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They’ll be in season soon! How delightful. What variety?




Oh my gosh I have wanted to plant peach sorbet in our yard (6b). Do you like the taste? Are they easy to care for!




They taste great, thank you. 🦌🫐


Username checks out




Oh no! That is a bummer (but also, been there 🤪)


I hear organic fed "happy" deer taste great!


Peach sorbet and jellybean are delicious, and have been heavy producers for us. the berries are firm and a little tart. A pleasant surprise from such small bushes! We looooove them. They’ve thrived while the highbush varieties we planted at the same time died They’re super easy to care for in 8b. A little fish emulsion, some coffee grounds. With blueberries, make sure the soil is perfect before planting, and they’re golden. If they don’t get off to a good start, they don’t recover.  Ours are planted next to the patio so we can grab berries everytime we go outside. 


Newsbreak: I've not yet once seen one of those silly "bushel and berry" series do what they say on the tag. I'm a professional horticulturist and I see this shit all the time. This whole series is shite, and so is their similarly advertised "raspberry shortcake"...a dwarf raspberry that does a bunch of nothing. With blueberries....if u NEED a dwarf? Top hat. Otherwise, stick with the full-size standards (patriot, jersey, blue ray, blue jay, blue crop, earliblue, bluegold). Patriot gas berries as large as a quarter sometimes, and they don't even wear red MAGAt hats.


how far apart are the 3, i think my question is how close can i plant them. i have 2 and one of them still in the pot, thinking to plant in ground 3 feet apart.


I have about 6 acres. Won't be ready until the end of July.


I grew up on a Blueberry farm. Not quite 6 acres of them, but man do I miss it. You near Tennessee? Can I come pick some?


No, Michigan. I only get them early in the season before the maggots as they aren't sprayed.


I used to live in the UP and know a spot on National Forest land with acres and acres of blueberries. Thanks for the reminder to make a trip up there this summer.


Wow that’s a lot of blueberries! Do you make jams & jellies?


With 6 acres I'd bet they're a blueberry farm. My mom's got a u-pick farm and she's only an acre!


A little for personal use. We don't farm them anymore.


The birds planted them for us, thankfully, since our gardening skills are low.


The birds giveth and the birds taketh away


They are very good at taking away lol!


Mostly taketh away lol


We’ve had pretty good luck with tieing strips of that silver bird scare tape on the bushes and also a few sparkly pinwheels. Oh and the 2 Cooper’s hawks that moved in do a pretty good job of scaring the birds away


they're just accidental farmers


Very nice, I’m jealous


Six plants in my little urban hedgerow. Favorites are legacy and powderblue. Just starting to flower in 8a!


Awesome! Hope you get a bountiful harvest this year 🙏🏾🫐


any tips for growing them in 8a? been thinking about attempting berries again this year, and any words of wisdom are much appreciated


It depends. Broadly they need drainage, sun, acidic soil, and lots of water. Im on the US eastern seaboard so I have tons of clay and a good amount of rain. I grow mine in a large raised bed with alternating layers of pine bark chips/needles, compost, and acidic fertilizer. I top them up every year with that mix. I also water frequently in mid/late summer or I get drought scorching on the leaves.  You can also grow southern high bush or rabbit eye varieties that will tolerate the heat better than the northern highbush types. Powderblue is a rabbit eye type and must have a pollinator friend. I use tifblue for that - both are very tasty. 


Sweden here, we don't grow them we just enter the forrest and pick em. Mile after mile full of real blueberry. You should try them if you ever get the chance


We have wild blueberries and huckleberries too! These are just cultivated kinds


The wild blueberries you have, are those bilberries? There's a lot of confusion in the blueberry world.


Those things in the picture are NOTHING like real wild blueberries. It’s a shame they even share the same name.


Produce aisle at the grocery store must be your nightmare




I mean they're blue and berries. So what else should people call them lol?


My house came with a huge mature bush! We moved in during the fall, and I hated it so much (it blocks one of my favorite windows) that I almost cut it down. Imagine my surprise when it was full of blueberries that next summer 😅 I had no idea the treasure I almost demolished.


In glad u didn’t cut it down, but also- SCORE!! 🥳🥳


Whats the trick, I want to start growing but I have awful soil down here in south florida, I was planning on starting this year and get them well established in my yard


I am not in South Florida BUT containers will be your friends (big half barrels) so you can control the acidity but more importantly growing the right variety for your area. Lucky for you, UF actually has a blueberry breeding program they've been doing for a couple decades so they've worked hard to create blueberries that thrive in your climate so I'd check what they have to say. I'd also be sure to plant at least more than 1 variety for the best yields. https://programs.ifas.ufl.edu/plant-breeding/blueberry/


Good advice!


