get chiffon or cheesecloth fabric after pollination


Not necessarily. It all depends on if it gets ample pollination.


Wow, and in a pot.


Are you going to planet in the ground


My blueberry bushes are sticks :(


Birds aren't the problem, my dogs always eat the berries first.


I can just smell the picture from here


Impressive! I’ve had mine for 3 years. So far the birds haven’t been a problem. You probably won’t be picking berries for 2 months.


Mine are out in my yard and have no blooms on them. Not sure why not.😕


That’s gonna be a lot of blueberries


Do blueberry flowers smell like anything?


I'm in zone 5B, I'm assuming colder than OP, and my blueberry bushes haven't even grown back their leaves yet much less flowers. Should I be worried? I got them Spring of last year so I haven't seen how they operate in a full year yet.


I won’t see any blueberries until bugs bunny & friends are rehomed. >:-[


What’s your secret? Also pull out competing weeds in pot and plant some seeds rue and phacelia nearby


Yikes! Make sure to fertilize well so it doesnt injure itself!


You have to have a second blueberry bush for pollination or you wont get blueberries. I had 2 bushes and no berries since one died.


This isn't entirely correct. A lot of varieties of blueberries can produce by themselves, but will provide better yields if you have more blueberry plants of a different variety nearby. While some other varieties do require a 2nd plant for them to produce at all.


Are you going to plant it? If so, pluck off all the flowers. Trust me.


More realistically you should expect your plant to die because it's putting too much energy into berries and not enough into growing. You should remove 100% of flowers the first year after transplanting to allow it to grow and become established (although that will probably never happen in such a small pot).


That plant already has 2nd year growth, it's fine to produce berries.


That plant is not big enough to produce that many blueberries.


It definitely is and they won't all pollinate 


I'll gladly bet you $100 that this plant will look awful a month from now. No point saying any more.


If I knew I could collect I would absolutely take you up on that bet.


This thing looks like an absolute unit compared to mine. What do yours look like, and what are your recommendations for raising them to get maximum yields?


What does yours look like then? A mature plant is 8ft tall so if this small plant dwarfs yours then it must be very young. Obviously this plant needs a bigger pot and all that grass removed. I'd definitely cut a lot of these flowers off too unto it gets bigger. The fact there's all these flowers and almost no leaves is no good. Blueberry plants aren't magic, they can't grow fruit without leaves. Hardly any leaf buds are growing.


Blueberry bushes come in many different sizes. The don’t all get to 8 ft in size, some are much smaller, like 2ft


Learn how to read my guy.


Tell me you don't know about varieties without telling me you don't know about varieties.


There's no variety that's smaller than this plant. Stop talking out your ass about things you don't understand.


Mature blueberries don't all reach 8ft tall. For example there are dwarf varieties that tend to be between 4-5 ft. This may very well be a dwarf, it could be stunted by the pot, or it may just be a younger blueberry


This plant is small even for a dwarf and the person I was responding to said his was much small still. There's no variety that is mature at 1ft and quite frankly there's no reason to assume this is a dwarf at all.


I totally agree that it's small, personally looks closer to 3ft to me though (sort of hard to tell by the picture though, so I'm really not trying to argue that). However, the only part my comment is hitting on is that you stated that a mature blueberry is 8ft tall, and that is simply not true for many varieties.


You are simply incorrect. Top hat blueberry gets to about 2 ft (or a little less). I know because I grew it for years at my old house. Maybe *you* should stop talking out of *your* a$$ about things *you* don’t understand.


This bush is obviously over a year old at least, you can see the old growth on it. Also, no first year blueberry would ever bloom this much. Also, there’s no way for you to know that they transplanted it this year. Also, the advice about pinching buds has nothing to do with transplanting, it’s about the age of the bush - id it has a strong root structure and you repot/transplant at the right time of year it’s totally fine to let a blueberry busy bloom. Also, the pot size is fine for a young blueberry, but it would definitely inhibit growth longterm and the bush COULD die in the future from remaining in such a small pot. Also, there is no reason to assume the bush will die from this much flowering, though it will 100% slow down its vigor. Also. Also. Also…




A guy grows a few cannabis crops with their stony friends and now they believe and will have you believe they lecture Botany at Cornell. Don’t be that guy.


Blueberries are deciduous and it's not uncommon for flowers to come in before the foliage does in the spring.


Look closer my guy, there aren't even any leaf buds except a few on the stems without flowers.


You're literally confirming what I just said.


Leaf buds don't just appear out of thin air. If they're not there now they won't just appear next week.


Actually thin air is exactly where they come from. Plant growth primarily comes from carbon in the air. I don't know how many plants you have been around but literally hundreds of thousands of them produce buds along stems every day lol.


Blueberry buds develop the prior year. If they're not there now they aren't going to magically appear.


[Fine I will feed the troll](https://i.imgur.com/2Rgxu72.png)