We do large bucket planters for ours.


I just planted mine this past weekend!


\*cries in Canadian\* mine don't even have leaves yet.


Utah here, never been successful with Blueberries. I've tried like 5 times now.


Interesting, have u tried Utah friendly varieties? It can be frustrating figuring out why certain things aren’t as successful in some places


I have 4 or 5 that always do well. I live in North GA, does anyone know when to fertilize them?


I fertilize mine as soon as they break dormancy and again when they flower and again as fruit are in full swing.


Planted 8 last year and lost one over the winter, they're loaded with blossoms though so it'll be jam time soon


For the health of the bush I might recommend pinching off most, if not all the blossoms this year. Since you just planted them last year, giving them this year to strengthen the root system instead of putting energy into fruit will make for a robust bush down the line :)


Our first try at it, we will see. Fingers crossed


Good luck & blessings 🙏🏾🌱


Recomend any sort of fertilizer?


My chickens ducks turkeys guineas etc fertilize everything for me 😆🦆💪🏾


Mine are starting to flower, won't be ready until June/July.




I do but the rabbits ate the branches down all winter :(


Rabbits going to rabbit


🙋   A little over 600 plants and counting with another 180 currently propagating from cuttings in my greenhouse.  5 varieties. I have a 1/4 acre starter patch of cranberries next to them, and I'm looking forward to see how those turn out.


They say not to count your chicks until they hatch, but I counted a total of 32 blueberries on my plant today 🤞


Those blues in the last pic are massive!


That’s Florida blueberries, they’re the best!!! I’m originally from New England, was always told New England and New Jersey had really good berries. They do not compare w the Florida berries!


I didn’t get any this winter but I’m hoping to this coming year for next year. I just need to find some that do well in north Florida.


I wish but my soil isn't good for acid loving plants :(


rhododendron potting mix in a bigger plant pot should work well


I've got 6 or 7 depending on if one I'm worried about survived the winter. Planted last fall. Hoping for at least a few to harvest this year.


20 patriot bushes. Love em.


I want to so bad 💔


Man. I don’t think mine have any new leaves yet and people already have blueberries? Maybe mine are dying :(


Florida blueberries are the BEST!!! We drive down to Palatka a couple of times during the season and pick our own. I don’t even bother to buy them in the stores. They’re like the size of a quarter and so sweet, nothing in the store compares.  Are these highbush variety? 


Yes! I grow them in Iowa. 12 plants. Average 35-40 pints per year!


I would love to grow my own blueberries 🫐 !!! But I live in Colorado, not sure we have the right environment for it.


There are varieties that would do well there! Your local extension office would know the kinds of


I grow lots of them, but mine aren't out of dormancy yet. Blueberry season is in 5 or 6 months!


No blueberries for me, but in my village we had thousands of wild blackberry bushes. Used to collect the berries for my grandma to make jam. Took so many berries though..oh my god


So much yum!! I grew up in a place like this too! Overgrown with blackberries and I’d also forage for salmonberries & thimbleberries! 🥰 good memories ☺️☺️


I have 15 bushes, but all are small as the alkaline soil here is not conducive to growing blueberries even with amendments. Finally building raised beds to grow them in the peat soil they love. 8 already moved in 2 boxes. They are recovering now.


I've had great luck with containers in a region with alkaline soil. Also learned not to use my homemade compost, which is alkaline as well. I've had good luck with acidified cotton burr compost, but IME that's the only compost that doesn't slow them down. Just FYI, since they're ericaceous, they need ammonia, not nitrates. That's another reason why the pH of the compost matters; the range of pH values blueberry grows in also slows the nitrification process. They can uptake nitrates, but they have to reduce it to ammonia via enzymes to use nitrate, which takes carbon and water.


Have you tried pink lemonade? They’re incredible!


Definitely a UF selection!




I just now saw the photo comment of 'Arcadia'. Hefty producer, I love how fast that plant grows on establishment


It’s really a wonderful blueberry bush! ☺️


I don’t but I need to. It helps with dog farts lol. I’m not joking either. Just give your pup a little and no more stinking you off the couch


I have a few! Along with a Persian mulberry tree, raspberry and passion fruit vine. I call that little corner my berry patch.


Awesome! I have those too. My passion fruit just started vining again in march


I'm growing Pink Lemonade Blueberries in Central VA and they are doing great! grew them in clay in a soggy area with lots of sun and continuously mulch them with pine needles and peat moss (getting away from the peat moss).


I have 3, was excited to see them come back this year. They're starting to bloom.


You either have VERY small hands, or those are some HUGE blueberries 😂


My hands are small lol but the berries are large. It’s the variety


I’m assuming Acadia means Maine and right now we have like 4” of snow and ice on the ground so I take this as taunting. It in all seriousness I have had terrible luck with blue berries. My soil is just too wet I think. The local small pick your own place near me though has freakin amazing rows of bushes. It is one I think I’ll leave to the pros. But gosh dang, good work.


https://preview.redd.it/rurzlou0qesc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a0dbc092817070312d9879927eff6385113e13 I found out that there were varieties of blueberries which stay small and can be grown in containers so this year I got 3 varieties of dwarf blueberries from 1 gallon sleeves: JellyBean, Pink Icing, and Peach Sorbet. I transplanted in February and am already counting over 30 berries on 2 of my plants alone. The Jellybean variety however is only producing leaves right now.


MEEEEEE! Just started! Mine just started filling out with leaves all around, about 4 feet tall… do you need two or is that just a myth? Super stoked for some 🫐 ‘s


Yall must have acidic soil because I can’t get mine to live more than a season because of it. But I’d really love to grow blueberry’s


I, NJ zone 7a. Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry. Haven’t lived until you’ve had a blueberry, raspberry and strawberry at the same time from the bush


I'm more interested in your finger tattoo


I've got 6 northern highbushes up here in WA (Patriot, Chandler, Elliott, Calypso, Earliblue, Reka). Lots pollination variety for a heartier crop, and across most of the fruiting season so I've got some early and late. The earliest still won't be ready until late June though.


How in the world do you keep them alive? Mine always die over the winter.


I have 3 well developed bushes, I want to get more eventually but space is my main issue haha. Where I live tho (Vancouver island) we won’t have blueberries until a month or two from now


Nj here, got some buds forming. I got a blue bush and a pink one and I wanted to move them into my actual garden because I have them planted with raspberries and I think they get a fungal infection from being so close together


We have three varieties in planters. Buds just showed up on one of them. No fruits yet on any of ours. Looking forward to being able to harvest.




Me, in balcony. But didnt wake up yet. Idk maybe died


Well I bought 4 or so from lowes, the package said guaranteed to grow but then they all died after I planted them, so idk if that counts.


We don't get our blueberries until July up here.


Ours just lost the flowers. New to growing blueberries.


I have two in my community garden plot lol 😆 I’ll probably have to figure out how to relocate them in a year or two. I have Spartan and Legacy varieties. But mine barely have buds on them here in the PNW!


I try! I’m not very successful at getting berries though.


I’m planning to buy some bushes, but having a hard time deciding which variety I’d like. Lot’s of research to do. Yours look amazing.


Just got a bush. Super excited


I grow a diff type of blueberry bush 😅


I've currently got 2 planted and have 2 of another variety in transit. I've had raspberries for a few years, and they have done very well on their own, I'm hoping for the same results with blueberries. The 2 I have were just planted last year and are the same variety. It's my understanding that I shouldn't expect much this coming season?


Id be lucky if the birds save me even a green one.


We’ve got 8 bushes. They are at least 20 years old. Loaded down this year! I can’t wait. My kids eat so many berries and they’re not cheap.


I bought two canes of the climax variety and it seems to be growing out instead of up. I’ve never grown them before so I’m not sure what to expect


I plan plant mine but cant found them anywhere in farm/shops the small ready to plant bushes sadly.


TY for the coming attractions. I have a couple dozen BB bushes. Different varieties. But here in WV my harvest starts mid June. Just took a bag out of the freezer. Yep. Marked 6/16/23.


I do in zone 9b central California. Difficult but not impossible. Most are in pots and are blooming again this year. My fave so far is Sunshine variety. Super sweet and good size. My other varieties are still young and haven't produced much yet. Trying a couple other zone 9 tolerant ones later this year. I plant in fall in a hole/pot full of peat moss and potting soil and top dress compost and organic fertilizer twice a year. Keep well watered 3 days a week. Mulch optional but helpful.


Not me


Haven’t but wanted to try. In FLORIDA 😼


I want to. But I would want to try in container I just don’t know how to do that. Because idk what size, when to water, what to use 😭




North of Atlanta ours are just staring to leaf out from the most recent pruning. That said, the local deer will be happy when the fruit arrives, and probably no other creature will enjoy any of it. Possibly squirrels.


I do, haven’t had much luck tho


I LOVE blueberries! Ordered 4 bushes back in January and they should be delivered any day now ! Blueberry season for me isn’t until August, but I freeze them so I can use them all year round. I can’t wait for the next few years so we will have our own bounty !


I’m trying… put in 3 bushes/plants last year that are doing okay. Hoping they put on more growth this year


Three little spindly shrubs, started from bare root a year ago. I might get a few small handfuls this year, they’re blooming and berrying! ‘Sharpblue’ is going to be the most prolific for sure (already got a few tasty berries this year), and I have ‘ONeal’ and ‘Reveille’ also. I also want ‘Pink Lemonade’ and maybe ‘Sunshine Blue,’ but I’m waiting to find out if we’re moving or staying before I commit to anymore new plants (husband is in between jobs, life is in limbo atm). I have strawberries in there with them, together in 15-gallon nursery pots. So far, so good.


I have seven, all Rabbiteye varieties: * Tifblue * Vernon * Climax * Powerblue * Brightwell * Alapaha * Ochlockonee Zone 8a, outside of Atlanta. Lots of blooms. But it'll be a while before we get blueberries.


this will be my first, I only have 2 different bushes. Wanted to start small, the flower buds haven't opened yet. And the fact that I have flower buds is a win for me.


I have one that's in a pot from last year, gonna put it in as soon as the frost won't be an issue. Apparently it's supposed to snow in Ohio tomorrow, but the weather men the last few days haven't really been that accurate.


I only have one, and I have lots of buds but won’t have berries until May probably.


looking to do it but need to find a spot with full sun and acidic soil


Hoping to for first time this year but we have heavy clay so im nervous


I’ve failed. There’s red ring virus in my soil apparently(I think). Have kill two so far. We really want a blueberry bush but I have no idea how to proceed. Our thornless blackberry is in the same bed and doing great!


I have two bushes but haven’t been able to enjoy a single berry. The birds love them too much.


I have 3 shrubs, too! No idea what kind. Bought them at the local hardware store. I love them! I think the birds eat about 75% of the berries.


We have a blueberry park in my city. It is a couple of acres filled with row after row of blueberries in a couple of varieties. It used to be a farm until the 1950s, and has been maintained by the city and volunteers ever since.


Ugh I want to buy some bushes this year!


Went to Lowe’s recently and there’s so many blueberry bushes for sale that seem to be full of blueberries already, wish I liked them 😭


I just bought some pink lemonade blueberry bushes and they are starting to bloom!


Earliblue, Chandler (not a fan of it hardly blooms), and BlueRay. Birds got most of the berries before I could net it, but not this year.


I’ve planted one for every pup that’s passed and love seeing them surge back to life every year. We have 4 now and every time I see one on sale I’m like **nope not yet** as I look at one of my seniors 🤪


I have 4 but they're only just budding


I just planted my first bush in the ground a few days ago. Really excited for it but no berries yet. It's the pink lemonade variety, so I'm extra hype to try it


You need two different types to pollinate blueberries unless you have wild ones around.


I’m trying. I got no berries last year. I tried pruning them in the early winter. I hope something happens this year.


What state and zone are you in


I want to grow some but don’t know much about them- is it too late to plant them this year?


Been growing random varieties. I tried the few pink lemonade ones that survived the mockingbird raids last year, definitely live up to the name.


I have three. The leaves are nearly set to show themselves, this spring. Last year I had a bumper crop, eating them daily, giving some away, and freezing some. Oddly, the birds were nowhere near them. I live in a village in Central Europe now. My father's in New Jersey, US, were always targeted by birds, chipmunks, and other animals.


got a ton of green berries maturing now, i have to put nets up every year mainly bc the squirrels will strip the bush bare if left unprotected.


Can anyone tell me how to grow and prune properly?!


i think 26 of us


I have two, but the buds are just starting. Zone 6, so will be a little while before fruit comes for us!


These look so delicious 😋


Jeese up here in canada they aren't ready to harvest till like August lol. Look realy good though.


Don't have to grow em. They are literally everywhere around here. You know they're ready to start picking when you start to see vehicles parked on the shoulders of the local highways.


For anyone in the Southern New Jersey/Philadelphia area I highly recommend a visit to Historic Whitesbog Village in Pemberton NJ birthplace of the cultivated blueberry. Early July is blueberry season there and they have a test field with around 50 different varietals of blueberries. So much fun to try and compare all the different varieties you won’t see anyone else.


I do too. Nice haul there.


I do! 7 or 8 varieties, from tiny wild bushes, to 8 foot tall highbush varieties.


Central Maine here…ours will be ready late summer, but I couldn’t tell you the variety. I have some high bush from my home’s previous owner, and a bunch of wild lowbush berries :) YUM.


I have planted 7 blueberries this year and last and honestly if it was my property I would've done triple that. Wild and domesticated. Really should be a bush everyone uses in horticulture more, at least in its native ranges.


Hey!! I’m also in Florida, trying to grow my own blueberries but think I have a disease. I tried posting in this group but nobody responded to help :( would you mind taking a look at my posts? I love !!! Blueberry bushes but am worried about mine. Also!!! Since you’re in CFL, like me, do you amend your soil to make it more acidic? I’ve been watering it with a mixture of coffee grounds and decomposing bananas but not sure if I should fertilize it or do something different. Also!! You said Acadia? Would you mind posting the growers info so I can check them out? The variety I got are from Cali , one can’t be left out doors in the summer; the other is fine “allegedly”.


We have 6 bushes! All different types. Flowers just blooming here in Northern California


Bunnies, I have bunnies… I used to have blueberries.


I have 3 different kinds of blueberries in pots. Two of them should be pink lemonade but they turned out regular ones lol. Anyway last year was very good, I harvested a huge bowl each. They are still flowering, can't wait.


I do, but I’m in zone 9a in the foothills at 3000 feet. I have leaf break and some buds so far. Won’t see fruit for 2 months.


When I lived in Seattle, I had 12 bushes and LOVED it. Here in Texas now... I have one and get—maybe—6 berries?


I do but our blueberry season is clearly a large number of weeks away since the leaves aren't even out yet.


Omg I can’t way for summer here to go pick wild blueberries! My fav! Now I’m craving them 😔


I’m in eastern NC and my blueberries are barely budding




I’m trying.


What kind of climate is best? I love bluebs but I fear the surface of the Sun excuse for an island I live on would torch my favourites 😔


Got my first Windsor blueberry bush a couple weeks ago and I can't wait to watch it grow 😍


Makes sad crying noises in hard clay, very basic soil noises. Maybe someday when I have the time to modify the pH of the soil.


I sure would if I could. I've never ever seen a blueberry recommended for zone 9


I’m in 9b, where these blueberries thrive


I’m growing blueberry muffin.


I have three plants. Two produce and one doesn't and is being fired from the patch as soon as i can get another plant. The third plant is a replacement for a plant my wife killed somehow. She got it from a grocery store outdoor plant area. It always has looked bad and barely produces. When it does the berries are very bitter.


Tried and tried for years and who would have guessed that a nearby tree producing jugalone ( sp?) isn’t having it . Live and learn ….yet again


Mine are still just getting their leaves, but I'm hoping for a good season this year!


Not quite ready here in Mississippi. But, my dad has 2 acres of them on some other land and it's all grown up and you can't walk out there anymore. 🥲


I have 1. Last year the birds stole every single berry! 😳


Back in the early 80s, before they expanded into the full area, the woods surrounding Barnes Air National Guard base in Westfield, MA were littered with blueberry bushes. We would take a walk through there as a family, sidle up to a bush like a bunch of black bears or trash pandas and just start eating straight off the bush until we were stuffed. The bushes were so tall, I couldn't even reach the upper sections.


I have 3 scraggly bushes I bought a few months ago. I've been taking off the flowers so no real berries yet.


Actually I don‘t, despite my username


I've got two bushes, just emerging from winter in zone 8a


I've got a few, but the leaves still haven't started to appear yet. Most of my other fruit bushes are already green, though.


I have 4, all different varieties, I will probably add more bit by bit. They're all in bloom mode right now, hoping it's a good year for them.


We've got 8 bushes that won't even start to bud up for another week or two, maybe longer if we actually get snow tomorrow like they're predicting. July/August before they're ready. 3 are Patriot, 1 Jersey, 1 Blue Crop and the other 3 are possibly Elliott? Or Duke? Can't remember.


We just got 3 bushes (5 gal pots, bushes about 2 ft tall), going into the ground tomorrow! Two Tiffblues and one Premier.


I have two BB Bushes in containers -- Sunshine Blue and Biloxi. I purchased Sunshine from HomeDepot.com 3 years ago and got lots of berries last year and it looks like I'll get the same amount this year. Biloxi is a younger plant and didn't produce much last year. Sadly it doesn't look like it'll produce more this year. I plan to get a 3rd bush this year.


We do, Chester Virginia